Results for 'Paula Waldman de Tokman'

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  1.  13
    IB Course Companion: Mathematical Studies.Stephen Bedding, Mal Coad, Jane Forrest, Beryl Fussey & Paula Waldman de Tokman - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    This book has been designed specifically to support the student through the IB Diploma Programme in Mathematical Studies. It includes worked examples and numerous opportunities for practice. In addition the book will provide students with features integrated with study and learning approaches, TOK and the IB learner profile. Examples and activities drawn from around the world will encourage students to develop an international perspective.
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    Mathematical Studies.Stephen Bedding, Mal Coad, Jane Forrest, Beryl Fussey & Paula Waldman de Tokman - 2007 - Oxford University Press.
    This book has been designed specifically to support the student through the IB Diploma Programme in Mathematical Studies. It includes worked examples and numerous opportunities for practice. In addition the book will provide students with features integrated with study and learning approaches, TOK and the IB learner profile. Examples and activities drawn from around the world will encourage students to develop an international perspective.
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    Proactive Ethics Consultation in the ICU: A Comparison of Value Perceived by Healthcare Professionals and Recipients.Felicia Cohn, Paula Goodman-Crews, William Rudman, Lawrence J. Schneiderman & Ellen Waldman - 2007 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 18 (2):140-147.
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    Cyborgs, biotechnologies, and informatics in health care – new paradigms in nursing sciences.Ana Paula Teixeira de Almeida Vieira Monteiro - 2016 - Nursing Philosophy 17 (1):19-27.
    Nursing Sciences are at a moment of paradigmatic transition. The aim of this paper is to reflect on the new epistemological paradigms of nursing science from a critical approach. In this paper, we identified and analysed some new research lines and trends which anticipate the reorganization of nursing sciences and the paradigms emerging from nursing care: biotechnology‐centred knowledge; the interface between nursing knowledge and new information technologies; body care centred knowledge; the human body as a cyborg body; and the rediscovery (...)
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  5. Cddi 149.94 logicism: Fregean and neo-Fregean'marco Ruffino.Largo de Sao Francisco de Paula - 1998 - Manuscrito 21:149.
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    A formação docente na educação profissional e tecnológica: a perspectiva de uma educação especial e inclusiva anticapacitista.Ana Paula Santos de Melo Fiori & Glycia Guimarães Souza Mendes - 2024 - Aprender-Caderno de Filosofia E Psicologia da Educação 18 (32):214-233.
    Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar, de forma crítico-reflexiva, os processos que se mostram implicados na formação do professor, tendo em vista a materialização de práticas educativas inclusiva-anticapacitistas no contexto da EPT. Para essa finalidade, a metodologia empregada subsidiou-se em uma abordagem qualitativa; recorrendo, para tanto, a pesquisa bibliográfica, por meio de estudos e produções de autores que tratam sobre a educação especial inclusiva e a formação de professores na EPT, sempre de modo a articular a discussão destas temáticas com (...)
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    A justiça contra o índio Kaiowá Lucas Antônio Barros: conflitos interétnicos e cotidiano no Aldeamento do Paranapanema, Paraná.Ana Paula Galvão de Meira & Jaisson Teixeira Lino - 2017 - Dialogos 21 (3):96-107.
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    Conjugar-se com O (que é) outro na experiência do filosofar.Paula Ramos de Oliveira - 2016 - Childhood and Philosophy 12 (25).
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    Abismo de rosas: uma metáfora vertiginosa?Berta Waldman - 1976 - Discurso 7 (7):239-244.
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    Phases of a Pandemic Surge: The Experience of an Ethics Service in New York City during COVID-19.Joseph J. Fins, Inmaculada de Melo-Martín, C. Ronald MacKenzie, Seth A. Waldman, Mary F. Chisholm, Jennifer E. Hersh, Zachary E. Shapiro, Joan M. Walker, Nicole Meredyth, Nekee Pandya, Douglas S. T. Green, Samantha F. Knowlton, Ezra Gabbay, Debjani Mukherjee & Barrie J. Huberman - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):219-227.
    When the COVID-19 surge hit New York City hospitals, the Division of Medical Ethics at Weill Cornell Medical College, and our affiliated ethics consultation services, faced waves of ethical issues sweeping forward with intensity and urgency. In this article, we describe our experience over an eight-week period (16 March through 10 May 2020), and describe three types of services: clinical ethics consultation (CEC); service practice communications/interventions (SPCI); and organizational ethics advisement (OEA). We tell this narrative through the prism of time, (...)
