Results for 'Philo of Megara'

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  1. Logic: The Megarics.Susanne Bobzien - 1999 - In Keimpe Algra, Jonathan Barnes, Jaap Mansfeld & Malcolm Schofield (eds.), The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    ABSTRACT: Summary presentation of the surviving logic theories of Philo the Dialectician (aka Philo of Megara) and Diodorus Cronus, including some general remarks on propositional logical elements in their logic, a presentation of their theories of the conditional and a presentation of their modal theories, including a brief suggestion for a solution of the Master Argument.
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  2. Dialecticians and Stoics on the Classification of Propositions.Theodor Ebert - 1993 - In Klaus Döring & Theodor Ebert (eds.), Dialektiker und Stoiker. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner. pp. 111-127.
    This paper discusses the reports in Diogenes Laertius and in Sextus Empiricus concerning the classification of propositions. It is argued that the material in Sextus uses a source going back to the Dialectical school whose most prominent members were Diodorus Cronus and Philo of Megara. The material preserved in Diogenes Laertius, on the other hand, goes back to Chrysippus.
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  3. The origin of the Stoic theory of signs in Sextus Empiricus.Theodor Ebert - 1987 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 5:83-126.
    In this paper I argue that the Stoic theory of signs as reported by Sextus Empiricus in AM and in PH belongs to Stoic logicians which precede Chrysippus. I further argue that the PH-version of this theory presupposes the version in AM and is an attempt to improve the older theory. I tentatively attribute the PH-version to Cleanthes and the AM-version to Zeno. I finally argue that the origin of this Stoic theory is to be found in the Dialectical school (...)
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    De vita Mosis I: an introduction with text, translation, and notes.Philo Of Alexandria - 2023 - Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press. Edited by Jeffrey Michael Hunt & Philo.
    This volume, a translation of book 1 of Philo of Alexandria's De vita Mosis, with introduction and commentary, aims to introduce new readers, both students and scholars, to Philo of Alexandria through what is widely considered to be one of his most accessible works and one that Philo himself may have intended for readers unfamiliar with Judaism. The introduction provides historical, intellectual, and religious context for Philo, discusses major issues of scholarly interest, considers the relation of (...)
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  5. Die stoische Modallogik (Stoic Modal Logic).Susanne Bobzien - 1986 - Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen and Neumann.
    The first monograph on Stoic modal logic. Part 1 discusses the Stoic notion of propositions (assertibles, axiomata): their definition; their truth-criteria; the relation between sentence and proposition; propositions that perish; propositions that change their truth-value; the temporal dependency of propositions; the temporal dependency of the Stoic notion of truth; pseudo-dates in propositions. Part 2 discusses Stoic modal logic: the Stoic definitions of their modal notions (possibility, impossibility, necessity, non-necessity); the logical relations between the modalities; modalities as properties of propositions; contingent (...)
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    Philo of Alexandria, On cultivation.Philo - 2013 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Albert C. Geljon & David T. Runia.
    From antiquity to the present day Philo of Alexandria has been famous for his allegorical treatises on Genesis. This is the first translation and commentary on an allegorical work in the Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series.
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    Dialectical school.Susanne Bobzien - 2012 - In Ed Zalta (ed.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The ‘Dialectical school’ denotes a group of early Hellenistic philosophers that were loosely connected by philosophizing in the — Socratic — tradition of Eubulides of Megara and by their interest in logical paradoxes, propositional logic and dialectical expertise. . Its two best known members, Diodorus Cronus and Philo the Logician, made groundbreaking contributions to the development of theories of conditionals and modal logic. Philo introduced a version of material implication; Diodorus devised a forerunner of strict implication. Each (...)
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    The essential Philo.Judaeus Philo & D'Alexandrie Philon - 1971 - New York,: Schocken Books. Edited by Nahum Norbert Glatzer.
    "Presents the essential aspects of Philo's work, as an introduction to Hellenistic Judaism, information on the background of early Christian thought, and... intellectual history of antiquity"--P. xi.
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  9. Robert Muller (éd.), Les Mégariques. Fragments et témoignages. [REVIEW]Susanne Bobzien - 1987 - Gnomon 59:648-51.
    ABSTRACT: Discussion (in German) of Robert Muller's "Les Megariques, Fragments et temoignages". Traduit et commentes. Paris, Vrin 1985, with focus on his commentary on ancient paradoxes.
