Results for 'Phan Dinh Diêu'

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  1.  62
    On the Languages Representable by Finite Probabilistic Automata.Phan Dinh Diêu - 1971 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 17 (1):427-442.
  2.  69
    On a Class of Stochastic Languages.Phan Dinh Diêu - 1971 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 17 (1):421-425.
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  3. Kingdom of God: A theological symbol for Asians?P. C. Phan - 1998 - Gregorianum 79 (2):295-322.
    L'article explore le sens que peut avoir le symbole du Règne de Dieu aujourd'hui dans le contexte asiatique. Après une courte histoire du symbole, l'article présente six défis que l'Asie pose à son usage en un discours théologique en contexte asiatique. La seconde partie passe en revue l'usage fait du symbole du Règne de Dieu par certains théologiens asiatiques contemporains: les théologiens Tissa Balasuriya et Aloysius Pieris du Sri Lanka, les théologiens Coréens du minjung, et le théologien presbytérien du Taiwan (...)
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  4. Kun gzigs Ma hā Paṇḍi ta Rje Bla ma Gzhan phan chos kyi snang baʼi gsung thor bu las zhal gdams ʼbel gtam gyi skor rnams: collected instructions and useful explanations of Buddhist philosophical concepts.Gzhan-Phan-Chos-Kyi-Snang-Ba - 1985 - Rewalsar, Distt. Mandi, H.P., India: Zigar Drukpa Kargyud Institute.
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    Public Opinion on Cognitive Enhancement Varies across Different Situations.Claire T. Dinh, Stacey Humphries & Anjan Chatterjee - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 11 (4):224-237.
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    An axiomatic analysis of structured argumentation with priorities.Phan Minh Dung - 2016 - Artificial Intelligence 231 (C):107-150.
  7.  27
    The Vietnam war and the cross: A narrative for peace.Hoa Trung Dinh - 2016 - The Australasian Catholic Record 93 (2):131.
    Dinh, Hoa Trung Every war is sustained by a narrative that explains the conflict and the necessity of the use of force. A war narrative gives the assembly a common identity, a sense of solidarity, and a mandate for action. This paper examines the ethical significance of war narratives, with particular reference to the Vietnam War, and how war narratives can continue to foster enmity for decades after the fighting. The paper discusses two war narratives that played vital roles (...)
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  8. Modular argumentation for modelling legal doctrines in common law of contract.Phan Minh Dung & Phan Minh Thang - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 17 (3):167-182.
    To create a programming environment for contract dispute resolution, we propose an extension of assumption-based argumentation into modular assumption-based argumentation in which different modules of argumentation representing different knowledge bases for reasoning about beliefs and facts and for representation and reasoning with the legal doctrines could be built and assembled together. A distinct novel feature of modular argumentation in compare with other modular logic-based systems like Prolog is that it allows references to different semantics in the same module at the (...)
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    Implementing Social Security Policy in Vietnam: Case Study of Ho Chi Minh City.Dinh Trung Thanh, Nguyen Thi My Huong, Duong Van Dan, Nguyen Thi Diep, Nguyen Thi Hai Yen & Ton Nu Hai Yen - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1460-1472.
    Social security is one of the important guidelines and policies of our Party and State that has been thoroughly grasped and guaranteed to be implemented during the country's development periods. In recent years, despite facing many difficulties and challenges, social security work in Vietnam has continued to achieve many positive results, policies have continuously improved, the material and spiritual life of people has improved. People are cared for better and better with the goal of "leaving no one behind".
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  10.  20
    An argument-based approach to reasoning with specificity.Phan Minh Dung & Tran Cao Son - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 133 (1-2):35-85.
  11.  8
    Confucius and Chinese humanism.Pierre Do-Dinh - 1969 - New York,: Funk & Wagnalls.
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  12.  14
    Decision making on the sole basis of statistical likelihood.Phan H. Giang & Prakash P. Shenoy - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 165 (2):137-163.
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  13.  25
    Anthologie de la littérature vietnamienneAnthologie de la litterature vietnamienne.Dinh-Hoa Nguyen, Nguyễn Khắc Viện, Nguyễn Văn Hoàn, Hữu Ngọc, Nguyen Khac Vien, Nguyen Van Hoan & Huu Ngoc - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (3):398.
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  14.  27
    La fede di Gesù nel Nuovo Testamento. Considerazioni esegetiche a partire dall'interpretazione dell'espressione pistis Iesou Christou.Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen - 2013 - Miscellanea Francescana 113 (1):7.
    This article is a review and critical evaluation of the New Testament expressions that speak about the faith of Jesus beginning with the much discussed pistis Iesou Christou 'faith of/in Jesus Christ'. It is divided into three parts: (1) statistics of the New Testament expressions regarding the faith of Jesus, (2) historico-exegetical considerations of pistis Iesou Christou as 'faith of Jesus Christ' or 'faith in Jesus Christ', and (3) other key phrases that imply the faith of Christ. This leads to (...)
