Results for 'Non‐native speakers'

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  1. Philosophy and the Non-Native Speaker Condition.Saray Ayala-López - 2015 - American Philosophical Association Newsletter in Feminism and Philosophy 14 (2).
    In this note, my aim is to point out a phenomenon that has not received much attention; a phenomenon that, in my opinion, should not be overlooked in the professional practice of philosophy, especially within feminist efforts for social justice. I am referring to the way in which being a non-native speaker of English interacts with the practice of philosophy.1 There is evidence that non-native speakers are often perceived in prejudiced ways. Such prejudiced perception causes harm and, more importantly, (...)
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    Право На Корегування Мови: Влада Native Speaker Над Non-Native Speaker.Володимир Панов - 2021 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 65:40-50.
    Стаття присвячена питанню, як native speaker реалізує свою владу над non-native speaker. Дослідження виконано в рамках теорії лінгвістичного імперіалізму. Для розкриття цих відносин вводиться концепт права на корегування. Для описання фігур native speaker та non-native speaker звертаємося до дослідників лінгвістичного імперіалізму, зокрема Р. Філліпсона, Ю. Цуди тощо. Вказується, що стандартним поглядом на панування native speaker є соціально-економічний, де native speaker постає як фігура, довкола якої концентруються можливості економічної взаємодії та економічний профіт. Натомість, право на корегування демонструє владу native speaker на (...)
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    (1 other version)Comprehending non-native speakers: theory and evidence for adjustment in manner of processing.Shiri Lev-Ari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Who are the non-native speakers of English? A critical discourse analysis of global ELT textbooks.Zulma Xiomara Rueda García & Encarna Atienza Cerezo - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):281-296.
    As the demand for English language skills among non-native speakers globally has grown steadily so too has the number of ‘global textbooks’ for ELT aimed at a world market. Concurrently, critical perspectives of the expansion of English have begun to challenge the view that native speaker contexts ‘own’ English. Based on the aforementioned, and on reflective approaches to culture, our objective is to analyze critically the representations of speakers of English as a second or foreign language offered by (...)
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    The Unforeseen Consequences of Interacting With Non‐Native Speakers.Shiri Lev-Ari, Emily Ho & Boaz Keysar - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (4):835-849.
    Sociolinguistic research shows that listeners' expectations of speakers influence their interpretation of the speech, yet this is often ignored in cognitive models of language comprehension. Here, we focus on the case of interactions between native and non-native speakers. Previous literature shows that listeners process the language of non-native speakers in less detail, because they expect them to have lower linguistic competence. We show that processing the language of non-native speakers increases lexical competition and access in general, (...)
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    Reading and Curricula for Teaching Arabic to non-Native Speakers.Eassa Abrahem & Khaoula Ez-Zalzouli - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (1):85-94.
    The article aims to shed light on teaching the Arabic language in non¬-Arab countries, especially since the Arabic language it is the main gateway to learning the Qur’an and its sciences, the current reading also aspires of the Arabic language and the reality if its teaching methods to non Arabic speakers, and the obstacles the prevent the educational process from being achieved. The article also shows the role of reading in teaching the Arabic language to non-native speakers, reading (...)
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    Tracking Object-State Representations During Real-Time Language Comprehension by Native and Non-native Speakers of English.Xin Kang & Haoyan Ge - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The present “visual world” eye-tracking study examined the time-course of how native and non-native speakers keep track of implied object-state representations during real-time language processing. Fifty-two native speakers of English and 46 non-native speakers with advanced English proficiency joined this study. They heard short stories describing a target object either having undergone a substantial change-of-state or a minimal change-of-state while their eye movements toward competing object-states and two unrelated distractors were tracked. We found that both groups successfully (...)
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    Different Neural Responses for Unfinished Sentence as a Conventional Indirect Refusal Between Native and Non-native Speakers: An Event-Related Potential Study.Min Wang, Shingo Tokimoto, Ge Song, Takashi Ueno, Masatoshi Koizumi & Sachiko Kiyama - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:806023.
    Refusal is considered a face-threatening act (FTA), since it contradicts the inviter’s expectations. In the case of Japanese, native speakers (NS) are known to prefer to leave sentences unfinished for a conventional indirect refusal. Successful comprehension of this indirect refusal depends on whether the addressee is fully conventionalized to the preference for syntactic unfinishedness so that they can identify the true intention of the refusal. Then, non-native speakers (NNS) who are not fully accustomed to the convention may be (...)
