Results for 'O. Chaplins'ka'

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  1.  30
    Towards a Monotheistic Democratic Constitutionalism? Convergent Themes in Oliver O’Donovan, Sajjad Rizvi and Paul Heck.Jonathan Chaplin - 2016 - Studies in Christian Ethics 29 (2):169-176.
    This article responds to the papers by O’Donovan, Rizvi and Heck by identifying four convergent themes emerging from their accounts of Christian and Islamic political thought: the denial of salvific efficacy to the state; the claim that political authority is legitimated and limited by law; the attribution of a normative purpose to the state; and the ascription of a positive role for the people in the legitimation and scrutiny of political authority. The article poses the question whether this amounts to (...)
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    Turning on the Mind: French Philosophers on Television.Tamara Chaplin - 2007 - University of Chicago Press.
    In 1951, the eight o’clock nightly news reported on Jean-Paul Sartre for the first time. By the end of the twentieth century, more than 3,500 programs dealing with philosophy and its practitioners—including Bachelard, Badiou, Foucault, Lyotard, and Lévy—had aired on French television. According to Tamara Chaplin, this enduring commitment to bringing the most abstract and least visual of disciplines to the French public challenges our very assumptions about the incompatibility of elite culture and mass media. Indeed, it belies the conviction (...)
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  3. Ėti︠u︡dy o V. A. Sukhomlinskom: pedagogicheskie apokrify.O. V. Sukhomlynsʹka (ed.) - 2008 - Kharʹkov: Akta.
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  4. O smysl dneška: devět kapitol o problémech světových i českých.Jan Patočka - 1987 - Purley, Surrey, England: Rozmluvy.
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  5. Mihrāṇ jī mat.G̲h̲anī Kāndhiṛo - 2020 - Karācī: Sansār Pablisharz.
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    The Ethics of Faith: Isn't the Threat to Democracy?O. Suhomlyns’ka - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:147-150.
    I want to express my own position on the introduction of Christian ethics in the school course. The problem, which is being actively discussed in Ukrainian society - the problem of spirituality - has been particularly intensified today in connection with the initiatives of the President of the State on the early implementation of the Ethics of Faith in school education. This idea added additional headache to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, opened the hands of some church (...)
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    Rozważania o filozofii a recentiori: księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana Profesorowi Józefowi Bańce.Józef Bańka & Adolf Szołtysek (eds.) - 1994 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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    Traktat o czasie: czas a poczucie dziejowości istnienia w koncepcjach recentywizmu i prezentyzmu.Józef Bańka (ed.) - 1991 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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  9. Traktat o pięknie: studium estetyki recentywistycznej = Treatise on beauty: study of recentivistic aesthetics.Józef Bańka - 1999 - Katowice: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Śląskiego.
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  10. Čo je zmyslom nášho života?Jiří Kánský - 1961 - Bratislava,: Osveta.
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    Tři studie o Masarykovi.Jan Patočka - 1991 - Praha: Mladá fronta.
    Masarykovo a Husserlovo pojetí duševní krize evropského lidstva -- Pokus o českou národní filosofii a jeho nezdar -- Kolem Masarykovy filosofie náboženství.
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  12. Medytacje parmenidiańskie o pierwszej filozofii: recentywizm i pannyngeneza.Józef Bańka - 1992 - Katowice: Uniwersytet Śląski.
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  13. Silchon chʻŏrhak.Ka-gyŏng Cho - 1961
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    Kacířské eseje o filozofii dějin.Jan Patočka - 1980 - München: K. Jadrný.
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    Czas i metoda: rozważania o metodzie a recentiori.Józef Bańka - 1993 - Katowice-Teresin: Praca została wydana z funduszu badań własnych Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach.
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  16. Elm vä täfäkkür axtarışında keçän ömür: Maqsud Cälilov 70.Häqiqät Kärimova (ed.) - 2005 - Bakı: Nurlan.
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  17.  32
    O zaokretu ka prostoru.Stipe Grgas - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (1):169-177.
