Results for 'Pastoral theology Catholic Church'

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  1.  11
    From a Parish Base: Essays in Moral and Pastoral Theology.Kevin T. Kelly - 1999
    Written by a Roman Catholic theologian, these essays cover how pastoral ministry should be done in today's society, including how to handle church law and build a collaborative church as well as specific issues such as euthanasia and embryo research.
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    Church Youth Work in the Context of Non-Formal Religious Education: The Case of the Catholic Church.S. U. Mehmet - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):153-166.
    Church youth work is the activities and programs organized by churches for young people. These activities aim to contribute to the religious, spiritual and social development of young people. Church youth work brings young people together and supports them in areas such as religious education, spiritual development, community service, leadership development and active participation in the religious community. It is seen that youth work, which was previously a part of family work, has been organized as a different field (...)
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    Oscar Romero (1917–1980): A model of pastoral leadership for church leaders in Africa.Valentine U. Iheanacho - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (2):8.
    Until 1977, Monsignor Romero was a traditional Catholic bishop trained in traditional Roman theology with a penchant for order and non-involvement in ‘politics’. He was also a product of the 1968 Medellin Conference which fashioned a pastoral model for the Latin American church: ‘A fundamental option for the poor’ on the thrust of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965). This article seeks to present Oscar Romero within a historical context and proposes him as a servant–leader model for (...)
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  4.  54
    A evolução da Igreja Católica no Brasil à luz de pesquisas recentes (The evolution of the Catholic Church in Brazil at the light of recent research) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n28p1208. [REVIEW]Johan Konings & Geraldo Luiz de Mori - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1208-1229.
    O artigo aqui apresentado propõe uma leitura teológico-pastoral dos resultados do último Censo do IBGE 2010– Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – sobre religião no Brasil, publicados em julho de 2012, recorrendo também ao estudo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas – O novo mapa das religiões – publicado em 2011, e à pesquisa encomendada pela Arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte sobre Valores e religião na região metropolitana, cuja realização se deu em 2012. A leitura proposta pelo artigo toma em conta (...)
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    Preparation of an unsighted or visually impaired child for the First Communion in the Catholic Church in Poland.Dariusz Lipiec - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):7.
    The aim of the article is to present the preparation of the unsighted and visually impaired children for the First Communion and for their first confession. Blind and visually impaired children whose case is discussed in this article, are, according to the medical standards, described as unsighted; these children attend specialist educational centres. The first part of the article presents the conditions of their preparation for the First Holy Communion and for the first Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation, emphasising the (...)
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  6. Exodus of clergy: A practical theological grounded theory exploration of Hatfield Training Centre trained pastors.Shaun Joynt & Yolanda Dreyer - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):01-13.
    There is a shortage of clergy, at least in the Roman Catholic Church. Protestant churches in general are experiencing more of a distribution or placement challenge than a shortage. The two greatest hindrances to addressing the Protestant clergy distribution challenge are a lack of adequate compensation for clergy and the undesirable geographical location of a number of churches, as perceived by clergy. Influences such as secularisation, duality of vocation, time management, change in type of ministry, family issues, congregational (...)
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    A renewed theology of vocation as a response to the pastoral challenges facing the Australian church.Patricia Fox - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (1):26.
    Fox, Patricia Any study of recent publications, the statistics from diocesan websites and the litanies of anecdotal evidence reveals that the Church in Australia is at present being confronted by some very serious pastoral realities.1 In the face of this, I want to suggest that Vatican II's teaching on the call to holiness can open new pathways for the church by offering a significant challenge to the still widespread assumption among Catholics that God's call belongs only to (...)
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    Catholicism, Public Theology, and Postmodernity: On Richard John Neuhaus’s “Catholic Moment”.David L. Schindler - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (1):107-143.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CATHOLICISM, PUBLIC THEOLOGY, AND POSTMODERNITY: ON RICHARD JOHN NEUHAUS'S " CATHOLIC MOMENT" DAVID L. SCHINDLER University of Notre Dame HAT CATHOLICS should assume.their rightful place m the task of forming a culture, and indeed shaping a public philosophy in and for a pluralistic, dernocrwtic society, is ia suggestion which has not often been heard in the history of American culture, and certainly not from. nonCatholics. It is (...)
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  9. Faith in our future: Pastoral planning in the diocese of Parramatta.Daniel Ang - 2014 - The Australasian Catholic Record 91 (2):131.