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    How Pause Duration Influences Impressions of English Speech: Comparison Between Native and Non-native Speakers.Shimeng Liu, Yoshitaka Nakajima, Lihan Chen, Sophia Arndt, Maki Kakizoe, Mark A. Elliott & Gerard B. Remijn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:778018.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the subjective impression of English speech would change when pause duration at punctuation marks was varied. Two listening experiments were performed in which written English speech segments were rated on a variety of evaluation items by both native-English speakers and non-native speakers (native-Chinese speakers and native-Japanese speakers). The ratings were then subjected to factor analysis. In the first experiment, the pauses in three segments were made into the (...)
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    Difficulties of perception of sounding speech in Russian by schoolchildren-non-native speakers.Elena Alekseevna Zhelezniakova & Polina Vasilevna Novikova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):230-235.
    The article reveals the problems of listening comprehension in a foreign-language audience, in particular, by students who are non-native speakers. The theoretical part is a brief characteristic of listening as a type of speech activity: the content of the term, its internal components – the psychophysiological mechanisms involved, the difficulties associated with them. In the practical part the authors of the article demonstrate exercises from the purposefully developed lesson on the removal of difficulties in the perception of sounding speech (...)
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  11. Examining the Translations of Forough Farrokhzad’s Selected Poems by a Native and a Non-Native Speaker Using Vinay and Darbelnet’s Model.Enayat A. Shabani - 2019 - Journal of Language and Translation 9 (1):77-91.
    This study was a Persian-English comparative translation investigation on the selected poems of Forough- Farrokhzad, an influential contemporary Iranian poet. Two English translations were analyzed: one by a native Persian speaker, Sholeh Wolpé, an Iranian poet and translator, and the other by a non-native Persian speaker, Jascha Kessler, an American poet, writer and translator. The translations were reviewed according to Vinay and Darbelnet’s(1995) model which identifies two general translation strategies: direct and oblique, resembling literal versus free classifications, respectively, along with (...)
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    Pragmatics and social meaning: Understanding under-informativeness in native and non-native speakers.Sarah Fairchild, Ariel Mathis & Anna Papafragou - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104171.
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    Sins of omission are more likely to be forgiven in non-native speakers.Sarah Fairchild & Anna Papafragou - 2018 - Cognition 181 (C):80-92.
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  14. Exploring research practices with non-native English speakers: A reflective case study.Marilys Galindo, Teresa Solorzano & Julie Neisler - 2025 - Journal of Responsible Technology 21 (C):100109.
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    Semantic effects on the perception of emotional prosody in native and non-native Chinese speakers.Cheng Xiao & Jiang Liu - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    While previous research has found an in-group advantage (IGA) favouring native speakers in emotional prosody perception over non-native speakers, the effects of semantics on emotional prosody perception remain unclear. This study investigated the effects of semantics on emotional prosody perception in Chinese words and sentences for native and non-native Chinese speakers. The critical manipulation was the congruence of prosodic (positive, negative) and semantic (positive, negative, and neutral) valence. Participants listened to a series of audio clips and judged (...)
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    The use of okay, right and yeah in academic lectures by native speaker lecturers: Their ‘anticipated’ and ‘real’ meanings.Zarina Othman - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (5):665-681.
    This article demonstrates the ‘patterning’ of the ways discourse markers such as okay, right and yeah are used in academic lectures by native speaker lecturers. It presents an analysis of a) what the lecturers thought they would say and b) what they actually say in comparison to what the lecturers actually do say. In other words, it focuses on the differences between expectations of what would be said and speech, that is, what is actually said.The data comprise verbatim lecture transcriptions (...)
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    Heritage Speakers as Part of the Native Language Continuum.Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou, Shanley Allen, Oliver Bunk, Natalia Gagarina, Kateryna Iefremenko, Maria Martynova, Tatiana Pashkova, Vicky Rizou, Christoph Schroeder, Anna Shadrova, Luka Szucsich, Rosemarie Tracy, Wintai Tsehaye, Sabine Zerbian & Yulia Zuban - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    We argue for a perspective on bilingual heritage speakers as native speakers of both their languages and present results from a large-scale, cross-linguistic study that took such a perspective and approached bilinguals and monolinguals on equal grounds. We targeted comparable language use in bilingual and monolingual speakers, crucially covering broader repertoires than just formal language. A main database was the open-access RUEG corpus, which covers comparable informal vs. formal and spoken vs. written productions by adolescent and adult (...)
