Results for 'Nova Paul'

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  1. Insolubilia and the fallacy secundum quid et simpliciter.Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Stephen Read - 2008 - Vivarium 46 (2):175-191.
    Thomas Bradwardine makes much of the fact that his solution to the insolubles is in accordance with Aristotle's diagnosis of the fallacy in the Liar paradox as that of secundum quid et simpliciter. Paul Spade, however, claims that this invocation of Aristotle by Bradwardine is purely "honorary" in order to confer specious respectability on his analysis and give it a spurious weight of authority. Our answer to Spade follows Bradwardine's response to the problem of revenge: any proposition saying of (...)
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    Simone de Beauvoir: 50 Jahre nach dem Anderen Geschlecht.Ivanka Raĭnova & Suzanne Moser (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Kaum ein Buch hat so viele und so kontroverse Reaktionen verursacht wie Simone de Beauvoirs "Das Andere Geschlecht". Der Sammelband gibt einen Einblick in die aktuelle internationale Beauvoir-Debatte und die Art und Weise wie das fünfzigjährige Jubiläum des "Anderen Geschlechts" gefeiert wurde. Die Autorinnen versuchen die verschiedenen Grundthemen von Beauvoirs Werk, wie Geschlecht und Körper (D. Lamoureux, M. Couillard, M. L. Femenías), Gleichheit und Differenz (S. Kruks, Y. Raynova, S. Bainbrigge), Ausschluss und Anerkennung (D. Bergoffen, S. Moser), Verantwortung und Engagement (...)
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    A razão e seu outro: expressionismo na Filosofia da nova música de Adorno.Jean-Paul Olive - 2007 - Discurso 37:323-342.
    A Filosofia da nova música de Adorno é muito mais interessante se abordada como uma reflexão sobre as duas correntes de vanguarda que, no século XX, atacaram com mais virulência a ideia de razão: o expressionismo e o surrealismo. A crítica que Adorno opera é, ao mesmo tempo, uma homenagem. Porque, se na luta contra a razão, o expressionismo e o surrealismo aparecem como irracionais, "a arte, diz Adorno, é apesar de tudo a verdade sobre a sociedade, na medida (...)
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    Aristoteles bei Giordano Bruno: Studien zur philosophischen Rezeption.Paul Richard Blum - 1980 - München: Fink.
    Translations: Giordano Bruno Teaches Aristotle. Nordhausen (Bautz) 2016 (Studia Classica et Medievalia 12) ) Giordano Bruno lettore di Aristotele. Ricezione e critica. Lugano (Agorà) 2016 (Novae Insulae: Testi e storia della filosofia 3) .
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    Christ's Male Sexuality and Acting In Persona Christi : A New Argument in Favor of the All-Male Priesthood.Paul Gondreau - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (3):805-844.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Christ's Male Sexuality and Acting In Persona Christi:A New Argument in Favor of the All-Male PriesthoodPaul Gondreau"One must be allowed to think about and discuss the issues.... [And on the issue of women's ordination] the discussion is still with us, it is still alive, and cannot be stifled [ersticken] by a paper [ein Papier]." So declares Archbishop Stefan Hesse of Hamburg, Germany, in the summer of 2020, where "a (...)
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    Ereignis - Événement.Paul Gilbert - 2003 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 59 (4):1023 - 1049.
    A Filosofia francesa foi fortemente influenciada por Heidegger, o que não haveria de acontecer sem algumas polémicas. Uma obra recente de D. Janicaud, Heidegger en France, traça algumas das suas peripécias. O presente artigo debruça-se sobre um ponto particular desta influência. O pensamento está desde há bastante tempo associado em França com o sentido do existir das singularidades, sobretudo pessoais; disso o existencialismo é um sinal evidente. É sem dúvida esta mesma preocupação pela existência que deu lugar a investigações fenomenológicas (...)
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  7. The making of Methuen: the commercial Treaty in the English imagination.Paul Duguid - 2003 - História 4:9-36.
