Results for 'Paris Cral–Ehess'

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  1. The notion of representation and the new wave theories of cognition, perception, action.Elena Pasquinelli & Paris Cral–Ehess - 2009 - Epistemologia 32 (2):279.
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    Rythmologie baroque.Pascal Michon - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Exposé présenté lors de la journée d'études CRAL-EHESS par Christophe Corbier, Marielle Macé et Esteban Buch, « Histoire du rythme, histoire des rythmes » – Paris – 12 décembre 2014. - Philosophie – Nouvel article.
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    Introduction.Ana Laura Nettel & Georges Roque - 2012 - Argumentation 26 (1):1-17.
    Introduction Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-17 DOI 10.1007/s10503-011-9238-3 Authors Ana Laura Nettel, Law Department, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana—Azcapotzalco (UAM-A), Amsterdam 180-403 Colonia Hipódromo Condesa, 06100 Mexico, DF, Mexico Georges Roque, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CRAL, EHESS/CNRS, 96 Bd. Raspail, 75006 Paris, France Journal Argumentation Online ISSN 1572-8374 Print ISSN 0920-427X.
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    (1 other version)Philippe Büttgen, Luther et la philosophie. Paris, Vrin / EHESS (Contextes), 2011, 322 pages, 32,50 €. [REVIEW]Richard Figuier - 2013 - Astérion 11.
    Avec un titre comme Luther et la philosophie, depuis le xviiie siècle et dans les milieux « libéraux » du xixe siècle, on aurait pu s’attendre à un exposé, bien sûr complet, de la philosophie du Réformateur. On trouve l’expression, par exemple, dans les tables analytiques de L’Encyclopédie, à l’entrée « luthéranisme ». Bien que Philippe Büttgen se soit donné comme objet, pour d’autres travaux, « la confessionnalisation de la philosophie ..
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    Editorial: Objects and Sound Perception. [REVIEW]Nicolas J. Bullot & Paul Égré - 2010 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 1 (1):5-17.
    Editorial: Objects and Sound Perception Content Type Journal Article Pages 5-17 DOI 10.1007/s13164-009-0006-3 Authors Nicolas J. Bullot, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales Centre de Recherches sur les Arts et le Langage (CRAL/CNRS) 96 Bd Raspail 75006 Paris France Paul Égré, Institut Jean-Nicod (ENS/EHESS/CNRS) Département d’Etudes Cognitives de l’ENS 29 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris France Journal Review of Philosophy and Psychology Online ISSN 1878-5166 Print ISSN 1878-5158 Journal Volume Volume 1 Journal Issue Volume 1, Number 1.
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    Philippe Büttgen, Luther et la philosophie. Paris, Vrin / EHESS (Contextes), 2011, 322 pages, 32,50 €. [REVIEW]Philippe Büttgen - 2013 - Astérion 11.
    Avec un titre comme Luther et la philosophie, depuis le xviiie siècle et dans les milieux « libéraux » du xixe siècle, on aurait pu s’attendre à un exposé, bien sûr complet, de la philosophie du Réformateur. On trouve l’expression, par exemple, dans les tables analytiques de L’Encyclopédie, à l’entrée « luthéranisme ». Bien que Philippe Büttgen se soit donné comme objet, pour d’autres travaux, « la confessionnalisation de la philosophie ..
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    Serge Audier, Machiavel, conflit et liberté, Paris, Vrin-EHESS (Contextes), 2005, 313 pages, 25 €. [REVIEW]Sébastien Roman - 2009 - Astérion 6 (6).
    Il est des constats que nul ne saurait contester. La pensée machiavélienne exerce aujourd’hui une grande influence en philosophie politique. Comme si Machiavel, à l’instar de tous les « classiques », ne cessait d’être lu et relu pour être de nouveau découvert – et découvert autrement. Plus que par son « génie », sa contemporanéité s’explique cette fois-ci pour une raison précise bien connue des spécialistes depuis les années 1970. Dans le débat qui les oppose au libéralisme, les partisans du (...)
