Results for 'Philosophy, Renaissance History'

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  1.  15
    In decline or on the threshold of a renaissance? On the place of the philosophy of history in the contemporary world.Grzegorz Bednarczyk - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (3):125-147.
    The aim of this article is an attempt to diagnose the current condition of the philosophy of history, as well as to show its potential in explaining contemporary phenomena and constructing a rational image of the world. Two recent works by Steven Pinker (The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined and Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress) and the methodological work of Karl Raimund Popper provide a point of reference. And although the (...)
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    Medical humanism and natural philosophy: Renaissance debates on matter, life, and the soul.Hiro Hirai - 2011 - Boston: Brill.
    Exploring Renaissance humanists’ debates on matter, life and the soul, this volume addresses the contribution of humanist culture to the evolution of early modern natural philosophy so as to shed light on the medical context of the ...
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    Dissident renaissance: rewriting the history of early modern philosophy as political practice.Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori (eds.) - 2025 - Boston, Massachusetts: Brill.
    The Renaissance has a peculiar status in philosophical historiography: it tends to disappear from the dominant narrative-as Charles Schmitt famously noticed-but it also resurfaces unexpectedly in marginal reception histories. This book casts light on intellectual constellations or geographical areas, which have traditionally been considered peripheral to the emergence of the Renaissance. The case studies presented in the book explore philosophical historiography as a political practice, showing how, in times of cultural crisis or change, the scholarly rediscovery of the (...)
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    What Counted as Philosophy in the Italian Renaissance? The History of Philosophy, the History of Science, and Styles of Life.Christopher S. Celenza - 2013 - Critical Inquiry 39 (2):367-401.
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  5. Hegel on Philosophy in History ed. by Rachel Zuckert and James Kreines.Christopher Yeomans - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (4):740-741.
    Hegel on Philosophy in History is a Festschrift for Robert Pippin, one of the most important contemporary Hegel scholars. Pippin's importance has to do not only with the way in which he opened up the field of Hegel studies beginning in the 1980s, but also with the extraordinary number of other figures and discussions in philosophy with which he has brought Hegel's thought into connection. These aspects of Pippin's importance are connected, of course, since it is the latter that (...)
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  6. The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy.C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, published in 1988, offers a balanced and comprehensive account of philosophical thought from the middle of the fourteenth century to the emergence of modern philosophy. This was the first volume in English to synthesise for a wider audience the substantial and sophisticated research now available. The volume is organised by branch of philosophy rather than by individual philosopher or school, and the intention has been to present the internal development of different aspects (...)
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  7. A History of Modern Philosophy a Sketch of the History of Philosophy From the Close of the Renaissance to Our Own Day. Translated From the German Ed. By B.E. Meyer. --.Harald Höffding - 1955 - Dover Publications.
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    History of Philosophy and History of Ideas.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (1):1-14.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:History of Philosophy and History of Ideas PAUL OSKAR KRISTELLER THE TF.~MS "history of philosophy" and "history of ideas" are frequently associated in current public and professional discussions, and many statements seem to suggest that the two terms are more or less synonymous, or that the former term, being old-fashioned, might well be replaced with the latter which for many ears appears to have a (...)
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  9.  23
    Philosophy in the Renaissance: an anthology.Paul Richard Blum & James G. Snyder (eds.) - 2022 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    The Renaissance was a period of great intellectual change and innovation as philosophers rediscovered the philosophy of classical antiquity and passed it on to the modern age. Renaissance philosophy is distinct both from the medieval scholasticism, based on revelation and authority, and from philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries who transformed it into new philosophical systems. Despite the importance of the Renaissance to the development of philosophy over time, it has remained largely understudied by historians of (...)
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  10. A History of Modern Philosophy a Sketch of the History of Philosophy From the Close of the Renaissance to Our Own Day.Harald Høfding & B. E. Meyer - 1900 - Macmillan.
  11.  7
    A History of Modern Philosophy; a Sketch of the History of Philosophy from the Close of the Renaissance to Our Own Day.Harald Hoffding - 2015 - Arkose Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  12. The History of Philosophy: The Middle Ages and the Renaissance.Émile Bréhier - 1965 - University of Chicago Press.