    Though it was a remarkably brief and obscure agreement, the Methuen Commercial Treaty came to exercise an enduring hold over the English imagination as the treaty became a litmus test of political affiliation and national loyalty. Yet the treaty's beginnings were inauspicious. Signed in England in 1703, it remained all but unknown for a decade and in 1713 was almost abandoned in favour of a treaty with France. The attempt to revoke the treaty drew Portugal traders and the "wool interest" (...)
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    Enkele wijsgerig pedagogische beschouwingen over het concept'evaluatie'met betrekking tot het onderwijs.Paul Smeyers - 1993 - Nova et Vetera: Tijdschrift Voor Onderwijs en Opvoeding 71 (1-2):4-15.
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    Onderwijs, overdracht van symbolische betekenissen.Paul Cortois - 2001 - Nova Et Vetera: Revue d'Enseignement Et de Pédagogie 78 (6):449-461.
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  10. What Is Not, Was Not, and Will Never Be: Creaturely Possibility, Divine Ideas and the Creator's Will in Thomas Aquinas.Paul DeHart - 2015 - Nova et Vetera 13 (4).
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    Verdwenen en teruggevonden: De actor van het vormingsproces.Paul Smeyers - 1995 - Nova et Vetera: Tijdschrift Voor Onderwijs en Opvoeding 72 (3):179-201.
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  12. Did Mary Die?: Newman on Sin, Death, and Mary's Mortality.Paul J. Griffiths - 2015 - Nova et Vetera 13 (2).
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  13. Francesco Patrizi in the "Time-Sack": History and Rhetorical Philosophy.Paul Richard Blum - 2000 - Journal of the History of Ideas 61 (1):59-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 61.1 (2000) 59-74 [Access article in PDF] Francesco Patrizi in the "Time-Sack": History and Rhetorical Philosophy * Paul Richard Blum Contemporary theory of history is much concerned with the narrative structure of history, its nature, and its epistemic status. 1 The problem is not only that sources present events mostly wrapped in narrative language but also that temporality is an inherent feature (...)
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    IVF: Mayhem and Murder—Well Disguised.Paul Conner - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):391-402.
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    Cross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria by Mark E. Therrien (review).Jean-Paul Juge - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (1):295-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Cross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria by Mark E. TherrienJean-Paul JugeCross and Creation: A Theological Introduction to Origen of Alexandria by Mark E. Therrien (Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2022), xxii + 303 pp.Although Origen of Alexandria has been misrepresented and maligned since his own lifetime, allies have always arisen to defend him in his stead. Especially after the French Catholic (...)
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  16. The One Christ: St. Augustine's Theology of Deification by David Vincent Meconi, S.J. [REVIEW]Paul J. Griffiths - 2015 - Nova et Vetera 13 (4).
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  17. Présupposés philosophiques et théologie: deux exemples tirés de l'histoire du calvinisme genevois.Paul-Bernard Hodel - 2006 - Nova et Vetera 81 (4):79-89.
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    What Does It Mean to Believe? Faith in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger by Daniel Cardó.Jean-Paul Juge - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):979-981.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:What Does It Mean to Believe? Faith in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger by Daniel CardóJean-Paul JugeWhat Does It Mean to Believe? Faith in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger by Daniel Cardó (Steubenville, OH: Emmaus Academic, 2020), xv + 116 pp.Father Daniel Cardó's book What Does It Mean to Believe? is a concise and penetrating synopsis of Joseph Ratzinger's theology of faith, especially "faith as an act" (...)
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  19. Gaudium et Spes, Luctus et Angor: The Dramatic Character of the Human Condition.Paul Griffiths - 2010 - Nova et Vetera 8:269-281.
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    Looking Death Straight in the Eye: The Wisdom and Witness of the Saints.O. P. Paul Murray - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (3):923-941.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Looking Death Straight in the Eye:The Wisdom and Witness of the SaintsPaul Murray O.P.At the Basilica of San Clemente here in Rome, the tomb which lies directly under the high altar contains, according to received tradition, the relics of both St. Clement of Rome and St. Ignatius of Antioch. Elsewhere, in the San Clemente complex, there is another tomb or sarcophagus, unknown to the public, whose original place may (...)
