Results for 'Osvaldo Agustín Marcón'

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  1.  19
    El régimen penal de minoridad en Argentina: una mirada desde el Trabajo Social.Osvaldo Agustín Marcón - 2005 - Enfoques 17 (2):159-166.
    The situation of childhood and the adolescence in the Republic of Argentina as object of social politics is discussed from a clinical point of view. This matter seems to be connected to the problems of (personal) security, sometimes mingling the barrier that separates this from the way Justice fu..
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    The veblen functions for computability theorists.Alberto Marcone & Antonio Montalbán - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (2):575 - 602.
    We study the computability-theoretic complexity and proof-theoretic strength of the following statements: (1) "If X is a well-ordering, then so is ε X ", and (2) "If X is a well-ordering, then so is φ(α, X)", where α is a fixed computable ordinal and φ represents the two-placed Veblen function. For the former statement, we show that ω iterations of the Turing jump are necessary in the proof and that the statement is equivalent to ${\mathrm{A}\mathrm{C}\mathrm{A}}_{0}^{+}$ over RCA₀. To prove the (...)
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  3.  22
    The open and clopen Ramsey theorems in the Weihrauch lattice.Alberto Marcone & Manlio Valenti - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):316-351.
    We investigate the uniform computational content of the open and clopen Ramsey theorems in the Weihrauch lattice. While they are known to be equivalent to $\mathrm {ATR_0}$ from the point of view of reverse mathematics, there is not a canonical way to phrase them as multivalued functions. We identify eight different multivalued functions and study their degree from the point of view of Weihrauch, strong Weihrauch, and arithmetic Weihrauch reducibility. In particular one of our functions turns out to be strictly (...)
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    On Fraïssé’s conjecture for linear orders of finite Hausdorff rank.Alberto Marcone & Antonio Montalbán - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (3):355-367.
    We prove that the maximal order type of the wqo of linear orders of finite Hausdorff rank under embeddability is φ2, the first fixed point of the ε-function. We then show that Fraïssé’s conjecture restricted to linear orders of finite Hausdorff rank is provable in +“φ2 is well-ordered” and, over , implies +“φ2 is well-ordered”.
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  5. The maximal linear extension theorem in second order arithmetic.Alberto Marcone & Richard A. Shore - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (5-6):543-564.
    We show that the maximal linear extension theorem for well partial orders is equivalent over RCA0 to ATR0. Analogously, the maximal chain theorem for well partial orders is equivalent to ATR0 over RCA0.
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    Describir preguntas de matemáticas en evaluaciones para personas con discapacidad visual.Renato Marcone & Rodrigo de Souza Bortolucci - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:419-429.
    Este trabalho é uma continuação da pesquisa anterior apresentada no MES 11 (Marcone & Bortolucci, 2021), onde buscávamos entender o papel do ledor (leitor), pessoa que lê o teste para o deficiente visual durante uma avaliação. O trabalho realizado desde então e até o segundo semestre de 2022, seguindo as conclusões tiradas em nosso trabalho anterior, foi focado no estudo, compreensão e sistematização do processo de adaptação de itens, aqueles relacionados à matemática como desenhos, tabelas, gráficos, enunciados e tudo relacionado (...)
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    The evolution of meiosis: Recruitment and modification of somatic DNA-repair proteins.Edyta Marcon & Peter B. Moens - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (8):795-808.
    Several DNA-damage detection and repair mechanisms have evolved to repair double-strand breaks induced by mutagens. Later in evolutionary history, DNA single- and double-strand cuts made possible immune diversity by V(D)J recombination and recombination at meiosis. Such cuts are induced endogenously and are highly regulated and controlled. In meiosis, DNA cuts are essential for the initiation of homologous recombination, and for the formation of joint molecule and crossovers. Many proteins that function during somatic DNA-damage detection and repair are also active during (...)
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    The complexity of continuous embeddability between dendrites.Alberto Marcone & Christian Rosendal - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):663-673.
