Results for 'Nil Avcı'

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  1.  53
    Evaluating the effectiveness of bioethics education through quality standards and indicators.Ercan Avci - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 7 (1):5-19.
    Bioethics education has remarkably grown across the globe in the last few decades. The data of the UNESCO Global Ethics Observatory proves that bioethics education is a global phenomenon with various bioethics institutions, teaching programs, and academicians. However, this situation does not mean that bioethics education has reached a stable and flawless level. Especially, the effectiveness of bioethics programs or their quality assessment is a major area that should be analyzed through more academic works. For filling that gap, this article (...)
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    An Evaluation on the Word of Fu'd in the Qur'an.Hatice Avci - 2020 - Dini Araştırmalar 23 (59):349-371.
    The words in the Quran can have different meanings depending on the verse and its context. However, giving different meanings to any word of Quran in tafsirs and translation make it difficult to understand the verses and may cause confusion. One of the words that we think causes such a problem is fuâd. In this study, it is aimed to reach the meaning of the word by examining the usage of the word fuâd in the verses. For this purpose, the (...)
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    Should physicians tell the truth without taking social complications into account? A striking case.Ercan Avci - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (1):23-30.
    The principle of respect for autonomy requires informing patients adequately and appropriately about diagnoses, treatments, and prognoses. However, some clinical cases may cause ethical dilemmas regarding telling the truth. Under the existence especially of certain cultural, social, and religious circumstances, disclosing all the relevant information to all pertinent parties might create harmful effects. Even though the virtue of telling the truth is unquestionable, sometimes de facto conditions compel physicians to act paternalistically to protect the patient/patients from imminent dangers. This article, (...)
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    Co-production as a resolution to authoritarian attitudes in healthcare.Ercan Avci - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (7-8):1003-1010.
    Healthcare services should be provided according to contemporary ethical norms that require patients’ active engagement in all the relevant processes. However, authoritarian attitudes and behaviors in healthcare, one of which is paternalism, put patients in a passive role. But, as Avedis Donabedian emphasizes, patients are co-producers of care, reformers of healthcare, informants, and definers and evaluators of quality. Overlooking these significant functions and merely focusing on physicians’ benevolence due to their medical knowledge and skills in the production of healthcare services (...)
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    Compassion in the justification of physician-assisted dying: Gandhi’s non-violence vs. Aristotle’s virtues and vices.Ercan Avci - forthcoming - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy:1-6.
    Compassion is an essential phenomenon in the therapeutic relationship, and some use it to justify physician-assisted dying practices. The value of compassion in the relationship between healthcare professionals and patients is undeniable. However, different approaches to its definition and scope can lead to distinct conclusions about the role of compassion in end-of-life interventions. In this context, the paper aims to compare Mahatma Gandhi’s and Aristotle’s views on compassion to explore whether it can be utilized to justify physician-assisted dying. Gandhi’s thoughts (...)
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    Caregivers’ Role in Maternal–Fetal Conflict.Ercan Avci - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (1):67-76.
    The case, which occurred in a public hospital in Turkey in 2005, exhibits a striking dilemma between a mother’s and her fetus’ interests. For a number of reasons, the mother refused to cooperate with the midwives and obstetrician in the process of giving birth, and wanted to leave the hospital. The care providers evaluated the case as a matter of maternal autonomy and asked the mother to give her consent to be discharged from the hospital, which she did despite the (...)
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    Göynük Vadisi'nde Heyelan Duyarlılığın Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri İle Analizi.Vedat Avci̇ - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 8):235-235.
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    Kırımlı Abdullah R'miz Paşa ve Divançesi.İsmail Avci - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):169-169.
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    (1 other version)Kültürel deformasyonda teknoloji̇ni̇n i̇zleri̇.Nazmi Avci & Damla Topçu - 2019 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 31:115-127.
