Results for 'Nissim ben Jacob ibn Shahin'

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  1.  52
    An Elegant Composition concerning Relief after Adversity.Roy P. Mottahedeh, Nissim ben Jacob ibn Shāhīn, William M. Brinner & Nissim ben Jacob ibn Shahin - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (4):771.
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  2. Olam katan.Joseph ben Jacob Ibn Ẓaddik - 1967 - Edited by S. Horovitz.
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  3. Ḳitsure Ḥovat ha-levavot: u-vo arbaʻah sefarim niftaḥim mi-gedole ʻolam.D. Steinberg, Asher ben Shelomyah, Menaḥem ben Aaron ibn Zeraḥ, Isaiah Horowitz & Jacob Zahalon (eds.) - 2010 - Monroe, NY: Daniyel Daṿid Shṭainberg.
    Ḳitsur Ḥovat ha-levavot me-Rabenu Asher mi-Lunil -- Ḳitsur Ḥovat ha-levavot mi-sefer Tsedah la-derekh -- Ḳitsur Ḥovat ha-levavot ʻAśarah hilulim -- Ḳitsur Ḥovat ha-levavot Margaliyot ṭovot.
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  4. Kitsur Ivri Shel Kitab Uns Al-Gharib Wa-Tafsir Sefer Yetsirah le-Rabi Yehudah Ben Nisim Ibn Malkah.Georges Vajda & Judah ben Nissim Ibn Malkah - 1974 - Universitat Bar-Ilan.
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  5. Kitsur ʹivri shel Kitāb uns al-gharīb wa-tafsīr Sefer Yetsirah le-Rabi Yehudah ben Nisim ibn Malkah. Vajda, Georges, [From Old Catalog], Ibn Malkah & Judah ben Nissim (eds.) - 1974
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    Studies in Islam and Judaism: The Arabic Original of Ibn Shāhīn's Book of Comfort, Known as the Ḥibbūr Yaphē of R. Nissīm b. Ya'aqobhStudies in Islam and Judaism: The Arabic Original of Ibn Shahin's Book of Comfort, Known as the Hibbur Yaphe of R. Nissim b. Ya'aqobh. [REVIEW]Solomon L. Skoss & Julian Obermann - 1936 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 56 (4):506.
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    Collected papers of Jacob Guttmann.Jacob Guttmann - 1980 - New York: Arno Press. Edited by Steven T. Katz.
    Das Verhältniss des Thomas von Aquino zum Judenthum und zur jüdischen Litteratur.--Eine bisher unbekannte dem Bachja ibn Pakuda zugeeignete Schrift.--Die philosophischen und ethischen Anschauungen in Abraham bar Chijja's Hegjon ha-Nefesch.--Ueber Abraham bar Chijja's "Buch der Enthüllung".--Die Familie Schemtob in ihren Beziehungen zur Philosophie.--Die Stellung des Simon ben Zemach Duran in der Geschichte der jüdischen Religionsphilosophie.--Die philosophischen Lehren des Isaak ben Salomon Israeli.
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  8. Juda ben Nissim ibn Malka.Georges Vajda - 1954 - Paris,: Larose.
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  9. Proof-theoretic semantic values for logical operators.Nissim Francez & Gilad Ben-avi - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (3):466-478.
    The paper proposes a semantic value for the logical constants (connectives and quantifiers) within the framework of proof-theoretic semantics, basic meaning on the introduction rules of a meaning conferring natural deduction proof system. The semantic value is defined based on Fregecontributions” to sentential meanings as determined by the function-argument structure as induced by a type-logical grammar. In doing so, the paper proposes a novel proof-theoretic interpretation of the semantic types, traditionally interpreted in Henkin models. The compositionality of the resulting attribution (...)
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    Putting a positive spin on ethics teaching.Marion G. Ben-Jacob, Nancy L. Jones, Robert W. Brock, Kathleen H. Moore, Paul Ndebele & Lehana Thabane - 2018 - International Journal of Ethics Education 3 (2):125-133.