    We show that the quasi-order of continuous embeddability between finitely branching dendrites (a natural class of fairly simple compacta) is $\Sigma_1^1$ -complete. We also show that embeddability between countable linear orders with infinitely many colors is $\Sigma_1^1$ -complete.
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    Un elogio a la diversidad y la crítica epistemológica.Renato Marcone Marcone & Flaminio de Oliveira Rangel - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:245-246.
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    Borel quasi-orderings in subsystems of second-order arithmetic.Alberto Marcone - 1991 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 54 (3):265-291.
    We study the provability in subsystems of second-order arithmetic of two theorems of Harrington and Shelah [6] about Borel quasi-orderings of the reals. These theorems turn out to be provable in ATR0, thus giving further evidence to the observation that ATR0 is the minimal subsystem of second-order arithmetic in which significant portion of descriptive set theory can be developed. As in [6] considering the lightface versions of the theorems will be instrumental in their proof and the main techniques employed will (...)
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  11.  16
    El I Ching y la sabiduría prehistórica.Rodolfo Marcone-LoPresti - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 57:339-342.
    Resumen La argumentación es una forma de discurso en la que un hablante defiende una postura en una discusión. El presente trabajo se enfoca en la complejidad argumentativa y los recursos evaluativos y evidenciales que caracterizan las disputas de niños de diverso nivel socioeconómico. Se analizaron 94 disputas entre niños de 4 años y otros niños (5 a 10 años) en situaciones de juego espontáneo registradas en hogares de sectores socioeconómicos medio y bajo. El análisis identificó diferencias marginales en la (...)
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  12.  19
    Le scienze nella cultura e nella società medievali.Chiara Marcon - 2023 - Quaestio 23:465-468.
    D. Jacquart / A. Paravicini Bagliani (textes reunis par), Le et les sciences, SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze 2021 (Micrologus Library, 100).
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    Using Medicine to Explain Meteorological Principles. Remarks on Two Parisian Question Commentaries on the Meteorologica of Aristotle.Chiara Marcon - 2024 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 66:179-209.
    From Hippocrates and Galen, meteorological medicine studied the impact of environmental factors and weather phenomena on mental and bodily health. This theory has been largely diffused by medical works and encyclopaedias, such as those of Vincentius de Beauvais and Bartholomeus Anglicus. However, its reception within mediaeval meteorology still remains to be fully inquired, partly because it was not a traditional topic to be discussed in the question commentaries on the Meteorologica of Aristotle. This article aims to focus on three Parisian (...)
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    The consumer representation of DNA ancestry testing on YouTube.Alessandro R. Marcon, Christen Rachul & Timothy Caulfield - 2021 - New Genetics and Society 40 (2):133-154.
    The growth of consumer DNA ancestry testing has resulted in questions and critiques being raised in social and research contexts. This study examined individuals discussing their ancestry DNA testing results on YouTube by searching for the two most popular testing companies (23andMe; Ancestry) and the phrase “DNA results.” The finalized dataset consisted of 117 videos, on which directed content analysis was performed. In the videos, individuals used results to clarify, confirm, question, and re-evaluate their previously held conceptions of racial/ethnic identities. (...)
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    Interval Orders and Reverse Mathematics.Alberto Marcone - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (3):425-448.
    We study the reverse mathematics of interval orders. We establish the logical strength of the implications among various definitions of the notion of interval order. We also consider the strength of different versions of the characterization theorem for interval orders: a partial order is an interval order if and only if it does not contain 2 \oplus 2. We also study proper interval orders and their characterization theorem: a partial order is a proper interval order if and only if it (...)
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  16.  23
    Machiavelli and republicanism in Elizabethan England.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):221-236.
    The purpose of this succinct work is to present N. Machiavelli's classic republican view from his proposition of an inevitable paradox, the founding of an expansionist republic, difficult to govern, or the founding of a stable, but small and weak republic. Such a paradox, according to Machiavelli, should direct and condition all the constitutive devices of the republic when choosing what will be its destiny as a political body. The model of republic preferred by the Florentine will be the expansionist (...)
