Results for 'Nicolas Cusanus'

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  1. (1 other version)Of Learned Ignorance.Nicolas Cusanus & Germain Heron - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (115):365-367.
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    Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance.Ernst Cassirer, Cardinal Nicolas Cusanus, Joachim Ritter, Heinrich Cassirer & Carolus Bovillus - 1927 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. Edited by Friederike Plaga & Claus Rosenkranz.
    "Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance" (1927) schreibt ein Stück philosophischer Problemgeschichte und geht der Frage nach, "ob und inwiefern die Gedankenbewegung des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts bei aller Mannigfaltigkeit der Problemansätze und bei aller Divergenzen der Lösungen eine in sich geschlossene Einheit bildet". Provoziert durch Burckhardts Renaissancestudie, die die Philosophie der Zeit unberücksichtigt läßt, versucht Cassirer nachzuweisen, daß auch die Renaissancephilosophie Teil einer "geistigen Gesamtbewegung" ist und eigene systematische Mittelpunkte besitzt.
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    Nicolas Cusanus—His Life, His Doctrine of the Mind. [REVIEW]Werner Beierwaltes - 1985 - Philosophy and History 18 (1):13-14.
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    Of Learned Ignorance. By Nicolas Cusanus, translated by FR. Germain Heron O.F.M., Ph.D., With an Introduction by D. J. B. Hawkins D.D., Ph.D., (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1954, Pp. xxviii + 174. Price 23s.). [REVIEW]Leslie J. Walker - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (115):365-.
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  5. (1 other version)Besprechungen-acerca de la docta ignoranda. Libro II: Lo Maximo contracto O universo (edicion bilingue). Introduccion, traduccion Y notas: Jorge M. Machetta, Claudia D'Amico Y Silvia Manzo. Buenos aires (biblos: Presencias medievales, textos) 2004. Isbn: 950-786-423-7. 158 S. [REVIEW]Matthias Vollet & Nicolas De Cusa - 2006 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 31:300.
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    Nicolas de Cues et l'islam.Hervé Pasqua (ed.) - 2013 - Walpole, MA: Éditions Peeters.
    English summary: Nicolas Cusanus' position on Islam is not easily discerned. While in De Pace Fidei he seems to present an Irenic vision of the different religions and the dialog that could be established amongst them, in the Cribratio Alkorani, according to numerous interpretations, he seems more rigid, precluding any constructive dialog between Christianity and Islam. However, as this volume shows, matters are not quite that black and white: the contributions allow us to form a better idea of (...)
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    Mathématiques et métaphysique dans la pensée de Nicolas de Cues: Actes du Colloque de Nice (sept. 2017) de la Société française Cusanus.Jean-Michel Counet (ed.) - 2021 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Les mathématiques constituent pour Nicolas de Cues (1401-1464) une discipline intellectuelle clé. Elles sont d'une part la manifestation la plus nette et la plus parfaite de la fécondité de la raison qui s'exprime en elles comme dans sa forme symbolique essentielle, et d'autre part elles constituent la porte d'entrée vers la métaphysique. Celle devrait en toute logique s'appeler d'ailleurs métamathématique plutôt que métaphysique, terme qui ressortit davantage à la tradition aristotélicienne à laquelle Nicolas de Cues préférait manifestement une (...)
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    Nicolas de Cues aujourd’hui.Walter Andreas Euler - 2016 - Noesis 26:265-273.
    Le sujet de l’article est la situation actuelle de la recherche internationale sur le Cusain et ses perspectives pour l’avenir. Au cours du xxe siècle, la recherche internationale sur Nicolas de Cues a connu une expansion énorme. L’édition historique-critique de son œuvre est achevée. Aujourd’hui, il existe des centres sur le Cusain pas seulement en Allemagne, au Japon et aux États-Unis, mais aussi aux Pays-Bas, en Italie, en Argentine, en Russie et en France. à l’échelle mondiale, beaucoup de thèses (...)
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    Nicolas de Cues et l’historiographie philosophique du XXe siècle.Andrea Fiamma - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (3):485-502.
    The article reconstructs the history of historiography on the philosophy of Nicholas of Cusa in the 20th century and focuses on the book of Ernst Cassirer entitled Individuum und Kosmos in der Philosophie der Renaissance. The research hypothesis is that Cassirer’s position on the modernity of the Cusanus’ philosophy was the starting point of the formation of two different historiographical currents in the 20th century : the former interested in the understanding of the genesis of what is called modern (...)
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    Cusanus - Philosophie im Vorfeld moderner Naturwissenschaft.Alfred Gierer - 2002 - Würzburg, Germany: Königshausen&Neumann.