    Scientific endeavor is the pursuit of knowledge with the aim of advancing the welfare of all human beings. This endeavor is built on the ideology of science; thus, society relies on the integrity of the practice of science and of scientists themselves. The responsible conduct of research is the essence of good science; however, many of the pedagogical approaches used to instill integrity in science accentuate the negative rather than exemplify ideal professionalism. This paper makes an argument for the inculcation (...)
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    Abraham Ibn Daud's 'The Exalted Faith'.Abraham ben David Ibn Daud & Norbert Max Samuelson - 1985
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  12. Emunah ramah: perakim mi-tokh "Emunah ramah".Abraham ben David Ibn Daud & Yehudah Aizenberg - 1986 - Yerushalayim: Haśkel. Edited by Yehudah Aizenberg.
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    Shaʻar ha-shamayim.Isaac ben Abraham ibn Latif - 2015 - Yerushalayim: [Refaʼel Kohen]. Edited by Raphael Kohen, Isaac ben Abraham ibn Latif & Shelomoh.
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  14. Sefer Rav peʻalim.Isaac ben Abraham ibn Latif - 1969 - Lemberg,: Druck von A. Wajdowicz.
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    Introduction aux devoirs des coeurs.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1950 - Paris,: Desclée, de Brouwer. Edited by André Chouraqui.
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    I doveri dei cuori.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1983 - Roma: Carucci editore. Edited by Sergio J. Sierra & Yehudah ibn Tibon.
  17.  11
    Los deberes de los corazones.Joaquín Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pakuda & Lomba Fuentes - 1994 - Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española. Edited by Joaquín Lomba Fuentes.
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  18. Kitsur Ḥovat ha-levavot.Menaḥem ben Aaron ibn Zeraḥ - 1959 - Edited by Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda.
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  19. 13 midot: Tomer Devorah, pereḳ rishon.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero & Mosheh Daṿid Yeḥezḳel Landaʼu (eds.) - 2011 - Bene Beraḳ: Mosheh Daṿid Yeḥezḳel Landaʼu.
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  20. (2 other versions)Sefer Tomer Devorah: ṿe-hu maʼamar nikhbad.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 1927 - Jerusalem, Palestine: Z.Ṿ. Ashkenazi. Edited by Zeʼev Ṿolf Ashkenazi & Israel Salanter.
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  21. Sefer Tomer Devorah: le-Ramaḳ: mevoʻar u-meforash: meḥulaḳ li-yemot ha-ḥodesh.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero (ed.) - 2016 - Yerushalayim: ha-mevi le-vet ha-defus Yeḥezḳel Ṭshingel.
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  22. Sefer Tomer Devorah: ṿe-hu maʼamar nikhbad, ḳadosh ṿe-neḥmad..Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 2009 - Yerushalayim: Mishp. Gavra. Edited by Yiśraʼel ben ʻOvadyah Gavra.
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  23. Sefer Tomer Devorah: ṿe-hu maʼamar nikhbad... be-derekh yesharah she-yavor lo ha-adam ṿe-hitbodeduto ṿe-takhlito ṿe-hitbonenus derakhaṿ.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 2007 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Tomer Publications. Edited by Dov Finḳ.
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  24. Sefer Tomer Devorah: ṿe-hu maʼamar nikhbad meha-rav ha-mekubal ha-Elohi..Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 2005 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Dov ha-Kohen Finḳ. Edited by Dov Finḳ.
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    Sefer Tomer Devorah: sefer ḳadosh ṿe-nikhbad ṿe-neḥmad meʼod meʼod.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 1999 - Wickliffe, Ohio (2602 Bishop Rd., Wickliffe 44092): Aharon Daṿid ben Yitsḥaḳ ha-Leṿi Goldberg. Edited by Matityahu Ḥayim Salomon & A. D. Goldberg.
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    (1 other version)The palm tree of Devorah =.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 1993 - Spring Valley, N.Y.: Feldheim. Edited by Moshe Miller.