    Teknoloji olgusu, bir taraftan toplumun ihtiyaçlarını karşılamakta diğer taraftan da toplumda bir kültür deformasyonuna neden olmaktadır. Teknolojinin; televizyon, cep telefonu, bilgisayar gibi cihazlar aracılığıyla toplumda değişim ve dönüşümlere neden olduğu görülmektedir. Son zamanlarda özellikle genç nüfus arasında, sosyal medyanın etkisi söz konusu olmakta ve bu durum kültürel bir deformasyona neden olmaktadır. Toplumun temeli olan ailede dayanışma ilişkilerinin giderek zayıflamasında, yeni neslin iletişim dilinde meydana gelen bozulmalarda, toplumun tek boyutlu bir insan haline dönüşmesinde, gelenek ve göreneklerde meydana gelen değişimlerde teknolojinin izleri (...)
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    Karlıova Havzası ve Çevresinin Heyelan Duyarlılık Haritasının Oluşturulması.Vedat Avci̇ - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):49-49.
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    Karanlık Sokağı Aydınlatan Enstitü: Aksu Köy Enstitüsü.Aslı Avci Akçali - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 5):27-27.
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    Sosyolojik Açıdan Dünden Bugüne Siverek Karakeçilileri’nde Değişim.Nazmi Avci & Ferhat Şi̇ri̇n - 2019 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 31:56-75.
    Sosyal bilimlerde sosyo-kültürel ve etno-sosyolojik araştırmalar geniş bir yer tutar. Bir grubun sosyo-kültürel ve etno-sosyolojik değişkenler özelinde kendisini nasıl tanımladığı araştırılan bir husustur. Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinde yaşayan alt kültür grupları bu değişkenler bağlamında incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma Türkiye’de yaygın bir şekilde yaşayan gruplardan biri olan Karakeçililerden, Siverek Karakeçilerini incelemiştir. Siverek Karakeçilileri; etnografik bir alan araştırmasıyla, kendi yaşam alanlarına katılım sağlanarak elde edilen verilerle incelenmiştir. Veriler MAXQDA nitel veri analiz programı aracılığıyla değerlendirmiştir. Mehmet Eröz 1982’de aynı grubu aynı alanda incelemiştir. Makalede; Eröz’ün (...)
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    Sosyoloji̇k açidan dünden bugüne si̇verek karakeçi̇li̇leri̇’nde deği̇şi̇m.Nazmi Avci & Fırat Şi̇ri̇n - 2019 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 31:56-75.
    Sosyal bilimlerde sosyo-kültürel ve etno-sosyolojik araştırmalar geniş bir yer tutar. Bir grubun sosyo-kültürel ve etno-sosyolojik değişkenler özelinde kendisini nasıl tanımladığı araştırılan bir husustur. Türkiye’nin farklı bölgelerinde yaşayan alt kültür grupları bu değişkenler bağlamında incelenmiştir. Bu çalışma Türkiye’de yaygın bir şekilde yaşayan gruplardan biri olan Karakeçililerden, Siverek Karakeçilerini incelemiştir. Siverek Karakeçilileri; etnografik bir alan araştırmasıyla, kendi yaşam alanlarına katılım sağlanarak elde edilen verilerle incelenmiştir. Veriler MAXQDA nitel veri analiz programı aracılığıyla değerlendirmiştir. Mehmet Eröz 1982’de aynı grubu aynı alanda incelemiştir. Makalede; Eröz’ün (...)
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    Some Stories From Hazînî’s Poetic Translation Of The Forty Hadith Commentary İn The Concept Of Tradition Of Short Story Telling.İsmail Avci - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:64-96.
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    Should We Formulate an Incentivized Model Facilitating Kidney Donation from Living Donors? A Focus on Turkey's Current System.Ercan Avci - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (3):279-290.
    Kidney transplantation is a lifesaving medical treatment. However, very high demand for kidneys with low kidney donation causes a black market that exploits patients’ desperation and donors’ vulnerability. The current kidney donation programs fail to produce promising results to avoid illegal and unethical kidney trafficking and commercialism. Even though the primary goal of kidney donation is to increase the number of deceased organ donations, in some countries, like Turkey, due to religious or cultural concerns, it is impossible to supply adequate (...)
