Results for 'Outer Worlds'

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  1. Ahlström, Kristoffer. Constructive Analysis: A Study in Epistemological Methodology. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothenburgensis, 2007. Bourdieu, Pierre. The Bachelors' Ball: The Crisis of Peasant Society in Béarn. Trans. by Richard Nice. University of Chicago Press, 2008. Bourdieu, Pierre. Sketch for a Self-Analysis. Trans. by Richard Nice. University of. [REVIEW]Outer Worlds - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (4):0021-8308.
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  2. Of outer-world objects.Henry Rutgers Marshall - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (2):46-50.
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    Mr. Marshall on Outer-World Objects.Henry Rutgers Marshall - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (8):215-217.
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  4. Schizophrenia: inner and outer worlds.R. J. Van den Bosch - 1995 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 28 (2-3):327-342.
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    “Bodyheartminding” (xin 心): Reconceiving the Inner Self and the Outer World in the Language of Holographic Focus and Field.Roger T. Ames - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (3):100-114.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Bodyheartminding” (xin 心): Reconceiving the Inner Self and the Outer World in the Language of Holographic Focus and FieldRoger T. Amesin body consciousness: a philosophy of mindfulness and somaesthetics, Richard Shusterman expands upon a professional oeuvre in which his exploration of the phenomenon of “body consciousness” has effected nothing less than a somatic turn in the contemporary Western philosophical narrative.1 But his contribution does not end there. Over (...)
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    Kant's Proof of the Existence of the Outer World.Bianca Ancillotti - 2021 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 25 (1):163–189.
    In this paper I propose a novel interpretation of Kant’s proof of the existence of the outer world in the Refutation of Idealism. According to this interpretation, Kant’s proof does not provide a regressive explanation of our capacity to determine the temporal order of our experiences. Rather, it expresses a counterfactual reflection on what it takes for something to be actual in contrast to being merely imagined. On the ground of this reflection, Kant argues against the Cartesian sceptic that, (...)
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  7. At the interface between the inner and outer world: Psychological perspectives.John A. Sloboda & Juslin & N. Patrik - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    Complementary Sustainability of the Inner and Outer Worlds: TNS and MHV.Sven G. Atterhed - 1996 - Journal of Human Values 2 (2):137-147.
    This essay is an exposition of a profound sustainable linkage for the survival of the earth—the linkage between sustainability from within and sustainability from without. The author, writing from direct experience of both, makes an eloquent plea to seize and work upon the complementarity between the Swedish 'The Natural Step' (TNS) movement regarding the 'outer', and the Indian 'Management by Human Values' (MHV) movement about the 'inner'. Building on the best and most well-tested spiritual and scientific traditions and principles—MHV (...)
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    Mr. Marshall on outer-world objects.William M. Salter - 1919 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 16 (8):215-217.
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  10. Consciousness: An inner view of the outer world.Barry C. Smith - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (7-8):175-86.
    Right now my conscious experience is directed at part of the world. It takes in some aspects of things around me and not others. Some bits of the world occupy my attention, other worldly goings on condition or colour the character of my current perceptual experience. I experience buildings in view through the window, the clothes in the corner of the room, the colour of the walls, the plate with breads, the coffee mugs, the smell of fresh laundry, the muffled (...)
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  11. The realization of hope: anticipations and interactions between the Inner World and the Outer World.A. Pesso - 1995 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 28 (2-3):151-164.
  12. Ego-structures, self-values and aggression within an inside-outside context: anticipations and interactions between the inner world and the outer world.H. M. Emrich - 1995 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 28 (2-3):309-325.
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    An embodied theorisation: Arend Heyting's hypothesis about how the self separates from the outer world finds confirmation.Miriam Franchella - 2023 - Theoria 89 (5):660-670.
    At the beginning of the twentieth century, among the foundational schools of mathematics appeared ‘intuitionism’ by Dutchman L. E. J. Brouwer, who based arithmetic on the intuition of time and all mental constructions that could be made out of it. His pupil Arend Heyting was the first populariser of intuitionism, and he repeatedly emphasised that no philosophy was required to practise intuitionism so that such mathematics could be shared by anyone. Still, stimulated by invitations to humanistic conferences, he wrote a (...)
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  14. Travis on Frege, Kant, and the given : comments on 'unlocking the outer world'.John McDowell - 2018 - In Johan Gersel, Rasmus Thybo Jensen, Morten S. Thaning & Søren Overgaard (eds.), In the light of experience: new essays on perception and reasons. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Analysis of noise as a way of understanding emotion and making an installation: Reflection on phenomenological, parametric, inner and outer worlds meeting and becoming audible.Paola Lopreiato - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (3):269-274.