    Ang, Daniel The Australian Catholic Church confronts serious challenges now and in the immediate years ahead. Chief among these are the recovery of institutional trust, confidence and credibility in the wake of a sexual abuse crisis; the steady decline in religious practice that will reshape the organisation and vitality of parishes markedly in the next decade, and the related and urgent demand of self-reflection; and pastoral and administrative reform, if it is to live its evangelising mission with (...)
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    50 years receiving Vatican II: a personal odyssey.Kevin T. Kelly - 2012 - Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Columba Press.
    A priest's fifty years of stuggle to be faithful to the spirit of Vatican II, reminding us that the task of receiving Vatican II is far from complete.
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  11.  62
    Religião e Catolicismo em Belo Horizonte: dados de pesquisa e leitura teológico-pastoral (Religion and Catholicism in Belo Horizonte: research data and interpretation theological-pastoral)-DOI: 10.5752/P. 2175-5841.2012 v10n28p1255. [REVIEW]Roberlei Panasiewicz - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (28):1255-1279.
    A dinamicidade do mundo atual chama a atenção. A rotatividade confronta-se com o permanente. Pensar ações pastorais no mundo atual supõe clara compreensão da realidade. Nesse sentido, a arquidiocese de Belo Horizonte encomendou uma pesquisa realizada em 2012 intitulada “Valores e religião na Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte”. Essa reflexão pretende apresentar os dados dessa pesquisa e apontar desafios no âmbito teológico-pastoral. A pesquisa atesta a presença do pluralismo e da mobilidade religiosa e critica a falta de diálogo inter-religioso. (...)
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  12.  43
    Towards an African Theology of Reconciliation: A Missiological Reflection on theInstrumentum Laborisof the Second African Synod.I. L. O. Chu - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (6):1005-1025.
    This essay is a critical theological and pastoral study of the Working Document of the Second African Synod. The article engages the articles in the document which deal with the theme of reconciliation. This essay begins by exploring the Christological and ecclesiological foundations for an African theology of reconciliation as found in the working document. While engaging the significant aspects of the working document which relate to articulating an African theology of reconciliation, this essay shows the limitations (...)
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  13.  46
    Teaching Pastoral Theology as a Pedagogically Oriented Discipline in the Educational Institutions of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine.Tetiana Tverdokhlib - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 87:1-12.
    Publication date: 2 May 2019 Source: Author: Tetiana Tverdokhlib The article focuses on the pedagogical component in the content of Pastoral Theology in the Ukrainian educational institutions of the Orthodox Church, which were included in the system of religious education of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the nineteenth century – at the end of the 1860's. Basing on the studied works “On Positions of Parish Presbyters” by the bishop of the Smolensk Parfenii and the Archbishop (...)
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  14.  50
    A juventude da Teologia da Libertação (Youth of Liberation Theology) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2012v10n26p333.Flávio Munhoz Sofiati - 2012 - Horizonte 10 (26):333-356.
    O objeto de análise deste artigo é o processo de formação da PJB, isto é, seu método pedagógico e suas opções políticas. A análise se desenvolve a partir de uma contextualização histórica que busca identificar as mudanças ocorridas no método da PJB nas décadas de 1980 e 1990. Conclui-se que, durante os anos 1980, a PJB enfatizava a dimensão política em suas atividades de formação e participava dos diversos movimentos sociais que se organizavam em torno da proposta de redemocratização do (...)
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  15.  41
    Towards an African Theology of Reconciliation: A Missiological Reflection on the Instrumentum Laboris of the Second African Synod.Stan Chu Ilo - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (6):1005-1025.
    This essay is a critical theological and pastoral study of the Working Document of the Second African Synod. The article engages the articles in the document which deal with the theme of reconciliation. This essay begins by exploring the Christological and ecclesiological foundations for an African theology of reconciliation as found in the working document. While engaging the significant aspects of the working document which relate to articulating an African theology of reconciliation, this essay shows the limitations (...)
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  16.  20
    Dislocation and continuity: Marking the 30th anniversary of the Catholic Bishops’ pastoral letter Living Our Faith.Buhle Mpofu & Mark Mapaketi - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    One of the reasons that prompted Malawi’s Catholic bishops to write a pastoral letter in 1992 that triggered the movement towards democracy was the big gap between the rich and the poor. The pastoral letter, Living Our Faith, emerged as a critical voice in challenging the socio-economic and political state of affairs. The bishops demanded that the government ensures fair distribution of wealth. Since that time, Malawi has experienced different political parties that have assumed state governance after (...)
