Results for 'Portable Architecture'

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  1.  46
    Mobility, portability, and placelessness.Joseph Kupfer - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 41 (1):38-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Mobility, Portability, and PlacelessnessJoseph Kupfer (bio)Introduction: A Danger of Electronically Mediated ExperienceA few months ago I was sitting in a Chicago airport, waiting to make my connecting flight. Everywhere I looked, people were talking on cell phones, but the man across from me had gone one better. He had a cell phone and a laptop computer. He was talking on a conference call with two people who were at (...)
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    Creative implications of deconstruction: the case of jazz music, photography, and architecture.Francesco Paradiso - 2014 - Dissertation, University of New South Wales
    The thesis investigates the connection between deconstruction and creativity with regard to three aesthetic fields, namely jazz music, photography, and architecture. The thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on deconstruction and jazz music. First, the analysis draws a comparison between the linguistic sign and the musical sign in the light of Derrida's analysis of signifier and signified. This supports an investigation of the supplementary character of writing in the specific case of jazz music. Second, the analysis draws (...)
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    Architecture & Wearability. Nous Sommes Tous Des Cosmonautes.Clotilde Felix-Fromentin - 2017 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:49-63.
    L'article propose de commenter le rapprochement entre l'architecture et ce que les anglophones nomment Wearability. Pour ce que ce thème à double entrée renvoie à la question de l'habiter dans et avec la technologie connectée, à l'instar d'un vêtement (tendant à la combinaison spatiale), il fut choisi de l'approcher par le biais de l'expérience vécue et de l'organiser à partir de deux expositions récentes, à Paris et à New York, afférentes à la problématique des campements. Quand la première permet (...)
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    Internalism, Active Externalism, and Nonconceptual Content: The Ins and Outs of Cognition.Terry Dartnall - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (2):257-283.
    Active externalism (also known as the extended mind hypothesis) says that we use objects and situations in the world as external memory stores that we consult as needs dictate. This gives us economies of storage: We do not need to remember that Bill has blue eyes and wavy hair if we can acquire this information by looking at Bill. I argue for a corollary to this position, which I call ‘internalism.’ Internalism says we can acquire knowledge on a need‐to‐know basis (...)
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    The First-Night Effect in Elite Sports: An Initial Glance on Polysomnography in Home-Based Settings.Annika Hof zum Berge, Michael Kellmann & Sarah Jakowski - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Self-applied portable polysomnography is considered a promising tool to assess sleep architecture in field studies. However, no findings have been published regarding the appearance of a first-night effect within a sport-specific setting. Its absence, however, would allow for a single night sleep monitoring and hence minimize the burden on athletes while still obtaining the most important variables. For this reason, the aim of the study was to assess whether the effect appears in home-based sleep monitoring of elite athletes.The (...)
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  6. (1 other version)La Rue est à nous.Filippo Fimiani - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 2 (77):59-76.
    periphery looks at you with hate. This phrase in red neon struck the visitors of Landscapes, an exhibition by Domenico Antonio Mancini in the Lia Rumma Gallery in Naples, in 2019. It was not addressed to the public but to the nineteenth-century pictorial views relocated in the last room of the exhibition, as if repainted by the immaterial vandalism of the colored light. The exhibition’s theme was the visibility of contemporary suburban environments, now accessible through Google street view visualizations. Mancini’s (...)
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    Temple as ship in odyssey 6.10.R. Drew Griffith - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (4):541-547.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Temple as Ship in Odyssey 6.10R. Drew GriffithLike the good eighth-century oecist that he was,1 the founder of Scheria, Phaeacian king Nausithous, son of Poseidon and grandfather of Nausicaa and Clytonaus, adorned his new city with temples of the gods (, Od. 6.10). This phrase, a hapax in Homer, occupies the same metrical seat immediately before the hephthemimeral caesura as the common ship formula (cf., 24.299, also a hapax). (...)
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    Complete Issue.Architecture Philosophy - 2024 - Architecture Philosophy 1 (2).
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    Critical realism as an underpinning philosophy for the implementation of digital twins for urban management.Ramy Elsehrawy Bimal Kumar Richard Watson Architecture - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (2):187-223.
    Volume 23, Issue 2, April 2024, Page 187-223.
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    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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  11. Portable Causal Dependence: A Tale of Consilience.Christopher Hitchcock - 2012 - Philosophy of Science 79 (5):942-951.
    This article describes research pursued by members of the McDonnell Collaborative on Causal Learning. A number of members independently converged on a similar idea: one of the central functions served by claims of actual causation is to highlight patterns of dependence that are highly portable into novel contexts. I describe in detail how this idea emerged in my own work and also in that of the psychologist Tania Lombrozo. In addition, I use the occasion to reflect on the nature (...)
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  12. A portable defense of the Procreation Asymmetry.Jake Earl - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 47 (2-3):178-199.
    The Procreation Asymmetry holds that we have strong moral reasons not to create miserable people for their own sakes, but no moral reasons to create happy people for their own sakes. To defend this conjunction against an argument that it leads to inconsistency, I show how recognizing ‘creation’ as a temporally extended process allows us to revise the conjuncts in a way that preserves their intuitive force. This defense of the Procreation Asymmetry is preferable to others because it does not (...)
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  13.  20
    The portable Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1954 - New York: Penguin Books.
    Selections from the books, notes, and letters of this 19th century philosopher.
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    The Portable Kristeva.Kelly Oliver (ed.) - 2002 - Columbia University Press.