    A classic work of Jewish philosophy and Mussar by the famed Safed Kabbalist. Hebrew text with facing, new, annotated translation.
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  27. Ṿe-ʻamekh kulam tsadiḳim.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 1993 - Bene Beraḳ: Shemuʼel Yitsḥaḳ Gad ha-Kohen Yudaiḳin. Edited by Shemuʼel Yitsḥaḳ Gad Yudaiḳin & Moses ben Jacob Cordovero.
    1. Sefer Anshe ḳodesh -- 2. Sefer Zeraʻ ḳodesh.
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  28. Stratified, Weak Stratified, and Three-valued Semantics.Melvin Fitting & Marion Ben-Jacob - unknown
    We investigate the relationship between three-valued Kripke/Kleene semantics and stratified semantics for stratifiable logic programs. We first show these are compatible, in the sense that if the three-valued semantics assigns a classical truth value, the stratified approach will assign the same value. Next, the familiar fixed point semantics for pure Horn clause programs gives both smallest and biggest fixed points fundamental roles. We show how to extend this idea to the family of stratifiable logic programs, producing a semantics we call (...)
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  29. Sefer Or ʻamim.Obadiah ben Jacob Sforno - 1537 - Ramat Gan: [S.N.].
  30. Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Subsentential Phrases.Nissim Francez, Roy Dyckhoff & Gilad Ben-Avi - 2010 - Studia Logica 94 (3):381-401.
    The paper briefly surveys the sentential proof-theoretic semantics for fragment of English. Then, appealing to a version of Frege’s context-principle (specified to fit type-logical grammar), a method is presented for deriving proof-theoretic meanings for sub-sentential phrases, down to lexical units (words). The sentential meaning is decomposed according to the function-argument structure as determined by the type-logical grammar. In doing so, the paper presents a novel proof-theoretic interpretation of simple type, replacing Montague’s model-theoretic type interpretation (in arbitrary Henkin models). The domains (...)
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  31.  21
    Letters and Livelihood: R. Baḥya ben Asher’s Commentary on the Recitation of the Manna Story.Idan Pinto - 2023 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 31 (1):1-29.
    This article studies kabbalistic interpretation of a ritual of unknown origin: the daily recitation of the manna episode (Exod 16:1–36). This episode foregrounds a major theme in the writings of R. Baḥya ben Asher ibn Halawa (c.1255–1340) and many other medieval kabbalists: the cyclical nature of sustaining existence. Baḥya’s interpretation builds on two primary sources: R. Jacob ben Sheshet Gerondi’s commentary on Ps 145 in his kabbalistic polemic Meshiv Devarim Nekhoḥim, and a hermeneutic tradition derived from Hasidic-Ashkenazi biblical exegesis. (...)
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  32.  14
    Igrot ha-Rambam: ḥalifat ha-mikhtavim ʻim R. Yosef ben Yehudah.Moses Maimonides, Abraham S. Halkin, D. H. Baneth & Joseph ben Judah Ibn Shim on - 1985 - Yerushalayim: Hotsaʼat sefarim ʻa. sh. Y.L. Magnes, ha-Universiṭah ha-ʻIvrit. Edited by Ibn Shimʻon, Joseph ben Judah, D. H. Baneth & Abraham S. Halkin.
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  33. Sefer Mesilot teshuvah: bo yevoʼar beʼer heṭev ʻinyan ha-yets. ha-r.: mahuto, takhlit beriʼato, koḥotaṿ, ofane kibusho... ʻinyan ha-teshuvah... sigufe teshuvah, baʻale teshuvah..Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 2001 - Bene Beraḳ: Daʻat ḳedoshim. Edited by Shemuʼel Yitsḥaḳ Gad Yudaiḳin.
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  34. Sefer Tomer Devorah: ʻim beʼur Haḳdamot u-sheʻarim: li-fetoaḥ shaʼar be-divre ha-Tomer Devorah ʻa.pi rabotenu ha-rishonim ṿeha-aḥaronim, zal.Moses ben Jacob Cordovero - 2013 - Yerushalayim: Ben Tsiyon ben Shelomoh Mosheh Epshṭain. Edited by Ben Tsiyon ben Shelomoh Mosheh Epshṭain.
