Results for 'Political Sociology'

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  1.  50
    Thinking political sociology: beyond the limits of post-Marxism.Kate Nash - 2002 - History of the Human Sciences 15 (4):97-114.
    This article is concerned with post-Marxism and materialism in the work of Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. As `post-Marxists' these writers use `material' in a variety of ways, all of which indicate limits and constraints. The article focuses on one version of `materialism' in this work, a version that is more implied than elaborated, in which `material' is equivalent to institutionalized performativity or sedimented discourse: to `objective' social structures and institutions. Post-Marxists often use `the social' as equivalent to (...)
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    Politics, Sociology and Social Theory: Encounters with Classical and Contemporary Social Thought.Anthony Giddens - 2013 - Wiley.
    Built upon a series of critical encounters with major figures in classical and present-day social and political thought, this volume offers not only a challenging critique of major traditions of social and political analysis, but unique insights into the ideas which Giddens has developed over the past two decades.
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    Political Sociology: Between Civilizations and Modernities: A Multiple Modernities Perspective.Willfried Spohn - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (1):49-66.
    This article outlines a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective on political sociology. In the context of the major currents within political sociology — modernization approaches, critical and neo-Marxist as well as postmodern and global approaches — it is argued that a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective is defined by several characteristics. First, against functionalist-evolutionist modernization approaches it emphasizes the fragility, contradictions and openness as well as civilizational multiplicity of political modernity and political modernization processes. Second, against (...)
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    Max Weber's political sociology: a pessimistic vision of a rationalized world.Ronald Glassman & Vatro Murvar (eds.) - 1984 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This collection of essays focuses on Weber's political ideology as well as his political sociology. This interdisciplinary work draws upon the expertise of a number of writers and challenges major schools of thought on Weber. In the first section on ideology, scholars question whether Weber's political predictions were based on a realistic appraisal of social development or if his objectivity was compromised by events in Weimar Germany. They then address Weber's attitudes toward socialism in light of (...)
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    The Sage Handbook of Political Sociology.Stephen Turner & William Outhwaite (eds.) - 2017 - Sage.
    This is a two volume handbook covering contemporary and to some extent historical political sociology, and is an attempt to restore the large footprint of classical political sociology as found in Weber and his contemporaries.
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  6. The Field of Political Sociology.L. L. Bernard - 1937 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 3:124.
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  7. "Toward a Political Sociology of Science" by S. S. Blume.Leslie Sklair - 1975 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 5 (3).
  8.  42
    The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology: Two Volume Set.William Outhwaite & Stephen Turner - 2018 - Sage Publications.
    The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology offers a comprehensive and contemporary look at this evolving field of study. The focus is on political life itself and the chapters, written by a highly-respected and international team of authors, cover the core themes which need to be understood in order to study political life from a sociological perspective, or simply to understand the political world. The two volumes are structured around five key areas: PART 1: TRADITIONS AND (...)
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    A Political Sociology of Education Policy.Nika Maglaperidze - 2025 - British Journal of Educational Studies 73 (1):159-163.
    1. As I began writing this review in August 2024, A-Level results for England were released, accompanied by a bar chart that vividly displayed the outcomes by school type. Each bar, a different vib...
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  10. The concept of democracy in Webers political sociology.Stefan Bruer - 1998 - In Ralph Schroeder (ed.), Max Weber, democracy and modernization. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press. pp. 0--13.
    Two processes have shaped the political order of the modern age: bureaucratization and democratization. The political sociology of Max Weber is commonly associated only with the first of these. Its relationship to democracy, by contrast, seems ambiguous. Political scientists oriented towards natural law, such as Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin or Robert Eden, condemn the value-relativism of his political sociology, its agnosticism or even nihilism, and conclude that it is incapable of taking a positive stance (...)
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  11. Politics, Sociology, and Values.Thomas I. Cook - 1940 - Journal of Social Philosophy and Jurisprudence 6:35.
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  12.  31
    On the Political Sociology of Intersectional Equality and Difference.Bruce Baum - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (2):197-234.
    This article contends that Axel Honneth’s critical social theory provides a compelling general framework with which to map out the political sociology of social equality in a way that takes due account of class-based inequalities, social identity differences, and ecological challenges of contemporary globalized societies. Honneth joins an emphasis on equal respect for all—a core aspect of equality in modern democratic societies—with an account of social esteem recognition—which establishes evaluative distinctions among people—in a way that illuminates the interplay (...)
