38 found
  1. The Fact of Reason. Kant’s Passage to Ordinary Moral Knowledge.Paweł Łuków - 1993 - Kant Studien 84 (2):204-221.
    The paper gives an interpretation of Kant's doctrine of the fact of reason against the background of a constructivist reading of his philosophy, which does not allow us to appeal to any indubitable facts. The fact of reason is the object of a philosophical account of the moral law forms the quid juris part of deduction or legitimization of the law. A more intuitive grasp of the fact is the phenomenon of reverence for duty which ordinary people grasp in form (...)
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    Pure Altruistic Gift and the Ethics of Transplant Medicine.Paweł Łuków - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (1):95-107.
    The article argues that altruistic giving based on anonymity, which is expected to promote social solidarity and block trade in human body parts, is conceptually defective and practically unproductive. It needs to be replaced by a more adequate notion which responds to the human practices of giving and receiving. The argument starts with identification of the main characteristics of the anonymous altruistic donation: social separation of the organ donor from the recipient, their mutual replaceability, non-obligatoriness of donation, and non-obligatoriness of (...)
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  3.  47
    A Difficult Legacy: Human Dignity as the Founding Value of Human Rights.Paweł Łuków - 2018 - Human Rights Review 19 (3):313-329.
  4.  24
    Solidarity and the ethics of exposing others to risk in medical research.Paweł Łuków - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (8):821-828.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 8, Page 821-828, October 2022.
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    Leaving gift-giving behind: the ethical status of the human body and transplant medicine.Paweł Łuków - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (2):221-230.
    The paper argues that the idea of gift-giving and its associated imagery, which has been founding the ethics of organ transplants since the time of the first successful transplants, should be abandoned because it cannot effectively block arguments for (regulated) markets in human body parts. The imagery suggests that human bodies or their parts are transferable objects which belong to individuals. Such imagery is, however, neither a self-evident nor anthropologically unproblematic construal of the relation between a human being and their (...)
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    The ethical significance of consent to postmortem organ retrieval.Paweł Łuków - 2023 - Bioethics 37 (5):489-497.
    Supporters of opt‐in organ procurement policies typically claim that the absence of consent to postmortem transplantable organ retrieval is a normative barrier to such retrieval. On this ground, justification of opt‐out policies is demanded. The paper shows that postmortem organ retrieval is normatively different from live organ removal, and so the doctrine of informed consent does not apply to it in the way it does in other types of cases. First, seen as the instrument of protection of autonomy or the (...)
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    Granice zgody.Paweł Łuków - 2008 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 21:75-83.
    Doktryna świadomej zgody jest moralnym fundamentem współczesnej medycyny i jednym z kluczowych zagadnień bioetycznych. Podstawą tej doktryny jest teza głosząca, że świadoma zgoda pacjenta upoważnia lekarza do podjęcia postępowania medycznego. Teza ta nie podlega w zasadzie dyskusji. Poważne wątpliwości pojawiają się, gdy pytamy o potrzebę takiego upoważnienia. Najczęstsza odpowiedź brzmi, iż zabiegając o świadomą zgodę pacjenta, respektujemy jego prawo do decydowania o sobie, czyli jego autonomię. Autonomia uznana jest za centralną wartość moralną. Jakiekolwiek inne wartości mogą być istotne, ale to (...)
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  8. Commentary to Andrzej Kaniowski’s text, “Immanuel Kant’s practical philosophy – its strengths and weaknesses”.Paweł Łuków - 2004 - Diametros:137-147.
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  9. Did Achilles really exist?Paweł Łuków - 2004 - Diametros:167-169.
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  10. Ex pumice aqua.Paweł Łuków - 2006 - Diametros:129-133.
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    Integrating Ethics with Psychiatry. The case of Antoni Kępiński.Paweł Łuków - 2016 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 28:11--22.