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  17. Eastern catholic churches in Australia: Canonical issues for catholic clergy and pastoral workers.Ian Waters & McGuckin - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (1):81.
    Waters, Ian; McGuckin, Robert The following document has been produced to assist priests and deacons of the Latin Catholic Church in their parish pastoral ministry. It does not attempt to be a scholarly or technical treatment. Often, as regards questions about marriage, a canonist will need to be consulted.
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  18.  11
    Hermenéutica pastoral y exégesis polémica. Reflexiones sobre el método en 'Io. eu. tr.’ de Agustín de Hipona (406-407).Joseph Grabau - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):385-399.
    In this paper, the author first presents the earliest tractates (or ‘homilies’) on the Gospel of John, delivered in 406-407 A.D. by Augustine of Hippo, in their hermeneutical and polemical context, arguing that Augustine adapts his preaching style to reach members of his audience with distinct educational backgrounds, social identity and degree of knowledge and commitment to the Christian faith. Here, the concern is primarily contextual and lightly linguistic, with attention to the rhetorical strategies and overall presentation that Augustine adapts (...)
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  19.  31
    Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthy.Brian D. Berry - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):217-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity by Rob Arner, and: Christ at the Checkpoint: Theology in the Service of Justice and Peace ed. by Paul Alexander, and: Becoming Nonviolent Peacemakers: A Virtue Ethic for Catholic Social Teaching and US Policy by Eli Sarasan McCarthyBrian D. BerryReview of Consistently Pro-Life: The Ethics of Bloodshed in Ancient Christianity ROB ARNER Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2010. 136 (...)
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    Catholic Perspectives on Medical Morals: Foundational Issues.Edmund D. Pellegrino, J. Langan & John Collins Harvey - 1989 - Springer.
    CATHOLIC PERSPECTIVES AND CONTEMPORARY MEDICAL MORALS A Catholic perspective on medical morals antedates the current world wide interest in medical and biomedical ethics by many centuries[5]. Discussions about the moral status of the fetus, abortion, contraception, and sterilization can be found in the writings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Teachings on various aspects of medical morals were scattered throughout the penitential books of the early medieval church and later in more formal treatises when (...)
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  21.  28
    Theology In Balance: The Role Of Theology In Newman’s University And Its Relevance To Contemporary Theologians.John Rogers Friday - 2007 - Newman Studies Journal 4 (2):43-53.
    After brief analyses of (1) Newman’s view of knowledge, (2) his view of science, (3) his view of theology as a science, (4) the primacy of the philosophical habit of mind, and (5) the inherent tension within the scientific community, this article relates Newman’s thought to the twenty-first century, particularly the Second Vatican Council’s Gaudium et Spes (Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the World of Today).
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  22. Vernieuwd geweten.Louis Monden - 1967 - Utrecht,: Desclée de Brouwer.
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  23.  19
    The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Keith Lemna.Aaron Williams - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1353-1359.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Keith LemnaAaron WilliamsThe Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos by Keith Lemna (Brooklyn, NY: Angelico, 2019), xxx + 488 pp.Keith Lemna has done the theological world a great service. In The Apocalypse of Wisdom: Louis Bouyer's Theological Recovery of the Cosmos, he offers the English-speaking world for the first time a monograph (...)
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  24.  13
    U.S. moral theology from the margins.Charles E. Curran & Lisa Fullam (eds.) - 2020 - Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press.
    Memory, funerals, and the communion of the saints: growing old and practices of remembering / M. Therese Lysaught -- God bends over backward to accommodate humankind...while the Civil Rights Acts and the Americans with Disabilities Act require [only] minimum effort / Mary Jo Iozzio -- Radical solidarity: migration as challenge ofr contemporary Christian ethics / Kristin E. Heyer -- Catholic lesbian feminist theology / Mary E. Hunt -- Theology of whose body? Sexual conplementarity, intersex conditions, and La (...)
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    Liturgical transformation of Diocesan Church in Palangkaraya, Indonesia.Fransiskus J. Hamu, Adison A. Sihombing, Zaenuddin H. Prasojo, Emanuel P. D. Martasudjita & Antonius D. Firmanto - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):11.