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  17.  33
    Maquiavel, Pandemia e a estrutura político-econômica moderna.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e17.
    Neste breve artigo, argumentaremos que a pandemia da Covid-19, como outras na história humana, colocou em desnudo as bases da estrutura político-econômica moderna. Defenderemos que tais bases apoiam-se em dois esteios, uma noção política de ‘Estado’, ápice da organização humana, e uma concepção racionalista, técnica e produtiva, que promulga a possibilidade de resposta a qualquer crise surgida na sociedade. Como contrapondo a esta estrutura, apresentaremos a teoria maquiaveliana, que aponta para uma relação indelével entre política e fator natural, natureza e (...)
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  18.  20
    O formalismo moral em Kant: autonomia e vontade.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2015 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 12 (2):227-239.
    Tencionamos, neste artigo, demonstrar os meandros constitutivos do que seja um formalismo moral em Immanuel Kant, tendo como pressuposto teórico sua compreensão de uma teoria da vontade. Este movimento de análise e demonstração teórica terá como fio condutor a ideia de autonomia que permeia a construção da vontade no formalismo kantiano, ou seja, a pressuposição de uma possível autonomia formal da razão é a base na qual se assenta a teoria moral deste pensador. Para execução de nossa pretensão será necessário (...)
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  19.  13
    O judaísmo veterotestamentário a partir da visão maquiaveliana da religião.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):17-43.
    Neste artigo intentamos empreender uma leitura do judaísmo antigo, ou veterotestamentário, em alguns de seus aspectos principais, à contraluz da visão maquiaveliana do papel da religião na organização e expansão do Estado. O primeiro passo desta empresa será dado ao expormos os traços fundantes e delineadores da tradição judaica antiga, principalmente nos livros que compõe o chamado velho testamento, demonstrando o uso da religião na ordenação e expansão do Estado, bem como na formação do indivíduo. Em um segundo momento demonstraremos (...)
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  20.  16
    Political action in machiavellian republicanism.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (3):182-193.
    Our objective in this brief article is guided by the demonstration of the existence of a theory of political action in Machiavelli's republican thought, with such a theory having its own character that directs it to highlight the action of individuals in the social context. In addition to this objective, we hope to support the thesis that such a theory of political action has a republican scope, not just “republicanist”, in keeping with the Machiavellian preference for institutions that impress on (...)
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  21.  18
    republicanism of Coluccio Salutati and its Augustinian influence.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 66 (1):e39009.
    In this brief article we will seek to support the thesis that there is in the thought of Coluccio Salutati, 14th century Florentine chancellor and prominent humanist, a clear republicanism that turns to the issue of the freedom of the republic and the active life of the individuals participating in it. However, in connection with this demonstration, we will also maintain that such republicanism has strong traces of Augustinian influence, mainly in view of the disposition of laws in the political (...)
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  22.  11
    Todos os homens são maus, mas alguns são bons exemplos: considerações sobre a imitação no pensamento maquiaveliano.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2018 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):14-33.
    Tencionamos, neste artigo, tratar da questão da imitação no pensamento maquiaveliano. Tomaremos como balizas suas postulações acerca da natureza do homem, as possibilidades de formatação de uma república profícua em vista desta natureza e o papel dos exemplos dos indivíduos que agem em prol do bem da república. Sendo a questão da imitação o fio condutor, elegeremos ainda um tripé para demonstrar nossa hipótese, a saber, o fator antropológico; o fator educacional; o fator político. Por este movimento, pretende-se demonstrar que (...)
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    The Venice of Maquiavel and Shakespeare: From Classical Republicanism to the Modern Ideal of Liberty.Marcone Costa Cerqueira - 2021 - Dissertatio 51:279-312.