    Nikolaus von Kues ist eine der faszinierendsten Persönlichkeiten im Übergang vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit. Während seine theologischen und neuplatonischen Vorstellungen viel beachtet werden, gilt das weniger für seine naturphilosophischen Ideen: Wie Gott die Welt in Wirklichkeit, so schafft der Mensch sie in Gedanken. Beobachtung, Experiment und Mathematik sind zum Verständnis der Natur notwendig. Die biblische Überlieferung ist nicht wörtlich zu nehmen. Er propagierte ein fast unendliches Universum ohne Mittelpunkt und Begrenzung mit einer sich bewegenden Erde. Besonders bedeutsam im Hinblick auf (...)
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    庫薩的尼古拉哲學中的鏡面隱喻 The Mirror Metaphor in the Philosophy of Nicolas of Cusa.David Bartosch - 2018 - Jidujiao Wenhua Xuekan 基督教文化學刊 Journal for the Study of Christian Culture 40:92-107. Translated by Peng Bei 彭蓓.
    The mirror metaphor has been an essential asset especially during the pre-modern history of philosophy. The present article is concerned with its use in the philosophy of the German thinker Nicolas of Cusa (1401-1464). Being rooted in the intellectual traditions of Greek antiquity and Medieval Christian philosophy, Nicolas of Cusa has also been hailed as one of the first modern European philosophers. Long before other occidental thinkers, Nicolas of Cusa used the mirror metaphor to describe the foundational (...)
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  12. La precisione della matematica e l’infinito nel De docta ignorantia di Nicola Cusano.Andrea Fiamma - 2012 - In D. Bosco et al. (a cura di), <Testis fidelis. Studi di filosofia e scienze umane in onore di Umberto Galeazzi>, Orthotes editrice, Napoli 2012, p. 325-342. pp. 325--342.
    Il contributo consiste in una analisi e commento della prima sezione del De docta ignorantia di Nicola Cusano (capp. I-XVI), dedicata ai concetti di precisione matematica e di uguaglianza. Il saggio offre la possibilità di ripercorrere la teoria della conoscenza di Cusano, laddove l'impossibilità per la ragione di giungere ad una mens-ura precisa dell'oggetto da conoscere non si trasforma in una mera cultura del limite, bensì la filosofia negativa diviene base per la mistica. In altri termini l'obiettivo specifico del saggio (...)
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  13. Possibilitas – Materia (Cusanus).Manzo Silvia - 2014 - In Manuductiones. Festschrift zu Ehren von Jorge M. Machetta und Claudia DʼAmico. Aschendorff. pp. 191-209.
    La concepción cusana de la possibilitas / materia (posibilidad / materia) está directamente ligada con la doctrina de los modos de ser (modi essendi) sobre los que el Cusano se explaya, con diversos grados de profundidad, en varias de sus obras, entre las que se cuenta De docta ignorantia (1440), De conjecturis (1440), De Mente (1450), De venatione sapientiae (1462) y De ludo globi (1463). A lo largo de esas obras Nicolás de Cusa aborda dos aspectos centrales de la posibilidad (...)
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    De coniectura quadam prius inaudita: A Brief Note on Cusanus’ Geistphilosophie.Guy Guldentops - 2015 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 57:327-334.
    In Nicolas of Cusa’s De li non aliud, chapter 19, one should read “in prima seu metaphysicali philosophia” instead of “in prima seu mentali philosophia.” This conjectural emendation is required because the identification of ‘first philosophy’ with ‘mental philosophy’ is attested nowhere else. The paper shows that the huge literature on Cusanus’ alleged re-interpretation of metaphysics as Geistphilosophie rests on a copyist’s mistake.
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    Experiencia Religiosa y Conocimiento de Dios: de John Wycliffe a Nicolás de Cusa / Religious Experience and Knowledge of God: From John Wycliffe to Nicholas of Cusa.Andreu Grau Arau - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:53.
    For Nicholas of Cusa, excellence, worship, law and discipline are not the ways to arrive at divine wisdom and eternal life; instead, virtuous life, keeping the commandments, sensible devotion, mortification of the flesh, scorning the world, and everything that shows love and fear of God are the true ways. These points, which were considered essential to strengthening the religious experience for church members and leading the soul to knowledge of God, had been insisted upon already by thinkers before Cusanus, (...)
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  16. Commento al De visione Dei di Nicola Cusano.Andrea Fiamma - 2010 - Rivista di Ascetica E Mistica 1:35–82.
