Results for 'Nicolas Kambouropoulos'

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  1.  9
    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes VI-VII Recueil de Toutes Les Reponses a Monsieur Arnauld.Nicolas Malebranche - 1978 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    (2 other versions)Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XIX Correspondance Et Actes (1690-1715).Nicolas Malebranche - 1978 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Conversations Chretiennes.Nicolas Malebranche - 2010 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Etablie sur les dernieres editions revues par Malebranche, la presente edition des Conversations chretiennes et des Meditations sur l'humilite et la penitence reunit, selon les intentions de l'auteur, les textes disjoints par les editeurs modernes. Nous tenons compte d'une edition des petites meditations de 1701 jusqu'ici perdue. Par leur date de publication et par les enrichissements qu'ils apportent a la Recherche de la verite ces textes annoncent les Eclaircissements de 1678 et les oeuvres de la maturite. L'orthographe et la ponctuation (...)
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes VIII-IX Recueil de Toutes Les Reponses a Monsieur Arnauld.Nicolas Malebranche - 1978 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Sapere pedagogico: scritti in onore di Nicola Paparella per i suoi cinquant'anni a servizio della ricerca educativa.Nicola Paparella & Salvatore Colazzo (eds.) - 2010 - Roma: Armando editore.
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    Nicola Lacey.Nicola Lacey - 2017 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (11).
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    Motion and representation: the language of human movement.Nicolás Salazar Sutil - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An examination of the ways human movement can be represented as a formal language and how this language can be mediated technologically. In Motion and Representation, Nicolás Salazar Sutil considers the representation of human motion through languages of movement and technological mediation. He argues that technology transforms the representation of movement and that representation in turn transforms the way we move and what we understand to be movement. Humans communicate through movement, physically and mentally. To record and capture integrated movement (...)
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes V Traite de La Nature Et de La Grace.Nicolas Malebranche - 1976 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
    Je crois devoir avertir que ceux qui savent bien les principes que j'ai prouves dans la Recherche de la verite et ailleurs, n'ont pas besoin de lire les additions qui suivent, ni meme les eclaircessements qui sont a la fin de ce traite, dans lesquels on peut fort bien entendre ma pensee. Mais ils seront peut-etre utiles a ceux que je n'avais pas en vue, lorsque j'ecrivais le traite De la nature et de la Grace, et que je souhaiterais extremement (...)
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XXI Index Biblique, Patristique, Philosophique Et Scientifique.Nicolas Malebranche - 1996 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XI Traite de Morale.Nicolas Malebranche - 1977 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XVI Reflexions Sur La Premonition Physique.Nicolas Malebranche - 1974 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Correspondance Avec J.J. Dortous de Mairan.Nicolas Malebranche - 1947 - Bibliotheque Des Textes Philos.
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    Liminaire.Nicolas Pujol - 2014 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 70 (2):221-225.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes XXIII Index Microfiches de l'Ensemble Des Concordances.Nicolas Malebranche - 1990 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
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    (1 other version)Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes III de La Recherche de La Verite Eclaircissements.Nicolas Malebranche - 2012 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Missions Chinoises.Nicolas Standaert - 1999 - Revue de Synthèse 120 (2-3):486-491.
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    (3 other versions)Nicolas Malebranche: de la Recherche de la Verite: Livres I-III.Nicolas Malebranche - 2006 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    Ouvrage majeur de la philosophie de Malebranche, De la recherche de la verite constitue un moment cle dans la reflexion philosophique a l'age classique. Si son inspiration est cartesienne, Malebranche y soutient d'emblee une theorie originale de la connaissance, de la verite et de la causalite: notamment la these de la vision en Dieu des idees et l'analyse des causes de l'erreur. Plus qu'une theorie de la connaissance, c'est donc une theorie complete de l'esprit humain et de ses multiples fonctions (...)
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  18. Julius Kuhl Nicola Baumann.Nicola Baumann - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 259.
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    Superplurals analyzed away.David Nicolas & Jonathan D. Payton - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Many natural languages include plural terms, i.e., terms which denote many individuals at once. Are there also superplural terms, i.e., terms which denote many pluralities of individuals at once? Some philosophers say ‘Yes’, citing a range of sentence-types which apparently can’t be analyzed in a first-order plural logic, but which can be analyzed in a superplural one. We argue that all the data presented in favor of the superplural can, in fact, be analyzed using only first-order resources. The key is (...)
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  20. Scritti in onore di Nicola Petruzzellis.Nicola Petruzzellis (ed.) - 1981 - Napoli: Giannini.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Traite de La Nature Et de La Grace.Nicolas Malebranche, Reinier Leers & Jean de Beaulieu - 1958 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Nicolas Malebranche: Iuvres Completes IV Conversations Chretiennes.Nicolas Malebranche - 1972 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Percorsi della libertà: scritti in onore di Nicola Matteucci.Nicola Matteucci & Giovanni Giorgini (eds.) - 1996 - Bologna: Il Mulino.
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  24. Beyond consciousness of external reality: A ''who'' system for consciousness of action and self-consciousness.Nicolas Georgieff & Marc Jeannerod - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (3):465-477.