    The intention of this brief article is to demonstrate, through the Machiavellian and Shakespearean analyzes, mediated by the latter's work, “The Merchant of Venice”, the contrast between the classical republican conception and the modern political ideal of freedom. We will take as a gauge the ideas of social belonging (religion, social recognition); legal constitution of rights (individual freedom), trying to understand how these aspects are constructed in the representations of the city of Venice by the two authors. For this undertaking, (...)
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  24.  10
    La persona humana y otros ensayos.Vicente Cicchitti Marcone - 1998 - Mendoza: EDIUNC, Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Edited by Nolberto A. Espinosa.
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    Computing maximal chains.Alberto Marcone, Antonio Montalbán & Richard A. Shore - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (5-6):651-660.
    In (Fund Math 60:175–186 1967), Wolk proved that every well partial order (wpo) has a maximal chain; that is a chain of maximal order type. (Note that all chains in a wpo are well-ordered.) We prove that such maximal chain cannot be found computably, not even hyperarithmetically: No hyperarithmetic set can compute maximal chains in all computable wpos. However, we prove that almost every set, in the sense of category, can compute maximal chains in all computable wpos. Wolk’s original result (...)
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    Garth Fowden ed il primo millennio CE.Arnaldo Marcone - 2016 - Millennium 13 (1):41-46.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Millennium Jahrgang: 13 Heft: 1 Seiten: 41-46.
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  27. Movimentos sociais e educação popular no contexto das sociedades complexas: desafios políticos e epistemológicos // Social movements and popular education in the context of complex societies: political and epistemological chalenges.Telmo Marcon - 2015 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 20 (2):53-76.
    O presente artigo, de natureza bibliográfica, objetiva discutir alguns desafios políticos e epistemológicos postos aos movimentos sociais e à educação popular no contexto das sociedades complexas. Parte-se do reconhecimento que estamos vivendo, nas últimas décadas, transformações profundas que impactam em todas as dimensões da vida tanto individual quanto social. Esses processos ocorrem em espaços locais, mas impactam globalmente, assim como existem tendências globalizantes que impactam nos espaços locais, na subjetividade e nas relações intersubjetivas. O incremento de tecnologias acelera esses processos, (...)
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  28.  12
    Saggio sull'armonia: tra musica, letteratura e formazione umana.Francesca Marcone - 2022 - Roma: Anicia.
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    The Boundaries of Knowledge: Books, Experts, and Readers in Early Modern Mines.Gabriele Marcon - 2025 - Isis 116 (1):61-81.
    This article explores a key question in the history of science: Could untrained officials learn and apply practical knowledge by reading how-to books and collaborating with expert practitioners? Notably, historians of science have studied workplaces such as the mines as arenas of knowledge exchange between workers, expert practitioners, and learned humanists. This article uses a labor history approach to explore what this exchange meant in practice. It analyzes the attempts of an untrained official in the mines of the Medici family (...)
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  30. The set of better quasi orderings is ii1/2-complete (vol 41, pg 373, 1995).A. Marcone - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (4):574-574.
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    The Set of Better Quasi Orderings is ∏21.Alberto Marcone - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (3):373-383.
    In this paper we give a proof of the II12-completeness of the set of countable better quasi orderings . This result was conjectured by Clote in [2] and proved by the author in his Ph.d. thesis [6] . Here we prove it using Simpson's definition of better quasi ordering and as little bqo theory as possible.
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    Restricted mad families.Osvaldo Guzmán, Michael Hrušák & Osvaldo Téllez - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):149-165.
    Let ${\cal I}$ be an ideal on ω. By cov${}_{}^{\rm{*}}$ we denote the least size of a family ${\cal B} \subseteq {\cal I}$ such that for every infinite $X \in {\cal I}$ there is $B \in {\cal B}$ for which $B\mathop \cap \nolimits X$ is infinite. We say that an AD family ${\cal A} \subseteq {\cal I}$ is a MAD family restricted to${\cal I}$ if for every infinite $X \in {\cal I}$ there is $A \in {\cal A}$ such that $|X\mathop (...)
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  33. Can the decoherence approach help to solve the measurement problem?Osvaldo Pessoa - 1997 - Synthese 113 (3):323-346.