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    Reflexões Acerca da Atenção À Saúde Mental de Mães-Universitárias Após Isolamento Social No Contexto da Covid-19.Kamilly Souza do Vale, Natasha Cabral Ferraz de Lima, Lerlen Michaelle Silva dos Santos, Maria Vitória Rocha de Jesus & Paula Fabiana de Oliveira Palheta - 2024 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 8 (2).
    Contextualizar os processos oriundos de um período pandêmico é reconhecer que, para a nossa sociedade, o que vivemos com a pandemia da Covid-19 foi, de fato, inédito e histórico. Além de apresentar um cenário de acúmulo de emoções, mudança de rotina e sentimentos de medo e angústias, uma nova forma de interação social e trabalho precisou ser vivenciada. Assim, verificamos a importância de levantar reflexões acerca da maternidade vivenciada no contexto de isolamento social pelas mulheres que são mães discentes e (...)
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    Déficits atencionais em adolescentes com diagnóstico do Transtorno do Espectro Autista.Tiara Terezinha Matte Borges Machado & Ana Paula Almeida de Pereira - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):22-42.
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    Din'micas de gênero e migração: jovens mulheres rurais e esvaziamento do campo no norte de Minas Gerais.Deborah Dias Pereira, Jaqueline Da Silva Teixeira, Ana Paula Glinfskói Thé & Andréa Maria Narciso De Paula - 2019 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 21 (2):37-46.
    O êxodo rural brasileiro compreendeu um processo de grande magnitude desde o seu início, onde, em comparativo, poucos países experimentaram fluxo migratório tão intenso, tendo em vista a quantidade absoluta da população atingida. Uma das características encontradas nos movimentos migratórios brasileiros se estabelece na diferenciação por sexo. Estudos apontam que as mulheres migram mais do que os homens, além do fluxo migratório se caracterizar cada vez mais pela saída de jovens do campo. Nesse sentido, o presente artigo se propõe a (...)
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    Editorial: Well-Being of School Teachers in Their Work Environment.Paula Benevene, Simona De Stasio & Caterina Fiorilli - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A Cross-National Comparison on Subjective Well-Being of Kindergarten Teachers: Hong Kong and Italy.Paula Benevene, Yau Ho Paul Wong, Caterina Fiorilli & Simona De Stasio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Ethical Leadership as Antecedent of Job Satisfaction, Affective Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay Among Volunteers of Non-profit Organizations.Paula Benevene, Laura Dal Corso, Alessandro De Carlo, Alessandra Falco, Francesca Carluccio & Maria Luisa Vecina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:423971.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate among a group of non-profit organizations: a) the effect of ethical leadership on volunteers’ satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and intention to stay in the same organization; b) the role played by job satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between ethical leadership and volunteers’ intentions to stay in the same organization, as well as between ethical leadership and affective commitment. An anonymous questionnaire was individually administered to 198 Italian volunteers of different non-profit (...)
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  17. The Interplay Between Gesture and Speech in the Production of Referring Expressions: Investigating the Tradeoff Hypothesis.Jan P. de Ruiter, Adrian Bangerter & Paula Dings - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (2):232-248.
    The tradeoff hypothesis in the speech–gesture relationship claims that (a) when gesturing gets harder, speakers will rely relatively more on speech, and (b) when speaking gets harder, speakers will rely relatively more on gestures. We tested the second part of this hypothesis in an experimental collaborative referring paradigm where pairs of participants (directors and matchers) identified targets to each other from an array visible to both of them. We manipulated two factors known to affect the difficulty of speaking to assess (...)
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    O “sentido da vida” em Schopenhauer e Nietzsche.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2024 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 29 (1):47-64.
    Este é o primeiro de dois artigos que visam discutir o problema do sentido da vida na filosofia alemã do XIX, a fim de abrir diálogo com importantes discussões da filosofia contemporânea. Para tanto, localiza-se, neste artigo, o problema histórico-filosoficamente (1); em seguida, investiga-se em que medida o mesmo está intimamente relacionado, nos pensamentos de Schopenhauer (2) e Nietzsche (3), aos temas do pessimismo e do niilismo filosóficos; por fim, indica-se conclusivamente a importância de ambos os autores no estabelecimento do (...)