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    Philo of Alexandria: an introduction.Samuel Sandmel - 1979 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Samuel Sandmel's book: Philo of Alexandria: An Introduction, is a basic introductory, supplementing his own teacher' Goodenough: 'An Introduction to Philo Judaeus, ' and foundation to more recent works on Philo.
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  11. Theognis of Megara. Poctry and the.Theognis Figueira, T. J. Figueira & G. Nagy - forthcoming - Polis.
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    Philo of Alexandria: an annotated bibliography 2007-2016 with addenda for items earlier than 2006.David T. Runia - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume is a further continuation of the annotated bibliographies on the writings and thought of the Jewish exegete and philosopher Philo of Alexandria, following those on the years 1937-1986 published in 1988, 1987-1996 published in 2000 and 1997-2012 published in 2012. Prepared in collaboration with the International Philo Bibliography Project, it contains a complete listing of all scholarly writings on Philo for the period 2007 to 2016. Part One lists texts, translations, commentaries etc. (75 items). Part (...)
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    Philo of Alexandria: an intellectual biography.Maren Niehoff - 2018 - New Haven and London: Yale University Press.
    This first biography of Philo of Alexandria, one of antiquity's most prolific yet enigmatic authors, traces his intellectual development from Bible interpreter to diplomat in Rome.
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    Philo of Alexandria: an annotated bibliography, 1937-1986.Roberto Radice - 1988 - New York: E.J. Brill. Edited by David T. Runia & Roberto Radice.
    The first author in which the traditions of Judaic thought and Greek philosophy flow together in a significant way is Philo of Alexandria.This study presents a ...
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    Philo of Larissa.Charles Brittain & Peter Osorio - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Philo of Alexandria: a thinker in the Jewish diaspora.Mireille Hadas-Lebel - 2012 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Robyn Fréchet.
    Mireille Hadas-Lebel shines a spotlight on the complex life and works of Philo, the illustrious Alexandrian Jewish philosopher, offering a fascinating insight into a seminal religious thinker at the crossroads of Judaism and Hellenism.
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    Theognis of Megara and the Divine Creating Power in the Framework of Semiotic Textology: An Application of János Sándor Petöfi’s Theory to Archaic Greek Literature. [REVIEW]Mauro Giuffrè - 2012 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 21 (3):325-346.
    This paper is a demonstration of an application of Semiotic Textology to a limited case study. The main aspects of Semiotic Textology, the theory elaborated by Petöfi, are presented; secondly the linguistic aspects of the interpretation of lines 133–134 of the Theognis of Megara’s poem, analysed in the framework of said theory, are presented. All the relevant syntactic, semantic, pragmatic information involved in text processing have been considered. Through fixed steps, it is shown that text processing is not exclusively (...)
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    Dieuchidas of Megara.J. A. Davison - 1959 - Classical Quarterly 9 (3-4):216-.
    It is immediately evident that the second sentence in this passage is incomplete; as it stands is fails to tell us what it was that Dieuchidas said execept in so far as it implies some connexion between either Solon of Peisistratus and the lines which we now reat at Iliad 2.558 ff. Many scholars have striven to fill the lacuna in accordance with their own views of what Dieuchidas ought to have written, and some have sought to use the resulting (...)
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    Philo of Alexandria and Greek myth: narratives, allegories, and arguments.Francesca Alesse (ed.) - 2019 - Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
    In Philo of Alexandria and Greek Myth: Narratives, Allegories, and Arguments, a fresh and more complete image of Philo of Alexandria as a careful reader, interpreter, and critic of Greek literature is offered. Greek mythology plays a significant role in Philo of Alexandria's exegetical oeuvre. Philo explicitly adopts or subtly evokes narratives, episodes and figures from Greek mythology as symbols whose didactic function we need to unravel, exactly as the hidden teaching of Moses' narration has to (...)
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  20. Two men of Alexandria: Philo, born B.C. 20; Origen, born A.D. 185. Some of their shorter sayings and incidental side issues.Philo - 1930 - London,: Heath, Cranton. Edited by Origen & Herbert Gaussen.
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    Selected writings.Philo, Hans Lewy & Yochanan Lewy - 1965 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by Yochanan Lewy.
    A contemporary of Jesus Christ, Philo of Alexandria ranks among the greatest of Jewish and Greek thinkers.