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  13.  18
    Toward a Political Sociology of Dispossession: Explaining Opposition to Capital Projects in India.Smriti Upadhyay & Michael Levien - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (2):279-310.
    Land dispossession is a major source of protest in many countries. This article asks, How common are cases of mobilization against land dispossession relative to cases of nonmobilization? Why do we see protests against land dispossession for some projects and not others? These questions are taken up in the context of India, a major global hotspot for land dispossession protest. Using a database of all major capital projects in the country, the article looks at the effects of project characteristics and (...)
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  14.  14
    Toward a political sociology of science.Stuart S. Blume - 1974 - New York,: Free Press.
  15.  47
    Hobbes’s Practical Politics: Political, Sociological and Economistic Ways of Avoiding a State of Nature.Adrian Blau - 2019 - Hobbes Studies 33 (2):109-134.
    This paper offers a systematic analysis of Hobbes’s practical political thought. Hobbes’s abstract philosophy is rightly celebrated, but he also gave much practical advice on how to avoid disorder. Yet he is typically interpreted too narrowly in this respect, especially by those who only read him economistically. Other scholars supplement this economistic focus with sociological or political interpretations, but to my knowledge, no one stresses all three aspects of his thought. This paper thus examines each of Hobbes’s practical (...)
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  16.  71
    Science and neoliberal globalization: a political sociological approach. [REVIEW]Kelly Moore, Daniel Lee Kleinman, David Hess & Scott Frickel - 2011 - Theory and Society 40 (5):505-532.
    The political ideology of neoliberalism is widely recognized as having influenced the organization of national and global economies and public policies since the 1970s. In this article, we examine the relationship between the neoliberal variant of globalization and science. To do so, we develop a framework for sociology of science that emphasizes closer ties among political sociology, the sociology of social movements, and economic and organizational sociology and that draws attention to patterns of increasing (...)
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  17. Toward a Political Sociology of Science by Stuart S. Blume. [REVIEW]Yaron Ezrahi - 1975 - Theory and Society 2 (4):591.
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  18.  62
    Bourdieu's political sociology and the politics of European integration.Niilo Kauppi - 2003 - Theory and Society 32 (5-6):775-789.
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    Goffman's legacy to political sociology.William A. Gamson - 1985 - Theory and Society 14 (5):605-622.
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    Political Sociology of the USSR. [REVIEW]Helmut Altrichter - 1980 - Philosophy and History 13 (1):47-49.
  21. Sociological approaches: old and new in political sociology.Ann P. Kryzanek - 2010 - In Howard J. Wiarda (ed.), Grand theories and ideologies in the social sciences. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  22. Durkheim's political sociology.Hans-Peter Müller - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner (ed.), Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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  23. Dialogue with Santob: Reflections on Politics, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Ethics Aesthetics, Metaphysics and Theodicy.Ilia Galán Díez - 2017 - In Ilia Galán Díez (ed.), The Birth of Thought in the Spanish Language: 14th Century Hebrew-Spanish Philosophy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Durkheim's Political Sociology: Corporatism, State Autonomy, and Democracy.Frank Hearn - 1985 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 52.
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    (1 other version)Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Mini-Set D: Political Sociology: 9-Volume Set. Various - 2009 - Routledge.
    _Mini-set D: Political Sociology_ discusses key themes such as race and politics, culture and politics, popular political movements and politics in relation to the social sciences in general.
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    The promise of Bourdieusian political sociology.Bart Bonikowski - 2015 - Theory and Society 44 (4):385-391.
  27.  51
    Young people and life in the city. The lessons of political sociology and of the patterns of socialization of young people.Jacques Perrier - 1994 - World Futures 41 (1):110-114.
    (1994). Young people and life in the city. The lessons of political sociology and of the patterns of socialization of young people. World Futures: Vol. 41, No. 1-3, pp. 110-114.
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  28.  17
    Governmentality, political field or public sphere? Theoretical alternatives in the political sociology of the EU.Adrian Favell & Ann Zimmermann - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (4):489-515.