    U radu autor prikazuje dva nedavno objavljena zbornika posvećena onome što se danas imenuje kao »zaokret ka prostoru«. Nakon što je opisao ključna pitanja koja zaokupljuju priloge sakupljene u zbornicima, autor koristi prigodu ukazati na problematično izostavljanje njemačke tradicije promišljanja prostora iz dominantnih teorijskih paradigmi koje izrastaju iz rečenog spacijalnog zaokreta. Na kraju prikaza autor nudi nekoliko zapažanja o razlozima elidiranja problematike prostornosti u domaćoj teorijskoj produkciji.In the article the author discusses two recently published collections of essays devoted to what (...)
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  18.  78
    Charting just futures for Aotearoa New Zealand: philosophy for and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic.Tim Mulgan, Sophia Enright, Marco Grix, Ushana Jayasuriya, Tēvita O. Ka‘ili, Adriana M. Lear, 'Aisea N. Matthew Māhina, 'Ōkusitino Māhina, John Matthewson, Andrew Moore, Emily C. Parke, Vanessa Schouten & Krushil Watene - forthcoming - Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.
    The global pandemic needs to mark a turning point for the peoples of Aotearoa New Zealand. How can we make sure that our culturally diverse nation charts an equitable and sustainable path through and beyond this new world? In a less affluent future, how can we ensure that all New Zealanders have fair access to opportunities? One challenge is to preserve the sense of common purpose so critical to protecting each other in the face of Covid-19. How can we centre (...)
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  19.  18
    Following the Debate on Essence of Knowledge in Sixteenth Century: The Case of Qutb al-Dīn al-Ījī.Murat KAŞ - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):751-779.
    Islamic thought, no matter what tradition it belonged to, went through a process in which almost all thinkers after the twelfth century were also commentators of Avicenna (d. 428/1037). When this phenomenon combined with Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī's (d. 606/1210) ability to problematize, his critical readings revealed the aporias and turned them into problems which would occupy the thinker’s mind after him and waiting to be solved. The quiddityof knowledge has an important place among these, both in terms of being closely (...)
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  20. Heidegger’s Concept Of Fore-structure And Textual Interpretation.Ka-Wing Leung - 2011 - Phainomena 79:23-40.
    The concept of fore-structure is central to Heidegger’s idea of interpretation. Gadamer later incorporated this concept into his own theory of philosophical hermeneutics. But there are indeed certain signifcant differences between their accounts of the fore-structure, and these differences are o ften neglected by scholars. This essay will first present Heidegger’s concept of fore-structure, and then we will demonstrate the differences between Heidegger and Gadamer. At last, we will draw out some implications of Heidegger’s concept of fore-structure to textual Interpretation.
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  21.  48
    Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization.Ka-Fai Yau & David Clarke - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (3):112.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.3 (2003) 112-118 [Access article in PDF] Hong Kong Art: Culture and Decolonization, by David Clarke. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2002, 240 pp. Paper. The issue of identity is a "vicious" circle in relation to Hong Kong's return to China in 1997. The more one talks about it, the more it is to be talked about as if it is a phenomenon (...)
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  22. Do palco à praça: teatro engajado no abc.Kátia Rodrigues Paranhos - 2007 - In Elio Cantalício Serpa & Marcos Antonio de Menezes (eds.), Escritas da história: narrativa, arte e nação. Uberlândia, Minas Gerais: EDUFU.
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  23. Az ördög; istenek nyomában.Károly Ákos - 1964 - Budapest,: Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó.
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    O cinema de Charlie Chaplin segundo Guido Oldrini.João Paulo Galhardo Brum - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar o desenvolvimento histórico do cinema de Charlie Chaplin, a partir da obra de Guido Oldrini: História do Cinema na Cultura do Século XX: Um Mapeamento Crítico. Analisamos também o potencial do cinema de Chaplin de cumprir a missão social da arte, a partir do sistema de mediações categorias de Lukács em sua obra A Peculiaridade Do Estético. Buscamos, assim, analisar o caso específico das obras de Charlie Chaplin e explicitar as categorias estéticas do (...)