    This work examines whether the environmentally-induced decoherence approach in quantum mechanics brings us any closer to solving the measurement problem, and whether it contributes to the elimination of subjectivism in quantum theory. A distinction is made between ,collapse, and ,decoherence,, so that an explanation for decoherence does not imply an explanation for collapse. After an overview of the measurement problem and of the open-systems paradigm, we argue that taking a partial trace is equivalent to applying the projection postulate. A criticism (...)
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  34.  17
    Forcing with copies of the Rado and Henson graphs.Osvaldo Guzmán & Stevo Todorcevic - 2023 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 174 (8):103286.
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    Ideología, verdad y legitimación.Osvaldo Norberto Guariglia - 1993 - México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    Osvaldo Guariglia presenta tres modelos paradigm ticos: la propuesta kantiana de una fundamentaci n absoluta basada en la estructura prescriptiva de la raz n pr ctica; la propuesta hegeliana, que intenta superar cr ticamente la de Kant y, por ltimo, la propuesta weberiana, punto de partida de la moderna sociolog a pol tica.
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    La Democracia en América Latina: la alternativa entre populismo y democracia deliberativa.Osvaldo Guariglia - 2011 - Isegoría 44:57-72.
    En Política VI 2, 1317b 1-17, Aristóteles define así la democracia: «el rasgo esencial de la democracia es el vivir como se quiere sin ninguna interferencia y de aquí vino el de no ser gobernado, si es posible por nadie, y si no, por turnos. Esta característica contribuye a un sistema general de la libertad fundada en la igualdad». Este modelo normativo dio lugar, históricamente, a dos posibles regímenes políticos, la democracia popular o extrema, basada en la participación directa de (...)
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    Fetichismo del valor de uso y forma natural.Osvaldo Montero Salas - 2024 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 123:7-47.
    Comúnmente percibido como un elemento neutral e inocente, incluso un componente aliado e indispensable en las aspiraciones de proyectos sociales alternativos, la primera parte de este artículo se dedica a problematizar el valor de uso, subrayando el particular fetichismo que le es inherente. Su tratamiento crítico se complementa con un detenido estudio de la forma natural, dimensión imprescindible sin la que la crítica de la economía política quedaría inconclusa. El artículo pretende, entonces, en primer lugar, poner al descubierto la problemática (...)
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    Canjar Filters.Osvaldo Guzmán, Michael Hrušák & Arturo Martínez-Celis - 2017 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 58 (1):79-95.
    If $\mathcal{F}$ is a filter on $\omega$, we say that $\mathcal{F}$ is Canjar if the corresponding Mathias forcing does not add a dominating real. We prove that any Borel Canjar filter is $F_{\sigma}$, solving a problem of Hrušák and Minami. We give several examples of Canjar and non-Canjar filters; in particular, we construct a $\mathsf{MAD}$ family such that the corresponding Mathias forcing adds a dominating real. This answers a question of Brendle. Then we prove that in all the “classical” models (...)
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  39. Noumenorum non datur scientia. Kant e la nozione di mondo intelligibile: tra monadologia e platonismo.Osvaldo Ottaviani - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 7:427-457.
    In quest’articolo, articolo prenderò in esame i passi in cui Kant descrive la monadologia leibniziana come un “concetto platonico” del mondo, ossia come una descrizione del mondo intelligibile che non ha nulla a che vedere con la spiegazione del mondo fenomenico. In generale, vorrei mostrare che quest’interpretazione non va contrapposta a quella che lo stesso Kant aveva dato nella prima Critica, dove la monadologia era caratterizzata come un “sistema intellettuale del mondo”. Per fare ciò, risponderò a due domande. La prima (...)
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    P-points, MAD families and Cardinal Invariants.Osvaldo Guzmán González - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):258-260.