    This paper argues that in the case of mental illnesses whose somatic bases are not known or do not exist, a promising route to understand mental illness is to see it as the lack of a patient’s engagement with some moral values that are necessary for a good human life. The paper explains how the first-person perspective, which is constitutive for mental illnesses, makes it impossible to provide an adequate, third-person explanation of the pathological. Because of its irreducible first-personal nature, (...)
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    Imperatyw kategoryczny i intuicjonistyczne dziedzictwo Sidgwicka.Paweł Łuków - 2008 - Etyka 41:110-129.
    Artykuł przedstawia interpretację imperatywu kategorycznego podaną przez H. Sidgwicka w The Methods of Ethics i wpływ tej interpretacji na kolejne pokolenia filozofów anglosaskich. Interpretacja ta jest Kantowi całkowicie obca, ponieważ w swojej lekturze Kanta Sidgwick korzystał z zespołu idei, które od dawna były obecne w brytyjskiej filozofii moralnej i znacznie różniły się od idei Kantowskich. Autorytet Sidgwicka spowodował, że jego błędne opinie o imperatywie kategorycznym bezkrytycznie powtarzano bez solidnych badań nad tekstami Kanta. Sidgwickowska interpretacja imperatywu kategorycznego żyje własnym życiem w (...)
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  13. Jak są możliwe obowiązki moralne, czyli J.S. Mill o naturze moralności.PAWEŁ ŁUKÓW - 2006 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 60.
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  14. Klonowanie.Paweł Łuków - 1999 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 29 (1):179-191.
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  15. Kantian duties towards nature: humans and other animals.Paweł Łuków - 2006 - Diametros 9.
    The confrontation of the dominant perspectives on the ethics of the relationship between humans and other animals with the Kantian proposal shows that its situation is not significantly worse than that of its competitors. First, many criticisms of Kant’s ethics are based on a selective reading of his works, and some of those criticisms show little knowledge of Kant’s actual views. Secondly, demands to adapt moral theory to selected moral intuitions uncritically assume that these intuitions are sound. Thirdly, many critics (...)
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  16. Kanta Krytyka czystego rozumu.Paweł Łuków - 1995 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 16 (4):207-219.
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  17. Kanta odkrycie normatywności.Paweł Łuków - 2004 - Diametros 1:1-31.
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  18. Kantowskie obowiązki względem przyrody – człowiek a pozostałe zwierzęta.Paweł Łuków - 2006 - Diametros 9:51-73.
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    Klonowanie reprodukcyjne a wartość dzieci.Paweł Łuków - 2001 - Etyka 34:137-145.
    It is sometimes argued that if reproductive human cloning were available to parents who lost a child the possibility of replication of the child would lead to its devaluation. This argument seems to presuppose a view of the relationship between parents and children according to which parental love is loosely linked to children’s identities. The value of a child for a parent, it is assumed, stems from its being a person or genetically linked to its parents. Against this view I (...)
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  20. Kim są potrzebujący pomocy?Paweł Łuków - 2010 - Diametros 26:154-165.
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    13. Living with a Transplant.Paweł Łuków - 2021 - In Solveig Lena Hansen & Silke Schicktanz, Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation. Transcript Verlag. pp. 247-264.
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    Lekcja z filozofii politycznej.Paweł Łuków & Barbara Markiewicz - 1996 - Etyka 29:181-187.
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    Maksymy, równość i wrażliwość moralna.Paweł Łuków - 1998 - Etyka 31:93-108.
    Equal treatment and sensitivity to differences are often seen as contradictory demands on moral theory. However, they are consistent if moral principles are capable of various degrees of generality. General principles structure moral perception and judgement. When they are in conflict with each other, they give rise to more specific principles. Supplemented with an adequate decision procedure, principles can guide action in a way that avoids uniformity of rigorism and indeterminacy of situationism. Textual analysis shows that, contrary to traditional interpretations, (...)