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  25.  8
    Az idők örvényében: agy és tudat.Károly Ákos - 1975 - Budapest: Gondolat.
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  26. Be yogasikhāo.Kālindī Parīkha - 1998 - Gāndhīnagara: Saṃskr̥ta Sāhitya Akādamī.
    On Vedanta philosophy; study based on Vedic literature.
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  27.  15
    Zeit der Unkultur: Ludwig Wittgenstein im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit.Károly Kókai (ed.) - 2022 - Wien: NoPress.
  28.  10
    Caminhos da religiosidade: ética, arte e imaginário.Kátia Mendonça, Jones da Silva Gomes, da Serra Netto & Helio Figueiredo (eds.) - 2022 - Belém: EDUEPA.
    A proposta principal dese livro é fazer uma tessitura entre ética, arte e imaginário, elementos primordiais que se entrelaçam na relação com a sagrado e com as experiências religiosas. A obra é fruto de algumas pesquisas decorrentes do grupo Imagem, Arte, Ética e Sociedade, coordenado pela Profa. Dra. Kátia Mendonça e pelo Prof. Dr. Jones Gomes, em parceria entre as Universidade do Estado do Pará, Federal do Pará e Metodista de São Paulo por meio do Programa de Cooperação Acadêmica - (...)
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    Ch'ulch'ŏ, kyŏnggye ŭi ch'ŏrhak: mŏnjŏ to ka innŭn kot inji rŭl salp'yŏ pora.Yong-wŏn O. - 2016 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Kŭl Hangari.
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    "Ishoku tarite reisetsu o shiru" wa ayamari ka: sengo no manā, moraru kara kangaeru.Yukihiro Ōkura - 2016 - Tōkyō: Shinhyōron.
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  31.  11
    Charlie Chaplin y Buster Keaton. Los Dos Extremos Del Antihéroe Cómico Durante Los Años Veinte.Wes Gehring - 2017 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 13:77-96.
    El ensayo es una mirada revisionista del famoso artículo de James Agee “La época más grande de la comedia” –centrándose en Buster Keaton y Charlie Chaplin, “los autores de la comedia cinematográfica” de la década de 1920–. Por más que Chaplin fuese considerado el gigante de la época, la literatura del momento mostraba que Keaton no solo era considerado una figura popular, sino también más culta (cf. mi próximo libro: Buster Keaton en su propio tiempo, McFarland Press). En cambio, en (...)
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  32.  1
    Idealisták és realisták: eszmetörténeti tanulmányok.Attila Károly Molnár - 2023 - Budapest: Századvég Kiadó.
    A hagyományunk egyik kérdése az, hogy az eszményeinknek van-e, és mekkora szerepe az emberi cselekvések terén. Az eszményi európai ember valamilyen, esetleg vitatható, esetleg megalapozhatatlan eszményt követ, de uralja szenvedélyeit, vágyait, érzelmeit és érdekeit. A kereszténység ezt felfokozta az erkölcsi cselekvése terén, míg a felvilágosodás a politikában tette mindenek feletti problémává a politikai tudást és eszményeket. Ezt az intellektualizált cselekvési eszményt azonban rendre kikezdik, és ezek a kihívást jelentő magyarázatok a romantikától a marxizmusig a valós cselekvésekre hivatkoznak, amelyek többé vagy (...)
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  33.  25
    Relações estéticas, atividade criadora e imaginação: sujeitos e (em) experiência.Silvia Zanatta Da Ros, Kátia Maheirie & Andréa Vieira Zanella (eds.) - 2006 - Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Núcleo de Publicações.
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  34. Jinrui wa sensō o fusegeru ka: Nichi-Bei-Chū kokusai shinpojūmu.Noboru Kojima (ed.) - 1996 - Chiyoda-ku [Tokyo]: Bungei Shunjū.
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  35. Rekishi kara nani o manabu ka.Teiji Nishimura - 1970 - Kodansha.
