Results for 'Nona Momeni'

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  1.  13
    “Between a rock and a hard place”:: Women's professional organizations in nursing and class, racial, and ethnic inequalities.Nona Y. Glazer - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (3):351-372.
    Surveying job segmentation within nursing, this article analyzes attempts by professional registered nurses and nursing educators to resist the deskilling of nursing. In so doing, they have reinforced race and class segmentation within nursing. The article concludes with a discussion of class, race, and gender stratification and suggests that resistance to deskilling may reinforce inequalities among women.
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    Why executives won't talk with their people.Nona Lyons & Robert Saltonstall - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (9):671 - 680.
    Three years ago Robert Saltonstall, Jr., Associate Vice President for Operations at Harvard University, faced an increasingly common problem in business and institutions today when he severed 68 long-service, wage employees to solve a problem of low productivity in a particular trade group. He did this using relatively conventional and creative techniques. But now three years later, he asked Nona Lyons of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, who is researching the ethical dimensions of executives' decisions, to assist him (...)
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    Effects of Multi-Muscle Electrical Stimulation and Stand Training on Stepping for an Individual With SCI.Kamyar Momeni, Arvind Ramanujam, Manikandan Ravi, Erica Garbarini & Gail F. Forrest - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Nurses' professional commitment in COVID-19 crisis: A qualitative study.Maryam Momeni & Marzieh Khatooni - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (3):449-461.
    Background: Professional commitment is an important factor in employee performance. COVID-19 outbreak has seriously affected the nurses working conditions. Numerous factors can affect nurses' professional commitment in this situation. Aim: To explore the nurses' lived experiences, attitudes, views and perceptions toward professional commitment and factors affecting it in the Covid-19 crisis. Method, Setting and Participants: This qualitative study was conducted using phenomenological approach and content analysis method. Twenty-five nurses were interviewed using semi structured in-depth interviews. Conventional content analysis was used (...)
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    Незаконное присвоение или вымогательство наркотического средства, его аналога либо прекурсора, а также психотропного вещества, его аналога или сильнодействующего вещества.Nona Todua - 2003 - GISAP: Jurisprudence 2:3-12.
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    The Role of Economic and Legal Factors in the Emergence of the Street Children Phenomenon in Khorram Abad, Lorestan Province - Survey in 2015.Javad Momeni, Rasoul Mohsenzadeh, Tahereh Mohsenzadeh & Rasoul Zarchini - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 77:56-65.
    Publication date: 14 June 2017 Source: Author: Javad Momeni, Rasoul Mohsenzadeh, Tahereh Mohsenzadeh, Rasoul Zarchini In this research, we have studied the population of street children in Khorram Abad in Iran, in 2015, with the emphasis on the role of economic and legal factors forcing children to work on the streets. The results of this research show that the issue of child labor is the consequence of both global and local matters. These children are the products of the urban (...)
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  7.  18
    The home as workshop:: Women as amateur nurses and medical care providers.Nona Y. Glazer - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (4):479-499.
    The high-tech health service work done by amateur family caregivers in U.S. homes challenges the conventional division of the social world into public and private. Under new federal reimbursement systems, the diagnosis-related groups, patients are being discharged sicker than before from hospitals and nursing homes, or after treatments in outpatient clinics. Health care facilities depend on a work transfer, shifting their earlier responsibilities for the sick to the family. There, women family members do for free the work once done by (...)
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  8. Comparision of personality features of people involved in sexual identity disorder and normal persons.Javid Mehravar Momeni & Kazemi Mehrangiz Shoaa - 2012 - Social Research (Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch) 4 (13):81-94.
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  9. Non-Identity and Parodoxicality in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber.Mohammadi Abolfazl & Momeni Javad - 2017 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 75:32-40.
    Publication date: 26 January 2017 Source: Author: Abolfazl Mohammadi, Javad Momeni Angela Carter in her famous short story, The Bloody Chamber, depicts a protagonist whose identity seems to be a predetermined sign in a signifying loop from which she can make no escape. In the first part of our paper, we attempt to show how The protagonist’s ensuing psychological tension is aggravated by the conflict which she feels between her ideal ego and her ego-ideal and which leads her to (...)