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  19. Antecedents and Consequences of Endorsing Prescriptive Views of Active Aging and Altruistic Disengagement.M. Clara de Paula Couto, Helene H. Fung, Sylvie Graf, Thomas M. Hess, Shyhnan Liou, Jana Nikitin & Klaus Rothermund - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study, we investigated endorsement of two types of prescriptive views of aging, namely active aging and altruistic disengagement. The study comprised a large international sample of middle-aged and older adults, covering the age range from 40 to 90 years. Participants rated their personal endorsement of prescriptive views of active aging and altruistic disengagement targeting older adults in general. Findings showed that endorsement was higher for prescriptions for active aging than for prescriptions for altruistic disengagement. Age groups in the (...)
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  20.  18
    Macht - Mythos - Utopie: Die Körperbilder der Ss-Männer.Paula Diehl - 2005 - Akademie Verlag.
    In ihrem Buch liefert Paula Diehl eine politik- und kulturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung der nationalsozialistischen Bilderproduktion und Mythoskonstruktion. Im Mittelpunkt der Studie stehen die Körperbilder der SS-Männer, die Visualisierung der »Arier«-Utopie und ihre Einbettung im sozialen Imaginären. Analysiert werden die Inszenierung von Herrschaft, die Verwendung von Körperbildern im politischen Diskurs sowie die Produktion und Funktionalisierung von Selbst- und Feindvorstellungen. Die Autorin zeigt, wie stark die Bildung, Tradierung und Stabilisierung der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie an das Verhältnis von Körper, Körperbildund politischer Symbolik gebunden waren. (...)
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  21.  21
    Effect of Teachers’ Happiness on Teachers’ Health. The Mediating Role of Happiness at Work.Paula Benevene, Simona De Stasio, Caterina Fiorilli, Ilaria Buonomo, Benedetta Ragni, Juan José Maldonado Briegas & Daniela Barni - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  22.  19
    Subjective Happiness and Compassion Are Enough to Increase Teachers’ Work Engagement?Simona De Stasio, Caterina Fiorilli, Paula Benevene, Francesca Boldrini, Benedetta Ragni, Alessandro Pepe & Juan José Maldonado Briegas - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    ¿Qué modelo interdisciplinar requiere la neuroética?Paula Castelli - 2018 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 22:33-49.
    En este trabajo se analizan dos modos paradigmáticos en que en la actualidad se comprende la relación entre las disciplinas que se encuentran implicadas en la tarea de la neuroética, en su carácter de neurociencia de la ética. Particularmente se critica la forma que toma la interdisciplinariedad en estos dos modelos. En el primer caso se señala que la tarea de reflexión filosófica no da lugar a que la evidencia neurocientífica pueda modificar de modo importante los presupuestos teóricos en que (...)
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    Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen erfolgreich initiieren und gestalten: Psychologische Perspektiven und Handlungsempfehlungen für Manager:innen.Paula Maria Bögel - 2024 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    Die aktuellen Geschehnisse zeigen, dass eine rasche und entschiedene Wende hin zu einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung unumgänglich ist, wenn wir uns und unseren Planeten retten wollen. Gerade Unternehmen können hier einen großen Beitrag leisten. Trotzdem kommen wir oft nicht ins Handeln oder es fehlen die Mitstreiter: innen im Unternehmen. Das essential stellt die wichtigsten Strategien für eine erfolgreiche Veränderung hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit vor und zeigt, wie Mitstreiter: innen für diese Transformation gewonnen werden. Es geht konkret der Frage nach, was wir (...)
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  25.  14
    Justicia en Troyanas de Eurípides.Paula Cristina Mira Bohórquez - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (2):39-59.
    En el artículo realizaré un estudio de algunos pasajes de Troyanas de Eurípides, en busca de posibles sentidos de justicia en el texto. En primer lugar, analizaré el pacto realizado entre Poseidón y Atenea en la primera parte del prólogo ; a continuación, me concentraré en la paradójica intervención de Casandra, antes de ser embarcada como esclava de Agamenón ; para terminar, resaltaré algunos puntos del agón entre Hécuba y Helena, que tiene como juez a Menelao. Considero que en estos (...)
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    Culturally Immersed Legal Terminology on the Example of Forest Regulations in Poland, The United Kingdom, The United States of America and Germany.Paula Trzaskawka & Joanna Kic-Drgas - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (5):1483-1513.