    Il lavoro consiste in una particolare rilettura del testo cusaniano, nella quale si cerca di evidenziare, tra le altre fonti, soprattutto la presenza di Meister Eckhart. La “discesa” nel fondo dell'anima è presentata come il culmine teoretico di quel cammino di visione a cui e-duca l'aegnima dell'icona. Per queste ragioni l'articolo punta sull'influsso della mistica speculativa in campo teoretico e di quella dottrina che M. Eckhart chiama “Generazione del Logos nell'anima”. Tale trattazione apre poi il senso dell'ampia sezione dedicata alla (...)
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    L'épistémologie dans l'humanisme: Marsile Ficin, Pierre Pomponazzi et Nicolas de Cues.Burkhard Mojsisch - 1999 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 2:211-229.
    Cet essai entend montrer les liens unissant les théories épistémologiques humanistes de Ficin, Pomponazzi et Cues, telles qu'elles apparaissent à travers leur réception de la philosophie grecque antique et de la philosophie médiévale, plus particulièrement du Théétète de Platon et du De anima d'Aristote. Il montre que, précédant l'opposition entre le scheme platonicien de la connaissance prôné par Ficin et l'exposé aristotélicien sur l'intellect dont Pomponazzi s'est fait le chantre, Cues avait tenté d'articuler la nature de l'esprit en soi, que (...)
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  18. BESPRECHUNGEN-El problema del conocimiento en Nicolas de Cusa: genealogia y proyeccion. Buenos Aires (Biblos: Presencias Medievales, Estudios) 2005. ISBN: 950-786-502-0. 442 S. [REVIEW]Matthias Vollet, Jorge M. Machetta & Claudia D' Amico - 2006 - Mitteilungen Und Forschungsbeiträge der Cusanus-Gesellschaft 31.
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    Neque quidquam intelligi potest esse sine esse.Hubert Benz - 2008 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 13 (1):142-170.
    »Neque quidquam intelligi potest esse sine esse.« On the necessity of being as an epistemological principle in Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Kues. The paper analyses the plausibility of the reasoning for the rational necessity of being. The decisive point for the question as to why for Meister Eckhart being alone is necessary, unvarying in itself and self-evident is the conviction that nothing can be thought which is distinct from being, outside of being or without being. Eckhart states this basic (...)
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    Platonismus und Esoterik in byzantinischem Mittelalter und italienischer Renaissance.Helmut Seng (ed.) - 2013 - Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    English summary: The conference papers collected in this volume focus on Platonism in the Byzantine Middle Ages and Italian Renaissance. Authors considered are Maximos and Psellos, as well as Nicolas Cusanus, the Florentine Platonics of the 15th century, up to Pico della Mirandola. German description: Zu den charakteristischen Aspekten der italienischen Renaissance gehort ein esoterisch gepragter Platonismus, der wesentlich auf Vorlaufern im byzantinischen Mittelalter beruht. Von besonderer Bedeutung sind dabei die Chaldaeischen Orakel und der Hermetismus; weiterhin treten neben (...)
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  21. Gravity as Entanglement. Entanglement as Gravity.Vasil Penchev - 2020 - Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics eJournal (Elsevier: SSRN) 12 (30):1-23.
    A generalized and unifying viewpoint to both general relativity and quantum mechanics and information is investigated. It may be described as a generaliztion of the concept of reference frame from mechanics to thermodynamics, or from a reference frame linked to an element of a system, and thus, within it, to another reference frame linked to the whole of the system or to any of other similar systems, and thus, out of it. Furthermore, the former is the viewpoint of general relativity, (...)
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    The 2004 Gerald Weisfeld Lectures: Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue.Perry Schmidt-Leukel - 2005 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 25 (1):157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The 2004 Gerald Weisfeld Lectures:Buddhism and Christianity in DialoguePerry Schmidt-LeukelIn May 2004 the Centre for Inter-Faith Studies (University of Glasgow) sponsored the second series of Gerald Weisfeld Lectures, titled "Buddhism and Christianity in Dialogue." The lectures were part of the events leading up to the Dalai Lama's visit to Scotland at the end of May 2004. Over four weeks there were two lectures each week, one read by a (...)
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    Studien zum Wandel des Eckhartsbildes. [REVIEW]J. V. M. - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 23 (1):127-127.
    More than six centuries of Christian and non-Christian reflection and admiration of Meister Eckhart are the subject matter of this very scholarly yet very readable work. Philosophers like Nicolas Cusanus and Hegel, great scholars like H. Denifle and a number of lesser men are examined in order to determine what they thought about Eckhart, what they learned from him, how much they knew of him. The medieval condemnations and Cusanus' admiration issued into a period of relative neglect (...)
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    Erasmus’ attitude toward Islam in light of Nicholas of Cusa’s De pace fidei and Cribratio Alkorani.Nathan Ron - 2019 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (1):113-136.
