Peter Århem [13]P. Arhem [7]
  1. A discussion of the mind-brain problem.K. R. Popper, B. I. B. Lindahl & P. Århem - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine 14 (2):167-180.
    In this paper Popper formulates and discusses a new aspect of the theory of mind. This theory is partly based on his earlier developed interactionistic theory. It takes as its point of departure the observation that mind and physical forces have several properties in common, at least the following six: both are located, unextended, incorporeal, capable of acting on bodies, dependent upon body, capable of being influenced by bodies. Other properties such as intensity and extension in time may be added. (...)
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  2. Evolution of the Neural Basis of Consciousness: A Bird-Mammal Comparison.Ann B. Butler, Paul R. Manger, B. I. B. Lindahl & Peter Århem - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (9):923-936.
    The main objective of this essay is to validate some of the principal, currently competing, mammalian consciousness-brain theories by comparing these theories with data on both cognitive abilities and brain organization in birds. Our argument is that, given that multiple complex cognitive functions are correlated with presumed consciousness in mammals, this correlation holds for birds as well. Thus, the neuroanatomical features of the forebrain common to both birds and mammals may be those that are crucial to the generation of both (...)
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    Consciousness transitions: phylogenetic, ontogenetic, and physiological aspects.Hans Liljenström & Peter Århem (eds.) - 2008 - Boston: Elsevier.
    It was not long ago when the consciousness was not considered a problem for science. However, this has now changed and the problem of consciousness is considered the greatest challenge to science. In the last decade, a great number of books and articles have been published in the field, but very few have focused on the how consciousness evolves and develops, and what characterizes the transitions between different conscious states, in animals and humans. This book addresses these questions. Renowned researchers (...)
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    Mind as a force field: Comments on a new interactionistic hypothesis.B. I. B. Lindahl & P. Århem - 1994 - Journal of Theoretical Biology 171:111-22.
    The survival and development of consciousness in biological evolution call for an explanation. An interactionistic mind-brain theory seems to have the greatest explanatory value in this context. An interpretation of an interactionistic hypothesis, recently proposed by Karl Popper, is discussed both theoretically and based on recent experimental data. In the interpretation, the distinction between the conscious mind and the brain is seen as a division into what is subjective and what is objective, and not as an ontological distinction between something (...)
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    Motor control and the causal relevance of conscious will: Libet’s mind–brain theory.B. Ingemar B. Lindahl & Peter Århem - 2019 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 39 (1):46-59.
    This article examines three aspects of the problem of understanding Benjamin Libet’s idea of conscious will causally interacting with certain neural activities involved in generating overt bodily movements. The first is to grasp the notion of cause involved, and we suggest a definition. The second is to form an idea of by what neural structure(s) and mechanism(s) a conscious will may control the motor activation. We discuss the possibility that the acts of control have to do with levels of supplementary (...)
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  6. On the coevolution of consciousness and cognition.P. Arhem & H. Liljenstrom - 1997 - Journal of Theoretical Biology 187:601-12.
  7.  20
    Vertical information flow in the brain: On neuronal micro events and consciousness.P. Arhem - 1996 - Biosystems 38:191-98.
  8.  27
    Consciousness and comparative neuroanatomy: Report on the agora workshop in sigtuna, sweden, on 21 August, 2002.Peter Århem, Hans Liljenström & B. I. B. Lindahl - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (3):85-88.
  9. Neuroscience and the problem of consciousness: Theoretical and empirical approaches. An introduction.P. Århem & B. I. B. Lindahl - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine 14 (2):77-88.
  10. ""Baker, Steve Picturing the Beast: Animals, Identity, and Representation. Urbana: University of Illinois. Barresi, J. and Moore, C." Intentional relations and social understanding." Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19: 107-154. Bekoff, Marc Minding Animals: Awareness, Emotions. and Heart, New York: Oxford University. [REVIEW]Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen, Gordon M. Burghardt, Ann B. Butler, Paul R. Manger & Peter Arhem - 2008 - In Susan Jean Armstrong & Richard George Botzler, The animal ethics reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 143.
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  11.  36
    Peter Arhem, Hans Liljenstrom and BIB Lindahl Consciousness and Comparative Neuroanatomy Report on the Agora Workshop in Sigtuna, Sweden, on 21 August, 2002. [REVIEW]P. Arhem & H. Liljenstrom - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (3):88-85.
    In recent years new findings in vertebrate neuroanatomy have challenged received views on the evolution of the brain. Established theories suggesting that new structures are added to older structures or that old structures are modified into new ones are being re-evaluated. Modification processes, such as invasion and parcellation, have proved to be less valid than originally assumed. Discoveries of neuroanatomical homologies add to the cladistic interpretation problems.
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