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    The effects of entrepreneurial orientation, market orientation and learning orientation on performance of ICT business.Tayebeh Nikraftar & Shanly Momeni - 2017 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 10 (4):378.
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    Fair framings: arts and culture festivals as sites for technical innovation.Nona Schulte-Römer - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):151-165.
    The fascination and thrill of arts festivals relates to their capacity to host the unexpected, surprising and new. The economic model of novelty bundling markets presents a rare attempt to account for the potential impact of festivals on innovation. Its cognitive conception of festivals as sites of economic evolution offers a point of departure for this paper. The economic model is criticised and further developed, especially in two respects, drawing on sociological studies on science, technology and society and on empirical (...)
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    Remaking Participatory Democracy through Experimental Design. [REVIEW]Nona Schulte-Römer & Matthias Gross - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (4):707-718.
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    Symptoms of Selective Mutism in Non-clinical 3- to 6-Year-Old Children: Relations With Social Anxiety, Autistic Features, and Behavioral Inhibition. [REVIEW]Peter Muris, Nona Monait, Lotte Weijsters & Thomas H. Ollendick - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Selective mutism is a psychiatric condition that is characterized by a failure to speak in specific social situations despite speaking normally in other situations. There is abundant evidence that anxiety, and social anxiety in particular, is a prominent feature of SM, which is the main reason why this condition is currently classified as an anxiety disorder. Meanwhile, there is increasing support for the notion that autism-related problems are also involved in SM. The present study examined the relations between SM and (...)
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  14. JME Referees in 2000.Mary Lou Arnold, Cary Buzzelli, David Carr, Shui Che Fok, Eileen Francis, Sarah Golden, Maria Cristina Moreno Gutiérrez, Graham McFee, Larry Nucci & Nona Lyons - 2001 - Journal of Moral Education 30 (2).
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    “The great unspoken shame of UK Higher Education”: addressing inequalities of attainment.Fiona Mary Ross, John Christian Tatam, Annie Livingston Hughes, Owen Paul Beacock & Nona McDuff - 2018 - African Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1).
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    Obituary Sally Hacker.Joseph Schneider, Rae Goodell, Nona Glazer, Cynthia Cockburn, Carol Brown & Roslyn Feldberg - 1989 - Science, Technology and Human Values 14 (2):221-223.
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    Ideology and Extreme Protests.Virgil Henry Storr, Michael R. Romero & Nona Martin Storr - 2024 - Social Philosophy and Policy 41 (1):44-61.
    Ideology can be understood as a type of cultural system, a set of interrelated meanings that are symbolically mediated through semiotic devices such as metaphors. Ideologies underlie social orders as well as help people make sense of their environment and decide on courses of action. While much has been said about ideology, little has been written on the sources of ideological change beyond pointing to ideological entrepreneurship. Even less has been written on the relationship between violent and disruptive social movements (...)
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  18. La nona lettera di Romano Guardini. Il presente e il futuro dell'uomo.Raffaele Vacca - 2008 - Studium 104 (4):515-520.
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  19. Massimo Mila, La Nona Sinfonia di Beethoven. [REVIEW]Augusto Guzzo - 1975 - Filosofia 26 (4):471.
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    Perenijalna filozofija: u mišljenju René Guénona, Frithjofa Schuona i Seyyeda Hosseina Nasra = Sophia perennis.Nevad Kahteran - 2002 - Sarajevo: el-Kalem.
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    Zum Termin von Poplifugia und Nonae Caprotinae.Rene Pfeilschifter - 2008 - Hermes 136 (1):30-37.
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    Book Review: The Essential Ellen Willis Edited by Nona Willis Aronowitz. [REVIEW]Judith Taylor - 2016 - Gender and Society 30 (5):854-856.
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  23. BAB 3: WARISAN KELUARGA.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama - 2024 - The Kingfisher Story Collection (Indonesian Translation).