    The call for a more sociological approach to the study of the European Union, reflected in a number of recent survey works by sociologists and political scientists, offers exciting new prospects for rethinking the empirical terrain of ‘Europeanized’ politics beyond the nation state – whether in terms of governance, policy-making, parliamentary and legal politics, mobilization, or political communication. Via a survey of three kinds of leading sociological work on the EU, broadly split between three camps working with the (...)
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  29.  20
    In the epicenter of politics: Axel Honneth’s theory of the struggles for recognition and Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot’s moral and political sociology.Mauro Basaure - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (3):263-281.
    Axel Honneth’s development of the Frankfurt School’s Critical Social Theory has increased the amount of attention that is paid to the dimension of political praxis by emphasizing the social struggle for recognition. Nevertheless, the political-sociological axis of this tradition remains relatively unexplored and unclear. Taking this as a starting point, I investigate the contribution that the pragmatic sociology of Luc Boltanski and Laurent Thévenot could make to the fortification of this political dimension. I do this by (...)
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  30.  25
    Theory choice and the comparison of rival theoretical perspectives in political sociology.Geoffrey Brahm Levey - 1996 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 26 (1):26-60.
    A standard problem in empirical inquiry is how to adjudicate between contending theories when they work from different fundamental assumptions. In the field of political sociology, several strategies are adopted, from metatheoretical and comparative historical approaches to the recent formal models of scientific growth proposed by Imre Lakatos and Larry Laudan. After considering the limitations of these approaches, I develop an alternative strategy—"second—order empiricism"—based on the idea that successor theories have an onus to explain the apparent success of (...)
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  31.  39
    Durkheimian sociology and 20th-century politics: the case of Célestin Bouglé.Joshua M. Humphreys - 1999 - History of the Human Sciences 12 (3):117-138.
    This article revises received wisdom about the Durkheimian school of sociology and its relationship to Marxism by analyzing the work of Célestin Bouglé, one of the most influential and least examined sociologists of the Durkheimian tradition. Like other better-known Durkheimians of his generation such as Marcel Mauss and Maurice Halbwachs, Bouglé engaged Durkheimian sociology with Marxian and other German traditions of social thought. In the process he also paid an important debt to the French socialists that Marx and (...)
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  32.  24
    On the Political Sociology of the Lifeworld: A Review of John O'Neill's Five Bodies[REVIEW]Maurice Roche - 1988 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (2):259-263.
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  33. Weiner, Richard R., "Cultural Marxism and Political Sociology". [REVIEW]Allan Janik - 1982 - Ethics 93:634.
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  34.  28
    National minorities and ethnic immigrants: Liberalism's political sociology.Sujit Choudhry - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (1):54–78.
  35. When is the state autonomous? Culture, organization theory, and the political sociology of the state.Bruce G. Carruthers - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (1):19-44.
    This paper elaborates three approaches to the issue of state autonomy, and uses two empirical cases (British and American treasury policy during the 1930s) to illustrate them. The three approaches are the group affiliations approach, which considers the social characteristics of the individuals who work in an organization; the structural dependance approach, which considers the structural position of the organization within a network of resource flows; and a cultural approach, which considers the role of ideology in the determination of organizational (...)
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  36.  30
    Pragmatic sociology as political ecology: On the many worths of nature(s).Anders Blok - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (4):492-510.
    This article engages the French pragmatism of Laurent Thévenot, Luc Boltanski and Bruno Latour in debates on how to forge a moral-political sociology of ecological valuation, justification and critique. Picking up the debate initiated by Thévenot on the possible emergence of a novel ‘green’ order of worth, the article juxtaposes the sociology of critical capacity of Boltanski and Thévenot with the actor-network theory of Bruno Latour. In doing so, the article suggests that each of these three pragmatic (...)
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  37. Plato on force-the conflict between his psychology and political-sociology and his definition of temperance in the'republic'.Daryl H. Rice - 1989 - History of Political Thought 10 (4):565-576.
  38. Perspectives on Target Publics and Welfare State Transformations. A Few Proposals from Political Sociology.Pierre-Edouard Weill & Lorenzo Barrault-Stella - 2018 - In Pierre-Edouard Weill & Lorenzo Barrault-Stella (eds.), Creating Target Publics for Welfare Policies: A Comparative and Multi-Level Approach. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Introduction to "The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology".William Outhwaite & Stephen Turner - 2018 - In William Outhwaite & Stephen Turner (eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Political Sociology: Two Volume Set. Sage Publications.