  13. Pt. 2. the age of faith to the age of reason: Lecture 1. Aquinas' summa theologica, the thomist sythesis and its political and social context ; lecture 2. more's utopia, reason and social justice ; lecture 3. Machiavelli's the Prince, political realism, political science, and the renaissance ; lecture 4. Bacon's new organon, the call for a new science, guest lecture / by Alan Kors ; lecture 5. Descartes' epistemology and the mind-body problem ; lecture 6. Hobbes' leviathan, of man, guest lecture / by Dennis Dalton ; lecture 7. Hobbes' leviathan, of the commonwealth, guest lecture by. [REVIEW]Dennis Dalton, Metaphysics Lecture 8Spinoza'S. Ethics, the Path To Salvation, Guest Lecture by Alan Kors Lecture 9the Newtonian Revolution, Lecture 10the Early Enlightenment, Viso'S. New Science of History The Search for the Laws of History, Lecture 11Pascal'S. Pensees & Lecture 12the Philosophy of G. W. Liebniz - 2000 - In Darren Staloff, Louis Markos, Jeremy duQuesnay Adams, Phillip Cary, Dennis Dalton, Alan Charles Kors, Jeremy Shearmur, Robert C. Solomon, Robert Kane, Kathleen Marie Higgins, Mark W. Risjord & Douglas Kellner, Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition, 3rd edition. Washington DC: The Great Courses.
  14.  25
    Towards a Realist Philosophy of History by Adam Timmins (review).Aviezer Tucker - 2023 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (2):368-370.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Towards a Realist Philosophy of History by Adam TimminsAviezer TuckerTIMMINS, Adam. Towards a Realist Philosophy of History. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2022. 192 pp. Cloth, $95.00The debate about scientific realism, whether science represents reality or just discovers measurements and correlations that are followed by theoretical stories about them, is at the center of the philosophy of science. One potent and frequently discussed antirealist argument has been (...)
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  15.  33
    Atomism in Philosophy: A History from Antiquity to the Present.Ugo Zilioli (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The nature of matter and the idea of indivisible parts has fascinated philosophers, historians, scientists and physicists from antiquity to the present day. This collection covers the richness of its history, starting with how the Ancient Greeks came to assume the existence of atoms and concluding with contemporary metaphysical debates about structure, time and reality. Focusing on important moments in the history of human thought when the debate about atomism was particularly flourishing and transformative for the scientific and (...)
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  16.  19
    A History of Muslim Philosophy: With Short Accounts of Other Disciplines and the Modern Renaissance in Muslim Lands.Mian Mohammad Sharif (ed.) - 1963 - Wiesbaden,: Royal Book Co..
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    A history of muslim philosophy, with short accounts of other disciplines and the modern renaissance in muslim lands,.Jean Jacques Waardenburg - 1969 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 7 (1):81-93.
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    The Edinburgh Critical History of Middle Ages and Renaissance Philosophy.Andrew LaZella & Richard A. Lee (eds.) - 2020 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh Critical History of Philosophy.
    A team of leading international scholars examine Middle Ages and Renaissance philosophy from the perspective of themes and lines of thought that cut across authors, disciplines and national boundaries, opening up new ways to conceptualise the history of this period within philosophy, politics, religious studies and literature.
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    The Renaissance and 17th Century Rationalism: Routledge History of Philosophy Volume 4.Prof G. H. R. Parkinson & G. H. R. Parkinson (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    This fourth volume traces the history of Renaissance philosophy and seventeenth century rationalism, covering Descartes and the birth of modern philosophy.
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  20.  44
    Renaissance Ideas and the Idea of the RenaissanceThe Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy.Renaissance Humanism: Foundations, Forms and Legacy. Volume 1: Humanism in Italy. Volume 2: Humanism Beyond Italy. Volume 3: Humanism and the Disciplines.Supplementum Festivum: Studies in Honor of Paul Oskar Kristeller.Renaissance Studies in Honor of Craig Hugh Smyth. Volume I: History, Literature, Music. Volume II: Art, Architecture.Marsilio Ficino e il ritorno di Platone: Manoscritti, stampe e documenti.Marsilio Ficino e il ritorno di Platone: Studi e documenti. [REVIEW]Charles Trinkaus, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler, Charles B. Schmitt, Albert Rabil, James Hankins, John Monfasani, Frederick Purnell, Andrew Morrogh, Fiorella Superbi Gioffredi, Piero Morselli, Eve Borsook, S. Gentile, S. Niccoli, P. Viti & Gian Carlo Garfagnini - 1990 - Journal of the History of Ideas 51 (4):667.