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    recently completed a second book, The Past in Pieces: Belonging in the New Cyprus, about the opening of the Green Line that divides the island. Maria-Pia Di Bella is a senior research fellow at the CNRS-IRIS-EHESS (Paris) and associated with the Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her current work focuses on families that are victims of.Coscienza Intesi daiBianchi - 2009 - In Barbara Rose Johnston & Susan Slyomovics (eds.), Waging War, Making Peace: Reparations and Human Rights. Left Coast Press.
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    Michel Foucault, Le Discours philosophique, édition établie, sous la responsabilité de François Ewald, par Orazio Irrera et Daniele Lorenzini, Paris, EHESS/Gallimard/Seuil, 2023.Diogo Sardinha - 2024 - Cités 98 (2):197-199.
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    Volny Fages. Savantes nébuleuses: L'origine du monde entre marginalité et autorité scientifique (1860–1920). Paris, France: Editions EHESS, 2018, 362 pp. ISBN: 9782713227264. [REVIEW]Helge Kragh - 2019 - Centaurus 61 (4):453-455.
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    Sabine Arnaud, L'invention de l'hystérie au temps des Lumières (1670–1820), (En temps & lieux 48) Paris: Éditions de l'EHESS 2014. 352 S., € 24,00. ISBN 978‐2‐7132‐2419‐5. Sabine Arnaud, On Hysteria: The Invention of a Medical Category between 1670 and 1820, Chicago/London: University of Chicago Press 2015. 376 S., geb., $ 55,00. ISBN 978‐0‐226‐27554‐3. [REVIEW]Alexandre Métraux - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (3):289-291.
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    Jean‐François Bert, Elisabetta Basso (Hrsgg.), Foucault à Münsterlingen. A l'origine de l'Histoire de la folie, Paris: Éditions de l'EHESS 2015. [REVIEW]Samuel Thoma - 2016 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 39 (2):197-198.
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    Catherine König-Pralong, La colonie philosophique. Écrire l’histoire de la philosophie aux xviiie et xixe siècles, Paris, Éditions de l’EHESS, 2019, 253 pages. [REVIEW]Sarah Bernard-Granger - 2021 - Philosophiques 48 (1):177-182.
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    Cécile DAUPHIN, Arlette FARGE (sous la dir. de) De la violence et des femmes, Paris, Albin Michel, 1997, 201 p.Mathilde Dubesset - 2000 - Clio 12:24-24.
    Femmes et violence : « le sujet est sombre, éprouvant pour celles qui le travaillent » peut-on lire dès l'introduction de cet ouvrage dont les textes sont issus d'un séminaire de recherche « Histoire des femmes » (CNRS-EHESS) associant des historiennes, sociologues et anthropologues. Deux questions s'entrecroisent au fil des articles, celle de la violence exercée par les femmes, sujet relativement nouveau dans le champ de l'histoire des femmes et du genre et celle, plus classique, de...
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    Joëlle Ducos and Christopher Lucken (eds.), Richard de Fournival et les sciences au XIIIe siècle. Micrologus Library 88, Firenze, SISMEL, 2018, vi + 443 pp., ISBN: 97888845 08430. Cloth €68. [REVIEW]Béatrice Delaurenti - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (2):198-200.
    Reseñado por BÉATRICE DELAURENTI EHESS, Centre de Recherches Historiques, Paris, FR [email protected].
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    Poétique et enseignement. Au séminaire de Gérard Genette.Annick Louis - 2020 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 26 (2):139-145.
    Dans cet article nous proposons une analyse d’un aspect peu évoqué du parcours de Genette, son séminaire de l’EHESS-Paris. Genette n’a pas explicité sa méthode, mais il avait constaté dans les années 1960 que l’enseignement universitaire était considéré comme une pratique neutre, et même un tabou, qui demandait à être historicisée et comprise dans sa portée idéologique. À partir d’une description des rituels et des modalités de son enseignement, nous analyserons le caractère spécifique de sa méthode de formation à (...)
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    Angela Groppi (1947-2020), pionnière de l’histoire des femmes en Italie.Anna Bellavitis - 2020 - Clio 51:257-259.
