Results for 'Pedro Clemente Bessa Prado Lippmann'

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  1.  33
    Modulators of the Personal and Professional Threat Perception of Olympic Athletes in the Actual COVID-19 Crisis.Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez, Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, Ricardo de la Vega Marcos & María José Martínez Patiño - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Effect of COVID-19 Confinement in Behavioral, Psychological, and Training Patterns of Chess Players.Juan Pedro Fuentes-García, María José Martínez Patiño, Santos Villafaina & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Quantification of Respiratory and Muscular Perceived Exertions as Perceived Measures of Internal Loads During Domestic and Overseas Training Camps in Elite Futsal Players.Yu-Xian Lu, Filipe M. Clemente, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, Shih-Chung Cheng, Chia-Hua Chien, Cheng-Deng Kuo & Yung-Sheng Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    BackgroundThe rating of perceived exertion scales with respiratory and muscular illustrations are recognized as simple and practical methods to understand individual psychometric characteristics in breathing and muscle exertion during exercise. However, the implementation of respiratory and muscular RPE to quantify training load in futsal training camps has not been examined. This study investigates respiratory and muscular RPE relationships during domestic training camps and overseas training camps in an under 20 futsal national team.MethodsData collected from eleven field players were used for (...)
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  4. Estudio crítico-bibliográfico sobre la vida y obra de Pedro Malón de Echaide.Javier Clemente & Jorge Aladro Font - 1994 - Revista Agustiniana 35 (106):206-229.
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  5. Social Support Mediates the Effect of Burnout on Health in Health Care Professionals.Pablo Ruisoto, Marina R. Ramírez, Pedro A. García, Belén Paladines-Costa, Silvia L. Vaca & Vicente J. Clemente-Suárez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion and caused by exposure to excessive and prolonged stress related to job conditions. Moreover, burnout is highly prevalent among health care professionals. The aim of this study is, first, to examine the mediating role of social support over the effect of burnout in health care professionals and, second, to explore potential gender differences. A convenience sample of 1,035 health professionals from Ecuador, including 608 physicians and 427 nurses, was surveyed using the Maslach Burnout Inventory, (...)
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    Differences Between High vs. Low Performance Chess Players in Heart Rate Variability During Chess Problems.Juan P. Fuentes-García, Santos Villafaina, Daniel Collado-Mateo, Ricardo de la Vega, Pedro R. Olivares & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) has been considered as a measure of heart-brain interaction and autonomic modulation, and it is modified by cognitive and attentional tasks. In cognitive tasks, HRV was reduced in participants who achieved worse results. This could indicate the possibility of HRV predicting cognitive performance, but this association is still unclear in a high cognitive load sport such as chess Objective: To analyse modifications on HRV and subjective perception of stress, difficulty and complexity in different chess problem (...)
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  7.  40
    Agreement of Ultra-Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Recordings During Overseas Training Camps in Under-20 National Futsal Players.Yung-Sheng Chen, Jeffrey C. Pagaduan, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary J. Crowley-McHattan, Cheng-Deng Kuo & Filipe Manuel Clemente - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Monitoring the daily change in resting heart rate variability can provide information regarding training adaptation and recovery status of the autonomic nervous system during training camps. However, it remains unclear whether postural stabilization is essential for valid and reliable ultra-short-term recordings in short-term overseas training camps.Design: Observational and longitudinal study.Purpose: This study aimed to investigate ultra-short-term heart rate variability recordings under stabilization or post-stabilization periods in four overseas training camps.Participant: Twenty-seven U-20 male national team futsal players voluntarily participated in (...)
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  8. Pensamiento especulativo en "La conversión de la Magdalena" de Pedro Malón de Echaide.Javier Clemente - 1994 - Revista Agustiniana 35 (107):613-660.
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  9.  20
    O ensino de filosofia no Brasil e o contexto da reforma do ensino médio brasileiro em 2016.Regis Clemente da Costa - 2020 - Cadernos PET-Filosofia (Parana) 18 (2).
    Esse artigo tem como objetivo investigar o ensino de filosofia e sua inserção e retirada do currículo da educação ao longo da história da educação no Brasil. A pesquisa é documental e bibliográfica e tem como referência teórica o método materialista histórico e dialético. Para a discussão a história da educação utilizamos as obras de Saviani (2007), para a discussão sobre ensino de filosofia no Brasil, utilizamos as obras de Ceppas (2010), Fávero (2004), Jaime (1997), Belieri e Sforni (2012/2013). A (...)