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  15. Le parabole di gesù sulla saggezza: Ricerca di Una cristologia sapienziale implicita nei vangeli sinottici.Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen - 2011 - Miscellanea Francescana 111 (1-2):208-235.
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  16. Motivi sapienziali biblici nelle ammonizioni di San Francesco: Parte prima: Le istruzioni (amm 1-13).Dinh Nguyen - 2008 - Miscellanea Francescana 108 (1-2):204-226.
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    Vǎn-học d'n-gian. Tập I & Tập IIVan-hoc dan-gian. Tap I & Tap II.Dinh-Hoa Nguyen, Đinh Gia Khánh, Chu Xuân Diên, Dinh Gia Khanh & Chu Xuan Dien - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (3):396.
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  18.  43
    Vietnamese Pronunciation.Dinh-Hoa Nguyen & Nguyen Dang Liem - 1976 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 96 (2):354.
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  19.  63
    Resurrection of the Body and Transformation of the Universe in the Theology of Karl Rahner.Peter C. Phan - 2006 - Philosophy and Theology 18 (2):357-383.
    At the end of his life, Rahner pointed to the need for a fully systematic theology that brings out the inner relationship between Jesus Christ and the universe put before us by the natural sciences. In this article, it is argued that Rahner had long been pursuing this theological agenda. His various contributions on this topic arebrought together and discussed within a framework of six systematic elements that are found in his work: self-bestowal as the meaning and purpose of creation; (...)
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  20. Doing theology in the context of mission: Lessons from Alexandre de Rhodes, SJ.Peter C. Phan - 2000 - Gregorianum 81 (4):723-749.
    L'article examine la tâche de la théologie comme partie du procédé de l'inculturation de la foi chrétienne dans les cultures non-occidentales, qui est un élément essentiel de la mission evangélisatrice de l'Eglise. Pour rendre la discussion concrète, l'article présente un exemple d'inculturation théologique réalisé par Alexandre de Rhodes, missionnaire jésuite du 17ème siècle au Vietnam. A partir de son exemple, l'article tire des leçons au sujet de la traduction de textes chrétiens dans les langues locales, au sujet du dialogue avec (...)
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  21.  38
    Peacemaking and Reconciliation.Peter C. Phan - 2006 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 16 (2):2-41.
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    Constrained sequence classification for lexical disambiguation.Dinh Q. Phung & Svetha Venkatesh - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou (eds.), PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 430--441.
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  23.  44
    The Aesthetics of Hanoi's Architecture: Sense of Place through the Eyes of Local Painters.Dinh Quoc Phuong & Derham Groves - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (1):133-142.
  24.  48
    Causal Pluralism in Philosophy: Empirical Challenges and Alternative Proposals.Phuong Dinh & David Danks - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):761-772.
    An increasing number of arguments for causal pluralism invoke empirical psychological data. Different aspects of causal cognition—specifically, causal perception and causal inference—are thought to involve distinct cognitive processes and representations, and they thereby distinctively support transference and dependency theories of causation, respectively. We argue that this dualistic picture of causal concepts arises from methodological differences, rather than from an actual plurality of concepts. Hence, philosophical causal pluralism is not particularly supported by the empirical data. Serious engagement with cognitive science reveals (...)
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  25.  54
    Swiss market for meat from animal-friendly production – responses of public and private actors in switzerland.Sibyl Anwander Phan-Huy & Ruth Badertscher Fawaz - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (2):119-136.
    Animal welfare is an importantsocietal issue in Switzerland. Policy makershave responded with a strict legislation onanimal protection and with two programs topromote animal friendly husbandry. Alsoprivate actors in the meat industry initiatedprograms for animal friendly meat productionto meet consumers' expectations. Labeled meathas a market share of over 20%. Depending onthe stakeholders responsible for the labels,their objectives vary. While retailers want toattract consumers with meat produced in ananimal friendly and environmentally compatiblemanner and with products of consistently goodsensory quality, producers want to (...)
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  26.  51
    Time-course of cortical networks involved in working memory.Phan Luu, Daniel M. Caggiano, Alexandra Geyer, Jenn Lewis, Joseph Cohn & Don M. Tucker - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  27. The laozi code.Phan Chánh Công - 2007 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 6 (3):239-262.
    The term “dao” (道) has been playing the theoretically paradigmatic role in almost all East Asian philosophies, religions, and cultures. The meanings of the term “dao” in the Dao De Jing and other ancient East Asian texts have remained hermeneutically problematic up to this point in time. This article argues that one of the main causes of this hermeneutical problematic is the failure to establish a theoretically formal typology of the “dao.” It further suggests that a hermeneutically disciplined reading of (...)