    Professeure associata d’histoire moderne à l’université de Rome-La Sapienza jusqu’à sa retraite, en 2017, Angela Groppi avait, auparavant, longtemps travaillé à la Fondazione Basso de Rome et à l’Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Treccani. Elle avait également été professeure invitée à l’Institut européen de Florence, à l’université Paris Diderot et à l’EHESS, avant que l’université italienne ne lui ouvre enfin ses portes, en 2000. Ses premiers travaux portaient sur la Révolution française et, dans...
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  18. Foreword.John V. Garner - 2023 - In Cornelius Castoriadis (ed.), The Greek Imaginary: From Homer to Heraclitus, Seminars 1982-1983. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    The 1982–1983 seminars of Cornelius Castoriadis (1922–1997) at the School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS) in Paris are here translated as The Greek Imaginary: From Homer to Heraclitus, Seminars 1982–1983. They were originally published in French in 2004, with expert editing and supplemental notes provided by Enrique Escobar, Myrto Gondicas, and Pascal Vernay. For basic introductory information on these seminars, their context, and their content, see their excellent Editors’ Introduction which follows.
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    Entretien avec Jean-Michel Beaudet.Jean-Michel Beaudet & Jacques-Louis Lantoine - 2024 - Cahiers Philosophiques 177 (2):99-109.
    Jean-Michel Beaudet est professeur d’ethnomusicologie à l’Université Paris-Nanterre. Spécialiste de la musique et de la danse amérindienne, il a publié en 1997 Souffles d’Amazonie. Les orchestres tule des Wayãpi, accompagné d’un CD qui restitue les enregistrements pratiqués lors de son séjour auprès des Wayãpi, et en 2010 Nous danserons jusqu’à l’aube. Essai d’ethnologie mouvementée en Amazonie, Paris, CTHS. Plus récemment, il a fait paraître Jouer, danser, boire. Carnets d’ethnographies musicales aux Éditions de l’EHESS, 2017, qui mêle réflexions sur (...)
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    L'historien et les fantômes: lectures (autour) de l'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau.Alain Boureau, Béatrice Delaurenti, Blaise Dufal & Piroska Nagy (eds.) - 2017 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    L'oeuvre d'Alain Boureau, multiple et dense, se deploie sur les quarante dernieres annees en abordant de nombreux domaines de l'histoire du Moyen Age et du christianisme latin. Elle suit les peregrinations personnelles et professionnelles d'un chercheur a travers un monde peuple de silhouettes incertaines : figures de l'hagiographie, faux-semblants de l'Etat moderne, anges, demons, cadavres et somnambules, vagues individus scolastiques qui eux-memes parlent de creatures etranges. Autant de fantomes d'un passe persistant qu'il a suivis avec tenacite tout au long de (...)
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    Odile Redon, Sallmann Line & Sylvie Steinberg (dir.), Le Désir et le Goût. Une autre histoire (xiiie.Florent Quellier - 2008 - Clio 28:275-307.
    Le désir et le goût. Une autre histoire regroupe dix-huit communications de collègues, d’élèves et de disciples de Jean-Louis Flandrin réunis en 2003 à l’université Paris 8 pour rendre hommage à cet historien des sensibilités décédé en 2001. Le titre du volume reprend l’intitulé du séminaire qu’il anima à l’EHESS et résume parfaitement, complété du sous-titre « une autre histoire », le parcours scientifique de cet historien qui consacra ses travaux à la famille (Familles, 1976) à la sexualité...
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    Putting Truth to the Test of Forgiveness: Reading Jacques Derrida's Seminar, ‘ Le parjure et le pardon’ (‘Perjury and Forgiveness’), translated by Cosmin Toma.Ginette Michaud - 2018 - Derrida Today 11 (2):144-177.