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    (1 other version)Women’s images and gender equality in Arabic textbooks for non-Arabic speakers: A case study on Al-Asas in Sudan.Yuyun R. Uyuni, Erni Haryanti & Izzuddin Izzuddin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):12.
    The purpose of this article was to analyse gender biases from the wider range of gender discussion written in Arabic textbooks Al-Asas volumes 1, 2 and 3, published by Sinan Al-Alamiyyah in Sudan. This research employed a qualitative approach with the implementation of critical discourse analysis (CDA). The results showed that unjust descriptions of female characters usually appear in textbooks: pictures of women as second-class and illustrations of gender bias. The pictures were always dominant among members of the community. Furthermore, (...)
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  19. Introduction to "Linguistic Justice and Analytic Philosophy".Filippo Contesi & Enrico Terrone - 2018 - Philosophical Papers 47 (1):1-20.
    In recent years, increasing attention has been devoted to the underrepresentation, exclusion or outright discrimination experienced by women and members of other visible minority groups in academic philosophy. Much of this debate has focused on the state of contemporary Anglophone philosophy, which is dominated by the tradition of analytic philosophy. Moreover, there is growing interest in academia and society more generally for issues revolving around linguistic justice and linguistic discrimination (sometimes called ‘linguicism’ or ‘languagism’) (see e.g. Van Parijs 2011). Globalization (...)
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  20. Native Language Attrition or Expansion? Considerations About Lexical Reverse Transfer: A Case Study.Zofia Chłopek - 2024 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 69 (1):459-487.
    A bi- or multilingual repertoire is a complex and dynamic system of languages (Herdina & Jessner, 2002; Herwig, 2001; Larsen-Freeman & Cameron, 2008; Stotz & Cardoso, 2022) which interact with each other and with the conceptual system (Kroll & Stewart, 1994; Pavlenko, 2009). Importantly, fluent and regularly used native languages are not spared from the influence of later acquired non-native ones. The paper presents the results of a case study conducted with a native speaker of Polish with three additional languages: (...)
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    Do Bilinguals Automatically Activate Their Native Language When They Are Not Using It?Albert Costa, Mario Pannunzi, Gustavo Deco & Martin J. Pickering - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1629-1644.
    Most models of lexical access assume that bilingual speakers activate their two languages even when they are in a context in which only one language is used. A critical piece of evidence used to support this notion is the observation that a given word automatically activates its translation equivalent in the other language. Here, we argue that these findings are compatible with a different account, in which bilinguals “carry over” the structure of their native language to the non-native language (...)
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    Age of Onset and Dominance in the Choice of Subject Anaphoric Devices: Comparing Natives and Near-Natives of Two Null-Subject Languages.Elisa Di Domenico & Ioli Baroncini - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:379082.
    Several studies have highlighted the role of cross- linguistic influence in determining the over-use of overt subject pronouns in near- native speakers of a null- subject language as Italian. In this work we inquire on the role of other factors, such as age of onset of exposure and dominance with respect to the choice of subject anaphoric devices in two null-subject languages by bilingual speakers. In order to do so we first single out two languages, Italian and Greek, (...)
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    In my professor’s eyes: Faculty and perceived impoliteness in student emails.Hamed Zandi & Iftikhar Haider - 2022 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 18 (1):197-222.
    Impoliteness in student emails to faculty can have negative consequences. However, the nuances of perceived impoliteness by faculty with different language backgrounds have not been thoroughly studied in the literature. This paper explores how emails written by non-native English-speaking students are perceived impolite by faculty depending on social identity variables such as native speaker status, gender, and seniority. Participants read six emails and rated their perceptions of the emails on a questionnaire. The items on the questionnaire were about lack of (...)
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  24. Stylistic Appearances and Linguistic Diversity.Filippo Contesi - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (5):661-675.