    The congregation is challenged by modern times that require various life adjustments, including priestly pastoral ministry. Therefore, this study examined the pastoral ministry style for the parishioner’s rural community of St. Petrus Paulus Ampah Diocese in Palangka Raya. A descriptive qualitative approach was used with data collected using participatory observations, in-depth interviews and document studies. Furthermore, the data analysis involved reducing, displaying and process verification. The participants included parish priests, catechists and station council administrators. The results showed that (...)
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  26.  16
    The Establishment Hypothesis: Toward a More Integrated Theology of Holy Orders.Dominic Cerrato - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1275-1303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Establishment Hypothesis:Toward a More Integrated Theology of Holy OrdersDominic CerratoPreliminary ConsiderationsUnderstanding the ProblemThough the Sacrament of Holy Orders is a single sacrament consisting of three degrees, throughout its theological development, much of the focus has been on that of the priesthood. By priesthood I mean the two degrees that are sacerdotal in nature, the episcopate and the presbyterate. Given the growing understanding of the Eucharist in the (...)
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  27.  6
    Sünde, Freiheit und Gewissen.Louis Monden - 1968 - Salzburg,: O. Müller.
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    Healing history, healing a nation: A prophetic practical pastoral ministry of care.Mabutho Mkandla & Yolanda Dreyer - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    In the late 19th century, colonial powers sought to destroy the Mthwakazi or Ndebele state in what is now Matabeleland in the south west region of Zimbabwe, to subdue and dominate its people. The people of Matabeleland suffered heavy losses of cattle and land. Paradoxically, these injustices did not end with the collapse of colonialism. Since independence in 1980, the people of Matabeleland have been victims of political violence, which has left thousands dead and many without a livelihood. Nothing came (...)
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  29.  78
    Theology and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: I.Christopher F. Mooney - 1993 - Heythrop Journal 34 (3):247–273.
    On Humour and the Comic in the Hebrew Bible. Edited by Y. T. Radday and A. Brenner.The Trouble With Kings: The Composition of rhe Book of Kings in the Deuteronomistic History. By Steven L. McKenzie.Sacred Space: An Approach to the Zheology of the Epistle to the Hebrews. By Marie E. Isaacs.Fourth Ezra: A Commentary on the Book of Fourth Ezra. By Michael Edward StonePaul the Convert: iShe Apostolate and Apostasy of Saul the Pharisee. By Alan F. Segal.Creative Biblical Exegesis: Christian (...)
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    Handbook of Roman Catholic moral terms.James T. Bretzke - 2013 - Washington DC: Georgetown University Press.
    The Handbook of Roman Catholic Moral Terms contains more than 800 moral terms, offering concise definitions, historical context, and illustrations of how these terms are used in the Catholic tradition, including Church teaching and documents. James T. Bretzke, SJ, places Catholic tradition in a contemporary context in order to illuminate the continuities as well as discontinuities of Church teaching and key directions of Catholic thought. The author also provides extensive cross-referencing and bibliographic suggestions for (...)
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  31.  21
    Movimentos de resistência ao poder pastoral na Idade Média.Maurino Marques Nascimento Junior - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):260-266.
    The called Middle Ages was a time marked by the outbreak of resistance movements which had as main and common characteristic the opposition to the stance adopted by the Roman Catholic Church during this period of history. The target of this research is to identify the main features of the clergy in this period, as well as identify what were these resistance movements and their theological basis. The method adopted here is to search for bibliographical material, establishing as (...)
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  32.  8
    Psychanalyse et relation pastorale: études de théologie morale autour du frère Albert Plé de 1950 à 1980.Laurent Lemoine - 2010 - Paris: Cerf.
    Ecouter est une tâche d'humanité. C'est ce que tout homme doit pouvoir offrir à l'autre en proie à une détresse dont il a envie de parler. Mais écouter peut devenir, dans certains cas, affaire de spécialistes. Les Eglises chrétiennes ont une longue, très longue expérience de ce qui s'appelait jadis la direction spirituelle et que l'on nomme plus volontiers de nos jours l'accompagnement spirituel. Les modalités et le but de ces accompagnements visent à faire grandir la relation avec Celui que (...)