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    Toki̇ konutlarinda yaşamanin sosyo-kültürel yapi üzeri̇ndeki̇ etki̇leri̇.Nazmi Avci & Damla Topçu - 2020 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 33:84-108.
    Kentler, ikincil ilişkilerin meydana geldiği, işbölümünün ve uzmanlaşmanın arttığı mekânlardır. Giderek daha çekici hale gelen kentler, insanlar tarafından tercih edilen mekânlar olmaya başlamış ve kentleşme olgusunu ortaya çıkarmıştır. Kent nüfusunun artması olarak ifade edilen kentleşme kentlileşmeyi, kentlileşme de toplumsal ve kültürel değişimleri beraberinde getirmiştir. Kentleşme, konut sorununu da görünür kılmakta ve konut sorununun çözümü gelir gruplarına göre değişiklik arz etmektedir. Alt gelir grubunda olan insanlar bu konut sorununu gecekondu denilen yapılarla çözmeye çalışmış ancak gecekondular devlet hazinesine yapılmış yapılar olması dolayısıyla (...)
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    Atasözlerimizde Sıfat ve Sıfat-Fiillerin Kullanımı.Yıldız Yenen Avci - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 4):975-975.
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    Türkiye Türkçesi Deyimlerinde Duyguların Analizi.Yıldız Yenen Avci - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):997-997.
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    Nils Jansen: Zum Gedanken einer juristischen Strukturtheorie (Rezensionsabhandlung).Nils Jansen - 2006 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 92 (2):277-283.
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    Persons, Interests, and Justice.Nils Holtug - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    In our lives, we aim to achieve welfare for ourselves, that is, to live good lives. But we also have another, more impartial perspective, where we aim to balance our concern for our own welfare against a concern for the welfare of others. This is a perspective of justice. Nils Holtug examines these two perspectives and the relations between them.
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    Sporun felsefi̇ boyutlarinin değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇.Ersin Afacan & Nazmi Avci - 2019 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 31:85-95.
    Spor alanında çağının sorunlarını ve konularını güncelliği içinde, bilim ve felsefenin temel ilkeleri doğrultusunda takip edebilmek ve yorumlayabilmek önemli bir beceridir. Çünkü sportif olay ve olgular, sadece bilim ve felsefenin yol göstericiliğinde daha net şekilde yorumlanabilinir ve değerlendirilebilinir. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın amacı, spor ve felsefe ilişkisini konu ile ilgili olan literatürü imkân dâhilinde tarayıp elde edilen verileri birbiri ile ilişkilendirerek değerlendirmektir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, analitik metot kullanılarak yürütülmüştür. Filozoflar ve felsefeciler, özellikle Aydınlanma Felsefesinin başladığı Aydınlanma Çağı denilen 18.yüzyıldan itibaren toplum, (...)
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  22. Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality.Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    The contributors to the volume are: Richard Arneson, Linda Barclay, Thomas Christiano, Nils Holtug, Susan Hurley, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Dennis McKerlie, ...
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  23. Supposition: A Problem for Bilateralism.Nils Kürbis - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):301-327.
    In bilateral logic formulas are signed by + and –, indicating the speech acts assertion and denial. I argue that making an assumption is also speech act. Speech acts cannot be embedded within other speech acts. Hence we cannot make sense of the notion of making an assumption in bilateral logic. Attempts to solve this problem are considered and rejected.
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  24. Aesthetic Evaluation and First-Hand Experience.Nils Franzén - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (4):669-682.
    ABSTRACTEvaluative aesthetic discourse communicates that the speaker has had first-hand experience of what is talked about. If you call a book bewitching, it will be assumed that you have read the book. If you say that a building is beautiful, it will be assumed that you have had some visual experience with it. According to an influential view, this is because knowledge is a norm for assertion, and aesthetic knowledge requires first-hand experience. This paper criticizes this view and argues for (...)
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    Probabilistic logic.Nils J. Nilsson - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (1):71-87.