    This article is centred on the idea that from the analysis and interpretation of data from the crowd noise (at historical and engaging events) it is possible to define the manifestation of extroversion of people’s perceptions and emotions. What I seek to reveal in my artistic research is not the conjugation of perceptions and emotions for individual participants but rather the collective feeling, the energy that connects and refines the involvement of individuals and creates from it a new and indivisible (...)
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  16. The inner mind and the outer world: Guest editor's introduction to a special issue on cognitive science and artificial intelligence.William J. Rapaport - 1991 - Noûs 25 (4):405-410.
    It is well known that people from other disciplines have made significant contributions to philosophy and have influenced philosophers. It is also true (though perhaps not often realized, since philosophers are not on the receiving end, so to speak) that philosophers have made significant contributions to other disciplines and have influenced researchers in these other disciplines, sometimes more so than they have influenced philosophy itself. But what is perhaps not as well known as it ought to be is that researchers (...)
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    Creating sacred space: Outer expressions of inner worlds in modern Wicca.L. Hume - 1998 - .
    This article gives a brief description of one of the sub-branches of Paganism, Wicca. It describes how sacred space is established and it explores the sacred circle as a symbolic representation of Wiccan cosmology. Physical sacred space thus constructed becomes a 'world apart' from the mundane and a bridge between ordinary physical reality and metaphysical realms. The circle is the outer expression of an imaginai inner world wherein anything is possible. The connection between a bounded, physical space and a (...)
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    The Multiplicity of Interpreted Worlds: Inner and Outer Perspectives.Donald A. Crosby - 2022 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book argues that the subjective and the objective are crucially dependent on one another and neither is intelligible apart from the other. There is no such thing as a purely external, in-itself world. This book is not intended as a defense of epistemological relativism but as a strong recommendation for modest fallibilism and pluralism.
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    The outer limits of reason: what science, mathematics, and logic cannot tell us.Noson S. Yanofsky - 2013 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Many books explain what is known about the universe. This book investigates what cannot be known. Rather than exploring the amazing facts that science, mathematics, and reason have revealed to us, this work studies what science, mathematics, and reason tell us cannot be revealed. In The Outer Limits of Reason, Noson Yanofsky considers what cannot be predicted, described, or known, and what will never be understood. He discusses the limitations of computers, physics, logic, and our own thought processes. Yanofsky (...)
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    Space as place, not program: Lisa Messeri: Placing outer space: An earthly ethnography of other worlds. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016, 238 pp, $23.95 PB.Erik M. Conway - 2017 - Metascience 26 (2):277-279.
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    Hidácio de Chaves e a Galécia do século VHidácio de Chaves and 5th Century Galécia: Mental Representations of a Cleric at the “Outer Reaches of the World”.Mário de Gouveia - 2012 - Cultura:201-216.
    O objectivo deste artigo é apresentar um conjunto de reflexões sobre o imaginário literário de Hidácio, bispo de Chaves, na conjuntura política da província hispânica da Galécia, durante o século V.
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    The Inner and the Outer.William Child - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman (eds.), A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 465–477.
    This chapter distinguishes two uses of the terms “inner” and “outer” in Wittgenstein's writings on philosophy of mind. It discusses the inner‐outer picture by exploring Wittgenstein's account of the origin and appeal of the picture, his reasons for rejecting it, and his own very different way of thinking of common‐sense psychology. The chapter considers his account of our relation to our own experiences and attitudes, and discusses his suggestion that utterances like 'I'm in pain' or 'I want an (...)
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  23. Inner and Outer Truth.Iris Einheuser - 2012 - Philosophers' Imprint 12.
    Kit Fine and Robert Adams have independently introduced a distinction between two ways in which a proposition might be true with respect to a world. A proposition is true at a world if it correctly represents the world. A proposition is true in a world, if it exists in that world and correctly represents it. In this paper, I clarify this distinction between outer and inner truth, defend it against recent charges of unintelligibly and argue that outer truth (...)
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  24. From outer space and across the street: Matthew Lipman’s double vision.David Kennedy - 2011 - Childhood and Philosophy 7 (13):49-74.
    This review of Matthew Lipman’s autobiography, A Life Teaching Thinking, is a reflection on the themes and patterns of his extraordinarily productive career. His book begins with memories of earliest childhood and his preoccupation with the possibility of being able to fly, moves through the years in which his family struggled with the effects of the Great Depression, through his service in the military during World War II, his discovery of the joy and beauty of philosophy, his academic rise at (...)