    The importance of forests is reflected in the national forest legislation which has been developed and implemented in European countries over recent years. Due to regional and national specificities, forest regulations include culturally immersed terms specific to the described area. The aim of this paper is to analyses the culturally driven legal terms existing in specific legal regulations concerning forestry in Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Poland, and identify possible ways of translating them. In order (...)
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  27.  23
    Ordenação moral de mundo e justificação da existência na metafísica de Schopenhauer.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (1):255-282.
    Resumo: Arthur Schopenhauer ficou conhecido como o pensador do “pessimismo filosófico”. Tratase de uma doutrina que, em linhas gerais, apresenta uma determinada interpretação acerca do valor do mundo, mas que, em seu sentido ainda mais básico, questiona a possibilidade de atribuição de valor ao todo da existência: há “justificação” para a existência? A partir da resposta a essa pergunta, o filósofo alemão desenvolve sua “metafísica da vontade” e, como seu desdobramento, sua teoria da “redenção”, ou soteriologia. Entretanto, o “filósofo do (...)
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    Selected Clauses of a Copyright Contract in Polish and English in Translation by Google Translate: A Tentative Assessment of Quality.Paula Trzaskawka - 2020 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 33 (3):689-705.
    The aim of this paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of clauses in Polish and English copyright agreements in respect of their translation by a computer assisted tool—Google Translate, and to assess the quality of such translation. The comparison of parallel texts as a research method has been applied. The research corpora include authentic Polish and English Copyright Agreements. The analysed clauses have been excerpted from the above mentioned Copyright Agreements. The author chose the most standard clauses as (...)
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  29. Remembrance beyond Forgiveness.Paula Satne - 2022 - In Paula Satne & Sheiter Krisanna, Conflict and Resolution: The Ethics of Forgiveness, Revenge and Punishment. pp. 301-327.
    I argue that political forgiveness is sometimes, but not always, compatible with public commemoration of politically motivated wrongdoing. I start by endorsing the claim that commemorating serious past wrongdoing has moral value and imposes moral demands on key actors within post-conflict societies. I am concerned with active commemoration, that is, the deliberate acts of bringing victims and the wrong done to them to public attention. The main issue is whether political forgiveness requires forgetting and conversely whether remembrance can be an (...)
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  30. La Etica de la Memoria: Una Perspectiva Kantiana (The Ethics of Memory: A Kantian Perspective).Paula Satne - 2021 - In José Luis Villacañas, Nuria Sánchez Madrid & Julia Muñoz, El ethos del republicanismo cosmopolita: perspectivas euroamericanas sobre Kant. Berlin: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. pp. 169-192.
    In this article, I address the issue of whether we have an obligation to remember past immoral actions. My central question is: do we have an obligation to remember past moral transgressions? I address this central question through three more specific questions. In the first section, I enquiry whether we have an obligation to remember our own past transgressions. In the second section, I ask whether we have an obligation to remember the wrongful actions that others have committed against ourselves. (...)
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    The “Prince of Medicine”: Yūḥannā ibn Māsawayh and the Foundations of the Western Pharmaceutical Tradition.Paula De Vos - 2013 - Isis 104 (4):667-712.
  32.  10
    Retorno a Budapeste: Lukács, democracia e realismo.Paula Alves - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    O retorno de Georg Lukács à Hungria ocorreu em dois momentos distintos: primeiro em 1918, após sua estadia na Alemanha, e depois em 1945, após seu exílio em Moscou. Esses dois retornos marcam diferentes fases de sua trajetória intelectual. O primeiro foi fortuito, enquanto o segundo resultou de uma decisão consciente, refletindo um desenvolvimento. Partindo dessa constatação, a análise que segue busca traçar os elos entre o exílio moscovita e o período subsequente, explorando as "tentativas de realização" que Lukács empreendeu (...)
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    INFORMACIÓN Y MEMORIA EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA ARCHIVOLOGÍA Y LA CIENCIA DE LA INFORMACIÓN: reflexiones sobre su actuación en la sociedad algorítmica.Paula Cotrim de Abrantes & Vania Lisboa da Silveira Guedes - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7128.
    La Archivología y la Ciencia de la Información, como campos del conocimiento, y los profesionales que actúan en estos dominios, son agentes fundamentales en la organización, recuperación, acceso y preservación de la información y la memoria. Sin embargo, en la era digital controlada por el Big Data y los algoritmos computacionales, es plausible cuestionar si la información y la memoria que se están preservando son elecciones conscientes de los individuos o decisiones de los sistemas computacionales. A través de un estudio (...)