    Reading Nicolas of Cusa’s works on Islam reveals a sharp distinction between his De pace fidei with its tolerant attitude and his Cribratio Alkorani with its much less tolerant approach. Some eight years passed from the appearance of De pace fidei until the publication of Cribratio Alkorani. I argue that in the period between the appearances of these books, Cusanus changed his attitude to Islam, and the Turkish threat may have been the reason.Certain historians have pointed to Desiderius (...)
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  25. Nuovi studi in Francia su Cusano.A. Fiamma - 2017 - Bruniana and Campanelliana 1:237-245.
    Negli ultimi anni il pensiero di Cusano è tornato di attualità in Francia: monografie, saggi, traduzioni e convegni hanno accompagnato la nascita della Société française Cusanus. Nel presente contributo offriamo una panoramica su questi studi, con particolare attenzione per due recenti pubblicazioni: la monografia di G. Federici Vescovini, Nicolas de Cues, l’homme, atome spirituel, e la raccolta di saggi curata da I. Moulin, Participation et vision de Dieu chez Nicolas de Cues.
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    The Understanding of Symbols and Their Role in the Ascent of the Soul to God in Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and Nicholas of Cusa.Tomasz Stępień - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (2):85-103.
    This article considers the issue of changes in the understanding of symbols as an integral part of spiritual life in Neoplatonic philosophy. It seems that ancient Neoplatonic philosophers were the first who clearly realized the importance of symbols to spiritual life. However, it happened due to the influence of the mystical Chaldean and Egyptian thought transferred to philosophical investigation by the Chaldean oracles and Corpus hermeticum. The late Neoplatonic thought of Iamblichus and Eastern Neoplatonic schools used symbols and rituals as (...)
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    Einleitung.Christian Kiening & Martina Stercken - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (2):3-8.
    One cannot scrutinize mediality in a pre-media age without referring to the complex issue of Christology. The idea of Christ as medium and mediator concerns not only particular theological questions but also general issues of translation and transference, as well as models of word and image. This paper sketches first the notion of Christ′s mediality up to early Scholasticism and then highlights the new conceptual patterns developed by Bonaventure (Collationes in Hexaemeron) and Nicolas of Cusa (De visione dei).
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  28. MIRCEA ELIADE. Afinități elective.Adrian Boldisor - 2024 - Craiova: Mitropolia Olteniei.
    Despre afinitățile elective dintre Mircea Eliade și diferiți oameni de cultură români și străini s-au scris multe pagini de-a lungul timpului. Cei interesați de opera savantului nu pot trece cu vederea legăturile spirituale și culturale cu Nae Ionescu, Mihail Sebastian, Emil Cioran, Constantin Noica, Goethe, C.G. Jung, Marcel Proust, Raffaele Pettazzoni etc. Și numărul acestora poate crește cu multe alte nume din țară și din străinătate, dovedind faptul că Mircea Eliade a fost și rămâne o personalitate care a marcat istoria (...)
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    Mediologie – Christologie. Konturen einer Grundfigur mittelalterlicher Medialität.Christian Kiening - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (2):16-32.
    One cannot scrutinize mediality in a pre-media age without referring to the complex issue of Christology. The idea of Christ as medium and mediator concerns not only particular theological questions but also general issues of translation and transference, as well as models of word and image. This paper sketches first the notion of Christ′s mediality up to early Scholasticism and then highlights the new conceptual patterns developed by Bonaventure (Collationes in Hexaemeron) and Nicolas of Cusa (De visione dei).
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    Truth and Self-mockery. Jos Decorte’s ”Conjectural’ Thinking.Guido Vanheeswijck - 2015 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 77 (3):495-514.
    This article focuses both on the multifarious personality of Jos Decorte and on the primary themes that recur throughout his writings in light of his death in a tragic traffic accident fourteen years ago. Being a scholar in medieval philosophy, Decorte’s main purpoie was not only to rehabilitate the pivotal role that each of the aforementioned thinkers played within the evolution of medieval philosophy, but to apply their insights to contemporary problems as well. To that end, he wished to transform (...)
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes VI-VII Recueil de Toutes Les Reponses a Monsieur Arnauld.Nicolas Malebranche - 1978 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Traite de La Nature Et de La Grace.Nicolas Malebranche, Reinier Leers & Jean de Beaulieu - 1958 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XXI Index Biblique, Patristique, Philosophique Et Scientifique.Nicolas Malebranche - 1996 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Correspondance Avec J.J. Dortous de Mairan.Nicolas Malebranche - 1947 - Bibliotheque Des Textes Philos.