    Contemporary philosophy is beginning to pay to problems of linguistic justice the attention that they deserve in today’s heavily interconnected world. However, contemporary philosophy, as a part of today’s world, has problems of linguistic justice of its own which deserve meta-philosophical attention. At least in the philosophical tradition that is mainstream in much of the world today, viz. analytic philosophy, methodological and sociological mechanisms make it the case that the voices of non-native-speaking philosophers are substantially less heard. In this essay, (...)
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    Language Separation in Bidialectal Speakers: Evidence From Eye Tracking.Björn Lundquist & Øystein A. Vangsnes - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:369862.
    The aim of this study was to find out how people process the dialectal variation encountered in the daily linguistic input. We conducted an eye tracking study (Visual Word Paradigm) that targeted the predictive processing of grammatical gender markers. Three different groups of Norwegian speakers took part in the experiment: one group of students from the capital Oslo, and two groups of dialect speakers from the Western Norwegian town Sogndal. One Sogndal group was defined as ``stable dialect (...)'', and one as ``unstable dialect speakers'', based on a background questionnaire. The students participated in two eye tracking experiments each, one conducted in the their own dialect, and one in the other dialect (i.e., Sogn dialect for the Oslo students, and Oslo dialect for the Sogndal students). The gender systems in the two dialects differ: the Sogn dialect makes an obligatory three-gender split (Masculine, Feminine and Neuter) whereas the Oslo dialect only obligatorily makes a two gender distinction. The research question was whether speakers could use gender markers to predict the upcoming target noun in both local and non-local dialect mode, and furthermore, if they correctly could adjust their expectations based on dialect mode. The results showed that the Sogn speakers could predict upcoming linguistic material both in the local and Oslo dialect, but only the stable group were able to adjust their predictions based on the dialect mode. The unstable group applied a more general Oslo-compatible parsing to both the local and the non-local dialect. The Oslo speakers on the other hand were able to use gender markers as predictors only in their own dialect. We argue that the stable Sogn group should be treated as a bilingual group, as they show native-like skills in both varieties, while the unstable Sogn group can be seen as accommodated monolinguals, in that they treat the two varieties as sharing an underspecified grammar. The Oslo group on the other hand lacks sufficient competence in the other dialect to make use of grammatical markers to make predictions. (shrink)
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    A multimodal cognitive approach to aid the conceptualization of Spanish utterances with ‘se’.Renia Lopez-Ozieblo - 2020 - Cognitive Linguistics 31 (4):677-710.
    Most native speakers of Spanish are intuitively able to construct correct structures with the marker ‘se’. On the other hand, non-native speakers, even those at advanced proficiency levels, have difficulties producing most constructions with ‘se’. This is hardly surprising as the marker ‘se’, one of the most common words in Spanish, can convey highly pragmatic nuances with a variety of functions that are still much debated among linguists. This study analyses some of the most used functions of the (...)
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    Medical-Focused Computer Program for Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language for Medical Purposes.Dr Wael Matar Al-Harbi - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:814-831.
    The study sets out to develop an online course for medical professionals who are not native Arabic speakers. The present study relied on a questionnaire developed by reviewing relevant theoretical literature and prior research in order to apply descriptive and analytical methods to accomplish the study's aims. The researcher sent an online questionnaire to a large number of healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, lab techs, and radiology technicians. The objective of this survey is to learn about the linguistic communication (...)
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    The Effect of Speech Variability on Tonal Language Speakers’ Second Language Lexical Tone Learning.Kaile Zhang, Gang Peng, Yonghong Li, James W. Minett & William S.-Y. Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Speech variability facilitates non-tonal language speakers’ lexical tone learning. However, it remains unknown whether tonal language speakers can also benefit from speech variability while learning second language (L2) lexical tones. Researchers also reported that the effectiveness of speech variability was only shown on learning new items. Considering that the first language (L1) and L2 probably share similar tonal categories, the present study hypothesizes that speech variability only promotes the tonal language speakers’ acquisition of L2 tones that are (...)
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    Globalized Parochialism: Consequences of English as Lingua Franca in Philosophy of Science.Gereon Wolters - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (2):189-200.