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  21. The One Christ: St. Augustine's Theology of Deification. [REVIEW]Paul J. Griffiths - 2015 - Nova et Vetera 13 (4).
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    A Nova Evangelização e sua import'ncia para o Brasil.Renato Arnellas Coelho - 2014 - Revista de Teologia 8 (14):225-241.
    The author seeks to understand the meaning and goals of the New Evangelization in a diachronic way as they were exposed mainly by the last popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis and how to relate it to the current Brazilian context that needs urgently new methods of evangelization.
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    A Nova Paróquia e a solicitude pelos pobres: o compromisso cristão no mundo.Rodrigo Fernando Alves - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):94-106.
    The New Parish, beloved by the most recent church documents, meets several challenges for its renewal, among them the caring for the poor. This commitment, the agape expression of Christ, is fundamental in this world in which the seeds of individualism and neo-paganism are gaining strength. Thus, in an exercise of systematic theology that re-connects biblical theology and pastoral, an important way is to look at the caring for the poor in the example of the Apostle Paul. Paul (...)
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  24. Paul K. Moser, The elusive God: reorienting religious epistemology: Cambridge University Press, New York, 2008, xii and 292 pp., $90.00. [REVIEW]J. L. Schellenberg - 2011 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 69 (3):227-232.
    Paul K. Moser, The elusive God: reorienting religious epistemology Content Type Journal Article Pages 227-232 DOI 10.1007/s11153-010-9278-x Authors J. L. Schellenberg, Mount Saint Vincent University, 166 Bedford Hwy., Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3M2J6 Canada Journal International Journal for Philosophy of Religion Online ISSN 1572-8684 Print ISSN 0020-7047 Journal Volume Volume 69 Journal Issue Volume 69, Number 3.
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    Das velhas às novas formas de irracionalismo.John Bellamy Foster - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    Nesta entrevista, realizada em 10 de fevereiro de 2023, John Bellamy Foster fala com Daniel Tutt sobre o trabalho de István Mészáros e Paul Baran, as tendências irracionalistas contemporâneas no pensamento ecológico de esquerda, a intensificação das lutas de classes globais e a relevância contínua de A Destruição da Razão (1952), de Georg Lukács, recentemente reeditado com uma introdução de Enzo Traverso pela Verso em 2021. A entrevista está sendo disponibilizada antes de uma próxima edição especial da Historical Materialism, (...)
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    A memória do Itarendá ressignificando novas territorialidades.Evilania Bento da Cunha & Rosilene Cruz de Araujo - 2018 - Odeere 3 (5):25.
    O presente Relato é resultado dos estudos na disciplina Antropologia Visual, ministrada pelo professor Dr. Flavio Leonel no Programa de mestrado em Linguagens e Saberes na Amazônia da Universidade Federal do Pará, Campus de Bragança. Diante da fundamentação teórica apreciada durante a disciplina pensamos discutir o conceito de memória apresentado por Paul Ricoeur, em que o autor baseia-se em duas perguntas: de que há lembrança? De quem é a memória? Podemos atribuir a esses questionamentos a passagem de paradigma: do (...)
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    Diálogos possíveis entre o pluralismo epistemológico de Paul Feyerabend e a educação científica.André Luiz Pinto & Nestor Cortez Saavedra Filho - 2024 - Filosofia E Educação 14 (3):91-118.
    A questão dos letramentos e da inovação demonstram-se fundamentais em períodos históricos como o atual, onde as práticas de ensino-aprendizagem tornam-se cada vez mais complexas, que requerem novas abordagens teóricas para compreendermos possibilidades alternativas de ensino. Tendo estas questões em mente, este artigo visa indicar relações possíveis entre o antifundacionismo, o pensamento de Paul Feyerabend e os letramentos científicos. Em um primeiro momento indicaremos questões relativas ao antifundacionismo, e em seguida verificaremos como tal questão se efetiva no pensamento de (...)
