Results for 'Pavel Kučera'

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  1. Area under the receiver operating characteristic as a sorting problem.Petr Honzík, Pavel Kučera, Ondřej Hynčica & Václav Jirsík - unknown
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    Pavel Materna vzpomíná na Luboše Nového.Pavel Materna - 2017 - Studia Philosophica 64 (1):79-80.
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  3. Profesor Pavel Materna slaví životní jubileum.Pavel Materna & Rotislav Niederle - 2005 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 12 (2):176-192.
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    Low upper bounds of ideals.Antonín Kučera & Theodore A. Slaman - 2009 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 74 (2):517-534.
    We show that there is a low T-upper bound for the class of K-trivial sets, namely those which are weak from the point of view of algorithmic randomness. This result is a special case of a more general characterization of ideals in $\Delta _2^0 $ T-degrees for which there is a low T-upper bound.
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    Imaginary modules.T. G. Kucera & M. Prest - 1992 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 (2):698-723.
  6.  30
    On relative randomness.Antonín Kučera - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 63 (1):61-67.
    Kuera, A., On relative randomness, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 63 61–67. It is the aim of the paper to answer a question raised by M. van Lambalgen and D. Zambella whether there can be a nonrecursive set A having the property that there is a set B such that B is 1-random relative to A and simultaneously A is recursive in B. We give apositive answer to this question as well as further information about relative randomness.
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    Stability theory for topological logic, with applications to topological modules.T. G. Kucera - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (3):755-769.
  8. The Foundations of Frege’s Logic.Pavel Tichý - 1988 - New York: de Gruyter.
    Chapter One: Constructions. Entities, constructions, and functions When one travels from Los Angeles to New York, going, say, by way of St. Louis, Chicago, ...
  9.  23
    On universal modules with pure embeddings.Thomas G. Kucera & Marcos Mazari-Armida - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):395-408.
    We show that certain classes of modules have universal models with respect to pure embeddings: Let R be a ring, T a first‐order theory with an infinite model extending the theory of R‐modules and (where ⩽pp stands for “pure submodule”). Assume has the joint embedding and amalgamation properties. If or, then has a universal model of cardinality λ. As a special case, we get a recent result of Shelah [28, 1.2] concerning the existence of universal reduced torsion‐free abelian groups with (...)
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    Demuth randomness and computational complexity.Antonín Kučera & André Nies - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (7):504-513.
    Demuth tests generalize Martin-Löf tests in that one can exchange the m-th component a computably bounded number of times. A set fails a Demuth test if Z is in infinitely many final versions of the Gm. If we only allow Demuth tests such that GmGm+1 for each m, we have weak Demuth randomness.We show that a weakly Demuth random set can be high and , yet not superhigh. Next, any c.e. set Turing below a Demuth random set is strongly jump-traceable.We (...)
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    Muzyka i borʹba ideĭ v sovremennom mire.Pavel Semenovich Gurevich - 1984 - Moskva: "Muzyka".
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    Beyond English: Considering Language and Culture in Psychological Text Analysis.Dalibor Kučera & Matthias R. Mehl - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The paper discusses the role of language and culture in the context of quantitative text analysis in psychological research. It reviews current automatic text analysis methods and approaches from the perspective of the unique challenges that can arise when going beyond the default English language. Special attention is paid to closed-vocabulary approaches and related methods, both from the perspective of cross-cultural research where the analytic process inherently consists of comparing phenomena across cultures and languages and the perspective of generalizability beyond (...)
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    Myšlenkové potenciály šabatu v hospodářské pospolitosti.Dušan Kučera - 2012 - E-Logos 19 (1):1-18.
