Results for 'Nicoara Beldiceanu'

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    Les Actes des Premiers Sultans conservés dans les Manuscrits Turcs de la Bibliothèque Nationale à ParisLes Actes des Premiers Sultans conserves dans les Manuscrits Turcs de la Bibliotheque Nationale a Paris.Eleazar Birnbaum, Nicoarǎ Beldiceanu & Nicoara Beldiceanu - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):236.
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  2. Biens du monastère Sainte-Sophie de Trébizonde dans plusieurs bandons du pays à la charnière de la conquête (1461).Nicoară Beldiceanu & Ps Nasturel - 1990 - Byzantion 60:25-89.
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  3. Structures socio-économiques d'un village de Macédoine: Aksilopigadi/Sarmisaqlu (1464/65).N. Beldiceanu - 1984 - Byzantion 54:26-58.
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  4. Controversies, opinions and debates on the profile of secularization.S. Nicoara - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (10).
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    Controverse, opinii si dezbateri despre profilul secularizãrii/ Controversies, Opinions and Debates on the Profile of Secularization.Simona Nicoara - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):71-86.
    The historical investigation of the patterns of secularization entails the analysis of a complex dimension with a variety of different levels: religious, mental, intellectual, cultural, social, and political. The great divisions within Christianity produced in the second millennium would give birth to many different religious Europes and to many different ways of living among Christians. If secularization meant turning from the sky to worldly affairs, secularization meant the separation of the Christian religions and churches from the political and institutional practices (...)
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    Introducere în istoria mentalităților colective: antologie.Toader Nicoară (ed.) - 1998 - Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitara Clujeana.
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    Mentalități colective și imaginar social: istoria și noile paradigme ale cunoașterii.Simona Nicoară - 1996 - Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană/Mesagerul. Edited by Toader Nicoară.
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    Theoharis Stavrides, The Sultan of Vezirs. The Life and Times of the Ottoman Grand Vezir Mahmud Pasha Angelović (1453-1474). [REVIEW]Irène Beldiceanu-Steinherr - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 96 (1):318-322.
    Nous voici face à une oeuvre fondamentale qui se situe à une époque charnière de l'État ottoman: le règne de Mehmed II. Comme l'indique le sous-titre, le livre ne se limite pas à la biographie de Mahmud Pacha. L'auteur profite de l'occasion pour nous présenter une grande fresque de l'époque. Nous assistons au développement de la puissance militaire du jeune État ottoman qui se manifeste par d'innombrables conquêtes, mais aussi par le changement des mentalités. Un nouveau concept du pouvoir voit (...)
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    A parametric propagator for pairs of Sum constraints with a discrete convexity property.Jean-Noël Monette, Nicolas Beldiceanu, Pierre Flener & Justin Pearson - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 241:170-190.
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    Simona Nicoarã, Natiunea modernã. Mituri, simboluri, ideologii/ Modern Nation. Myths, Symbols, Ideologies.Sandu Frunza - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (6):188-191.
    Simona Nicoarã, Natiunea modernã. Mituri, simboluri, ideologii Ed. Accent, Cluj, 2002, 360 p.
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    Simona Nicoarã, Istorie si imaginar – eseuri de antropologie istoricã/ History and Imaginary - Essays in Historical Anthropology.Liviu Pop - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (5):225-226.
    Simona Nicoarã, Istorie si imaginar – eseuri de antropologie istoricã (History and Imaginary - Essays in Historical Anthropology) Editura Presa Universitarã Clujeanã, Cluj-Napoca, 2000.
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    Caiete de antropologie istorica. Oamenii si moartea in societatea romaneasca/ Annals of Historical Anthropology. People and Death in Romanian Society.Catalin Vasile Bobb - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (9):148-149.
    *** Caiete de antropologie istorica. Oamenii si moartea in societatea romaneasca.
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