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    Sofrimento e psicologia de si em Nietzsche.Wander Andrade de Paula - 2024 - Cadernos Nietzsche 45 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of the “personal” character of Nietzsche’s philosophy, taking as a starting point his late reflections on suffering, especially in the prefaces of 1886 and in Ecce homo. Initially, a contrast is presented between two extreme interpretations regarding the allegedly autobiographical character of his thought, the one of Lou Andreas-Salomé and the other of Paul Loeb (1); more moderate solutions than previous ones are analyzed, especially those of Werner Stegmaier and Michael (...)
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    ¿Cuáles son algunas de las características de la modernidad líquida que ponen en tensión cómo seducir a los estudiantes?Paula Alejandra Camusso - 2019 - Voces de la Educación 4 (8):17-27.
    The application of Bauman’s and Luhmann’s theories and key concepts calls into questions the characteristics of education and the changes that should be made in the educational field. It is of paramount importance to reconsider the role that social agents who participate in education have in a changing society that presents challenges to education. Key words: – Luhmann – liquid modernity – education.
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    Grenzen, Schwellen, Transfers – Konstituierung islamischer Felder im Kontext.Paula Schrode - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 27 (1):3-27.
    Zusammenfassung Diese Einleitung führt in den theoretischen Rahmen des Sonderbandes zu Prozessen von Abgrenzung, Grenzziehung und Grenzverschiebung in islambezogenen Feldern ein. Zugleich wird reflektiert, dass auch religionswissenschaftliche Forschung Grenzen definiert und dabei mit dem Forschungsfeld interagiert. Religiöse und wissenschaftliche Diskurse werden als Bereiche eines interdependenten und miteinander verwobenen Kontinuums konzeptualisiert, innerhalb dessen die Grenzen nie ganz fixiert oder undurchlässig sind. Indem Konstruktionsprozesse von Islam oder muslimischen Identitäten an den Schnittstellen unterschiedlicher Felder geschehen, rücken Grenzen nicht nur als Werkzeug für politische (...)
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  37. El Pacifismo de Soran Reader Reconsiderado (Soran Reader's Pacifism Reconsidered).Paula Satne - 2022 - Revista d'Humanitats 6 (2022):114-131.
    In this article I will offer a reconsideration of Soran Reader’s moral pacifism. I will begin by reconstructing the three main arguments presented by Reader in her article ‘Making Pacifism Plausible’ in the second part of this essay. In the third section, I discuss and evaluate Reader’s arguments and conclude that her moral pacifism is indeed plausible. In the fourth section, I introduce the notion of political pacifism. Moral pacifism is the philosophical thesis that war cannot be morally justified. Political (...)
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    Circularity is Still Scary.Paula Teijeiro - 2012 - Análisis Filosófico 32 (1):31-35.
    Cook (forthcoming) presents a paradox which he says is not circular. I see no reasons to doubt the non-circularity claim, but I do have some concerns regarding its paradoxicality. My point will be that his proposal succeeds in offering a formalization, but fails in providing a formal paradox, at least of the same type and strength as the Liar. Cook (en prensa) presenta una paradoja que según él no es circular. No veo motivos para cuestionar la pretensión de no circularidad, (...)
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    Le corps vécu n´est past un corps propre: Beauvoir ou l´apparition du corps dans "Le deuxiéme sexe".Paula Lorelle - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):6-22.
    Dans Le deuxième sexe, Beauvoir affirme que « la femme, comme l’homme, est son corps : mais [que] son corps est autre chose qu’elle ». Apparaît dans cette phrase, comme dans l’histoire de la phénoménologie, l’espace d’une déhiscence au sein du corps vécu. Être son corps n’impliquerait pas que le corps soit entièrement soi – et le corps vécu, dès lors, ne serait plus un corps propre. D’où la question que nous tâcherons ici de déployer : l’aliénation au sein du (...)
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    Quando Marilena chaui encontrou O deus de espinosa.Marcos Ferreira De Paula - 2017 - Cadernos Espinosanos 36:157-164.
    Dois episódios marcaram a formação de Marilena Chaui e a transformaram numa das maiores filósofas contemporâneas. Este artigo trata desses dois episódios.
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    Implicit Rules and the Difference between Natural Deduction and Sequent Calculi.Paula Teijeiro - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (Especial):13-23.