    Studie pojednává o významu a smyslu židovského šabatu pro hospodářskou společnost, která ztrácí vědomí sounáležitosti člověka se světem a přírodou. Myšlenkový potenciál šabatu nabízí jedno z podstatných ozdravných východisek pro odcizení člověka a jeho práce. Filozofické hledání smyslu práce a volného času nachází odpověď v rámcovém pojetí smyslu lidské činnosti, pravidelného odpočinku a hodnoty času. Šabat obsahuje poselství pro vnímání světa jako hodnotného prostoru pro život a odpovědnou práci s perspektivou minulosti, přítomnosti a budoucnosti.
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  14. Democracy, Culture and Education as a Question of Form.Pavel Zgaga - 1991 - Filozofski Vestnik 12 (1):155-163.
  15.  70
    Indiscernibility of identicals.Pavel Tichý - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (3):251 - 273.
    It is well known that the manner in which a definitely descriptive term contributes to the meaning of a sentence depends on the place the term occupies in the sentence. A distinction is accordingly drawn between ordinary contexts and contexts variously termed non-referential, intensional, oblique, or opaque. The aim of the present article is to offer a general account of the phenomenon, based on transparent intensional logic. It turns out that on this approach there is no need to say (as (...)
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  16.  48
    Lowness for the class of random sets.Antonin Kucera & Sebastiaan Terwijn - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1396-1402.
    A positive answer to a question of M. van Lambalgen and D. Zambella whether there exist nonrecursive sets that are low for the class of random sets is obtained. Here a set A is low for the class RAND of random sets if RAND = RAND A.
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  17.  64
    Frege and the Case of the Missing Sense.Pavel Tichy - 1986 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 27 (1):27-47.
    It is widely held that oblique contexts and indexical terms present difficulties to Frege's theory of sense. The aim of the present paper is to show that a simple device involving no revision of Frege's semantic doctrine resolves all the alleged difficulties. A simple extension of Frege's notation is proposed which makes it possible to translate oblique contexts into the concept script.
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    “Between continuity and discontinuity.” On the question of how to approach Patočka’s philosophy and its historical transformations.Pavel Sladký - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-14.
    Jan Patočka’s philosophical development was varied. Over the course of fifty years of philosophizing, he gradually, and to varying degrees, developed close to a dozen systematic projects, whose ambition was, at least initially, to present what he called a “unified philosophy.” However, the dynamism with which he changed his philosophical plans and incessantly embarked on new projects invites the question of how to approach the various and often mutually “contradictory” transformations of his philosophical thinking, if neither the continuity and integrity (...)
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    Rules of existential quantification into "intensional contexts".Pavel Materna - 1997 - Studia Logica 59 (3):331-343.
    Propositional and notional attitudes are construed as relations (-in-intension) between individuals and constructions (rather than propositrions etc,). The apparatus of transparent intensional logic (Tichy) is applied to derive two rules that make it possible to export existential quantifiers without conceiving attitudes as relations to expressions (sententialism).
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    Kant's a priori history of metaphysics: Systematicity, progress, and the ends of reason.Pavel Reichl - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):811-826.
    European Journal of Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  21. Über den primären Charakter der Materie und de sekundären Charakter des Bewusstseins.Pavel Tikhonivich Belov - 1955 - Berlin,: Dietz Verlag.
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    Aristotle’s Transparency: Comments on Ierodiakonou, “Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias on Colour”.Pavel Gregoric - 2018 - In Börje Bydén & Filip Radovic (eds.), The Parva Naturalia in Greek, Arabic and Latin Aristotelianism: Supplementing the Science of the Soul. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 91-98.
    In my comment on Katerina Ierodiakonou’s paper, I outline my understanding of the programme of De anima and how it bears on Aristotle’s discussion of the transparent in De anima 2.7, in contrast with his discussion of the transparent in De sensu 3. I then explore Aristotle’s notion of transparency and sketch an alternative to Ierodiakonou’s interpretation of Aristotle’s views as to how colours are generated in physical objects. At the end, I raise two objections to Alexander’s interpretation of the (...)
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    Generalizations of Deissler's Minimality Rank.T. G. Kucera - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (1):269-283.