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  22. New Energy Geographies: A Case Study of Yoga, Meditation and Healthfulness.Chris Philo, Louisa Cadman & Jennifer Lea - 2015 - Journal of Medical Humanities 36 (1):35-46.
    Beginning with a routine day in the life of a practitioner of yoga and meditation and emphasising the importance of nurturing, maintaining and preventing the dissipation of diverse ‘energies’, this paper explores the possibilities for geographical health studies which take seriously ‘new energy geographies’. It is explained how this account is derived from in-depth fieldwork tracing how practitioners of yoga and meditation find times and spaces for these practices, often in the face of busy urban lifestyles. Attention is paid to (...)
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    Philo of Alexandria and the "Timaeus" of Plato.David T. Runia - 1986 - Leiden: Brill.
    CHAPTER ONE AIM AND STRUCTURE OF THE STUDY About ten years before his death the Athenian philosopher Plato, securely settled in the Academy which he had ...
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    Philo of Stockholm. The ecumenical heresies of Rabbi Marcus Ehrenpreis.Göran Rosenberg - 2019 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 30 (2):62-72.
    This paper was presented at the conference ‘The Marrano Phenomenon: Jewish Hidden Tradition and Modernity’, Warsaw, 16–19 September 2019. It considers the case of Marcus Ehrenpreis, chief rabbi of Stockholm. Ehrenpreis followed in the tradition from Antiquity of Philo of Alexandria, who expressed his Jewish philosophy in Greek, and Moses Mendelssohn, who attempted to bring the principles of the Englightenment to German Jews and to promote an understanding of Judaism among non­Jews. Ehrenpreis sought to follow a similar path among (...)
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    (2 other versions)Philo of Alexandria: an annotated bibliography, 1987-1996: with addenda for 1937-1986.David T. Runia - 2000 - Boston: Brill. Edited by H. M. Keizer.
    This volume is a continuation of "Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 1937-1986, published by Roberto Radice and David Runia in 1988 (second edition ...
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  26. Philo of Alexandria's ethical discourse: living in the power of piety.Nélida Naveros Córdova - 2018 - Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.
    This book examines Philo's understanding of the acquisition of virtues and the avoidance of vices using the Greek concept of piety as a central virtue in his ethical discourse. Naveros exceptionally shows how Philo construes his understanding of living ethically within both the Hellenistic Jewish and Greek traditions.
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    Quod deterius potiori insidiari soleat.Philo - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Adam Kamesar & Philo.
    Presents the Greek text of Philo's treatise Quod deterius in a redesigned format, along with a new English translation. The commentary attempts to facilitate the reading of this sometimes difficult author by means of reconstruction of the contexts of his discussions and by accessible analyses of the train of thought.
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    Philo of Alexandria, On planting.Albert Geljon & David Runia - 2019 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Albert C. Geljon & David T. Runia.
    The Jewish exegete and philosopher Philo of Alexandria has long been famous for his complex and spiritually rich allegorical treatises on the Greek Bible. The present volume presents first translation and commentary in English on his treatise De plantatione (On planting), following on the volume devoted to On cultivation published previously by the same two authors. Philo gives a virtuoso performance as allegorist, interpreting Noah's planting of a vineyard in Genesis 9.20 first in theological and cosmological terms, then (...)
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    Philo of Alexandria and post-Aristotelian philosophy.Francesca Alesse (ed.) - 2008 - Boston: Brill.
    An inquiry drawing on the presence of Hellenistic philosophy in Philo provides a better knowledge of the diffusion of Hellenistic philosophy since the late ...
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  30. Logos in Philo of Alexandria: Synthesis of two traditions.Aleksandar Djakovac - 2020 - Theoria 4 (63):5-15.
    In this paper, our intention is to present the main aspects of the understanding of the logos in Philo of Alexandria. Philo’s reception of this notion is especially important because his insights significantly influenced the development of patristic philosophy, and these influences, through the mediation of scholasticism, reached the modern age. Philo has a very important role in creating the Judeo-Christian heritage, and represents an important link for understanding the formation of the basic matrices of this worldview. (...)
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  31. Philo of alexandria.Marian Hillar - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Philo of Alexandria’s Use of Sleep and Dreaming as Epistemological Metaphors in Relation to Joseph.M. Jason Reddoch - 2011 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 5 (2):283-302.