    This paper offers a framework for consciousness of internal reality. Recent PET experiments are reviewed, showing partial overlap of cortical activation during self-produced actions and actions observed from other people. This overlap suggests that representations for actions may be shared by several individuals, a situation which creates a potential problem for correctly attributing an action to its agent. The neural conditions for correct agency judgments are thus assigned a key role in self/other distinction and self-consciousness. A series of behavioral experiments (...)
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    Ángela uribe B.: Oil, economics and cultire: The U wa S case (nicolás vaughan).NicolÁs Vaughan - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (130):102-105.
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    Réflexions pour une révolution durable: se réconcilier avec la nature et le vivant.Nicolas Kirilowits - 2023 - [Paris]: Libre & solidaire.
  27. ¿Qué filosofía, para qué conocimiento, en qué sociedad?Nicolás Alejo Lavagnino - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):201-227.
    ¿Cuál es la utilidad de la filosofía y las humanidades? El planteo resurge, esporádicamente, en la forma de argumentos vinculados a cierta racionalidad económica de la política presupuestaria y científica, dando por sentado que estamos de acuerdo en el concepto mismo de utilidad, e ignorando con frecuencia la historicidad del término en el contexto de la evolución de las teorías económicas. Evolución que, luego de la revolución keynesiana del pensamiento disciplinar, condujo a no pocas paradojas conceptuales. Este artículo se propone (...)
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    Funciones y problemas de los correos que acompañan a las obras de arte en su itinerancia.Antonio Rocha Nicolás - 1999 - Arbor 164 (645):109-118.
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    Bernard Lonergan e l'economia: profili economici della vita morale e sociale.Nicola Rotundo - 2017 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Toward a theory of the empirical tracking of individuals: Cognitive flexibility and the functions of attention in integrated tracking.Nicolas J. Bullot - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (3):353-387.
    How do humans manage to keep track of a gradually changing object or person as the same persisting individual despite the fact that the extraction of information about this individual must often rely on heterogeneous information sources and heterogeneous tracking methods? The article introduces the Empirical Tracking of Individuals theory to address this problem. This theory proposes an analysis of the concept of integrated tracking, which refers to the capacity to acquire, store, and update information about the identity and location (...)
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    La recherche de la vérité, chapitre VII. Nicolas Malebranche (1638–1715).Nicolas Malebranche - 2012 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 6 (2):143-148.
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    Andrés el Capellán: dialéctica y juego en el amor. Resumen de Tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Nicolás José Martínez Sáez.Nicolás José Martínez Sáez - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 53 (1):e074.
    Andrés el Capellán: dialéctica y juego en el amor. Resumen de Tesis de doctorado en Filosofía de Nicolás José Martínez Sáez.
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  33. (1 other version)The science of belief: A progress report.Nicolas Porot & Eric Mandelbaum - 2020 - WIREs Cognitive Science 1.
    The empirical study of belief is emerging at a rapid clip, uniting work from all corners of cognitive science. Reliance on belief in understanding and predicting behavior is widespread. Examples can be found, inter alia, in the placebo, attribution theory, theory of mind, and comparative psychological literatures. Research on belief also provides evidence for robust generalizations, including about how we fix, store, and change our beliefs. Evidence supports the existence of a Spinozan system of belief fixation: one that is automatic (...)
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    Die Leistungssteigerung des Menschlichen Gehirns: Neuro-Enhancement Im Interdisziplinären Diskurs.Nicola Erny, Matthias Herrgen & Jan C. Schmidt (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes analysieren in kritischer Weise die Breite und Tiefe des Diskurses zu Neuro-Enhancement, der sich aber nicht nur durch ethische Fragen auszeichnet. Sie zeigen, dass es darüber hinaus grundlegende philosophische, anthropologische und gesellschaftstheoretische Aspekte sind, die im Steigerungsbedürfnis spätmoderner Leistungsgesellschaften zu Tage treten. So scheint eine neue Wunschwelt vor der Tür zu stehen: Doping fürs Gehirn! Der rasante Fortschritt der Neurowissenschaften hat das menschliche Gehirn erreicht. Die Möglichkeiten der Leistungssteigerung könnten bald auch das „Innerste“ des (...)
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    Geschriebene Freundschaft: Zu den Briefen Derridas.Nicola Tams - 2018 - transcript Verlag.
    Jacques Derridas Verständnis von Freundschaft wird, so zeigt Nicola Tams, nicht nur in seinen veröffentlichten Texten, sondern vor allem in seinen Briefen deutlich. Ihre Studie untersucht eine Auswahl des Briefverkehrs Derridas (etwa mit Blanchot, Nancy, Bauchau, Ukai und Granel), verwebt die Ergebnisse mit Derridas Theorien der Freundschaft und zeigt, dass die vornehmlich in Briefen entwickelten Gedanken traditionellen Konzepten der Freundschaft in der Philosophiegeschichte nicht so fern sind.