    In recent decades, English has become the uncontestable lingua franca of philosophy of science and of most other areas of philosophy and of the humanities. To have a lingua franca produces enormous benefits for the entire scientific community. The price for those benefits, however, is paid almost exclusively by non-native speakers of English. Section 1 identifies three asymmetries that individual NoNES researchers encounter: ‘publication asymmetry’, ‘resources asymmetry’, and ‘team asymmetry’. Section 2 deals with ‘globalized parochialism asymmetry’: thanks to English (...)
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    The effect of simultaneous exposure on the attention selection and integration of segments and lexical tones by Urdu-Cantonese bilingual speakers.Jinghong Ning, Gang Peng, Yi Liu & Yingnan Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the perceptual learning of lexical tones, an automatic and robust attention-to-phonology system enables native tonal listeners to adapt to acoustically non-optimal speech, such as phonetic conflicts in daily communications. Previous tone research reveals that non-native listeners who do not linguistically employ lexical tones in their mother tongue may find it challenging to attend to the tonal dimension or integrate it with the segmental features. However, it is unknown whether the attentional interference initially caused by a maternal attentional system would (...)
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    How to Fight Linguistic Injustice in Science: Equity Measures and Mitigating Agents.Aleksandra Vučković & Vlasta Sikimić - 2022 - Social Epistemology (1):1-17.
    Though a common language of science allows for easier communication of the results among researchers, the use of lingua franca also comes with the cost of losing some of the diverse ideas and results arising from the plurality of languages. Following Quine’s famous thesis about the indeterminacy of translation, we elaborate on the inherent loss of diverse ideas when only one language of science is used. Non-native speakers sometimes experience epistemic injustice due to their language proficiency and consequently, their (...)
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    Adult Learning and Language Simplification.Mark Atkinson, Kenny Smith & Simon Kirby - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2818-2854.
    Languages spoken in larger populations are relatively simple. A possible explanation for this is that languages with a greater number of speakers tend to also be those with higher proportions of non‐native speakers, who may simplify language during learning. We assess this explanation for the negative correlation between population size and linguistic complexity in three experiments, using artificial language learning techniques to investigate both the simplifications made by individual adult learners and the potential for such simplifications to (...)
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    Examining and improving inclusive practice in institutional academic integrity policies, procedures, teaching and support.Mary Davis - 2022 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 18 (1).
    This research aimed to analyse inclusive practice in academic integrity in the teaching, support, policies and procedures involved at one UK HE institution. Data was collected through two sets of stakeholder interviews: three students from disadvantaged groups who had experienced academic conduct investigations; eleven staff with key roles in academic integrity. A third set of data comprised four institutional academic integrity documents which were analysed in terms of meeting Universal Design for Learning principles for inclusion. The four main findings emerging (...)
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    A cross-linguistic study on the interpretation of pronouns by children and agrammatic speakers: Evidence from Dutch, Spanish and Italian.Esther Ruigendijk, Sergio Baauw, Shalom Zuckerman, Nada Vasic, Joke de Lange & Sergey Avrutin - 2011 - In Edward Gibson & Neal J. Pearlmutter, The Processing and Acquisition of Reference. MIT Press.
    Both young children and agrammatic aphasic speakers have difficulty interpreting pronouns, but not reflexive elements. This phenomenon is known as the delay of Principle B effect in language acquisition. The interpretation of pronouns is non-adult-like for children and disturbed in agrammatic aphasia, yet there is evidence that interpretation of pronouns is not always problematic for these populations and that it seems to be governed by linguistic principles. This chapter examines the linguistic principles underlying the interpretation of pronouns and reflexives (...)
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    Other-repetition as display of hearing, understanding and emotional stance.Jan Svennevig - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (4):489-516.
    In this article, other-repetition after informing statements is investigated in a corpus of institutional encounters between native Norwegian clerks and non-native clients. Such repetition is used to display receipt of information. A plain repeat with falling intonation is described as a display of hearing, whereas a repeat plus a final response particle, ‘ja’, constitutes a claim of understanding. Repeats with high-tone response particles in addition display emotional stance, such as surprise or interest, and these are primarily exploited for the purposes (...)