    Dreams are used figuratively throughout Greek literature to refer to something fleeting and/or unreal. In Plato, this metaphorical language is specifically used to describe an epistemological distinction: the one who has false knowledge or opinion is said to be dreaming while the one who has true knowledge is said to be awake. These figures are also central to Philo of Alexandria's philosophical language in De somniis 1-2 and De Iosepho. Although scholars have documented these epistemological metaphors in Plato and (...)
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  33. Philo of Alexandria and the Origins of the Stoic Πρoπαειαι.Margaret Graver - 1999 - Phronesis 44 (4):300-325.
    The concept of πρoπαειαι or "pre-emotions" is known not only to the Roman Stoics and Christian exegetes but also to Philo of Alexandria. Philo also supplies the term πρoπαεια at QGen 1.79. As Philo cannot have derived what he knows from Seneca, nor from Cicero, who also mentions the point, he must have found it in older Stoic writings. The πρoπαεια concept, rich in implications for the voluntariness and phenomenology of the passions proper, is thus confirmed for (...)
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    Philo of Alexandria’s Ethical Discourse: Living in the Power of Piety.Nélida Naveros Córdova - 2018 - Lanham: Fortress Academic.
    This book examines Philo’s understanding of the acquisition of virtues and the avoidance of vices using the Greek concept of piety as a central virtue in his ethical discourse. Naveros exceptionally shows how Philo construes his understanding of living ethically within both the Hellenistic Jewish and Greek traditions.
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  35. Philo of Alexandria and Gnosticism.Robert McL Wilson - 1972 - Kairos (misc) 14:213-19.
  36. Philo of Alexandria: A Platonist in the Image and Likeness of Aristotle.Abraham P. Bos - 1998 - The Studia Philonica Annual 10:66-86.
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    Philo of Alexandria on the Twelve Olympian Gods.Geert Roskam - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 112 (3):169-192.
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  38. Philo of Alexandria: an Annotated Bibliography 1996.D. Runia, A. Geljon, J. Martin, R. Radice & K. -G. Sandelin - 1999 - The Studia Philonica Annual 11:121-147.
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    Philo of alexandria and the "timaeus" of Plato.J. M. Dillon - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (4):658-660.
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    Philo of Alexandria’s Ethical Discourse: Living in the Power of Piety.Cdp Naveros Córdova - 2018 - Lanham: Fortress Academic.
    This book examines Philo’s understanding of the acquisition of virtues and the avoidance of vices using the Greek concept of piety as a central virtue in his ethical discourse. Naveros exceptionally shows how Philo construes his understanding of living ethically within both the Hellenistic Jewish and Greek traditions.
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  41. Philo of Alexandria and the transitory and Apophatic dimensions of knowing oneself.Beatrice Wyss - 2023 - In Ole Jakob Filtvedt & Jens Schröter (eds.), Know yourself: echoes and interpretations of the Delphic maxim in ancient Judaism, Christianity, and philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  42. Philo of Alexandria in Five Letters of Isidore of Pelusium.D. Runia - 1991 - The Studia Philonica Annual 3:295-319.
  43. Philo of Alexandria on Jewish law and Jewish community.Sarah Pearce - 2011 - In Manuel Alexandre Júnior (ed.), Fílon de Alexandria nas origens da cultura occidental. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos Clássicos.
  44. Philo of Alexandria on the rational and irrational emotions.David Winston - 2007 - In John T. Fitzgerald (ed.), Passions and Moral Progress in Greco-Roman Thought. Routledge.
  45. Philo of Alexandria and Ibn al-ÔArab ı.David Winston - 2001 - The Studia Philonica Annual 13:139-158.
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    Philo of Alexandria.Jean Daniélou - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by James G. Colbert.
    Life of Philo -- Philo and his time -- The Bible at Alexandria -- Philo's exegesis -- Philo's theology -- Philo's spirituality -- Philo and the New Testament.
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  47. Philo of Alexandria and the Beginnings of Christian Thought.D. Runia - 1995 - The Studia Philonica Annual 7:143-160.
  48. Announcement: Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series.G. Sterling - 1995 - The Studia Philonica Annual 7:161-168.
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    Philo of Alexandria.Louis H. Feldman & Samuel Sandmel - 1980 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 100 (2):197.
  50. Philo of Alexandria vs. Descartes : an ignored Jewish premonitory critic of the Cogito.Calos Lévy - 2019 - In Giuseppe Veltri, Racheli Haliva, Stephan Schmid & Emidio Spinelli (eds.), Sceptical paths: enquiry and doubt from antiquity to the present. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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