  26. Some Comments on Ian Rumfitt’s Bilateralism.Nils Kürbis - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 45 (6):623-644.
    Ian Rumfitt has proposed systems of bilateral logic for primitive speech acts of assertion and denial, with the purpose of ‘exploring the possibility of specifying the classically intended senses for the connectives in terms of their deductive use’ : 810f). Rumfitt formalises two systems of bilateral logic and gives two arguments for their classical nature. I assess both arguments and conclude that only one system satisfies the meaning-theoretical requirements Rumfitt imposes in his arguments. I then formalise an intuitionist system of (...)
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  27. The harm principle.Nils Holtug - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (4):357-389.
    According to the Harm Principle, roughly, the state may coerce a person only if it can thereby prevent harm to others. Clearly, this principle depends crucially on what we understand by harm. Thus, if any sort of negative effect on a person may count as a harm, the Harm Principle will fail to sufficiently protect individual liberty. Therefore, a more subtle concept of harm is needed. I consider various possible conceptions and argue that none gives rise to a plausible version (...)
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  28. Evaluative Discourse and Affective States of Mind.Nils Franzén - 2020 - Mind 129 (516):1095-1126.
    It is widely held within contemporary metaethics that there is a lack of linguistic support for evaluative expressivism. On the contrary, it seems that the predictions that expressivists make about evaluative discourse are not borne out. An instance of this is the so-called problem of missing Moorean infelicity. Expressivists maintain that evaluative statements express non-cognitive states of mind in a similar manner to how ordinary descriptive language expresses beliefs. Conjoining an ordinary assertion that p with the denial of being in (...)
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  29. On the value of coming into existence.Nils Holtug - 2001 - The Journal of Ethics 5 (4):361-384.
    In this paper I argue that coming into existence can benefit (or harm) aperson. My argument incorporates the comparative claim that existence canbe better (or worse) for a person than never existing. Since these claimsare highly controversial, I consider and reject a number of objectionswhich threaten them. These objections raise various semantic, logical,metaphysical and value-theoretical issues. I then suggest that there is animportant sense in which it can harm (or benefit) a person not to comeinto existence. Again, I consider and (...)
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    Fatal Prescription.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2020 - British Journal of Aesthetics 60 (2):151-163.
    Ethicism is the most comprehensively defended answer to the question regarding whether ethical properties determine aesthetic properties in artworks. According to ethicism, aesthetically relevant ethical flaws in artworks count as aesthetic flaws and aesthetically relevant ethical merits count as aesthetic merits. In this paper, I argue that ethicism’s most significant argument, the Merited Response Argument suffers from an ambiguity that makes it either unsound or uninteresting. Specifically, the notion of an artwork’s ‘prescribing’ a response, central to MRA, is ambiguous between (...)
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  31. Proof-Theoretic Semantics, a Problem with Negation and Prospects for Modality.Nils Kürbis - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (6):713-727.
    This paper discusses proof-theoretic semantics, the project of specifying the meanings of the logical constants in terms of rules of inference governing them. I concentrate on Michael Dummett’s and Dag Prawitz’ philosophical motivations and give precise characterisations of the crucial notions of harmony and stability, placed in the context of proving normalisation results in systems of natural deduction. I point out a problem for defining the meaning of negation in this framework and prospects for an account of the meanings of (...)
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  32. Prioritarianism.Nils Holtug - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.), Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 125--156.
  33.  54
    The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey.Nils-Eric Sahlin - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    F. P. Ramsey was a remarkably creative and subtle philosopher who in the briefest of academic careers made significant contributions to logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language and decision theory. His few published papers reveal him to be a figure or comparable importance to Russell, Carnap and Wittgenstein in the history of analytical philosophy. This book was the first critical study of Ramsey's work, offering a thorough exposition and interpretation of his ideas, setting the ideas in their historical context, (...)
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  34. The Importance of Being Erroneous.Nils Kürbis - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (3):155-166.