    This paper has been translated from the French by Cosmin Toma. It focuses on Jacques Derrida's very last lecture, given in Rio de Janeiro, on the 16thof August 2004, which Derrida drew from his ‘Le parjure et le pardon’ (‘Perjury and Forgiveness’) seminar held at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), in Paris, from 1997 to 1999. In reference to this final lecture in which Derrida deals with ‘forgiveness,’ ‘truth’, ‘reconciliation’, ‘testimony’ and ‘genre’, the paper also (...)
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    On Freudian Politics: The Mass as a Transindividual Unconscious Formation.Etienne Balibar & Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo - 2023 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 23:209-223.
    The present text is a branch of a research previously titled: “Philosophies of the transindividual: Spinoza, Marx, Freud.” This document includes the elements of a course taught in 2004 and 2005 at the Universities of Paris X Nanterre (seminar _Anthropology and Politics_, in collaboration with Bertrand Ogilvie) and the University of California, Irvine (_Emphasis on Critical Theory_), as well as subsequent communications at the EHESS and the University of Paris VII. The relevance of this text lies in the (...)
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    Odile Redon, Sallmann Line & Sylvie Steinberg (dir.), Le Désir et le Goût. Une autre histoire (xiiie–xviiie siècle).Florent Quellier - 2008 - Clio 28:283-283.
    Le désir et le goût. Une autre histoire regroupe dix-huit communications de collègues, d’élèves et de disciples de Jean-Louis Flandrin réunis en 2003 à l’université Paris 8 pour rendre hommage à cet historien des sensibilités décédé en 2001. Le titre du volume reprend l’intitulé du séminaire qu’il anima à l’EHESS et résume parfaitement, complété du sous-titre « une autre histoire », le parcours scientifique de cet historien qui consacra ses travaux à la famille (Familles, 1976) à la sexualité...
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    CLIO, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés : naissance et histoire d'une revue.Françoise Thébaud & Michelle Zancarini-Fournel - 2002 - Clio 16:9-22.
    CLIO, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés est en France la deuxième tentative de revue d'histoire des femmes, après Pénélope, pour l'histoire des femmes. Issue de la collaboration entre un groupe d'historiennes de l'EHESS et du Groupe d'études féministes (GEF) de l'Université Paris 7, Pénélope a accompagné et favorisé le développement des premières recherches et des premières soutenances de thèse en histoire des femmes. Entre 1979 et 1985, elle a publié treize cahiers thématiques qui rendaient compt...
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    Hospitality.Jacques Derrida - 2023 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Pascale-Anne Brault, Peggy Kamuf & E. S. Burt.
    In Hospitality, Volume I, Jacques Derrida continues a seminar series he inaugurated in 1991 under the general title of "Questions of Responsibility." Delivered at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris from November 1995 through June 1996, the seminar is guided by questions that focus on responsibility and "the foreigner": How is the foreigner welcomed and/or repressed? What does the notion of the foreigner reveal about kinship, ethnicity, the city, the state, and the nation? What (...)
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    Marseille as model.Sheila R. Crane - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (6):1036-1039.
    Les Grammaires d'une ville: Essai sur la genèse des structures urbaines à Marseille. By Marcel Roncayolo (Paris: EHESS, 1996), 507 pp., FF 380, paper.
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    Compreensões sobre o momento contempor'neo da saída da religião e sobre a condição atual da laicidade.Henrique Marques Lott - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (41):185-199.
    This paper is the result of three interviews held in Paris, between the months of October and November 2015. Respondants were: the philosopher Marcel Gauchet, diretor of studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes EHESS; political scientist and historian of secularity, Philippe Portier, diretor of studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études EPHE Paris-Sorbonne and historian Didier Da Silva, professor of history of ideas at the Institut Catholique de Paris. The goal pursued in the context of (...)
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    The uncertain reasoner's companion: a mathematical perspective.J. B. Paris - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Reasoning under uncertainty, that is, making judgements with only partial knowledge, is a major theme in artificial intelligence. Professor Paris provides here an introduction to the mathematical foundations of the subject. It is suited for readers with some knowledge of undergraduate mathematics but is otherwise self-contained, collecting together the key results on the subject, and formalising within a unified framework the main contemporary approaches and assumptions. The author has concentrated on giving clear mathematical formulations, analyses, justifications and consequences of (...)
