  1.  20
    Reden zu Gott, beten zu göttern.Nicola Hömke - 2013 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 157 (2):315-337.
    For the occasion of his consulate in AD 379, Ausonius composed inter alia three hexameter Precationes and one Gratiarum actio addressed to the Emperor Gratian. Despite the shared context, in these three texts Ausonius presents entirely different ideas of the divine: on the one hand a polytheistic outlook with Phoebus, Tritonia and Victoria in prec. 1 and Ianus, Annus and Sol in prec. 2, but on the other hand in the Gratiarum actio a god who is clearly characterised as monotheistic, (...)
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  2.  13
    Schöpfer im Bauch.Nicola Hömke - 2015 - Hermes 143 (2):208-228.
    Claudian’s Easter hymn “De Salvatore” (carm. min. 32) is not simply an imitation of the “Versus paschales” of Ausonius, but sets itself in a fundamentally different literary tradition through the manner of its description of God: its focus on paradoxical aspects of the Christian account of salvation and the use of key terms like mirabile/arcanum/stupor show that it has combined the genre of a Christian hymn with the presentational techniques of paradoxography. Against this background the citation of Claudian at Aug. (...)
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  3.  39
    Lucan and Horace. D. groß plenus litteris Lucanus. Zur rezeption der horazischen Oden und epOden in Lucans bellum civile. Pp. 305. Rahden/westf.: Verlag Marie leidorf, 2013. Paper, €34.80. Isbn: 978-3-86757-473-0. [REVIEW]Nicola Hömke - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (1):145-147.
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