  21.  19
    Renaissance philosophy and the mediaeval tradition.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1966 - Latrobe, Pennsylvania: Archabbey Publications. Edited by Rene Kollar.
    Paul Oskar Kristeller, Frederick Woodbridge professor emeritus of philosophy at Columbia University, was a major scholar of Renaissance philosophy and Renaissance humanism. He was born Paul Oskar Gräfenberg in Berlin but took the name of his stepfather at age 14. His father died shortly after Paul Oskar's birth. He attended school at Mommsen Gymnasium in Berlin. In 1923 Kristeller started college, studying philosophy, medieval history, and mathematics at Heidelberg, Freiburg, and Marburg between the years 1923-1928. He earned (...)
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  22.  12
    The language of history in the Renaissance.Nancy S. Struever - 1970 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
    At any time, basic assumptions about language have a direct effect on the writing of history. The structure of language is related to the structure of knowledge and thus to the definition of historical reality, while linguistic competence gives insights into the relation of ideas and action. Within the framework of these ideas, and drawing on recent work in linguistic theory, including that of the French structuralists. Professor Struever studies the major shift in attitudes toward language and history (...)
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  23.  30
    Ernst Cassirer’s Legacy: History of Philosophy and History of Science.Massimo Ferrari - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (1):85-109.
    The paper is devoted to an overview of Cassirer’s work both as historian of philosophy and historian of science. Indeed, the “intelletcual cooperation” between history of philosophy and history of science represents an essential feature of Cassirer’s style of philosophizing: while the roots of a wide exploration stretching from Renaissance thought to modern physics go back to the Neo-Kantianism of the Marburg School, the results of a similar cross-fertilization of research fields have deeply contributed to shaping new (...)
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  24.  59
    A History of Political Thought: From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.Janet Coleman - 2000 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume continues the story of European political theorising by focusing on medieval and Renaissance thinkers. It includes extensive discussion of the practices that underpinned medieval political theories and which continued to play crucial roles in the eventual development of early-modern political institutions and debates. The author strikes a balance between trying to understand the philosophical cogency of medieval and Renaissance arguments on the one hand, elucidating why historically-suited medieval and Renaissance thinkers thought the ways they did (...)
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  25. Philosophies of the afterlife in the early Italian Renaissance: fifteenth-century sources on the immortality of the soul.Joanna Papiernik - 2024 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The immortality of the soul is one of the oldest tropes in the history of philosophy and one that gained significant momentum in 16th-century Europe. But what came before Pietro Pomponazzi and his contemporaries? Through examination of four neglected but central figures, Joanna Papiernik uncovers the rich and varied nature of the afterlife debate in 15th-century Italy. By engaging with old prints, manuscripts and other archival material, this book reveals just how much interest there was in the question of (...)
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  26.  12
    Philosophie et perfection de l'homme: de la Renaissance à Descartes.Emmanuel Faye - 1998 - Paris: Vrin.
    Ce livre presente la premiere synthese relative a l'evolution de la philosophie en France, de 1436 ou Raymond Sebond expose sa science de l'homme a 1636 lorsque Descartes formule son projet de Science universelle pour elever notre nature a son plus haut degre de perfection. C'est en se recentrant sur la question de la perfection de l'homme que le mode de pensee du philosophe s'est distingue radicalement de celui du theologien. Apres Bovelles, Montaigne se reconnait dans l'humaniste, c'est-a-dire un auteur (...)
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  27.  29
    Rhetoric and philosophy in Renaissance humanism.Jerrold E. Seigel - 1968 - Princeton, N.J.,: Princeton University Press.
    The combination of rhetoric and philosophy appeared in the ancient world through Cicero, and revived as an ideal in the Renaissance. By a careful and precise analysis of the views of four major humanists-Petrarch, Salutati, Bruni, and Valla—Professor Seigel seeks to establish that they were first of all professional rhetoricians, completely committed to the relation between philosophy and rhetoric. He then explores the broader problem of the "external history" of humanism, and reopens basic questions about Renaissance culture. (...)
