Results for 'Piero Nicolini'

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  1.  5
    (1 other version)1st Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics.Piero Nicolini, Matthias Kaminski, Jonas Mureika & Marcus Bleicher (eds.) - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    These proceedings collect the selected contributions of participants of the First Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics, held in Frankfurt, Germany to celebrate the 140th anniversary of Schwarzschild's birth. They are grouped into 4 main themes: I. The Life and Work of Karl Schwarzschild; II. Black Holes in Classical General Relativity, Numerical Relativity, Astrophysics, Cosmology, and Alternative Theories of Gravity; III. Black Holes in Quantum Gravity and String Theory; IV. Other Topics in Contemporary Gravitation. Inspired by the foundational principle ``By (...)
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    Piero Ignazi rilegge: Maurice Duverger (1951) Les partis politiques.Piero Ignazi - 2012 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 26 (2):287-294.
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  3. Vico, Croce e nicolini: stralci da lettere di FaustoNicolini nel centenario della nascita.Benedetto Nicolini - 1979 - Bollettino Del Centro di Studi Vichiani 9:111-118.
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  4. Omaggio a Fausto Nicolini.Fausto Nicolini (ed.) - 1972 - Bologna,:
    I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Catalogo sistematico dei manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Intorno al terzo dei Libri della Biccherna.--Due recensioni.--Groce, B. I manoscritti dell'abate Galiani.--Nicolini, B. Profilo di Fausto Nicolini archivista.
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    A wound on poetry: A reading of pasolini’s teorema.Andrea Nicolini - 2017 - Scienza E Filosofia 18 (18):265-272.
    A WOUND ON POETRY: A READING OF PASOLINI’S TEOREMA Through analyzing Pasolini’s Teorema, the intention of the paper is to suggest that besides a sublimated effervescence that, according to Durkheim, blends people together, there is also another force that does not let itself be sublimated and for this reason checkmates the Symbolic order of society. This force is the death drive, namely the drive that, according to Freud, is beyond the pleasure principle and works against the flourishing of the individual (...)
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    Chesterton, Padre Spirituale.Sabina Nicolini - 2011 - The Chesterton Review in Italiano 1 (1):61-66.
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    Inherent Conflict of Interest in Clinical Research: A Call for Effective Guidance.Marie E. Nicolini & Dave Wendler - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (10):94-96.
    Volume 20, Issue 10, October 2020, Page 94-96.
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    Il segno è l'uomo: pratiche di scrittura ebraica: alcune considerazioni teoretiche.Cosimo Nicolini Coen - 2020 - [Andria]: Durango edizioni.
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  9. La questione educativa in Tommaso D'Aquino E in Rosmini.Piero Sapienza - 2011 - Divus Thomas 114 (1):170-209.
  10. «Qu'a d'inhumain la dissection d'un méchant?» La médecine face à la peine de Mort.Piero Schiavo - 2012 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 62:341-358.
  11. Opere, a Cura di Fausto Nicolini. --.Giambattista Vico & Fausto Nicolini - 1953 - R. Ricciardi.
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    Commento storico alla seconda Scienza nuova.Fausto Nicolini - 1949 - Roma,: Edizioni di "Storia e letteratura,".
  13. Against Epistocracy.Piero Moraro - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (2):199-216.
    Jason Brennan has argued that democracy is intrinsically unjust, for it grants voting power to politically incompetent individuals, thus exposing people to an undue risk of harm. He claims democracy should be replaced by epistocracy, i.e., the rule of the knowers. In this paper, I show that his argument fails. First, Brennan mistakes voters’ competence for voters’ trustworthiness. Second, despite Brennan's claim to the contrary, an epistocracy may not reduce people’s exposure to an undue risk of harm. Third, Brennan overlooks (...)
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    The law of illumination before Bouguer (1729): Statement, restatements and demonstration.Piero E. Ariotti & Francis J. Marcolongo - 1976 - Annals of Science 33 (4):331-340.
    Contrary to what has been asserted or implied by Mach and more recent writers, the law of illumination and the study of photometry were not ignored in the years between Kepler's first enunciation of the former in 1609 and Bouguer's Essai on the latter in 1729. The law of illumination was in fact denied in 1613 by Aguilonius. It was probably rediscovered independently and certainly reformulated in more modern terms by Mersenne and Castelli in 1634, and by Boulliau in 1638. (...)
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    Erratum to: Reasoning with infinite stable models [Artificial Intelligence 156 (1) (2004) 75–111].Piero A. Bonatti - 2008 - Artificial Intelligence 172 (15):1833-1835.