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    In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil Messer.Andrea Vicini - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (1):196-199.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:In Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics by Daniel Callahan, and: Why the Church Needs Bioethics: A Guide to the Wise Engagement with Life’s Challenges ed. by John F. Kilner, and: Respecting Life: Theology and Bioethics by Neil MesserAndrea Vicini SJIn Search of the Good: A Life in Bioethics By Daniel Callahan (edited by Arthur Caplan) CAMBRIDGE, MA: MIT PRESS, 2012. XVII + 206 (...)
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  34.  10
    (1 other version)Sin, liberty and law.Louis Monden - 1965 - London,: Dublin G. Chapman.
  35.  14
    Modernism and the Growing Catholic Identity Problem: Thomistic Reflections and Solutions.Heather M. Erb - 2015 - Studia Gilsoniana 4 (3):251–283.
    Philosophical forces gathered in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Catholic Modernism have crystallized into theological views which permeate the antinomian atmosphere in the Church today, resulting in an ongoing Catholic identity problem, both within the Church and in relation to the world. In place of the perennial philosophy and its contemplative ideal, many now welcome the incoherence of broad philosophical and theological pluralism, while pastoral practice is infused with the fruits of pragmatism and the (...)
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    Speak Up for Just War or Pacifism: A Critique of the United Methodist Bishops' Pastoral Letter "in Defense of Creation".Paul Ramsey - 1988 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    This searching critique of the United Methodist Bishops' pastoral letter on war and peace in a nuclear age, by America's foremost Christian ethicist, exposes theological flaws from which flow gaps in moral argument and strangely utopian politics. Never before has In Defense of Creation been more thoroughly analyzed. At the same time Paul Ramsey gives a full-length and detailed comparison of the Methodist document with The Challenge of Peace by the U.S. Catholic Bishops. Issues of nuclear ethics, as (...)
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  37.  23
    CELAM and the emerging reception of the “bridge theology” of Pope Francis: from Marcos Gregorio Mcgrath to the Latin American church today.Robert S. Pelton - 2018 - Horizonte 16 (50):454-481.
    The Second Vatican Council has a special significance in Latin America. This is especially true due to the influence of the document Gaudium et Spes. This took place at the Medellín Conference when Bishop Marcus Gregorio McGrath, C.S.C., pointed to this influence through his keynote address “The Signs of the Times.” He was prepared for this moment through his earlier theological training in Europe and his pastoral missions, especially in Chile and Panama. It was his earlier practice of (...) Action among young lay persons that led him into the “bridge theology” that was to be promoted further by Pope Francis. (shrink)
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    A pastoral/theological reflection on Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter concerning ordination to the priesthood.P. J. Cullinane - 1994 - The Australasian Catholic Record 71 (4):465.
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    A Pastoral Theology of Desire: Reading Augustine’s Theology of Desire in A Broader Corpus.Mark J. Boone - 2024 - Vox Patrum 91.
    The Enarrationes in Psalmos are an important source for understanding the Augustinian theology of desire, linking it to his systematic theology and his pastoral practice. In this paper I illustrate by overviewing the expositions on Psalms 11 (12), 12 (13), 23 (24), and 26 (27). These Psalms teach us to love, trust, and seek God only, a failure to do which marks the Donatist schism. Augustine mingles ideas from pagan philosophy’s quest for eudaimonia or beata vita—the good, (...)
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    "Awe-Inspiring, in Truth, Are the Mysteries of the Church": Eucharistic Mystagogy and Moral Exhortation in the Preaching of St. John Chrysostom.Daria Spezzano - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):413-434.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Awe-Inspiring, in Truth, Are the Mysteries of the Church":Eucharistic Mystagogy and Moral Exhortation in the Preaching of St. John ChrysostomDaria SpezzanoWe entrust to You, loving Master, our whole life and hope, and we ask, pray, and entreat: make us worthy to partake of your heavenly and awesome Mysteries from this holy and spiritual Table with a clear conscience; for the remission of sins, forgiveness of transgressions, communion of (...)
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    When the Morally "Right" Thing to Do Is Difficult: Reflections on a True "Pastoral" Approach in John Paul II's Veritatis Splendor.Irene Alexander - 2024 - Nova et Vetera 22 (2):333-341.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When the Morally "Right" Thing to Do Is Difficult:Reflections on a True "Pastoral" Approach in John Paul II's Veritatis SplendorIrene AlexanderIn the moral life, there are situations in which it is difficult to know what is the right thing to do. On the other hand, there are types of moral actions in which no such intellectual difficulty exists, where the right thing to do is very clear, yet (...)