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    Talcott Parsons and the Capitalist Nation-State: Political Sociology as a Strategic Vocation. William Buxton.Howard Brick - 1988 - Isis 79 (1):115-116.
  41. Philosophy: A Select, Classified Bibliography of Ethics, Economics, Law, Politics, Sociology. Philosophical Questions Series. [REVIEW]F. H. - 1972 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (3):561-561.
    This book is part of a bibliographic series on the whole of philosophy by the author. Subsequent volumes will be Philosophy: Its Nature, Methods and Basic Sources and Philosophy: Its Histories, Systems and Specific Settings. The present volume aims at providing "selected and classified bibliographies in the fields of ethics, economics, law, politics, and sociology from the point of view of their relevance to philosophy." It contains a chapter on each of these subjects. Each chapter is in turn divided (...)
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    Philosophy. A Select, Classified Bibliography of Ethics, Economics, Law, Politics, Sociology[REVIEW]V. E. W. - 1977 - Review of Metaphysics 31 (1):121-122.
    As the subtitle indicates, this book is a bibliography. The author’s purpose was to present the important works of philosophical ethics and those of the social sciences as they relate to ethical problems, especially in economics, law, politics, and sociology. Each of these fields is given a full chapter of roughly 50 pages, while the chapter on ethics itself covers 70 pages. Each chapter begins with a few preliminary remarks which, in one page, sketch the most important philosophic topics (...)
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  43. The sociological perspective and political pluralism.Charles Perrow - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  44. What's political or cultural about political culture and the public sphere? Toward an historical sociology of concept formation.Margaret R. Somers - 1995 - Sociological Theory 13 (2):113-144.
    The English translation of Habermas's The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere converges with a recent trend toward the revival of the "political culture concept" in the social sciences. Surprisingly, Habermas's account of the Western bourgeois public sphere has much in common with the original political culture concept associated with Parsonian modernization theory in the 1950s and 1960s. In both cases, the concept of political culture is used in a way that is neither political nor cultural. (...)
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  45.  52
    Struggle and solidarity: civic republican elements in Pierre Bourdieu’s political sociology[REVIEW]Chad Alan Goldberg - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (4):369-394.
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    Controversial Science: From Content to Contention.Thomas Brante, Steve Fuller, PhD Professor of Sociology Steve Fuller & William Lynch - 1993 - SUNY Press.
    This book represents emerging alternative perspectives to the "constructivist" orthodoxy that currently dominates the field of science and technology studies. Various contributions from distinguished Americans and Europeans in the field, provide arguments and evidence that it is not enough simply to say that science is "socially situated." Controversial Science focuses on important political, ethical, and broadly normative considerations that have yet to be given their due, but which point to a more realistic and critical perspective on science policy.
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  47.  41
    Sociology, ideology, and utopia: socio-political philosophy of East and West.Debi Prasad Chattopadhyaya - 1997 - New York: Brill.
    This engaging, wide-ranging study in comparative social and political philosophy gives a well-argued account of how ideological and even utopian views, such as normative communication, development and justice, are sociologically rooted. It also shows how this fact has been reflected in the social history of Asian countries like India and China, as well as some Western countries during the last two centuries. To illustrate the underlying concepts, reference is made to influential thinkers, both from the East and West, from (...)
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  48. Sociology, Ideology and Utopia: Socio-Political Philosophy of East and West.D. Chattopadhyaya - 1999 - Utopian Studies 10 (1):173-174.
  49. Book review: Chamsy El-Ojeili, Politics, Social Theory, Utopia and the World System: Arguments in Political Sociology[REVIEW]Andrew Gilbert - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 117 (1):144-146.
  50. The politics of inside/out: Queer theory, poststructuralism, and a sociological approach to sexuality.Ki Namaste - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (2):220-231.
    This paper outlines the main tenets of poststructuralism and considers how they are applied by practitioners of queer theory. Drawing on both Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida, queer theory explores the ways in which homosexual subjectivity is at once produced and excluded within culture, both inside and outside its borders. This approach is contrasted with more sociological studies of sexuality (labeling theory, social constructionism). Whereas queer theory investigates the relations between heterosexuality and homosexuality, sociologists tend to examine homosexual identities and (...)
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