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    La condanna della "dottrina Maritain".Piero Doria - 2008 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Abitare la soglia: Simondon e l’individuazione del vivente.Andrea Nicolini - 2019 - Scientia et Fides 22:252-267.
    Living the threshold: Simondon and the living individuation Describing the evolution of the individual from the physical to the vital individuation, from the psychic to the collective individuation, the article aims at reconstructing Simondon’s theory of the individual with which the philosopher shows how the subject is a never-ending process of individuation that emerges from a pre-individual field that makes individuation itself possible.
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    La giovinezza di Giambattista Vico: saggio biografico.Fausto Nicolini - 1932 - [Bologna]: Società editrice Il Mulino.
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    Paper 1: Taking a Pragmatic Position for Describing Objects, Time, Space, and Making an Extra-Model of Them.Luigi Gian Luca Nicolini - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (1):361-420.
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    Vico storico.Fausto Nicolini & Fulvio Tessitore - 1967 - Morano.
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    Obiettivo giustizia.Piero Pajardi - 1991 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    (1 other version)Avventura dell'uomo.Piero Scanziani - 1967 - (Chiasso,: Edizioni,) Elvetica.
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    The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 11, General Index.Piero Sraffa (ed.) - 1951 - Cambridge University Press.
    Part of an eleven-volume set which contains all of Ricardo's published and unpublished writings, and provides great insight into the early era of political economics.
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  24. Educazione alla libertà, alla saggezza, alla bellezza in J. Maritain.Piero Viotto - 2009 - Studium 105 (5):657-672.
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  25. Il pluralismo non è una filosofia: verità e libertà nella riflessione di J. Maritain.Piero Viotto - 2001 - Studium 97 (2):265-283.
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  26. (1 other version)Jacques Maritain.Piero Viotto - 1965 - Brescia]: La Scuola.
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  27. On (not) Accepting the Punishment for Civil Disobedience.Piero Moraro - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):503-520.
    Many believe that a citizen who engages in civil disobedience is not exempt from the sanctions that apply to standard law-breaking conduct. Since he is responsible for a deliberate breach of the law, he is also liable to punishment. Focusing on a conception of responsibility as answerability, I argue that a civil disobedient is responsible (i.e. answerable) to his fellows for the charges of wrongdoing, yet he is not liable to punishment merely for breaching the law. To support this claim, (...)
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    Civil Disobedience: A Philosophical Overview.Piero Moraro - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    What is the difference between civil and uncivil disobedience? How can illegal protest be compatible with a democratic regime based on the rule of law? Is Edward Snowden a civil disobedient? This book follows the philosophical debate around these and other issues, showing how the notion of civil disobedience has evolved from a form of passive resistance against injustice, to an active way to engage with the political life of the community. The author presents the major contributions in political and (...)
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  29. Kant e Gerard. Nota sulle fonti storiche della teoria kantiana del "genio".Piero Giordanetti - 1991 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 46 (4):661.
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  30. Is bossnapping uncivil?Piero Moraro - 2018 - Raisons Politiques 1 (69):29-44.
    This paper considers the boundaries of "civility" in civil disobedience, by focusing on an extreme form of protest, namely, bossnapping. The latter involves workers 'kidnapping' their bosses, in order to force them to listen to their grievances. I argue that, notwithstanding its use of force, bossnapping may, under some circumstances, fulfil the requirements of a "civil" act of disobedience.
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    Punishment, Fair Play and the Burdens of Citizenship.Piero Moraro - 2019 - Law and Philosophy 38 (3):289-311.
    The fair-play theory of punishment claims that the state is justified in imposing additional burdens on law-breakers, to remove the unfair advantage the latter have enjoyed by disobeying the law. From this perspective, punishment reestablishes a fair distribution of benefits and burdens among all citizens. In this paper, I object to this view by focusing on the case of civil disobedience. I argue that the mere illegality of this conduct is insufficient to establish the agent’s unfair advantage over his lawabiding (...)
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    Das Verhältnis von Genie, Künstler und Wissenschaftler in der Kantischen Philosophie.Piero Giordanetti - 1995 - Kant Studien 86 (4):406-430.
  33. La costruzione politica della libertà.Piero Bertolini - 2006 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 20:21-29.
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    Manifesto: per una riforma del pensare.Piero Coda - 2021 - [Rome]: Città nuova. Edited by Maria Benedetta Curi, Massimo Donà & Giulio Maspero.