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    On the importance of beauty and taste.Panos Paris - unknown
    We’ve all heard people say ‘Beauty is only skin-deep’, or ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’: our culture promulgates a conception of beauty as subjective, superficial, and independent of other values like moral goodness or knowledge and understanding. Yet our taste in beauty affects many aspects of our lives, sometimes playing a decisive––and often detrimental––role in areas as wide-ranging as our identity and self-esteem, our morally salient decisions, and our relationship to the environment. This presents us with a (...)
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  31. The Empirical Case for Moral Beauty.Panos Paris - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (4):642-656.
    ABSTRACTAlthough formative of modern value theory, the moral beauty view—which states that moral virtue is beautiful and moral vice is ugly—is now mostly neglected by philosophers. The two contemporary defences of the view mostly capitalize on its intuitive attractiveness, but to little avail: such considerations hardly convince sceptics of what is nowadays a rather unpopular view. Historically, the view was supported by thought experiments; and although these greatly increase its plausibility, they also raise empirical questions, which they leave unanswered. Here, (...)
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  32. Common sense and maximum entropy.Jeff Paris - 1998 - Synthese 117 (1):75-93.
    This paper concerns the question of how to draw inferences common sensically from uncertain knowledge. Since the early work of Shore and Johnson (1980), Paris and Vencovská (1990), and Csiszár (1989), it has been known that the Maximum Entropy Inference Process is the only inference process which obeys certain common sense principles of uncertain reasoning. In this paper we consider the present status of this result and argue that within the rather narrow context in which we work this complete (...)
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    Ciencia, técnica, cultura: Congreso Internacional, homenaje a la figura y la obra de Carlos París.Carlos París - 1997 - Ediciones Universidad Autonoma de Madrid.
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  34. The Deformity-Related Conception of Ugliness.Panos Paris - 2017 - British Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2):139-160.
    Ugliness is a neglected topic in contemporary analytic aesthetics. This is regrettable given that this topic is not just genuinely fascinating, but could also illuminate other areas in the field, seeing as ugliness, albeit unexplored, does feature rather prominently in several debates in aesthetics. This paper articulates a ‘deformity-related’ conception of ugliness. Ultimately, I argue that deformity, understood in a certain way, and displeasure, jointly suffice for ugliness. First, I motivate my proposal, by locating a ‘deformity-related’ conception of ugliness in (...)
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    “Brain Death,” “Dead,” and Parental Denial.John J. Paris, Brian M. Cummings & M. Patrick Moore - 2014 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 23 (4):371-382.
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    Davide Luglio, La science nouvelle ou l'extase de l'ordre. Connaissance, rhétorique et science dans l'oeuvre de GB Vico, PUF (Colecc. Thémis-Philosohie), Paris, 2003, pp. 213. ISBN. [REVIEW]París-La Sorbona París - 2003 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 15 (16):391.
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    The Aesthetics of Ethics: Exemplarism, Beauty, and the Psychology of Morality.Panos Paris - 2022 - Journal of Value Inquiry 56 (4):601-625.
    Linda Zagzebski recently put forward a new theory, moral exemplarism, that is meant to provide an alternative to theories like consequentialism and deontology, and which proposes to define key moral terms by direct reference to exemplars. The theory’s basic structure is straightforward. A virtuous person is defined as a person like that, where that points to individuals like Leopold Socha, Confucius, Jesus Christ, and so on. A key component of this theory is the function played by the emotions, specifically the (...)
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  38. Functional Beauty, Pleasure, and Experience.Panos Paris - 2020 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 98 (3):516-530.
    I offer a set of sufficient conditions for beauty, drawing on Parsons and Carlson’s account of ‘functional beauty’. First, I argue that their account is flawed, whilst falling short of...
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    “One Does Not Write for Slaves”: Wynter, Sartre, and the Poetic Phenomenology of Invention.William Michael Paris - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (3):407-421.