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  28. John Paul II on the Development of Doctrine.Christopher Kaczor - 2013 - Nova et Vetera 11 (4).
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  29. Paul VI et le cardinal Journet. Aux sources d'une ecclésiologie.J. -P. Torell - 1986 - Nova et Vetera 61 (4):161-174.
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  30. Jean-Paul II et S. Thomas d'Aquin sur l'Eucharistie.Matthew Levering - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 80 (4):7-32.
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  31. John Paul II and Aquinas on the Eucharist.Matthew Levering - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 3:637-660.
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  32. John Paul II and the Renewal of Thomism.Avery Dulles - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 3:443-458.
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  33. Paul Claudel «Le Poète».Pp-M. Emonet - 1999 - Nova et Vetera 74 (1):65-76.
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  34. Paul Claudel et Charles Journet: Paul Claudel-Charles Journet: Correspondance 1934-1950.Michel Cagin - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 80 (2):87-123.
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  35. Paul Claudel et Charles Journet: Lépée d'or et la perle: Entre Claudel et Charles Journet.Michel Cagin - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 80 (2):57-85.
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    Paul and the Gift of Sonship.Isaac Augustine Morales - 2019 - Nova et Vetera 17 (1):215-228.
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    Paul and the Gift: A Mirror for Our Protestant Faces.Matthew J. Thomas - 2019 - Nova et Vetera 17 (1):229-233.
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    A Thomist Reading of Paul? Response and Reflections.John M. G. Barclay - 2019 - Nova et Vetera 17 (1):235-244.
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  39. De Montfort à Jean-Paul II: Marie et la croissance eschatologique de l'Eglise.Etienne Richer - 2003 - Nova et Vetera 78 (3):15-34.
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    When the Morally "Right" Thing to Do Is Difficult: Reflections on a True "Pastoral" Approach in John Paul II's Veritatis Splendor.Irene Alexander - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):333-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When the Morally "Right" Thing to Do Is Difficult:Reflections on a True "Pastoral" Approach in John Paul II's Veritatis SplendorIrene AlexanderIn the moral life, there are situations in which it is difficult to know what is the right thing to do. On the other hand, there are types of moral actions in which no such intellectual difficulty exists, where the right thing to do is very clear, yet (...)
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    Divine Beneficence and Human Generosity in Second Temple Judaism: Reflections on John Barclay's Paul and the Gift.Bradley C. Gregory - 2019 - Nova et Vetera 17 (1):183-195.
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  42. La théologie du corps de Jean-Paul II confrontée au féminisme.Michele M. Schumacher - 2011 - Nova et Vetera 86 (3):297-322.
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  43. L'unité des chrétiens: Selon Giovanni Battista Montini: Paul VI.C. Morerod - 2000 - Nova et Vetera 75 (2):27-52.
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  44. The Common Good in St. Thomas and John Paul II.Michael Waldstein - 2005 - Nova et Vetera 3:569-78.
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  45. Juifs et judaïsme dans la réflexion de Jean-Paul II.Rj Weksler-Waszkinel & A. Pilorz - 1996 - Nova et Vetera 71 (4):17-30.
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  46. Witness to Faith: George Weigel, Blessed John Paul II, and the Theological Life.Cajetan Cuddy & Romanus Cessario - 2012 - Nova et Vetera 10:1-13.
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    Love as the Law of the Gift: Reading Paul with John Barclay and Aquinas.Michael Dauphinais - 2019 - Nova et Vetera 17 (1):149-181.
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  48. Lettre encyclique Fides et Ratio du Souverain Pontife Jean-Paul II aux évêques de l'Eglise catholique sur les rapports entre la foi et la raison.Joannes Paulus Ii - 1998 - Nova et Vetera 73 (4):7-92.
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  49. Une lettre retrouvée de Charles Journet à Paul Claudel.Michel Cagin - 2010 - Nova et Vetera 85 (3):251-254.
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    Aquinas at Prayer: The Bible, Mysticism and Poetry by Paul Murray.Bruno M. Shah O. P. - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (1):362-366.
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