  1.  4
    Le Concept de Transcendance Chez Gabriel Marcel Et Pierre Boutang.Paul Mercier - 2018 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:41-52.
    The concept of Transcendence in Gabriel Marcel and Pierre Boutang. This article intends to explore the concept of Transcendence in Gabriel Marcel and Pierre Boutang’s writings. In philosophy, Transcendence is usually seen as a kind of sphere that creates a contact between humankind and divinity, or as surpassing oneself. Contrariwise, Gabriel Marcel and Pierre Boutang show that transcendence draws a path that the Christian viator – a notion explained throughout this article – has to take using the concepts of Mystery (...)
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    La Conscience du Temps Chez Spinoza Et Boutang. L’Objection de Boutang Contre Spinoza Dans le Denouement de L’Ontologie du Secret.Paul Mercier - 2019 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:39-60.
    The Conscience of Time in Spinoza and Boutang. Boutang’s Objection to Spinoza in the Resolution of the Ontologie du secret. This article aims to compare the relation to time and eternity in Spinoza and Boutang. Why such an attempt? Boutang, in footnote nr. 442 of the last chapter of his book, Ontologie du secret, objects to Spinoza, who rejects all ontological content of the future and therefore condemns substance to be an eternal past. On the contrary, Boutang seeks an ontological (...)
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    Souci de soi, souci de l'autre dans le processus de vieillissement.Paul Mercier - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 2 (2):39-52.
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