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    Mathematical and Empirical Concepts.Pavel Materna - 2012 - In James Maclaurin (ed.), Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne. Springer.
    Buzaglo (as well as Manders (J Philos LXXXVI(10):553–562, 1989)) shows the way in which it is rational even for a realist to consider ‘development of concepts’, and documents the theory by numerous examples from the area of mathematics. A natural question arises: in which way can the phenomenon of expanding mathematical concepts influence empirical concepts? But at the same time a more general question can be formulated: in which way do the mathematical concepts influence empirical concepts? What I want to (...)
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  25.  20
    An Interpretation of Two Personal Names in the Ninth Line of the Tonyukuk Inscription.Pavel Ryken & Nikolai Telitsin - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 140 (2):287.
    The paper deals with the etymology of the personal names Qunï Säŋün and Toŋra Simä appearing in the ninth line of the Old Turkic Tonyukuk inscription. These names are borne by the envoys sent by the kagan of the Tokuz Oghuz to the Chinese and Khitan, respectively, to conclude a military alliance against the Turks. Both names have the same structure, a combination of an ethnonym vs. toŋra), referring to a tribal unit within the Tiele 鐵勒 confederation, and a title (...)
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    Komplexy (II).Pavel Cmorej-Pavel Tichý - 1998 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 5 (3):266-289.
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    (1 other version)Russell's Arguments against Frege's Sense-Reference Distinction.Paveł Turnau - 1991 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 11 (1):52-66.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RUSSELLS ARGUMENT AGAINST FREGE'S SENSE-REFERENCE DISTINCTION PAWEL TURNAu Philosophy I Jagiellonian University Cracow, Poland I n "On Denoting"l Russell argued that Frege's theory of sense and reference was an "inextricable tangle", but, ironically, many readers found the argument even more knotry. In an effort to make sense of it, commentators were often driven to attribute to Russell quite obvious and simple fallacies. A different approach was taken by Peter (...)
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    Lower Bounds for Modal Logics.Pavel Hrubeš - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (3):941 - 958.
    We give an exponential lower bound on number of proof-lines in the proof system K of modal logic, i.e., we give an example of K-tautologies ψ₁, ψ₂,... s.t. every K-proof of ψi must have a number of proof-lines exponential in terms of the size of ψi. The result extends, for the same sequence of K-tautologies, to the systems K4, Gödel—Löb's logic, S and S4. We also determine some speed-up relations between different systems of modal logic on formulas of modal-depth one.
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    Dopis Pavla Tichého Pavlu Maternovi.Pavel Tichý - 2010 - Pro-Fil 10 (2):8-12.
    Pár slov úvodem k dopisu, který poslal Pavel Tichý z University of Otago Pavlu Maternovi (který v té době ´pracoval´ na brněnské univerzitě bez možnosti učení a publikování). K dataci dopisu: Shoduji se s odhadem Dr. Raclavského, že jde patrně o r. 1975. Ti, kdo neprožili normalizaci, si těžko představí situaci. To nebylo tak, že můj přítel Tichý momentálně působí na Novém Zélandě a píše mi z momentálního zahraničního pobytu. Tichý byl emigrant, což mj. znamenalo, že žádnou z jeho (...)
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    Questions, Answers, and Logic.Pavel Tichy - 1978 - American Philosophical Quarterly 15 (4):275 - 284.
  31. Verisimilitude revisited.Pavel Tichý - 1978 - Synthese 38 (2):175 - 196.
    The article offers a rigorous explication of the intuitive notion of verisimilitude, I.E., Of the distance of a theory from the truth. The proposal is defended against charges of material inadequacy made by popper, Niniluoto, And miller.
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    Demuth’s path to randomness.Antonín Kučera, André Nies & Christopher P. Porter - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):270-305.