    The main topics of this thesis are cardinal invariants, P -points and MAD families. Cardinal invariants of the continuum are cardinal numbers that are bigger than $\aleph _{0}$ and smaller or equal than $\mathfrak {c}.$ Of course, they are only interesting when they have some combinatorial or topological definition. An almost disjoint family is a family of infinite subsets of $\omega $ such that the intersection of any two of its elements is finite. A MAD family is a maximal almost (...)
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    Leibniz's Ad schedam Hamaxariam.Osvaldo Ottaviani & Richard Arthur - 2021 - The Leibniz Review 31:61-106.
  42.  73
    The Bolzano–Weierstrass Theorem is the jump of Weak Kőnig’s Lemma.Vasco Brattka, Guido Gherardi & Alberto Marcone - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (6):623-655.
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    Searching for an analogue of atr0 in the Weihrauch lattice.Takayuki Kihara, Alberto Marcone & Arno Pauly - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):1006-1043.
    There are close similarities between the Weihrauch lattice and the zoo of axiom systems in reverse mathematics. Following these similarities has often allowed researchers to translate results from one setting to the other. However, amongst the big five axiom systems from reverse mathematics, so far $\mathrm {ATR}_0$ has no identified counterpart in the Weihrauch degrees. We explore and evaluate several candidates, and conclude that the situation is complicated.
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    How Incomputable Is the Separable Hahn-Banach Theorem?Guido Gherardi & Alberto Marcone - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (4):393-425.
    We determine the computational complexity of the Hahn-Banach Extension Theorem. To do so, we investigate some basic connections between reverse mathematics and computable analysis. In particular, we use Weak König's Lemma within the framework of computable analysis to classify incomputable functions of low complexity. By defining the multivalued function Sep and a natural notion of reducibility for multivalued functions, we obtain a computational counterpart of the subsystem of second-order arithmetic WKL0. We study analogies and differences between WKL0 and the class (...)
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    Katětov Order on Mad Families.Osvaldo Guzmán - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (2):794-828.
    We continue with the study of the Katětov order on MAD families. We prove that Katětov maximal MAD families exist under $\mathfrak {b=c}$ and that there are no Katětov-top MAD families assuming $\mathfrak {s\leq b}.$ This improves previously known results from the literature. We also answer a problem form Arciga, Hrušák, and Martínez regarding Katětov maximal MAD families.
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    Divine Wisdom and Possible Worlds. Leibniz's Notes to the Spinoza-Oldenburg Correspondence and the Development of His Metaphysics.Osvaldo Ottaviani - 2016 - Studia Leibnitiana 48 (1):15-41.
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    Are Untestable Scientific Theories Acceptable?Osvaldo Pessoa - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (3-4):443-448.
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    San Agustín: inferioridad reflexividad y certeza.Agustín Uña Juárez - 2001 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 8:31-52.
    Este artículo investiga dos problemas principales en los conocidos argumentos de San Agustín en pro de la certeza, contra los escépticos. En realidad, son más bien dos niveles de una misma cuestión "metodológica": la interioridad del conocimiento y la reflexión, como vía de certeza. Conclusión principal de este estudio es que ambas dimensiones son correlativas: la reflexión supone interioridad, N la interioridad exige reflexión, como ría de certeza. La última parte del artículo examina la doctrina agustiniana de la reflexión, (...)
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  49.  29
    San Agustín: la finitud bella.Agustín Uña Juárez - 1996 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 3:173-182.
    Distensión de la finitud y belleza son paralelas en Agustín, su deducción y su calificación estética. Ontología de lo finito es, por ello, a la vez, discurso estético en tres grandes dimensiones: a) fundación y estructura de lo finito; b) sucesión temporal ; c) devenir histórico . Podríamos, sin reduccionismo alguno, interpretar su doctrina estética como >?.Distension of the finiteness and beauty are parallel in St. Augustine, its deduction and its aesthetic qualification. Ontology of finiteness is therefore, at the (...)
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  50.  38
    Inside Leibniz's Metaphysical Labratory.Osvaldo Ottaviani - 2022 - The Leibniz Review 32:55-105.
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