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    Individual Chunking Ability Predicts Efficient or Shallow L2 Processing: Eye-Tracking Evidence From Multiword Units in Relative Clauses.Manuel F. Pulido - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Behavioral studies on language processing rely on the eye-mind assumption, which states that the time spent looking at text is an index of the time spent processing it. In most cases, relatively shorter reading times are interpreted as evidence of greater processing efficiency. However, previous evidence from L2 research indicates that non-native participants who present fast reading times are not always more efficient readers, but rather shallow parsers. Because earlier studies did not identify a reliable predictor of variability in L2 (...)
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    Structure, Style, and Usage.K. S. Yadurajan - 2005 - Oxford University Press India.
    This volume, a companion to the author's earlier book Current English, comprehensively covers points of structure, style, and usage in the English language. An invaluable guide, it explains issues of grammar that baffle the non-native speaker and pose problems even for native speakers, in a witty and accessible manner.
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    Easy-read and large language models: on the ethical dimensions of LLM-based text simplification.Nils Freyer, Hendrik Kempt & Lars Klöser - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-10.
    The production of easy-read and plain language is a challenging task, requiring well-educated experts to write context-dependent simplifications of texts. Therefore, the domain of easy-read and plain language is currently restricted to the bare minimum of necessary information. Thus, even though there is a tendency to broaden the domain of easy-read and plain language, the inaccessibility of a significant amount of textual information excludes the target audience from partaking or entertainment and restricts their ability to live life autonomously. Large language (...)
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    Understanding, testimony and interpretation in psychiatric diagnosis.Tim Thornton, Ajit Shah & Philip Thomas - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (1):49-55.
    Psychiatric diagnosis depends, centrally, on the transmission of patients’ knowledge of their experiences and symptoms to clinicians by testimony. In the case of non-native speakers, the need for linguistic interpretation raises significant practical problems. But determining the best practical approach depends on determining the best underlying model of both testimony and knowledge itself. Internalist models of knowledge have been influential since Descartes. But they cannot account for testimony. Since knowledge by testimony is possible, and forms the basis of psychiatric (...)
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    How the initiation and resolution of repair sequences act as a device for the co-construction of membership and identity.Amanda Huensch - 2017 - Pragmatics and Society 8 (3):355-376.
    This conversation analytic paper investigates how speakers self-position or are other-positioned as members of a certain social group through other-initiated repair. Findings illustrate the complexity of linguistic membership categories by demonstrating that they continually shift depending on local interactional goals and documenting how shifts are accomplished. The different levels and types of linguistic and cultural knowledge that are invoked in instances of repair on specific lexical items demonstrate the complexity of linguistic membership categorization, and this indicates a need to (...)
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    Relative Difficulty of Understanding Foreign Accents as a Marker of Proficiency.Shiri Lev‐Ari, Marieke Heugten & Sharon Peperkamp - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (4):1106-1118.
    Foreign-accented speech is generally harder to understand than native-accented speech. This difficulty is reduced for non-native listeners who share their first language with the non-native speaker. It is currently unclear, however, how non-native listeners deal with foreign-accented speech produced by speakers of a different language. We show that the process of language acquisition is associated with an increase in the relative difficulty of processing foreign-accented speech. Therefore, experiencing greater relative difficulty with foreign-accented speech compared with native speech is a (...)
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    Teaching Arabic Vocabulary Through Dialogue and Its Procedures for Learners of Arabic as a Foreign Language.Dr Asem Shehadeh Ali, Dr Mohammad Ali Mousa Ibnian & Nur Sakinah Binti Zulkifli - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1451-1459.
    Dialogue is one of the fundamental pillars of social life and an essential means of communication. It enables individuals to express their needs, desires, feelings, positions, problems, and methods for managing various aspects of their lives. Furthermore, dialogue fosters the development of ideas and experiences, facilitating expression, creativity, and participation in a civilized society. Through dialogue, communication and interaction with others occur. This study aims to explore effective methods for teaching the Arabic language through dialogue and its application to non-native (...)
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    Perceptual Restoration of Temporally Distorted Speech in L1 vs. L2: Local Time Reversal and Modulation Filtering.Mako Ishida, Takayuki Arai & Makio Kashino - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Speech is intelligible even when the temporal envelope of speech is distorted. The current study investigates how native and non-native speakers perceptually restore temporally distorted speech. Participants were native English speakers (NS), and native Japanese speakers who spoke English as a second language (NNS). In Experiment 1, participants listened to “locally time-reversed speech” where every x-ms of speech signal was reversed on the temporal axis. Here, the local time reversal shifted the constituents of the speech signal forward (...)