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  36.  16
    Masukomi wa nani o tsutaenai ka: media shakai no kashikoi ikikata.Kenʼichi Shimomura - 2010 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  37.  6
    Ek'o sedae ka tasi ssŭnŭn chŏngŭi ran muŏt in'ga.Chae-wŏn Sin (ed.) - 2014 - Sŏul-si: Kiyŏk.
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  38.  8
    Chʻŏnha ka mul e ppajimyŏn to rossŏ kŏnjyŏyaji: tongyang ŭi tŏkchʻi wa sŏyang ŭi pŏpchʻi e taehan chʻŏrhakchŏk annae: Chuyŏk ŭi wangdo chŏngchʻi wŏlli.Chae-guk Song - 1997 - Sŏul-si: Sol.
  39.  6
    Slovo o nostalgiji: ka kritici filozofske hermeneutike.Miodrag Živanović - 2002 - Banja Luka: Media centar Prelom.
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  40.  5
    Kānsāng kānraprū nai sangkhom Thai =.Chairat Charoensin-O.-Larn (ed.) - 2019 - Krung Thēp: Khrōngkān Mēthī Wičhai ʻĀwusō.
    Influence of Thai philosophy on the way of thinking of Thai people.
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  41.  15
    Chonggyo, simch'ŭng ŭl poda: O Kang-nam Kyosu ka mannan yŏngsŏng ŭi kŏindŭl.Kang-nam O. - 2011 - Sŏul-si: Hyŏnamsa.
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  42. Kyōiku to wa nani ka o toitsuzukete.Takashi Ōta - 1983 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  43.  10
    Njikọka amaka: further discussions on the philosophy of integrative humanism: a contribution to African and intercultural philosophies.G. O. Ozumba - 2014 - Calabar: 3rd Logic Option Publishing. Edited by Jonathan O. Chimakonam.
    Njik ka Amaka: Further Discussions on the Philosophy of Integrative Humanism (A Contribution to African and Intercultural Philosophies) presents philosophy from the view point of African thought system and logic. It presents African philosophy not as a reactionary to another brand of philosophy as is popularly the case among writers of African philosophy but as an unspoken, unstated rival of the positions of other philosophical traditions, with great emphasis on the importance of intercultural philosophizing. Somehow, the work manages to be (...)
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  44. Auchmuty, Rosemary, 263 Biggs, Hazel, 171 Burton, Mandy, 247 Chaplin, Sue, 199.Man Chung Chiu, Davina Cooper, A. Diduck, Katherine Doolin, Peter Goodrich, Daphna Hacker, Catherine Hobby, K. Keywood, Katherine O’Donovan & Erika Rackley - 2001 - Feminist Legal Studies 9 (275).
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  45.  3
    Isshinkyō to wa nani ka: kōkyō tetsugaku kara no toi.Takashi Ōnuki (ed.) - 2006 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
    「一神教とは何か」という問いが、つきつけられてある。その問いに対し本書は、一神教を外側からかつての「厳密な学」風に定義し再構成し叙述して答えようとするのではない。内側からその生きた現実を証し語ろうとす る。.
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  46. Tetsugaku no hōhōka.Ryūzō Ōki - 1974
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    Shinri to wa nani ka.Tadashi Ōkuma - 1981 - Tokyo: Kōdansha.
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  48. Asu nani ga saku ka.Toshio Ōta - 1977
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  49.  18
    Ka Osi Sọ Onye: African philosophy in the postmodern era.Jonathan O. Chimakonam, Edwin E. Etieyibo, Olatunji A. Oyeshile & Ifeanyi Menkiti (eds.) - 2018 - Wilmington, Deleware, United States: Vernon Press.
    This collection is about composing thought at the level of modernism and decomposing it at the postmodern level where many cocks might crow with African philosophy as a focal point. It has two parts: part one is titled 'The journey of reason in African philosophy', and part two is titled 'African philosophy and postmodern thinking'. There are seven chapters in both parts. Five of the essays are reprinted here as important selections while nine are completely new essays commissioned for this (...)
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  50.  6
    Sulli ka sesang ŭl pakkunda.Chong-ch'ŏn Kim - 2012 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: Idam Books.
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