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  28.  14
    Routledge History of Philosophy Volume Iv: The Renaissance and Seventeenth Century Rationalism.G. H. R. Parkinson (ed.) - 1993 - Routledge.
    First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  29.  16
    Renaissance Averroism and its aftermath: Arabic philosophy in early modern Europe.Anna Akasoy & Guido Giglioni (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    While the transmission of Greek philosophy and science via the Muslim world to western Europe in the Middle Ages has been closely scrutinized, the fate of the Arabic philosophical and scientific legacy in later centuries has received less attention, a fault this volume aims to correct. The authors in this collection discuss in particular the radical ideas associated with Averroism that are attributed to the Aristotle commentator Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) and challenge key doctrines of the Abrahamic religions. This volume examines (...)
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  30.  92
    (1 other version)The Renaissance philosophy of man.Ernst Cassirer - 1948 - Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Paul Oskar Kristeller & John Herman Randall.
    Francesco Petrarca, translated by H. Nachod: Introduction. A self-portrait. The ascent of Mont Ventoux. On his own ignorance and that of many others. A disapproval of an unreasonable use of the discipline of dialectic. An Averroist visits Petrarca. Petraca's aversion to Arab science. A request to take up the fight against Averroes.--Lorenzo Valla, translated by C.E. Trinkaus, Jr.: Introduction by C.E. Trinkaus, Jr. Dialogue on free will.--Marsilio Ficino, translated by J.L. Burroughs: Introduction, by J.L. Burroughs. Five questions concerning the mind.-- (...)
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  31.  55
    The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy.James Hankins (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy, published in 2007, provides an introduction to a complex period of change in the subject matter and practice of philosophy. The philosophy of the fourteenth through sixteenth centuries is often seen as transitional between the scholastic philosophy of the Middle Ages and modern philosophy, but the essays collected here, by a distinguished international team of contributors, call these assumptions into question, emphasizing both the continuity with scholastic philosophy and the role of Renaissance (...)
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  32.  36
    A History of Muslim Philosophy, with Short Accounts of Other Disciplines and the Modern Renaissance in Muslim Lands.George F. Hourani & M. M. Sharif - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (3):601.
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  33.  44
    Erased history: the forgotten Arabic sources of the Western Renaissance: Dag Nikolaus Hasse: Success and suppression: Arabic sciences and philosophy in the Renaissance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016, 688pp, US$59.95, £43.95, €54.00 HB.Glen M. Cooper - 2018 - Metascience 28 (1):125-128.
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  34. Renaissance historiography and political practice, or : the history of philosophy as dissent.Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori - 2025 - In Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori, Dissident renaissance: rewriting the history of early modern philosophy as political practice. Boston, Massachusetts: Brill.
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  35.  19
    Cambridge history of renaissance philosophy.Christopher F. Black - 1991 - History of European Ideas 13 (3):284-286.
  36.  25
    Minds Without Fear: Philosophy in the Indian Renaissance.Nalini Bhushan & Jay L. Garfield - 2017 - New York: Oup Usa. Edited by Jay L. Garfield.
    Minds Without Fear is an intellectual and cultural history of India during the period of British occupation. It demonstrates that this was a period of renaissance in India in which philosophy--both in the public sphere and in the Indian universities--played a central role in the emergence of a distinctively Indian modernity. The book is also a history of Indian philosophy. It demonstrates how the development of a secular philosophical voice facilitated the construction of modern Indian society and (...)
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  37. (1 other version)The individual and the cosmos in Renaissance philosophy.Ernst Cassirer - 1963 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by Mario Domandi.
    This thought-provoking classic investigates how the Renaissance spirit fundamentally questioned and undermined medieval thought. Of value to students of literature, political theory, history of religious and Reformation thought, and the history of science.
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  38. Philosophy of Mind in the Late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 3.Stephan Schmid (ed.) - 2017 - Routledge.
  39.  21
    Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy: Mobile Frontiers and Established Outposts.Gianni Paganini & Cecilia Muratori - 2016 - In Gianni Paganini & Cecilia Muratori, Early Modern Philosophers and the Renaissance Legacy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Difficulties with periodization are often symptoms of internal diseases affecting the history of philosophy. Renaissance scholars and historians of early modern philosophy represent two scholarly communities that do not communicate with each other, as if an abrupt change of scenery had taken place from the sixteenth to the seventeenth century, from the age of Campanella to the age of Descartes. The assumption of an arbitrary division between these two periods continues to have unfortunate effects on the study of (...)