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    Effects of L1-L2 congruency, collocation type, and restriction on processing L2 collocations.Ying Jiang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:947725.
    The present study investigated the effects of L1-L2 congruency, collocation type, and restriction on L2 collocational processing. Advanced Chinese learners of English and native English-speaking controls performed an online acceptability judgment task to investigate how advanced L2 learners processed congruent (sharing the same meaning and structure in L1 language) collocations and English-only (not equivalent in L1 construction) collocations with the same node (right) word and a different collocate (left). The experimental materials included verb-noun (VN), adjective-noun (AN) collocations, free (less fixed), (...)
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    Explanatory Discourse in Young Second Language Learners’ Peer Play.Vibeke Grøver Aukrust - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (3):393-412.
    This article investigates young second language learners’ participation in explanatory discourse during peer play in preschools. Twenty-seven 5-year-old Turkish-speaking children in Norwegian preschools were studied in peer play. Characteristics of conversational moves and of various explanatory types, as well as how such types were related to children’s academic language skills in Turkish and Norwegian were examined. Children, both native and non-native speakers of Norwegian, mostly produced explanations spontaneously, while requests for explanations occurred only occasionally. Second language learners who attended (...)
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    Vowel acoustics of Nungon child-directed speech, adult dyadic conversation, and foreigner-directed monologues.Hannah S. Sarvasy, Weicong Li, Jaydene Elvin & Paola Escudero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In many communities around the world, speech to infants and small children has increased mean pitch, increased pitch range, increased vowel duration, and vowel hyper-articulation when compared to speech directed to adults. Some of these IDS and CDS features are also attested in foreigner-directed speech, which has been studied for a smaller range of languages, generally major national languages, spoken by millions of people. We examined vowel acoustics in CDS, conversational ADS, and monologues directed to a foreigner in the Towet (...)
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    Revisiting English as a Foreign Language vs English Lingua Franca : The Case for Pronunciation.Wafa Zoghbor - 2018 - Intellectual Discourse 26 (2):829-858.
    The spread of English as the world lingua franca has evoked the rethinking of the significance of native-speaker norms and models in teaching English, and as a result, the target of pronunciation teaching and learning has shifted from imitating native accents to achieving speech intelligibility. The Lingua Franca Core proposal introduced a list of phonological features in English that are, arguably, the minimum required to achieve intelligibility and argued that mispronouncing these features is expected to cause a breakdown in communication (...)
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    English Word and Pseudoword Spellings and Phonological Awareness: Detailed Comparisons From Three L1 Writing Systems.Katherine I. Martin, Emily Lawson, Kathryn Carpenter & Elisa Hummer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Spelling is a fundamental literacy skill facilitating word recognition and thus higher-level reading abilities via its support for efficient text processing (Adams, 1990; Joshi et al., 2008; Perfetti and Stafura, 2014). However, relatively little work examines second language (L2) spelling in adults, and even less work examines learners from different first language (L1) writing systems. This is despite the fact that the influence of L1 writing system on L2 literacy skills is well documented (Hudson, 2007; Koda and Zehler, 2008; Grabe, (...)
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    Communication, Efficiency, and Fairness in the European Union.Isaac Taylor - 2016 - Public Affairs Quarterly 30 (2):129-147.
    Political integration in the European Union creates the need for a common means of communication among the various linguistic communities in Europe. One way of meeting this need is unilingualism: the use of a single language as a "lingua franca". While this option has been thought to be efficient, this does not mean that we should necessarily choose it. This paper argues that a unilinual Europe will inevitably be unfair despite recent attempts to show otherwise, since non-native speakers of (...)
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    Problems with Pronunciation Among Students of English Language and Literature-Seeu.Arta Toçi - 2020 - Seeu Review 15 (2):113-125.
    Everybody who has learned English as a second or foreign language knows that for reaching intermediate levels, English is an easy language regarding grammar and vocabulary; however, when reaching advanced levels, the learners are faced with complex forms of morphology, syntax, and most obviously, they are faced with the difficulties that pronunciation presents. These are mainly the problems that occur with the English students whose native language is other than English. An experienced teacher of non-native speakers of English can (...)
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