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  35. Julius Kuhl Nicola Baumann.Nicola Baumann - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 259.
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  36. (1 other version)The science of belief: A progress report.Nicolas Porot & Eric Mandelbaum - 2020 - WIREs Cognitive Science 1.
    The empirical study of belief is emerging at a rapid clip, uniting work from all corners of cognitive science. Reliance on belief in understanding and predicting behavior is widespread. Examples can be found, inter alia, in the placebo, attribution theory, theory of mind, and comparative psychological literatures. Research on belief also provides evidence for robust generalizations, including about how we fix, store, and change our beliefs. Evidence supports the existence of a Spinozan system of belief fixation: one that is automatic (...)
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Conversations Chretiennes.Nicolas Malebranche - 2010 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Etablie sur les dernieres editions revues par Malebranche, la presente edition des Conversations chretiennes et des Meditations sur l'humilite et la penitence reunit, selon les intentions de l'auteur, les textes disjoints par les editeurs modernes. Nous tenons compte d'une edition des petites meditations de 1701 jusqu'ici perdue. Par leur date de publication et par les enrichissements qu'ils apportent a la Recherche de la verite ces textes annoncent les Eclaircissements de 1678 et les oeuvres de la maturite. L'orthographe et la ponctuation (...)
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    (1 other version)Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes III de La Recherche de La Verite Eclaircissements.Nicolas Malebranche - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes VIII-IX Recueil de Toutes Les Reponses a Monsieur Arnauld.Nicolas Malebranche - 1978 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XVI Reflexions Sur La Premonition Physique.Nicolas Malebranche - 1974 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicola Lacey.Nicola Lacey - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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  42. A Third Theory of Paternalism.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Michigan Law Review 113:1295-1336.
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    Husserl and the Promise of Time: Subjectivity in Transcendental Phenomenology.Nicolas de Warren - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is the first extensive treatment of Husserl's phenomenology of time-consciousness. Nicolas de Warren uses detailed analysis of texts by Husserl, some only recently published in German, to examine Husserl's treatment of time-consciousness and its significance for his conception of subjectivity. He traces the development of Husserl's thinking on the problem of time from Franz Brentano's descriptive psychology, and situates it in the framework of his transcendental project as a whole. Particular discussions include the significance of time-consciousness for (...)
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  44. (2 other versions)Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion.Nicolas Malebranche - 1688 - Cambridge Univ Press. Translated By: N. Jolley and D. Scott.
    Copyright ©2005–2010 All rights reserved. Jonathan Bennett [Brackets] enclose editorial explanations. Small ·dots· enclose material that has been added, but can be read as though it were part of the original text. Occasional •bullets, and also indenting of passages that are not quotations, are meant as aids to grasping the structure of a sentence or a thought. Every four-point ellipsis . . . . indicates the omission of a brief passage that seems to present more difficulty than it is worth. (...)
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    Andrés el Capellán: dialéctica y juego en el amor. Resumen de Tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Nicolás José Martínez Sáez.Nicolás José Martínez Sáez - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 53 (1):e074.
    Andrés el Capellán: dialéctica y juego en el amor. Resumen de Tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Nicolás José Martínez Sáez.
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  46. Seeing Clearly: A Buddhist Guide to Life.Nicolas Bommarito - 2020 - New York, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Many of us, even on our happiest days, struggle to quiet the constant buzz of anxiety in the background of our minds. All kinds of worries--worries about losing people and things, worries about how we seem to others--keep us from peace of mind. Distracted or misled by our preoccupations, misconceptions, and, most of all, our obsession with ourselves, we don't see the world clearly--we don't see the world as it really is. In our search for happiness and the good life, (...)
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes V Traite de La Nature Et de La Grace.Nicolas Malebranche - 1976 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Je crois devoir avertir que ceux qui savent bien les principes que j'ai prouves dans la Recherche de la verite et ailleurs, n'ont pas besoin de lire les additions qui suivent, ni meme les eclaircessements qui sont a la fin de ce traite, dans lesquels on peut fort bien entendre ma pensee. Mais ils seront peut-etre utiles a ceux que je n'avais pas en vue, lorsque j'ecrivais le traite De la nature et de la Grace, et que je souhaiterais extremement (...)
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    (2 other versions)Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XIX Correspondance Et Actes (1690-1715).Nicolas Malebranche - 1978 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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  49. Wrongs, Rights, and Third Parties.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 43 (2):109-143.
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    Functional cerebral reorganization: a signature of expertise? Reexamining Guida, Gobet, Tardieu, and Nicolas' (2012) two-stage framework.Alessandro Guida, Fernand Gobet & Serge Nicolas - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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