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  35.  60
    Functional holography of complex networks activity—from cultures to the human brain.Itay Baruchi, Vernon L. Towle & Eshel Ben-Jacob - 2005 - Complexity 10 (3):38-51.
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    Kitāb al-mu ʿtamad fī uṣūl al-dīnKitab al-mu tamad fi usul al-din.James A. Bellamy, al-Qāḍī Abū Yaʿlā ibn al-Farrā, Ben Zion Wacholder & al-Qadi Abu Yala ibn al-Farra - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (4):484.
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  37. Sefer Di konsolasiʹoni filosofya.Sergio Joseph Boethius, Azariah ben Joseph ibn Abba Mari & Sierra - 1967 - [H. Mo. L.]. Edited by Azariah ben Joseph ibn Abba Mari & Sergio Joseph Sierra.
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    al-Hidāyah ilá farāʼiḍ al-qulūb wa-al-tanbīh ilá lawāzim al-ḍamāʼir.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 2010 - al-Rabāṭ: Dār Abī Raqrāq. Edited by Aḥmad Shaḥlān.
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  39. Der ṭoyer tsum lebn: Sefer Ḥovot ha-levavot, Shaʻar ha-beḥinah: miṭn peyresh Or Avigdor..Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda & Avigdor Miller (eds.) - 2015 - Monsi, N.Y.: Hotsaʼat sefarim Shibole ha-leḳeṭ.
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    Faraʼits al-ḳulub.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1919 - [Djerba,: Edited by Sitruk, Haī, [From Old Catalog] & Yehudah ibn Tibon.
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  41. Ḥovot ha-levavot: ʻim hosafot beʼurim ṿe-ʻiyunim.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 2021 - Bene Beraḳ: Irgun Orḥot yosher. Edited by Lipa Felman & Yehudah ibn Tibon.
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  42. Ḥovot ha-levavot le-Rabenu Baḥya: ʻim hosafot beʼurim ṿe-ʻiyunim: sefer limud yomi.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 9999 - Bene Beraḳ: Irgun "Orḥot Yosher". Edited by Lipa Felman.
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  43. (2 other versions)Ḥovot ha-levavot.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1911 - Edited by Yehudah ibn Tibon, Raphael ben Zechariah Mendel & Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda.
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  44. Ḳunṭres Orot ha-levavot: liḳuṭim yeḳarim maʼamarim nivḥarim... mi-tokh Sefer "Ḥovot ha-levavot"..Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 2013 - [Brooklyn, NY]: Chaim Dovid Arndt. Edited by Chaim Dovid Arndt.
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  45. Ḳunṭres Tokhaḥat musar.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 2002 - Bruḳlin, N.Y.: Mekhon "Bet avot". Edited by Eliʻezer Palṭiʼel Roiṭblaṭ.
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    Los deberes de los corazones.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1994 - Madrid: Fundación Universitaria Española. Edited by Joaquín Lomba Fuentes.
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    Les Devoirs du cœur.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1972 - [Paris],: Desclée De Brouwer. Edited by André Chouraqui.
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  48. Obi︠a︡zannosti serdt︠s︡a =.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1992 - Yerushalayim: Amanah.
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  49. Prolegomena zu einer erstmaligen herausgabe des kitāb Al-hidāja ʾila farā ʾiḍ al-qulūb.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 1904 - Frankfurt a. M.,: J. Kauffmann; [etc., etc.]. Edited by Abraham Shalom Yahuda.
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  50. Sefer Ḥovat ha-levavot: Shaʻar ha-biṭahon: ʻim beʼur yafeh ha-shaṿeh le-khol nefesh.Baḥya ben Joseph ibn Paḳuda - 2016 - [London]: [Yaʻaḳoṿ Doṿid Domb]. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Daṿid Domb.
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