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    Greenberg, Danto e O Fim da Arte.Pedro Süssekind - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):349-362.
    Este estudo discute a questão do fim da arte com base nas reflexões críticas de Clement Greenberg e na posterior apropriação dessas reflexões por Arthur Danto. Em primeiro lugar, pretendo mostrar como a visão negativa de Greenberg acerca da arte produzida a partir dos anos 1960 implica o tema do fim da arte. Em segundo, pretendo expor a tarefa assumida por Danto a partir de sua avaliação dos diagnósticos e da teoria de Greenberg. This paper addresses the question of the (...)
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  11.  27
    O sublime e o expressionismo abstrato.Pedro Sussekind - 2014 - Dois Pontos 11 (1).
    Este artigo elabora duas hipóteses a respeito do expressionismo abstrato norte-americano. A primeira, baseada nas ideias de Clement Greenberg, é que esse movimento pode ser considerado o ápice da evolução do modernismo. A segunda, baseada em considerações de Robert Rosenblum e Jean-François Lyotard, é que os pintores expressionistas abstratos exploraram uma estética do sublime. Portanto, eles retomam a seu modo a elaboração de uma categoria estética tradicional, que já tinha sido tema da pintura figurativa romântica. A principal referência para essa (...)
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  12.  25
    La expulsión de los moriscos de Alcalá la Real (1611).Pedro Andrés Porras Arboledas - 1997 - Al-Qantara 18 (1):65-102.
    La expatriación de los moriscos españoles fue un proceso en el que se pusieron a prueba los medios administrativos de la Corona y, muy especialmente, la tenaz resistencia de los implicados, que por todos los medios intentaron evitarla; sólo en 1611 puede decirse que el extrañamiento se había completado de forma aceptable para los responsables. En el presente estudio se pasa revista a las actividades desarrolladas en esa última hora en Alcalá la Real por parte del Alférez Marcos Pérez de (...)
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    Pedro Zulen and the reception of pragmatism in Peru.Pablo Quintanilla - 2011 - In Gregory Fernando Pappas, Pragmatism in the Americas. Fordham University Press.
    This chapter explores a generation of philosophers that emerged in Peru and became interested in positivism at the end of the nineteenth century. This generation that embraced positivism included Manuel Gonza´lez Prada, Alejandro Deustua, Jorge Polar, Mariano H. Cornejo, Carlos Lisson, Javier Prado, and Manuel Vicente Villara´n. The chapter addresses the interesting parallel that the first consolidated generation of Peruvian philosophers appeared at the end of a tragic and extremely devastating war, similar to the United States in the Civil (...)
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    The Poor Clares during the Era of Observant Reforms: Attempts at a Typology.Bert Roest - 2011 - Franciscan Studies 69:343-386.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionFrom the closing decades of the fourteenth century onwards, reform attempts within the various religious orders gained impetus under the banner of so-called Observant movements. In nearly all orders, these Observant movements advocated a return to the lifestyle of an imagined pristine beginning in the face of a real or perceived crisis.1Within the Clarissan world, there were a number of signs pointing towards such a crisis. Adherence to the (...)
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  15. Public Opinion. By Charles E. Merriam. [REVIEW]Walter Lippmann - 1922 - International Journal of Ethics 33:210.
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  16. Televisión hispana en Estados Unidos. Tensiones económicas y cambios generacionales.Emili Prado & Matilde Delgado - 2004 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 70:45-97.
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    Le public fantôme : Extrait de The phantom public, Mcmillan & Co, 1925, p. 13-39.Walter Lippmann & Sandrine Lefranc - 2001 - Hermes 31:67.
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  18.  75
    Reference and consciousness.C. G. Prado - 1977 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 55 (1):22-26.
  19.  11
    Combining moral truth with pastoral compassion: (the papers and articles of Clement Campos, C.Ss.R).Clement Campos - 2018 - Bengaluru: ATC Publishers. Edited by Assisi Saldanha.
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    Angelo Di Berardino (ed.), Patrology.Clement A. Kuehn - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2):811-816.
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  21. Falsafat al-ḥayāh al-ʻāmmah.Walter Lippmann - 1960 - al-Qāhirah: Maktabat al-Nahḍah al-Miṣrīyah. Edited by Mirrīt Buṭrus Ghālī & ʻUthmān Nuwayyah.