    Akhir-akhir ini, komunitas burung dilanda kegelisahan akibat kedatangan beberapa Pelikan yang aneh. Orang-orang ini di sini untuk mencari nafkah. Hanya tiga orang, tapi ini adalah kelompok pekerja keras, memangsa ikan dari pagi hingga tengah malam. Melihat ini, Tuan Pekakak merasa kesemutan dan memutuskan untuk mengadakan suatu pertemuan komunitas saat malam. Untuk menghormatinya, burung-burung, kecuali Nona Bangau, menghilangkan rasa kantuk mereka dan hadir. Pada pertemuan itu, Pekakak meminta semua orang untuk mencela Pelikan dan menyimpulkan bahwa mereka sulit diatur sehingga para (...)
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  24. Social normativism.Jaroslav Peregrin - unknown
    Normativity is one of the keywords of contemporary philosophical discussions (which partly reincarnate traditional debates about the differences between Geisteswissenschaften and Naturwissenschaften ). But are the philosophers who argue for the irreducible role of normativity within accounts for human societies obliged to assume, as Stephen Turner has recently put it, the existence of a "non‐natural, non‐empirical stuff that is claimed to be necessarily, intrinsically there and to in some sense account for the actual"?
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    Arms and the Man: Wordplay and the Catasterism of Chiron in Ovid, Fasti 5.Barbara Weiden Boyd - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):67-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Arms and the Man:Wordplay and the Catasterism of Chiron in Ovid Fasti 5Barbara Weiden BoydIn a recent essay, Ian Brookes has drawn attention to the way in which Ovid's description of the catasterism of Chiron in Fasti 5 "suppresses Chiron's hybrid nature" as centaur "in order to allow us to sympathize with him as a fellow human."1 Brookes also directs us to the ironic ambiguity used by Ovid to (...)
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    Escrituras de la ausencia: las novelas de los hijos de las posdictaduras de Chile y Argentina.Macarena García-Avello - 2019 - Arbor 195 (793):521.
    Las reflexiones en torno a la escritura de acontecimientos traumáticos como fueron las dictaduras chilenas y argentinas genera una serie de aporías que podrían resumirse en las siguientes cuestiones: ¿cómo comprender aquello que sobrepasa toda comprensión?, ¿cómo narrar lo inenarrable?, ¿cómo recomponer los testimonios de acontecimientos desprovistos de testigos? En este ensayo me propongo explorar estos asuntos en relación con cuatro novelas que parten de la ausencia, en tanto el pasado de la dictadura -identificado no solo como irrepresentable, también como (...)
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    Summula philosophiae scholasticae, in usum adolescentium.James Stanislaus Hickey - 1940 - New York: Benziger Fratres [etc.].
    I. Logic et ontologia. Editio nona recognita et adaucta. 1942.--II. Cosmologia et psychologia. Editio octava, recognita et adaucta. 1940.--III. Theodicaea et ethica. Editio septima, recognita et adaucta. 1941.
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    A new Epithet of Juno.J. Whatmough - 1922 - Classical Quarterly 16 (3-4):190-.
    An inscription found in 1912 near Praeneste,1 and now easily accessible in the new edition of Vol. I. of the Corpus of Latin inscriptions , records a dedication in honour of Juno PALOS-CARIA , an epithet previously unknown, and not yet, I believe, satisfactorily explained. Rosenberg's attempted explanation will not secure many adherents, while that of Lommatzsch , who would connect the word with palus -udis, and see an allusion to the ‘paludes Pomptinae,’ involves us in serious, though not insuperable, (...)
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  29.  17
    Memory, literature and law: the witness representation in literature about human rights violations in Chile.Antonia Torres Agüero - 2019 - Alpha (Osorno) 49:65-87.
    Resumen: El presente artículo revisa los usos de la figura del testigo en dos novelas chilenas de reciente publicación: La dimensión desconocida de Nona Fernández y Monte Maravilla de Miguel Lafferte, ambos relatos cuyas tramas están basadas en casos, lugares y personajes históricos reales relacionados con violaciones a los derechos humanos en Chile durante la dictadura pinochetista. En ambos casos, la figura del testigo es compleja e intrincada, ya sea porque es un victimario arrepentido, una niña que se convertirá (...)
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