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    Modernity and the Inner-Outer Problem.Christopher Yeomans - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (4):403-411.
    In this appreciation of Robert Pippin’s work, I focus on locating his project by focusing on the way that the inner-outer distinction in action receives a distinctive shape in modernity. I profile Pippin’s view of this momentous change as a middle path between those who see it primarily in historical terms (Hannah Arendt and Reinhart Koselleck) and those who see it in primarily linguistic terms (Robert Brandom and John McDowell). Pippin’s middle way has two aspects. First, purposiveness, rather than (...)
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    From outer space to Earth—The social significance of isolated and confined environment research in human space exploration.Koji Tachibana, Shoichi Tachibana & Natsuhiko Inoue - 2017 - Acta Astronautica 140:273-283.
    Human space exploration requires massive budgets every fiscal year. Especially under severe financial constraint conditions, governments are forced to justify to society why spending so much tax revenue for human space exploration is worth the cost. The value of human space exploration might be estimated in many ways, but its social significance and cost-effectiveness are two key ways to gauge that worth. Since these measures should be applied country by country because sociopolitical conditions differ in each country and must be (...)
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  27. Panpsychism and the Inner-Outer Gap Problem.Miri Albahari - 2022 - The Monist 105 (1):25-42.
    Panpsychism is viewed by its advocates as resolving the main sticking points for materialism and dualism. While sympathetic to this approach, I locate two prevalent assumptions within modern panpsychism which I think are problematic: first, that fundamental consciousness belongs to a perspectival subject and second, that the physical world, despite being backed by conscious subject, is observer-independent. I re-introduce an argument I’d made elsewhere against the first assumption: that it lies behind the well-known combination and decombination problems. I then propose (...)
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    The Outer Word and Inner Speech: Bakhtin, Vygotsky, and the Internalization of Language.Caryl Emerson - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (2):245-264.
    Both Bakhtin and Vygotsky, as we have seen, responded directly or indirectly to the challenge of Freud. Both attempted to account for their data without resorting to postulating an unconscious in the Freudian sense. By way of contrast, it is instructive here to recall Jacques Lacan—who, among others, has been a beneficiary of Bakhtin’s “semiotic reinterpretation” of Freud.17 Lacan’s case is intriguing, for he retains the unconscious while at the same time submitting Freudian psychoanalysis to rigorous criticism along the lines (...)
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    Being-in-the-World Reconsidered: Thinking Beyond Absorbed Coping and Detached Rationality.Karl Leidlmair - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (1):23-36.
    Recently, a revival of phenomenological approaches has been gaining ground in the literature of cognition and human understanding. Heidegger’s Being-in-the-World plays a decisive role here. Instead of viewing the mind as an independent entity separated from the “outer” world, these approaches assert an immediate understanding of a meaningful environment. Such an immediate understanding is seen in the light of embodied practices, when humans are engaged in skillful absorbed coping. An analysis of Heidegger’s concept of truth provides a more sophisticated (...)
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    Remedying Globalization and Consumerism: Joining the Inner and Outer Journeys in "Perfect Balance".Judith Simmer-Brown - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):31-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 31-46 [Access article in PDF] Remedying Globalization and Consumerism: Joining the Inner and Outer Journeys in "Perfect Balance" Judith Simmer-Brown Naropa University One hundred forty years ago, Abraham Lincoln wrote in a prophetic voice: I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.... Corporations have been enthroned and an era (...)
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    Disorienting Neoliberalism: Global Justice and the Outer Limit of Freedom.Benjamin L. McKean - 2020 - Oup Usa.
    Many people believe the global economy is unjust, but they don't know what to do about it. What responsibilities do American consumers have to workers in China making their iPhones? Should they still buy clothes made in Bangladesh's sweatshops? Offering an overview of how neoliberalism orients us to the world, Benjamin L. McKean shows the practical shortcomings of neoliberal approaches to the world and develops an alternative way of thinking and acting guided by a compelling new account of freedom. Disorienting (...)
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    Deadly idyll: how Thomas Mann and Stephen King celebrate love upon the world’s ruin.Nikolai Murzin - forthcoming - Vox Philosophical journal.
    Thomas Mann’s famous novella “Death in Venice” is more than social critics or metaphor of artistic search for means. Its ambiguous poetry of forbidden longing offers a game we play ever since, a drama of strange, dreamlike romance unfolding itself in a highly troublesome atmosphere of ordinary life succumbing to the oncoming devastation and catastrophe of the outer world that inexplicably links with the wishes of a soul. This plot became a focus of ideas, a web of meanings covering (...)