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    Recent Sacramental Theology.Kevin W. Irwin - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (1):124-147.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RECENT SACRAMENTAL THEOLOGY HIS ARTICLE continues and complements an earlier scussion of contemporary sacramental method pubhed in October, 1983, based on a review of eleven books published in English on the sacraments from 1975 to 1983.1 That article dealt specifically with approaches to "contemporary systematic reflection on the Christian sacraments, the relation of sacramental theology to other areas of theology, the impact of liturgical studies on (...)
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    Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics ed. by Christian Scharen and Anna Marie Vigen.John Kiess - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (1):190-191.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ethnography as Christian Theology and Ethics ed. by Christian Scharen and Anna Marie VigenJohn KiessEthnography as Christian Theology and Ethics Edited by Christian Scharen and Anna Marie Vigen New York: Continuum, 2011. 304 pp. $29.95Over the past decade, an increasing number of Christian theologians and ethicists have turned to ethnographic methodologies in order to attend more closely to the complexities of lived faith and the bodily (...)
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  44. 'Weakness, and wounded and troubled love' in amoris laetitia: Pope Francis as pastor.Tom Ryan - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (2):131.
    Ryan, Tom 'Accompanying, Discerning and Integrating Weakness' is the 'contested' chapter 8 of Pope Francis's postsynodal allocution 'The Joy of Love'. This collegial document can be approached from various perspectives, for example, in its historical and theological context; in its significance for moral theology; in its reception within local churches. The aim here is pastoral, namely, to clarify the chapter's content and, specifically, its implications for the faithful and those engaged in pastoral ministry.
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    The Australian Catholic Church's pastoral responses to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.Toby O'Connor - 1997 - The Australasian Catholic Record 74 (3):277.
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    Exodus of clergy: The role of leadership in responding to the call.Shaun Joynt - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-10.
    Leaders play an important role in clergy's response to their call. Toxic leadership, also known as the dark side of leadership, negatively influences their decision to remain in full-time pastoral ministry. There is a shortage of clergy in the Roman Catholic Church and a distribution or displacement challenge facing the Protestant church. This shortage adversely affects the future of the church as clergy play an integral part in the preparation of congregants for their works of (...)
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  47. Principium totius Deitatis: Misterio inefable y Lenguaje eclesial.F. -A. Pastor - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (2):247-294.
    The article investigates the language of the faith of the Church on the mystery of God. It analyzes its origin and typology, its specificity and ecclesial meaning, its ecumenical relevance, its logical coherence and its theological actuality. It follows the definitions and declarations of the Magisterium while placing the doctrine within the bi-millennial history of Trinitarian theology. The study underlines the importance for the unity of the Church of the formulation of the faith which in adoring the (...)
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    “Eu ouvi os clamores do meu povo": o episcopado profético do Nordeste brasileiro (I have heard the cries of my people”: prophetic bishops of Brazilian northeast) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n32p1461. [REVIEW]Iraneidson Santos Costa - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1461-1484.
    O artigo se insere no debate acerca do caráter político-ideológico da atuação da Igreja Católica brasileira na segunda metade do século XX, elegendo como foco de estudo a parcela mais combativa do episcopado brasileiro, a Igreja nordestina, mais especificamente um grupo de treze bispos que, por sua intensa participação política, foi objeto central de fervorosas polêmicas, sendo igualmente classificados das mais díspares formas, de comunistas a santos, de pastores a políticos, de verdadeiros a falsos profetas. Signatários do documento “Eu ouvi (...)
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    Moral and Pastoral Theology.Robert A. Hewitt - 1937 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 12 (4):683-687.
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    Women in Neo-Pentecostal Churches in Nigeria: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah, and the Mainline Churches in Contemporary Nigeria.Adolphus Ekedimma Amaefule - 2022 - Feminist Theology 31 (1):34-50.
    This paper looks, in the first place, at gender issues in Pentecostal Christianity in Nigeria. This is especially as captured by the Nigerian writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, in her novel, Americanah. It is found that women in Nigerian Pentecostalism are more than the men in number and participate more actively both in church activities and in spiritual efforts at home. However, it is mostly the men who are the pastors and leaders of the Nigerian Pentecostal churches, even if at (...)
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