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    Pensando el espacio público en la globalización: cuatro reflexiones.Sergio De Piero - 2003 - Polis 4.
    El autor plantea que el Estado ha ingresado en una creciente crisis y la sospecha sobre su real “utilidad” para la sociedad, y vincula a este tema el surgimiento de la cuestión del espacio público. Sostiene que un cambio radical se produce a partir de la nueva percepción del territorio, cuando ya no parece posible que el Estado, y por lo tanto el espacio público, pueda ser pensado exclusivamente en términos nacionales. Discute luego la relación espacio público-vida privada, y los (...)
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    Kant as a Poetic Philosopher: Conference at the Università degli Studi di Milano, July 2014.Piero Giordanetti - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (4):642-642.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 105 Heft: 4 Seiten: 642-642.
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    L'avventura della ragione: Kant e il giovane Nietzsche.Piero Giordanetti - 2011 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
    Dieser Band analysiert den Begriff des ‚Abenteuers der Vernunft’, welcher in der dritten Kritik von Kant als Hypothese für die Erklärung des Ursprungs des Lebendigen aufgestellt wird. In systematischer Hinsicht werden vornehmlich zwei Themen behandelt: der kantische Materialismus und das Verhältnis zwischen dem Abenteuer der Vernunft und der kopernikanisch-newtonianischen Wende. Der Nietzsche gewidmete Teil hat das Anliegen, seine Theorie aus dem Jahre 1868 als eine selbständige Erarbeitung physiologischer, empirischer und materialistischer Aspekte des Kantischen Kritizismus zu präsentieren.
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    Gli iscritti ad Alleanza nazionale: attivi ma frustrati.Piero Ignazi & Luciano Bardi - 2006 - Polis 20 (1):31-58.
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    Lettere, 1919-1942.Piero Martinetti - 2011 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki. Edited by Pier Giorgio Zunino & Giulia Beltrametti.
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  40. Croce, Gentile e altri studi.Nicola Nicolini - 1973 - Firenze,: Sansoni.
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  41. Il laboratorio di discipline scientifiche nel corso di studi in Filosofia.Paola Nicolini & Tamara Lapucci - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:421.
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    The Autonomy of Morality from Religion. The End of Religion and of Relativism. Howard Mounce on Peter Winch.Piero Pinzauti - 2012 - Philosophical Investigations 35 (2):154-166.
    My aim is to defend Winch's view that morality must be autonomous from religion. I defend him from Mounce's criticism, who claims that unless morality is supported by divine law, moral relativism cannot be avoided. Winch considers the Samaritan's behaviour and says (i) that the background of divine law is irrelevant to the parable; (ii) that we do not need divine law to understand the Samaritan's impossibility to ignore the victim; (iii) and that the absolute moral ought requires no external (...)
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    Time course of dreaming and sleep organization.Piero Salzarulo - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (6):1000-1000.
    The complexity and mysteriousness of mental processes during sleep rule out thinking only in term of generators. How could we know exactly what mental sleep experience (MSE) is produced and when? To refer to REM versus NREM as separate time windows for MSE seems insufficient. We propose that in each cycle NREM and REM interact to allow mentation to reach a certain degree of complexity and consolidation in memory. Each successive cycle within a sleep episode should contribute to these processes (...)
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    La polis, forme dei legami e libertà tra coscienza personale e coscienza civile: atti del VI Colloquio Rosmini svoltosi presso lo Studio Teologico S. Paolo di Catania il 28 aprile 2016.Piero Sapienza (ed.) - 2016 - Troina: Edizioni Grafiser.
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    Rosmini e la Chiesa sinodale: V "Colloqui Rosmini" (18 aprile 2018).Piero Sapienza (ed.) - 2019 - Trapani: Il pozzo di Giacobbe.
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  46. L'Alba della logica: il pensiero logico greco: testi e interpretazioni.Piero Simondo (ed.) - 1976 - Torino: Società editrice internazionale.
  47. The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 2, Notes on Malthus's Principles of Political Economy.Piero Sraffa (ed.) - 1951 - Cambridge University Press.
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    The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo: Volume 5, Speeches and Evidence.Piero Sraffa (ed.) - 1952 - Cambridge University Press.
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  49. Erminio Juvalta, 1863-1934: il percorso di un moralista.Piero Suriano - 1992 - Poggibonsi: Lalli.
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  50. Ricordo di Paolo Cosenza (1929-2011).Piero Tarantino - 2013 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 9 (2):475-476.
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