    In What Is Literature? Sartre claims, "One does not write for slaves."1 This takes place in the context of an argument Sartre makes in claiming literature is an appeal to the freedom of others.2 Furthermore, the acts of reading and writing are collaborative occasions that invent and re-invent the world by disclosing it and creating it.3 It is important to be precise about what Sartre believes must be presupposed in order for literature to function. The force of committed literature is (...)
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    In defense of the maximum entropy inference process.J. Paris & A. Vencovská - 1997 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 17 (1):77-103.
    This paper is a sequel to an earlier result of the authors that in making inferences from certain probabilistic knowledge bases the maximum entropy inference process, ME, is the only inference process respecting “common sense.” This result was criticized on the grounds that the probabilistic knowledge bases considered are unnatural and that ignorance of dependence should not be identified with statistical independence. We argue against these criticisms and also against the more general criticism that ME is representation dependent. In a (...)
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  41. On Form, and the Possibility of Moral Beauty.Panos Paris - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (5):711-729.
    There is a tendency in contemporary (analytic) aesthetics to consider- ably restrict the scope of things that can be beautiful or ugly. This peculiarly modern tendency is holding back progress in aesthetics and robbing it of its potential contribution to other domains of inquiry. One view that has suffered neglect as a result of this tendency is the moral beauty view, whereby the moral virtues are beautiful and the moral vices are ugly. This neglect stems from an assumption to the (...)
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    Autonomy Does Not Confer Sovereignty on the Patient: A Commentary on the Golubchuk Case.John J. Paris - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):54-56.
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    On LP -models of arithmetic.J. B. Paris & A. Sirokofskich - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (1):212-226.
    We answer some problems set by Priest in [11] and [12], in particular refuting Priest's Conjecture that all LP-models of Th(N) essentially arise via congruence relations on classical models of Th(N). We also show that the analogue of Priest's Conjecture for I δ₀ + Exp implies the existence of truth definitions for intervals [0,a] ⊂ₑ M ⊨ I δ₀ + Exp in any cut [0,a] ⊂e K ⊆ M closed under successor and multiplication.
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  44. Scepticism about Virtue and the Five-Factor Model of Personality.Panos Paris - 2017 - Utilitas 29 (4):423-452.
    Considerable progress in personality and social psychology has been largely ignored by philosophers, many of whom still remain sceptical concerning whether the conception of character presupposed by virtue theory is descriptively adequate. Here, I employ the five-factor model of personality, currently the consensus view in personality psychology, to respond to a strong reading of the situationist challenge, whereby most people lack dispositions that are both cross-situationally consistent and temporally stable. I show that situationists rely on a false dichotomy between character (...)
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    A note on the undefinability of cuts.J. B. Paris & C. Dimitracopoulos - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):564-569.
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    Some independence results for peano arithmetic.J. B. Paris - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (4):725-731.
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    Note on an induction axiom.J. B. Paris - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (1):113-117.
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    Parental refusal of medical treatment for a newborn.John J. Paris, Michael D. Schreiber & Michael P. Moreland - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (5):427-441.
    When there is a conflict between parents and the physician over appropriate care due to an infant whose decision prevails? What standard, if any, should guide such decisions?This article traces the varying standards articulated over the past three decades from the proposal in Duff and Campbell’s 1973 essay that these decisions are best left to the parents to the Baby Doe Regs of the 1980s which required every life that could be salvaged be continued. We conclude with support for the (...)
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    Silence is not always golden in medical decision-making.John J. Paris & Michael P. Moreland - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (7):39 – 40.
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    Physician Refusal of Requests for Futile or Ineffective Interventions.John J. Paris & Frank E. Reardon - 1992 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 1 (2):127.
    Several recent articles raise an issue long unaddressed in the medical literature: physician compliance with patient or family requests for futile or ineffectice therapy. Although they agree philosophically that such treatment ought not be given, most physicians have followed the course described by Stanley Fiel, in which a young patient dying of cystic fibrosis was accepted “for evaluation” by a transplant center even though he has already passed the threshold of viability as a candidate for a heart-lung transplant. Dr. Fiel (...)
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