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  22. Alguns ensaios: filosofia, literatura, psicanálise.Bento Prado Junior - 1985 - São Paulo, SP: Editora M. Limonad.
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  23.  8
    Coping with Choices to Die.C. G. Prado - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines the reactions of the friends and family of those who elect to die due to terminal illness. These surviving spouses, partners, relatives, and friends, in addition to coping with the death of a loved one, must also deal with the loved one's decision to die, thus severing the relationship. C. G. Prado examines how reactions to elective death are influenced by cultural influences and beliefs, particularly those related to life, death, and the possibility of an afterlife. (...)
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  24.  45
    Descartes and Foucault: a contrastive introduction to philosophy.C. G. Prado - 1992 - Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
    PREFATORY REMARKS T„ his book is about an enterprise which Plato (428— BC) saw as a holy quest and Friedrich Wil- helm Nietzsche (1844—1900) saw as a ...
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  25.  18
    De las termas al excusado: Una historia de la vida privada a través del desarrollo del baño.Roberto Goycoolea Prado - 2001 - A Parte Rei 14:8.
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  26. Filosofía y arquitectura.Roberto Goycoolea Prado - 1998 - A Parte Rei 2:4.
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  27.  53
    Gérard Lebrune o devir da filosofia.Bento Prado Jr - 2005 - Discurso 35:277-296.
    O autor mostra neste ensaio quais são suas afinidades com a obra de Gérard Lebrun - obra animada por uma interrogação propriamente filosófica sobre a "ilusão como destino do pensamento" - e quais os aspectos em que dela se distancia: o "ponto de controvérsia" pode ser percebido na leitura distinta que ambos fazem da filosofia de Wittgenstein de Merleau-Ponty.
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  28.  56
    Hiddenness and Alterity.C. G. Prado - 2005 - Symposium 9 (2):408-410.
  29. HA Meynell, Religion and Irreligion Reviewed by.C. G. Prado - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (7):350-351.
  30. Joan Boyle and James Morriss, The Mirror of Time: Images of Aging and Dying Reviewed by.C. G. Prado - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (2):46-48.
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  31.  19
    Jeux de langage et théorie de la communication : notes sur Wittgenstein et Habermas.Plinio W. Prado - 1988 - Hermes 1:143.
  32.  11
    La filosofía de la cultura de Antonio Caso: la concepción casiana del conocimiento de la historia, la sociedad y la cultura.José Hernández Prado - 1994 - México, D.F.: Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Unidad Azcapotzalco.
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  33.  18
    Luiz Roberto Salinas Fortes.Bento Prado Junior - 1988 - Discurso 17:9-12.
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    Making Believe.C. G. Prado - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (1):138-141.
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  35.  23
    O sonho da interpretação na arqueologia de Foucault.Tomás Mendonça da Silva Prado - 2014 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 59 (2):339-360.
    This article seeks to present the foundations in Foucault’s thought that led him to elaborate the concept of archeology and, in addition, try to recognize its limits. To achieve this, we present his main theoretical dialogues at the beginning of his investigations and the reasons that made necessary to reframe that concept later. Among the conclusions of this study, we suggest that the allegorical conception of language, that was sustained over the period, is formally similar to the structure of metaphysical (...)
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  36. Organización social y estructura urbana en las ciudades ideales de Platón y Aristóteles.Roberto Goycoolea Prado - 2005 - A Parte Rei 40:10.
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  37.  40
    (1 other version)O tri'ngulo geral de Locke e a consideração parcial de Berkeley.Bento Prado Neto - 2004 - Dois Pontos 1 (2).
    São variadas as interpretações da crítica berkeleyana às idéias abstratas, mas elas costumam concordar na tese de que essa crítica gira em torno da natureza das “idéias”. Isto é, se “idéia” for o mesmo que “imagem”, então a abstração lockeana é impossível, caso contrário, não. Neste artigo eu procuro mostrar que essa crítica não depende de idéia ser ou não uma imagem e que Locke está parcialmente consciente do problema levantado por Berkeley. Locke's general triangle and Berkeley's partial consideration Abstract (...)
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  38. Pesquisando fundamentos para novas práticas na educação online.Marcelo Prado Amaral Rosa - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (2).