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    The World as Will.Bryan Magee - 1997 - In The philosophy of Schopenhauer. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This material object, my body, is no different in the constitution of its matter from the rest of the physical universe. And my knowledge of it uniquely from inside has led us to the conclusion that what in its outer nature is matter in motion is, in its inner nature, activity of will. This puts into my hand the key to understanding the inner nature of the world: the whole empirical world, what we have called the phenomenal, appears to (...)
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    Globalization: The outer and the inner dimensions.Ervin Laszlo - 1999 - World Futures 53 (2):95-100.
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    Modern Views on Criminal Liability for Crimes in Outer Space.Larysa Soroka - 2023 - Philosophy and Cosmology 30:64-76.
    The article attempts to answer the following questions: What criminal law, if any, is applied in outer space when a crime is committed there? How will the issues of demarcation of criminal jurisdiction be resolved? Who and how will investigate such crimes? Which international or national institution will decide the issue of criminal prosecution and application of sanctions for crimes in space? Basing on the analysis of the sources of space and international law, it was concluded that today there (...)
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    Hegel on the Inner and the Outer.Michael Emerson - 1987 - Idealistic Studies 17 (2):133-147.
    In the chapter of the Phenomenology of Spirit entitled “The Certainty and Truth of Reason,” Hegel discusses and criticizes the distinction between the inner and the outer as it relates to the theories of physiognomy and phrenology. This discussion is the third “Observation of Reason” following the “Observation of Nature” and “Observation of the relation of self-consciousness in its purity and its relation to external actuality,” the latter being a brief discussion of the status of logical and psychological laws. (...)
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  37. Foundationalism and the inner-outer distinction.Charles Taylor - 2002 - In Nicholas Hugh Smith (ed.), Reading McDowell: On Mind and World. New York: Routledge.
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    The Self and the Other, The Inner and the Outer.Madhucchanda Sen - 2011 - Culture and Dialogue 1 (2):109-125.
    This essay attempts to show how a particular view of the self and the mind has ignored its Other-related, world-related and thus embodied character. This view, whose origins in the history of ideas can be traced back to René Descartes, has led to important theories of mind and language. It has also generated a certain hegemony of binaries, such as the inner and the outer, the mind and the world, the self and the other, the subjective and the objective, (...)
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    Seizing the World: From Concepts to Reality.David Hommen - 2023 - Metaphysica 24 (2):421-444.
    In this essay, I shall defend a transcendental argument for epistemological realism: the view that mind-independent yet cognitively accessible entities exist. The proposed argument reasons from the fact that we are conceptual creatures to the existence of a knowable outer world as a condition of the possibility of such creatures. I first lay down my general approach to concepts and conceptualization, according to which concepts are rules that agents follow in their cognitive activities. I go on to explicate the (...)
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  40. Philosophy and Science, the Darwinian-Evolved Computational Brain, a Non-Recursive Super-Turing Machine & Our Inner-World-Producing Organ.Hermann G. W. Burchard - 2016 - Open Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):13-28.
    Recent advances in neuroscience lead to a wider realm for philosophy to include the science of the Darwinian-evolved computational brain, our inner world producing organ, a non-recursive super- Turing machine combining 100B synapsing-neuron DNA-computers based on the genetic code. The whole system is a logos machine offering a world map for global context, essential for our intentional grasp of opportunities. We start from the observable contrast between the chaotic universe vs. our orderly inner world, the noumenal cosmos. So far, philosophy (...)
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  41. World Englishes and Culture Wars.Braj B. Kachru - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    Written from a non-Western perspective, this book exposes the inadequacy of oppositions such as native vs. non-native Englishes and English vs. New Englishes. It explains why the label 'World Englishes' captures both what the different Englishes share and how they differ from each other. It also criticizes the kinds of power asymmetries that have evolved between the Inner, Outer, and Expanding Circles of English, while showing the extent to which the Outer Circle has enriched their common language and (...)
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  42. Virginia Woolf and our knowledge of the external world.Jaakko Hintikka - 1979 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 38 (1):5-14.
    The longstanding critical refrain that Virginia Woolf's fiction represents a turn "inward" to the vagaries of the inner life has more recently been countered with an "outward" approach emphasizing Woolf's interest in the material world, its everyday objects and their social and political significance. Yet one of the most curious and pervasive features of Woolf's oeuvre is that characters are so frequently wrong in their perceptions. This essay consolidates the inward and outward approaches by tracing the trope of misperception in (...)