    This is a commentary on MM McCabe's "First Chop your logos... Socrates and the sophists on language, logic, and development". In her paper MM analyses Plato's Euthydemos, in which Plato tackles the problem of falsity in a way that takes into account the speaker and complements the Sophist's discussion of what is said. The dialogue looks as if it is merely a demonstration of the silly consequences of eristic combat. And so it is. But a main point of MM's paper (...)
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    Autonomism.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2023 - In James Harold (ed.), The Oxford handbook of Ethics and Art. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 282-301.
    This chapter examines autonomism. Autonomism is roughly the view that an artwork’s ethical properties do not bear on its aesthetic or artistic value. The author sketches some of the view’s history before describing various versions of it defended over the last quarter-century. These are divided into ‘radical’, ‘robust’, and ‘moderate’ forms of autonomism. The author considers the strengths and weaknesses of each. The author also devotes some space to the ‘interactionist’ views against which contemporary autonomism is typically opposed. In doing (...)
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  36. Normalisation for Bilateral Classical Logic with some Philosophical Remarks.Nils Kürbis - 2021 - Journal of Applied Logics 2 (8):531-556.
    Bilateralists hold that the meanings of the connectives are determined by rules of inference for their use in deductive reasoning with asserted and denied formulas. This paper presents two bilateral connectives comparable to Prior's tonk, for which, unlike for tonk, there are reduction steps for the removal of maximal formulas arising from introducing and eliminating formulas with those connectives as main operators. Adding either of them to bilateral classical logic results in an incoherent system. One way around this problem is (...)
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  37. Sport, Make-Believe, and Volatile Attitudes.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 75 (3):275-288.
    The outcomes of sports and competitive games excite intense emotions in many people, even when those same people acknowledge that those outcomes are of trifling importance. I call this incongruity between the judged importance of the outcome and the intense reactions it provokes the Puzzle of Sport. The puzzle can be usefully compared to another puzzle in aesthetics: the Paradox of Fiction, which asks how it is we become emotionally caught up with events and characters we know to be unreal. (...)
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    Immoralism is Obviously True: Towards Progress on the Ethical Question.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (4):615-632.
    The Ethical Question asks whether ethical values in artworks determine their aesthetic value and, if so, how. I argue that the question is ambiguous between a direct and an indirect reading. I show how the indirect reading is philosophically uninteresting because it has an obvious answer: a view called ‘immoralism’. I also show how most of the significant figures in the relevant literature address the indirect form of the question anyway—needlessly, if I am right. Finally, I consider whether some version (...)
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  39. On a Definition of Logical Consequence.Nils Kürbis - 2022 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):64-71.
    Bilateralists, who accept that there are two primitive speech acts, assertion and denial, can offer an attractive definition of consequence: Y follows from X if and only if it is incoherent to assert all formulas X and to deny all formulas Y. The present paper argues that this definition has consequences many will find problematic, amongst them that truth coincides with assertibility. Philosophers who reject these consequences should therefore reject this definition of consequence.
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  40. A Binary Quantifier for Definite Descriptions in Intuitionist Negative Free Logic: Natural Deduction and Normalisation.Nils Kürbis - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (2):81-97.
    This paper presents a way of formalising definite descriptions with a binary quantifier ι, where ιx[F, G] is read as ‘The F is G’. Introduction and elimination rules for ι in a system of intuitionist negative free logic are formulated. Procedures for removing maximal formulas of the form ιx[F, G] are given, and it is shown that deductions in the system can be brought into normal form.
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    “Hungry for Knowledge”: Towards a Meso‐History of the Environmental Sciences.Nils Güttler - 2019 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 42 (2-3):235-258.
    Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte, EarlyView.
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    Imaginative and Fictionality Failure: A Normative Approach.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2015 - Philosophers' Imprint 15.
    If a work of literary fiction prescribes us to imagine that the Devil made a bet with God and transformed into a poodle, then that claim is true in the fiction and we imagine accordingly. Generally, we cooperate imaginatively with literary fictions, however bizarre, and the things authors write into their stories become true in the fiction. But for some claims, such as moral falsehoods, this seems not to be straightforwardly the case, which raises the question: Why not? The puzzles (...)