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  39.  45
    Reference And The Composite Self.C. G. Prado - 1985 - International Studies in Philosophy 17 (1):25-33.
  40.  67
    Reflexive consciousness.C. G. Prado - 1978 - Dialogue 17 (1):134-137.
  41. Ética, profesión y medios.G. Javier Prado - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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  42.  46
    Toda terra é Karbala, todo dia é Ashura: a pedagogia do martírio nas narrativas xiitas e a construção de uma identidade de resistência. 2018. Tese – Programa de Pós-graduação em Relações Internacionais, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG.Patrícia Simone do Prado - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1427.
    Propõe-se nesta tese analisar como as narrativas sobre o martírio de Imam Hussein no deserto de Karbala no ano 680 d.C, pode constituir um tipo de pedagogia, entre os xiitas, e como essa pode influenciar a construção de um tipo de identidade entre eles. Estruturada em cinco capítulos, buscou-se compreender e interpretar a construção da identidade xiita, como religiosa e política, a partir do ensino e aprendizagem da narrativa sobre o martírio de Imam Hussein. Através da pesquisa de campo no (...)
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  43.  23
    The Third VVay Revisited.C. G. Prado - 1971 - New Scholasticism 45 (3):495-501.
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  44.  41
    Vision-Centred Religion.Carlos Prado - 2013 - Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy/Revue canadienne de philosophie continentale 17 (1):194-209.
    The contemporary inclination is to interpret religion in personal terms. This inclination may be legitimate, but raises two troubling questions: one about the content of such interpretations and one about the conduct such interpretation sanction. In the 20th century, interaction between ideology and politics was dominant; in the 21st century, the interaction between religion and politics dominates. Personal interpretation of religion makes this interaction hazardous. In this paper I consider personally interpreted religion with the help of an unlikely pair: Ludwig (...)
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  45.  25
    La escena Del crimen: Ciudad Y poesía en la transición chilena.Luis Valenzuela Prado - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 32:61-76.
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  46. The question of good and narrative identity in Charles Taylor.Beatriz Zegers Prado - 2013 - Pensamiento 69 (258):53-70.
  47.  76
    Care, autonomy, and justice: feminism and the ethic of care.Grace Clement - 1996 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press.
    Newcomers and more experienced feminist theorists will welcome this even-handed survey of the care/justice debate within feminist ethics. Grace Clement clarifies the key terms, examines the arguments and assumptions of all sides to the debate, and explores the broader implications for both practical and applied ethics. Readers will appreciate her generous treatment of the feminine, feminist, and justice-based perspectives that have dominated the debate.Clement also goes well beyond description and criticism, advancing the discussion through the incorporation of a broad range (...)
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  48.  80
    Beyond explainability: justifiability and contestability of algorithmic decision systems.Clément Henin & Daniel Le Métayer - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (4):1397-1410.
    In this paper, we point out that explainability is useful but not sufficient to ensure the legitimacy of algorithmic decision systems. We argue that the key requirements for high-stakes decision systems should be justifiability and contestability. We highlight the conceptual differences between explanations and justifications, provide dual definitions of justifications and contestations, and suggest different ways to operationalize justifiability and contestability.
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  49. The Ontogenesis of Trust.Fabrice Clément, Melissa Koenig & Paul Harris - 2004 - Mind and Language 19 (4):360-379.
    Psychologists have emphasized children's acquisition of information through firsthand observation. However, many beliefs are acquired from others' testimony. In two experiments, most 4yearolds displayed sceptical trust in testimony. Having heard informants' accurate or inaccurate testimony, they anticipated that informants would continue to display such differential accuracy and they trusted the hitherto reliable informant. Yet they ignored the testimony of the reliable informant if it conflicted with what they themselves had seen. By contrast, threeyearolds were less selective in trusting a reliable (...)
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  50.  28
    The Feminine and the Sacred.Catherine Clément & Julia Kristeva - 2001 - Columbia University Press.
    In November 1996, Catherine Clément and Julia Kristeva began a correspondence exploring the subject of the sacred. In this collection of those letters Catherine Clément approaches the topic from an anthropologist's point of view while Julia Kristeva responds from a psychoanalytic perspective. Their correspondence leads them to a controversial and fundamental question: is there anything sacred that can at the same time be considered strictly feminine? The two voices of the book work in tandem, fleshing out ideas and blending together (...)
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