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    Vampires from another world: the cinematic progeny of H.G. Wells' The war of the worlds and Bram Stoker's Dracula.Simon Bacon - 2021 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    This book begins at the intersection of Dracula and War of the Worlds, both published in 1897 London, and describes the settings of Transylvania, Mars, and London as worlds linked by the body of the vampire. It explores the "vampire from another world" in all its various forms, as a manifestation of not just our anxieties around alien others, but also our alien selves. Unsurprisingly, many of the tropes these novels generated and particularly the themes they have in (...)
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    Frontiers of consciousness: the meeting ground between inner and outer reality.John Warren White (ed.) - 1974 - New York: Julian Press.
    Transpersonal psychology: Dean, S. R. The ultraconscious mind. Arasteh, A. R. Final integration in the adult personality.--The nature of madness: First, E. Visions, voyages, and new interpretations of madness. Van Dusen, W. Hallucinations as the world of spirits.--Biofeedback: White, J. The yogi in the lab. Kiefer, D. EEG alpha feedback and subjective states of consciousness.--Meditation research: Griffith, F. F. Meditation research: its personal and social implications. Kiefer, D. Intermeditation notes: reports from inner space.--Psychic research: Honorton, C. Tracing ESP through altered (...)
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    "Some witless paraclete beleaguered with all limbo's clamor": On Violent Contagion and Apocalyptic Logic in Cormac McCarthy's Outer Dark.Markus Wierschem - 2015 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 22:185-202.
    Perhaps in the world’s destruction it would be possible at last to see how it was made. Oceans, mountains. The ponderous counterspectacle of things ceasing to be. The sweeping waste, hydroptic and coldly secular. The silence.In recent years, few novelists have gone to chart the abyss of human violence and unflinchingly returned its gaze to shape our vision of apocalypse as has the Irish American author Cormac McCarthy. Writing in thorough obscurity for almost 25 years, he is today considered not (...)
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    (1 other version)Disentangling Cartesian Global Skepticism from Cartesian Problematic External-World Idealism in Kant’s Refutation.Roberto Horácio de Sá Pereira - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (2):242-260.
    Kant’s Refutation targets what he calls the problematic idealist. This is understood by the mainstream of Kantian scholarship as the global skeptic that Descartes briefly adumbrated in his first Meditation. The widespread view in the literature is that the fate of the Refutation is tied to its success as an argument against this Cartesian global skepticism. This consensus is what I want to question in this paper. I argue that Kant’s opponent – the problematic idealist – is not the Cartesian (...)
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  47. Topography in the Timaeus: Plato and Augustine on Mankind's Place in the Natural World.Catherine Osborne - 1988 - Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 34:104-111.
    I consider the relation between the shape or structure of the world and the moral position occupied by human beings, and show that a cosmology that places earth at the centre does not give the centre of the universe pride of place but the lowest place, so any reluctance to move the earth from the centre of the universe was not due to thinking that humans must be in the most important position. From Plato on, the surface of the earth (...)
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    Simulating the world: The digital enactment of pandemics as a mode of global self-observation.Sven Opitz - 2017 - European Journal of Social Theory 20 (3):392-416.
    If the twentieth century was the age of the world picture taken as a photograph of the Whole Earth from outer space, today’s observations of the planet are produced by means of computer simulation. Pandemic models are of paramount sociological interest in this respect, since modelling contagion is closely intertwined with modelling the material connectivities of social life. By envisioning the global dynamics of disease transmission, pandemic simulations enact the relationscapes of a transnational world. This article seeks to analyse (...)
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    The Art of Perception: From the Life World to the Medical Gaze and Back Again.Christian Hick - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (2):129-140.
    Perceptions are often merely regarded as the basic elements of knowledge. They have, however, a complex structure of their own and are far from being elementary. My paper will analyze two basic patterns of perception and some of the resulting medical implications. Most basically, all object perception is characterized by a mixture of knowledge and ignorance (Husserl). Perception essentially perceives with inner and outer horizons, brought about by the kinesthetic activity of the perceiving subject (Sartre). This first layer of (...)
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    ‘The Stone Sky’: Dwelling and habitation in other worlds.Jane Grant - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):329-336.
    Have humans always had the desire to inhabit other worlds? From the microscopic scale to the vastness of outer space, it seems our capacity for occupying uninhabitable spaces with our intellect, our bodies, our sensorium, our desire, is fundamental to our being. What are these spaces and how do we come to ‘know’ them? Whether mythological, religious or scientific, these minute or vast worlds are spaces that we unfold, narrate and dwell in. In his short story ‘The (...)
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