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  28. Autonomy trumps all?: A kantian critique of physician-assisted death.Hoa Trung Dinh - 2017 - The Australasian Catholic Record 94 (4):466.
    Dinh, Hoa Trung At the forefront of the current debate on 'assisted death' is the autonomy argument. Advocates of assisted death often appeal to respect for autonomy as a trump card that can override all other considerations: the value of human life, the prohibition of killing in the medical tradition, and other social responsibilities. For Kant, who invented the concept of autonomy and regarded it as the manifestation of human dignity, the concept of killing oneself is rationally indefensible and (...)
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  29.  30
    Agent-based Modelling and Simulation in the Social and Human Sciences.Denis Phan & Frédéric Amblard (eds.) - 2007 - Oxford: The Bardwell Press.
    This volume brings together contributions from leading researchers in the field of agent-based modelling and simulation. This approach has grown out of some recent and innovative ideas in the social sciences, computer sciences, life sciences, physics and game theory. It is proving helpful in understanding complexity in many domains. The opportunities it offers to explore the experimental approach to social and human behaviour is proving of theoretical and empirical value across a wide range of fields. With contributions from researchers whose (...)
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  30.  72
    From Voluptuous Woman to Porky Butterball: The Rise and Fall of the Voluptuous Woman Ideal.Julie Dinh - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (2).
    This paper examines the rise and fall of voluptuousness as a beauty ideal in mid- nineteenth century America. It argues that the rise and fall of the fuller figured woman can be traced to shifting economic, social, and medical beliefs that in turn, affected perceptions about fatness‟ relationship to class, morality, health, and beauty.
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    La syntagme verbal en vietnamien.Nguyen Dinh-Hoa, Nguyẽ̑n Phu Phong & Nguyen Phu Phong - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):506.
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  32. Annunciare cristo salvezza dell'uomo: I Discorsi missionari negli atti degli Apostoli Alla Luce di at 2, 14-40.Dinh Anh Nhue Nguyen - 2012 - Miscellanea Francescana 112 (3-4):749-775.
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  33. Đông Tây kim cỏ̂.Thé̂ Phiệt Phan - unknown
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    Reading Nostra Aetate in reverse: a different way of looking at the relationships among religions.Peter C. Phan - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (40):1826-1840.
    Nostra Aetate indisputably represented at its promulgation in 1965 a momentous step forward in Catholic theology of religions. But its perspective on other religions still remains deeply "Christianity-centric" in that it views other religions from the Christian vantage-point and uses Christianity as the yardstick to evaluate them. Graphically, its theology of religions may be represented by a series of concentric circles with Christianity occupying the center of the innermost circle and other religions occupying successive circles, with increasing distance from the (...)
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  35.  23
    Memetic algorithms outperform evolutionary algorithms in multimodal optimisation.Phan Trung Hai Nguyen & Dirk Sudholt - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103345.
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  36.  12
    ω-Groundedness of argumentation and completeness of grounded dialectical proof procedures.Phan Minh Dung, Phan Minh Thang & Jiraporn Pooksook - 2024 - Argument and Computation:1-45.
    Dialectical proof procedures in assumption-based argumentation are in general sound but not complete with respect to both the credulous and skeptical semantics (due to non-terminating loops). This raises the question of whether we could describe exactly what such procedures compute. In a previous paper, we introduce infinite arguments to represent possibly non-terminating computations and present dialectical proof procedures that are both sound and complete with respect to the credulous semantics of assumption-based argumentation with infinite arguments. In this paper, we study (...)
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  37.  19
    Approximation of action theories and its application to conformant planning.Phan Huy Tu, Tran Cao Son, Michael Gelfond & A. Ricardo Morales - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (1):79-119.
  38.  22
    (1 other version)The use of indexicals to co-construct common ground on the continuum of intra- and intercultural communicative contexts.Hanh Dinh - 2019 - Pragmatics Cognition 26 (1):135-165.
    This paper examines the roles of indexicals in explicating speakers’ intentions and constructing common ground in the context of a continuum with two extreme endpoints, the intracultural at one end, and the intercultural at the other, within the framework of the socio-cognitive approach proposed and developed by Kecskes and Kecskes and Zhang. Thirteen participants from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds were recruited to represent varying degrees on the intra- and intercultural continuum. They were divided into three groups: American English speakers, (...)
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  39. Quelques remarques sur le problème de dieu dans la philosophie d'eric Weil Par Raymond vancourt.Sur le Problème de Dieu - 1970 - Archives de Philosophie 33 (2-4):471.
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  40. The modular logic of private international law.Phan Minh Dung & Giovanni Sartor - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 19 (2-3):233-261.