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  43. An introduction to contemporary egalitarianism.Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.), Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 1--37.
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  44. Unsharp Sharpness.Nils-Eric Sahlin & Paul Weirich - 2013 - Theoria 80 (1):100-103.
    In a recent, thought-provoking paper Adam Elga argues against unsharp – e.g., indeterminate, fuzzy and unreliable – probabilities. Rationality demands sharpness, he contends, and this means that decision theories like Levi's, Gärdenfors and Sahlin's, and Kyburg's, though they employ different decision rules, face a common, and serious, problem. This article defends the rule to maximize minimum expected utility against Elga's objection.
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    Doing Away with the Agential Bias: Agency and Patiency in Health Monitoring Applications.Nils-Frederic Wagner - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (1):135-154.
    Mobile health devices pose novel questions at the intersection of philosophy and technology. Many such applications not only collect sensitive data, but also aim at persuading users to change their lifestyle for the better. A major concern is that persuasion is paternalistic as it intentionally aims at changing the agent’s actions, chipping away at their autonomy. This worry roots in the philosophical conviction that perhaps the most salient feature of living autonomous lives is displayed via agency as opposed to patiency—our (...)
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  46. Normalisation and subformula property for a system of intuitionistic logic with general introduction and elimination rules.Nils Kürbis - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14223-14248.
    This paper studies a formalisation of intuitionistic logic by Negri and von Plato which has general introduction and elimination rules. The philosophical importance of the system is expounded. Definitions of ‘maximal formula’, ‘segment’ and ‘maximal segment’ suitable to the system are formulated and corresponding reduction procedures for maximal formulas and permutative reduction procedures for maximal segments given. Alternatives to the main method used are also considered. It is shown that deductions in the system convert into normal form and that deductions (...)
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  47. Normalisation and subformula property for a system of classical logic with Tarski’s rule.Nils Kürbis - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (1):105-129.
    This paper considers a formalisation of classical logic using general introduction rules and general elimination rules. It proposes a definition of ‘maximal formula’, ‘segment’ and ‘maximal segment’ suitable to the system, and gives reduction procedures for them. It is then shown that deductions in the system convert into normal form, i.e. deductions that contain neither maximal formulas nor maximal segments, and that deductions in normal form satisfy the subformula property. Tarski’s Rule is treated as a general introduction rule for implication. (...)
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  48. Meriting a Response: The Paradox of Seductive Artworks.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):465-482.
    According to what I call the Merit Principle, roughly, works of art that attempt to elicit unmerited responses fail on their own terms and are thereby aesthetically flawed. A horror film, for instance, that attempts to elicit fear towards something that is not scary is to that extent aesthetically flawed. The Merit Principle is not only intuitive, it is also endorsed in some form by Aristotle, David Hume, and numerous contemporary figures. In this paper, I show how the principle leads (...)
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  49. Two Treatments of Definite Descriptions in Intuitionist Negative Free Logic.Nils Kürbis - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (4):299-317.
    Sentences containing definite descriptions, expressions of the form ‘The F’, can be formalised using a binary quantifier ι that forms a formula out of two predicates, where ιx[F, G] is read as ‘The F is G’. This is an innovation over the usual formalisation of definite descriptions with a term forming operator. The present paper compares the two approaches. After a brief overview of the system INFι of intuitionist negative free logic extended by such a quantifier, which was presented in (...)
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  50. Normalisation for Negative Free Logics Without and with Definite Descriptions.Nils Kürbis - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic.
    This paper proves normalisation theorems for intuitionist and classical negative free logic, without and with the $\invertediota$ operator for definite descriptions. Rules specific to free logic give rise to new kinds of maximal formulas additional to those familiar from standard intuitionist and classical logic. When $\invertediota$ is added it must be ensured that reduction procedures involving replacements of parameters by terms do not introduce new maximal formulas of higher degree than the ones removed. The problem is solved by a rule (...)
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