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    Oblicza głodu (Onora O'Neill, Faces of Hunger).Paweł Łuków - 1990 - Etyka 25:350-356.
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    (3 other versions)Od Redakcji.Paweł Łuków, Joanna Andrusiewicz & Jakub Zawiła-Niedźwiecki - 2019 - Etyka 58 (1):5-6.
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    (1 other version)Od Redakcji, 43/2010.Paweł Łuków - 2010 - Etyka 43.
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    (2 other versions)Od Redakcji, 40/2007.Paweł Łuków - 2007 - Etyka 40.
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    Od Redakcji, 39/2006.Paweł Łuków - 2006 - Etyka 39.
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  29.  11
    Persons and Groups: Protection of Research Participants with Vulnerabilities as a Process.Paweł Łuków - 2022 - In Tomas Zima & David N. Weisstub, Medical Research Ethics: Challenges in the 21st Century. Springer Verlag. pp. 49-63.
    Conceptualisations of vulnerability of research participants in the international standards of ethics of research involving humans underwent a shift from a group-membership (categorical) to an individual-oriented (analytic) approach to vulnerability. However, the categorical view has not been jettisoned completely, and so its role needs to be examined or explained. It is argued in this chapter that a restricted use of the categorical approach can be justified if protection of vulnerable research participants is seen against the background of the dynamics of (...)
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  30. Pojęcie genu i genocentryczny paradygmat biologii.Paweł Łuków - 2005 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 53 (1):85-105.
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    Powinność i dobro. Wątpliwy deontologizm Kanta.Paweł Łuków - 2002 - Etyka 35:141-156.
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    Praktyka i teoria moralności.Paweł Łuków - 1999 - Etyka 32:171-179.
    Traditionally it is believed that there are two requirements which must be met by a plausible normative theory of morality. It is expected to be sensitive to actual moral beliefs and to guide action. However, it is impossible to satisfy them both within the traditional approach to the tasks of moral theorizing. An alternative theory would have to provide intellectual tools for solution of actual moral problems in a way which would rely on judgment and imagination in practical reasoning. Moral (...)
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  33. Radykalna nieprzekładalność i kryteria przekładu.Paweł Łuków - 2001 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 37 (1):87-94.
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    Rola świadomej zgody rodziców w opiece nad noworodkami na granicy zdolności do przeżycia.Paweł Łuków - 2020 - Diametros 17 (63):40-55.
    The paper analyses the application of the best interest standard in the medical care of extremely preterm babies. It proposes that as long as the parents base their decision on a well-founded medical opinion regarding the neonate’s diagnosis and prognosis and are not victims of superstition or prejudice, medical professionals are obligated to respect the parents’ informed consent, even if the professionals disagree with the parents’ opinion. In their assessments of the neonate’s interest, medical professionals can be primarily guided by (...)
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    Samotność instrumentalnego rozumu.Paweł Łuków - 1995 - Etyka 28:57-68.
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  36. The passage from metaphysics and anthropology to the metaphysics of action.Paweł Łuków - 2004 - Diametros:207-211.
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  37. Who are those in need?Paweł Łuków - 2010 - Diametros:154-165.
    The standard view of the duty to help those in need suggests that it is acceptable to refuse to help others who are known to be in need and who can be assisted. This conclusion can be avoided if helping is seen from the perspective of Kant’s idea of the duty of beneficence. On this view help should not be seen as stemming from the recognition of contingent differences between those who are inclined to help and those who are in (...)
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    What is the Problem of Freedom of the Will?Paweł Łuków - 2007 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):65-80.
    I argue in the paper that the problem of freedom has been misconstrued. There is no one problem of freedom but many problems concerning individual agents’ responsiveness to principles and reasons. The problem of free will results from attempts to incorporate the notion of freedom, which belongs to the order of guiding action, into a determinist framework of explanation. My view could be seen as compatibilist because it denies the existence of a fundamental conflict between freedom and determinism. However, since (...)
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