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  40.  17
    Renaissance man and creative thinking: a history of concepts of harmony, 1400-1700.Dorothy Koenigsberger - 1979 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
  41.  13
    A history of silence: from the Renaissance to the present day.Alain Corbin - 2018 - Medford, MA: Polity.
    Silence is not simply the absence of noise. It is within us, in the inner citadel that great writers, thinkers, scholars and people of faith have cultivated over the centuries. It characterizes our most intimate and sacred spaces, from private bedrooms to grand cathedrals – those vast reservoirs of silence. Philosophers and novelists have long sought solitude and inspiration in mountains and forests. Yet despite the centrality of silence to some of our most intense experiences, the transformations of the twentieth (...)
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  42. Byzantine and Renaissance philosophy.Peter Adamson - 2022 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Peter Adamson presents an engaging and wide-ranging introduction to the thinkers and movements of two great intellectual cultures: Byzantium and the Italian Renaissance. First he tells the story of philosophy in the Eastern Christian world, from such early figures as John of Damascus in the eighth century to the late Byzantine scholars of the fifteenth century. Then he explores the rebirth of philosophy in Italy in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the era ofMachiavelli, Giordano Bruno, and Galileo. This is (...)
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  43. Philosophie der Renaissance.Ernst Cassirer - 2020 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. Edited by Christian Möckel.
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  44. Philosophy, theory or way of life?: controversies in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.Juliusz Domański - 2024 - Leiden: Brill. Edited by Matthew Sharpe, Andrew B. Irvine, Matteo Stettler, Krzysztof Jacek Bekieszczuk, Eli Kramer & Krzysztof Łapiński.
    Philosophy in antiquity was conceived not as mere theory but as a way of life; but it lost its 'practicist' cast through a process that begins in the patristic era and peaks with its conversion into an academic discipline in the medieval universities under the influence of 13th-century scholasticism. Juliusz Domański sets out the reasons behind that process and shows how traces of the 'practicist' orientation survived, ultimately leading to a recovery of the ancient notion among the humanists of the (...)
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  45.  5
    (1 other version)Grundriss Philosophie des Humanismus und der Renaissance (1350-1600).Thomas Leinkauf - 2017 - Hamburg: Meiner.
    Zu Beginn seiner Abhandlung *Über das einsame Leben* (De vita solitaria) schreibt Francesco Petrarca 1346: *Niemand schafft es, lange unter Wasser zu leben. Es ist unausweichlich, dass er auftaucht und das Antlitz, das er verbarg, offen zeigt.* René Descartes dagegen, in seinen Cogitationes privatae, notiert dreihundert Jahre später: *Wie die Komödianten [...] Masken anziehen, so schreite ich, der ich am Schauspiel dieser Welt [...] teilzunehmen gedenke, mit einer Maske bedeckt voran.*-Einmal die offene, einmal die verdeckte Konfrontation: bei Petrarca ein Ich, (...)
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  46.  18
    New Perspectives on Renaissance Thought: Essays in the History of Science, Education and Philosophy : in Memory of Charles B. Schmitt.Charles B. Schmitt - 1990 - Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Renaissance humanism: studies in philosophy and poetics.Ernesto Grassi - 1988 - Binghamton, N.Y.: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies.
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    Renaissance concepts of man, and other essays.Paul Oskar Kristeller - 1972 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    Renaissance concepts of man: The Arensberg lectures: The dignity of man. The immortality of the soul. The unity of truth.--The Renaissance and Byzantine learning: Italian Humanism and Byzantium.--Byzantine and Western Platonism in the fifteenth century.--Wimmer lecture: Renaissance philosophy and the medieval tradition.--Appendix: History of Philosophy and history of ideas.
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  49.  11
    History, law, and the human sciences: medieval and Renaissance perspectives.Donald R. Kelley - 1984 - London: Variorum Reprints.
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    Hirai, Medical Humanism and Natural Philosophy: Renaissance Debates on Matter, Life, and the Soul. Leiden: Brill, 2012. Pp. xiii + 227. ISBN 978-90-04-218171-0. €99.00. [REVIEW]Anna Roos - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Science 45 (4):682-683.
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