    The goal of this note is to analyze the ideas presented by Alberto Moretti (1984) in his article “Gentzen y la naturalidad de la deducción” regarding the importance of sequent calculi. My goal is to argue that the difference between these systems and those of natural deduction lies fundamentally in the way in which structural rules can be implicit in them, and that, unlike what Moretti proposes, natural deduction calculi are particularly appropriate for characterizing the notion of consequence.
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    Distopias Urbanas.Luiz Tiago de Paula - 2024 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 15 (29):36-58.
    Este texto é um ensaio hermenêutico sobre as reflexões epistemológicas do habitar as cidades contemporâneas a partir de um sentido fenomenológico. Ao destacar as crises de natureza ambiental, social e econômica que se manifestam na modernidade, reflito como essas crises podem se apresentar como inseguranças existenciais do ser-na-cidade, retratadas aqui com a metáfora de “distopias urbanas”. Procuro ponderar como uma postura ontológica, a partir da fenomenologia existencial de Heidegger, pode revelar outras perspectivas epistêmicas sobre as bases das ciências humanas que (...)
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    Los derechos homínidos. Una defensa ecuménica.Paula Casal - 2018 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 73:7.
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  44. Age Specificity in Explicit and Implicit Endorsement of Prescriptive Age Stereotypes.M. Clara de Paula Couto, Tingting Huang & Klaus Rothermund - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this study, we investigated explicit and implicit endorsement of prescriptive age stereotypes. To achieve that, we captured endorsement of a wide range of prescriptive expectations targeting both younger and older people. Younger and older adults participated in the study. We assessed implicit endorsement of prescriptive age stereotypes with the Propositional Evaluation Paradigm and used a direct measure to assess explicit endorsement. In general, we found strong support for age-specificity in both explicit and implicit endorsement of prescriptive age stereotypes: Sentences (...)
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  45.  24
    Methodological challenges involved in compiling the Nahua pharmacopeia.Paula De Vos - 2017 - History of Science 55 (2):210-233.
    Recent work in the history of science has questioned the Eurocentric nature of the field and sought to include a more global approach that would serve to displace center–periphery models in favor of approaches that take seriously local knowledge production. Historians of Iberian colonial science have taken up this approach, which involves reliance on indigenous knowledge traditions of the Americas. These traditions present a number of challenges to modern researchers, including availability and reliability of source material, issues of translation and (...)
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    Filosofia como “visão de mundo”: Sobre a crítica à metafísica no jovem Nietzsche, à Luz de sua relação com a filosofia schopenhaueriana.Wander De Paula - 2016 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):315-359.
    O presente artigo tem por pretensão central discutir alguns aspectos fundamentais da crítica de Nietzsche à metafísica, já nas suas primeiras reflexões filosóficas. Para tanto, serão mobilizados alguns de seus principais argumentos contra o estabelecimento da vontade como coisa em si no pensamento de Arthur Schopenhauer, e, por conseguinte, contra o próprio estatuto da metafísica nesta filosofia, de tal modo que se possa demonstrar as soluções encontradas pelo próprio autor a favor da possibilidade da metafísica. O artigo conta ainda, desse (...)
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    Reseña de La fotografía y el otro. Cuerpo y estética del retorno, de Diego Lizarazo Arias.Paula Sánchez Mayor - 2024 - Aisthesis 76:431-435.
    Review of La fotografía y el otro. Cuerpo y estética del retorno, by Diego Lizarazo Arias.
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    Bioética: Que Fundamentos?. Um Excurso sobre o Principio de Beneficència.Paula Oliveira E. Silva - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (1):89-104.
    A era pós moderna revela algumas sintomas de uma razão enferma, sendo os pnncipais a fragmentação dos modelos racionais e a restrição do horizonte epistémico deles. A recusa a assumir referentes universais sobre os quais edificar validamente um sistema racional leva consigo a derrocada de todo o princípio de validação, teórico ou prático. Tal facto compromete decisivamente qualquer ensaio de fundamentação em bioética. A ausência de uma concepção substantiva de bens e de fins manifesta-se na diversidade de sentidos dados ao (...)
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  49. Breve comentario a propósito de Una nueva edición en portugués de la ciencia nueva.Paula Virginia Pires Feliciano - 2006 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 19 (20).
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    Guerra pela eternidade: o retorno do Tradicionalismo e a ascensão da direita populista, de B.R. Teitelbaum.Márcio Gimenes de Paula - 2023 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 42 (1):70-75.
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