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  1.  14
    Cosa-sentido e cosa-realidad. Xavier Zubiri e la meta-fisica della realtà.Paolo Ponzio - 2018 - Quaestio 18:325-342.
    The intent we propose will be to retrace a few fundamental passages of the philosophical and metaphysical though of the Spanish philosopher, considering two conceptual pairs that refer to the question of res-realitas: constitutive respective / remittent respective, cosa-realidad / cosa-sentido.
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  2.  43
    The Articulation of the Idea of Experience in the 16th and 17th Centuries.Paolo Ponzio - 2004 - Quaestio 4 (1):175-196.
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  3.  3
    Metaphysica paupera: New insights into the history of metaphysics between the middle ages and early modern philosophy.Annarita Angelini, Fosca Mariani Zini & Paolo Ponzio - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-3.
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  4.  23
    Perera, Bellarmino, Galileo e il “concordismo” tra Sacre Scritture e ricerca scientifica.Paolo Ponzio - 2014 - Quaestio 14:257-269.
    The paper aims to examine the role of Benet Perera’s and Roberto Bellarmino’s exegetic models in the development of the relationship between the nascent Galilean science and post-Tridentine catholic theology. It intends to show that, during the early decades of seventeenth century, the Catholic Church dealt with the Scientific Revolution with the same hermeneutical tools that it had employed to confront the Protestant Reformation half a century before. However, new science involved a philosophical and scientific culture change so vast and (...)
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  5.  34
    Premessa. Xavier Zubiri: una metafisica del XX secolo.Paolo Ponzio - 2022 - Quaestio 21:17-35.
    In this study, in the light of Xavier Zubiri’s Metaphysics, we want to pay attention to the nuances of the term “transcendental”, trying to grasp shades and developments of its use in Zubiri’s thought to understand its originality and to be able to offer some clarifications on essential aspects of his philosophical system, in order to redefine his philosophy of reality as trans-physics.
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  6. Divine will and human freedom. Tomism and molinism in the theology of Tommaso Campanella.Paolo Ponzio - 2008 - Rinascimento 48:481-491.
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  7.  38
    El concepto del yo en la metafísica moderna del Siglo XVII: Campanella y Descartes.Paolo Ponzio - 2006 - Tópicos 14:9-21.
    El concepto del yo en la metafísica moderna del siglo XVII: de la autoconciencia de Tommaso Campanella al Cogito cartesiano. Éstas son las coordenadas entre las que es posible indagar el concepto del yo en la edad moderna. El presente artículo, por tanto, intenta analizar las opciones filosóficas de estos dos autores capitales en la formación de la filosofía moderna, para poder preguntarse, finalmente: cuál es el precio que pagamos a la modernidad? La presunta afirmación "solipsista" de la subjetividad induce (...)
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  8.  48
    La causa nella «natura». Giordano Bruno e Tommaso Campanella.Paolo Ponzio - 2002 - Quaestio 2 (1):339-352.
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  9.  27
    Notitia sui est esse suum. Nota sull’ente e sull’io nel pensiero metafisico di Tommaso Campanella.Paolo Ponzio - 2009 - Quaestio 9:101-110.
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  10.  13
    À propos de l'atomisme de Galilée : Questions cosmologiques et problèmes théologiques / On Galileo's atomism : Cosmological questions and theological problems.Paolo Ponzio - 2002 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 55 (2):199-214.
  11.  11
    Re-legazione e volontà di verità: lo spazio della libertà di fronte al «potere del reale» nel pensiero di X. Zubiri.Paolo Ponzio - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (286 Extra):1169-1187.
    El presente artículo quiere profundizar el nexo entre voluntad de verdad y relegación en la filosofía de Xavier Zubiri, en una perspectiva diacrónica e sincrónica, en un análisis del problema del concepto de «poder de lo real» al interior del camino personal del filósofo en modo de determinar cuál es el espacio que el hombre tiene por liberarse de su fundamentalidad: agnosticismo, indiferencia y ateísmo.
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  12.  10
    Tommaso Campanella: filosofia della natura e teoria della scienza.Paolo Ponzio - 2001 - Bari: Levante.
  13.  11
    Tra rivelazioni e stratagemmi: politica e teologia profetica in Tommaso Campanella.Paolo Ponzio - 2019 - Quaestio 19:293-309.
    In this essay we will specify two issues particularly significant not only with regard to the personal life of Tommaso Campanella, but also with respect to his thought: 1) the revolutionary prophecy of the Calabrian conspiracy of 1599 and 2) the affair of the relationship between freedom and fate in the De fato siderali vitando, written on the commission of the Pope Urban VIII.
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  14.  12
    Xavier Zubiri e il problema della verità ‘attuale’.Paolo Ponzio - 2016 - Arbor 192 (780):a334.
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