    We provide a logical analysis of private international law, a rather esoteric, but increasingly important, domain of the law. Private international law addresses overlaps and conflicts between legal systems by distributing cases between the authorities of such systems (jurisdiction) and establishing what rules these authorities have to apply to each case (choice of law). A formal model of the resulting interactions between legal systems is proposed based on modular argumentation. It is argued that this model may also be useful for (...)
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  41. Cognitive and emotional influences in anterior cingulate cortex.George Bush, Phan Luu & Michael I. Posner - 2000 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4 (6):215-222.
    Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is a part of the brain's limbic system. Classically, this region has been related to affect, on the basis of lesion studies in humans and in animals. In the late 1980s, neuroimaging research indicated that ACC was active in many studies of cognition. The findings from EEG studies of a focal area of negativity in scalp electrodes following an error response led to the idea that ACC might be the brain's error detection and correction device. In (...)
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  42.  18
    Vietnamese Catholics in the United States and Americanization: A Sociological and Religious Perspective.Peter C. Phan - 2023 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 43 (1):229-234.
    abstract: Taking a cue from Carilyn Chen's book about the Americanization of Taiwanese immigrant Buddhists, Getting Saved in America: Taiwanese Immigration and Religious Experience (2009), this essay narrates the process by which Vietnamese Catholics are "Americanized." Compared with the Taiwanese Buddhists, Vietnamese Catholics had the advantage of being members of a global Church, were from the beginning incorporated into the American Catholic Church, thereby enjoying the many benefits that this institutional incorporation brought with it, and were cared for pastorally by (...)
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  43.  17
    L'architecture carcérale : des mots et des murs, dir. F. Dieu et P. Mbanzoulou.François Dieu & Paul Mbanzoulou - 2012 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes (11).
    L’architecture carcérale présente les actes d’un colloque organisé en décembre 2010 à l’occasion du dixième anniversaire de la délocalisation, à Agen, de l’Ecole nationale d’administration pénitentiaire (ENAP). L’ouvrage est illustré de nombreux documents iconographiques provenant du fonds de plans d’architectes et de collections photographiques sur les établissements pénitentiaires conservés au Centre de ressources sur l’histoire des crimes et des peines (CRHCP) de l’ENAP. Comme l’indique le..
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  44.  63
    Ethnic, Immigrant, and Racialized Women in Canada: A Historiography.Julie Dinh - 2012 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 3 (2).
    Since the emergence of ̳new left‘, bottom up approach to history in the 1960s and 1970s, women‘s and gender history has become a rich field for historians. Ethnic and immigrant women‘s history, as part of this larger movement, has seen its own fair share of growth. This paper examines the emergence of racialized women‘s history in Canada and analyzes the increasingly inclusive and complex integration of this field through the works of notable authors in recent decades.
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  45. Consciousness: A preparatory and comparative process.Phan Luu, John M. Kelley & Daniel Levitin - 2001 - In Peter G. Grossenbacher (ed.), Finding Consciousness in the Brain: A Neurocognitive Approach. Advances in Consciousness Research. John Benjamins. pp. 247-275.
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  46. Ascoltare i genitori. Un altro principio della sapienza accanto al timoré di Yhwh in Proverbi 23, 15-28.Dinh Nguyen - 2006 - Miscellanea Francescana 106 (1-2):67-91.
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  47. Il timore di dio negli scritti di Francesco d'assisi: Un'analisi in prospettiva biblica.Dinh Nguyen - 2010 - Miscellanea Francescana 110 (1-2):27-54.
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    The Heritage of Vietnamese Poetry.Dinh-Hoa Nguyen, Huỳnh Sanh Thông & Huynh Sanh Thong - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (3):648.
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    Is Karl Rahner’s Doctrine of Sin Orthodox?Peter C. Phan - 1995 - Philosophy and Theology 9 (1-2):223-236.
    This essay is a response to Ron Highfield’s critique of Rahner’s doctrine of sin and freedom. Highfield holds that Rahner’s doctrine of sin is erroneous because it is rooted in Rahner’s attribution of a divine-like character (i.e., definitiveness) to human freedom. This attribution, according to Highfield, leads to Rahner’s misunderstanding of biblical and dogmatic texts on human freedom, internal contradictions in his doctrine of sin, and the blurring of the distinction between Creator and creature, nature and grace, philosophy and theology.The (...)
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  50.  12
    Introducing the Concept of Consonance-Disconsonance of Best Practice: A Focus on the Development of ‘Student Profiling’.Huy P. Phan & Bing H. Ngu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present study, using a non-experimental approach, investigated a theoretical concept of best practice, which we recently introduced – namely: a ‘state of consonance’ and a ‘state of disconsonance’ of best practice. Consonance of best practice posits that different levels of best practice, as well as other comparable psychological constructs would cluster or ‘group’ together. Disconsonance of best practice, in contrast, would indicate non-overlapping of contrasting levels of best practice. Taiwanese undergraduates from five private universities in Taipei City and New (...)
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