    Osvald Demuth studied constructive analysis from the viewpoint of the Russian school of constructive mathematics. In the course of his work he introduced various notions of effective null set which, when phrased in classical language, yield a number of major algorithmic randomness notions. In addition, he proved several results connecting constructive analysis and randomness that were rediscovered only much later.In this paper, we trace the path that took Demuth from his constructivist roots to his deep and innovative work on the (...)
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    A Legal Conventionalist Approach to Pollution.Carmen E. Pavel - 2016 - Law and Philosophy 35 (4):337-363.
    There are no moral entitlements with respect to pollution prior to legal conventions that establish them, or so I will argue. While some moral entitlements precede legal conventions, pollution is part of a category of harms against interests that stands apart in this regard. More specifically, pollution is a problematic type of harm that creates liability only under certain conditions. Human interactions lead to harm and to the invasion of others’ space regularly, and therefore we need an account of undue (...)
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  34. Odkaz Pavla Tichého.Pavel Materna - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50:803-807.
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  35. A new theory of subjunctive conditionals.Pavel Tichý - 1978 - Synthese 37 (3):433 - 457.
    The article offers a rigorous truth condition for subjunctively conditional statements. The theory is framed in the system of transparent intensional logic and takes connections (especially the cause-Effect relation) as basic. Counterexamples are given to rival theories based on the notion of world similarity.
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    An approach to intensional analysis.Pavel Tichý - 1971 - Noûs 5 (3):273-297.
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    Do we need interval semantics?Pavel Tichý - 1985 - Linguistics and Philosophy 8 (2):263 - 282.
  38. On Popper's definitions of verisimilitude.Pavel Tichý - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (2):155-160.
    2 Popper's Logical Definition of Verisimilitude. 3 Popper's Probabilistic Definition of Verisimilitude. 4 Conclusion.
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    K existencii intencionálnych objektov prof. Sousedíka.Pavel Cmorej - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19 (1):96-109.
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    Cuts, consistency statements and interpretations.Pavel Pudlák - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):423-441.
  41.  77
    The logic of temporal discourse.Pavel Tichý - 1979 - Linguistics and Philosophy 3 (3):343 - 369.
  42. Aristotle on the common sense.Pavel Gregoric - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    I. The framework. 1, Aristotle's project and methods. 2, The perceptual capacity of the soul. 3, The sensory apparatus. 4, The common sense and the related capacities -- II. The terminology. 1, Overlooked occurrences of the phrase 'common sense'. 2, De anima III.1 425a27. 3, De partibus animalium IV.10 686a31. 4, De memoria et reminiscentia 1 450a10. 5, De anima III.7 431b5. 6, Conclusions on the terminology -- III. Functions of the common sense. 1, Simultaneous perception and cross-modal binding. 2, (...)
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    Über die Freiheit.Pavel Apostol - 1974 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 4:15-18.
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    Zur Definition und zum Gegenstandsbereich der Methodologie.Pavel Apostol - 1966 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 14 (12):1468.
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    Izgubljeni komentar Aristotelovih Kategorija u “Arhimedovu palimpsestu”.Pavel Gregorić - 2007 - Prolegomena 6 (1):61-64.
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  46. Bazele logice ale științei.Pavel Vasilʹevich Kopnin - 1972 - București,: Editura politică.
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    (1 other version)The history of an error.Pavel Kovaly - 1973 - Studies in East European Thought 13 (1-2):20-54.
    Lukács has had a colorful career as a Communist theoretician. One of the strangest events is the fact that he continued to recant in 1967, when there was no longer the external pressure to do so. This may be due to the fact that his differences with Marx on subject-object, praxis, etc., are not those of a humanist.
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    Pure-projective modules and positive constructibility.T. G. Kucera & Ph Rothmaler - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (1):103-110.
  49. The fundamental contradiction of communist formation.J. Kucera - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (4):481-498.
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    Totally transcendental theories of modules: decomposition of models and types.T. G. Kucera - 1988 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 39 (3):239-272.
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