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    The Metaphysics of world order: a synthesis of philosophy, theology, and politics.Nicolas K. Laos - 2015 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    In this book, Nicolas Laos studies the meaning of the terms "world" and "order," the moral dimensions of each world order model, and wider issues of meaning and interpretation generated by humanity's attempt to live in a meaningful world and to find the logos of the beings and things in the world. The aim of this book is to propose a unified theory of world order (i.e., a theory that combines philosophy, theology, and political theory). In this context, the (...)
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    I frammenti degli stoici antichi, ordinati tradotti e annotati da Nicola Festa.Nicola Festa - 1932 - New York,: G. Olms.
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  38. The Apocalypse of Hope.Nicolas de Warren - 2006 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 27 (1):25-59.
    “The apocalypse of hope” and other comparable flourishes in the writings of Frantz Fanon and Jean-Paul Sartre on political violence strike an alarming tone. In The Wretched of the Earth, Fanon advocates the way of revolutionary violence as the inevitable consequence of colonialism and its systematic exploitation of colonized natives. In his role of agent provocateur, Sartre’s preface to Fanon’s influential and controversial work characteristically dramatizes this redemptive promise of violence: “to gun down a European is to kill two birds (...)
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    Das Nachleuchten der Sterne: Konstellationen der Moderne bei Hans Blumenberg.Nicola Zambon - 2017 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Nicht nur den Umsturz des Geozentrismus, der zur Niederlage der theologischen Astronomie geführt hat, sondern auch, als dessen metaphorisches Korrelat, die Erosion des ewig bestehenden Kosmos: Dies bedeutet für Hans Blumenberg die kopernikanische Wende, die den Weg zur Neuzeit bahnt. Am Leitfaden der damit verknüpften Himmels- und Sternmetaphorik erschliesst Nicola Zambon den Horizont der Philosophie Blumenbergs: An Konstellationen astronomischer und theologischer, ästhetischer und philosophischer Motive wird eine bewusstseinsgeschichtliche Perspektivierung herausgearbeitet, die im Blick auf Kant, Husserl und Heidegger in der Darstellung (...)
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  40. “Population” in Biology and Statistics.Nicola Bertoldi & Charles H. Pence - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 109 (1):1-11.
    The development of a biological notion of “population” over the first century of the theory of evolution has been commented upon by a number of historians and philosophers of biology. Somewhat less commonly discussed, however, is the parallel development of the statistical concept of a population over precisely the same period, in some cases driven by the same historical actors (such as Francis Galton and R. A. Fisher). We explore here these parallel developments, first from the perspective of a reconstruction (...)
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  41. Modesty as a Virtue of Attention.Nicolas Bommarito - 2013 - Philosophical Review 122 (1):93-117.
    The contemporary discussion of modesty has focused on whether or not modest people are accurate about their own good qualities. This essay argues that this way of framing the debate is unhelpful and offers examples to show that neither ignorance nor accuracy about the good qualities related to oneself is necessary for modesty. It then offers an attention-based account, claiming that what is necessary for modesty is to direct one’s attention in certain ways. By analyzing modesty in this way, we (...)
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  42. A Third Theory of Paternalism.Nicolas Cornell - 2015 - Michigan Law Review 113:1295-1336.
  43. The small improvement argument.Nicolas Espinoza - 2008 - Synthese 165 (1):127 - 139.
    It is commonly assumed that moral deliberation requires that the alternatives available in a choice situation are evaluatively comparable. This comparability assumption is threatened by claims of incomparability, which is often established by means of the small improvement argument (SIA). In this paper I argue that SIA does not establish incomparability in a stricter sense. The reason is that it fails to distinguish incomparability from a kind of evaluative indeterminacy which may arise due to the vagueness of the evaluative comparatives (...)
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    American katechon:When political theology became international relations theory.Nicolas Guilhot - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):224-253.
  45. The artful mind meets art history: Toward a psycho-historical framework for the science of art appreciation.Nicolas J. Bullot & Rolf Reber - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):123-137.
    Research seeking a scientific foundation for the theory of art appreciation has raised controversies at the intersection of the social and cognitive sciences. Though equally relevant to a scientific inquiry into art appreciation, psychological and historical approaches to art developed independently and lack a common core of theoretical principles. Historicists argue that psychological and brain sciences ignore the fact that artworks are artifacts produced and appreciated in the context of unique historical situations and artistic intentions. After revealing flaws in the (...)
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  46. The Social Value of Health Research and the Worst Off.Nicola Barsdorf & Joseph Millum - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (2):105-115.
    In this article we argue that the social value of health research should be conceptualized as a function of both the expected benefits of the research and the priority that the beneficiaries deserve. People deserve greater priority the worse off they are. This conception of social value can be applied for at least two important purposes: in health research priority setting when research funders, policy-makers, or researchers decide between alternative research projects; and in evaluating the ethics of proposed research proposals (...)
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    L’enseignement de la philosophie aujourd’hui et demain.Nicolas Franck - 2017 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 67 (3):3-4.
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    Réponse à des lycéens.Nicolas Franck - 2016 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 66 (3):3-4.
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    Parmenides psychologist: Part two: DK 6 and 7.Nicola S. Galgano - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 20:39-76.
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  50. (1 other version)Of Learned Ignorance.Nicolas Cusanus & Germain Heron - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (115):365-367.
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