    As a linguist, Julia Kristeva has pioneered a revolutionary theory of the sign in its relation to social and political emancipation; as a practicing psychoanalyst, she has produced work on the nature of the human subject and sexuality, and on the "new maladies" of today's neurotic. _The Portable Kristeva_ is the only fully comprehensive compilation of Kristeva's key writings. The second edition includes added material from Kristeva's most important works of the past five years, including _The Sense and Non-Sense (...)
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  15.  31
    Portable Digital Devices: Meeting Challenges to Psychotherapeutic Privacy.Daniel O. Taube - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (2):81-97.
    Portable digital devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and netbooks, now permeate our society. These devices allow substantial efficiencies in access to and communication of information by mental health professionals. They also bring with them risks to psychotherapist–client privacy. This article reviews these threats and offers suggestions as to their mitigation.
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    The portable atheist: essential readings for the nonbeliever.Christopher Hitchens (ed.) - 2007 - Philadelphia, PA: Da Capo.
    Despite the mistaken use of the label "New Atheists," there is a lot of continuity over the past couple of centuries among atheist authors in their critiques of religion, theism, and superstition. Not every argument is identical, and even when the same basic argument is being offered there can be variety in how it is presented. This evolution of atheist critiques of supernatural religion is one of the virtues of Christopher Hitchens' book The Portable Atheist: Essential Readings for the (...)
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    Architecture and Its Place in Nature.Claus Schlaberg - 2014 - Cloud-Cuckoo-Land International Journal of Architectural Theory 19 (32):271-281.
    »Consciousness and Its Place in Nature« (Chalmers 2003) is the title of an article written by David Chalmers, which deals with the so called hard problems of consciousness, that means, with those problems that do not concern how functions are performed (Chalmers 1997:4), but deal with the emergence of consciousness in the sense of subjective experience. On the one hand, it is important to treat architecture from the very beginning not only as somehow stylish and useful heaps of stones (...)
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    Architecture: An Introductory Reader.Rudolf Steiner - 2003 - Rudolf Steiner Press.
    Rudolf Steiner, the often undervalued, multifaceted genius of modern times, contributed much to the regeneration of culture. In addition to his philosophical teachings, he provided ideas for the development of many practical activities including education--both general and special--agriculture, medicine, economics, architecture, science, religion, and the arts. Today there are thousands of schools, clinics, farms, and many other organizations based on his ideas. Steiner's original contribution to human knowledge was based on his ability to conduct spiritual research, the investigation of (...)
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  19. The portable Nietzsche.Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - 1971 - London,: Chatto & Windus.
    The works of Friedrich Nietzsche have fascinated readers around the world ever since the publication of his first book more than a hundred years ago. As Walter Kaufmann, one of the world's leading authorities on Nietzsche, notes in his introduction, "Few writers in any age were so full of ideas," and few writers have been so consistently misinterpreted. The Portable Nietzsche includes Kaufmann's definitive translations of the complete and unabridged texts of Nietzsche's four major works: Twilight of the Idols, (...)
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  20. Architecture and Identity: Responses to Cultural and Technological Change 3rd Edition.Chris Abel - 2017 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Expanding his collected essays on architectural theory and criticism, Chris Abel pursues his explorations across disciplinary and regional boundaries in search of a deeper understanding of architecture in the evolution of human culture and identity formation. From his earliest writings predicting the computer-based revolution in customised architectural production, through his novel studies on 'tacit knowing' in design or hybridisation in regional and colonial architecture, to his radical theory of the 'extended self', Abel has been a consistently fresh and (...)
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    (1 other version)The portable Machiavelli.Niccolò Machiavelli - 1979 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Peter Bondanella & Mark Musa.
    Includes in their entirety The Prince, The Discourses, Belfagor, The Mandrake Root, Castruccio Castracani, abridged versions of The Art of War and The History of Florence, and a bibliography and chronology.
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    Architectural Drawings as Investigating Devices: Architecture’s Changing Scope in the 20th Century.Marianna Charitonidou - 2023 - London; New York: Routledge.
    Architectural Drawings as Investigating Devices explores how the changing modes of representation in architecture and urbanism relate to the transformation of how the addressees of architecture and urbanism are conceived. The book diagnoses the dominant epistemological debates in architecture and urbanism during the 20th and 21st centuries. It traces their transformations, paying special attention to Le Corbusier and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s preference for perspective representation, to the diagrams of Team 10 architects, to the critiques of (...)
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    Portable Accessible MRI in Dementia Research: Ethical Considerations About Research Representation and Dementia-Friendly Technology.Eran Klein, S. Duke Han, Paul Tuite, W. Taylor Kimberly & Mohit Agarwal - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (4):830-839.
    The introduction of portable MRI (pMRI) has the potential to directly impact dementia research and ultimately clinical care. In this paper, we explore two ethical challenges facing the introduction of pMRI in dementia research. The first is the need to ensure that pMRI enhances rather than undermines efforts aimed at improving ethnoracial representation in dementia research. The second is the need to implement pMRI in dementia research in a dementia-friendly way that attends to the social context and lived experience (...)
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    Portable heliostats.Allan A. Mills - 1986 - Annals of Science 43 (4):369-406.
    This paper examines the various types of small, portable heliostat which maintain a beam of sunlight in a constant direction. Used mainly in the second half of the nineteenth century, these instruments were intended for optical demonstrations and the illumination of microscopes and similar apparatus, rather than for astronomical applications. Three basic patterns are distinguished: polar heliostats , biaxial single-mirror heliostats, and coelostats. The theory and geometry of each type is explained, followed by a consideration in chronological order of (...)
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    Contagious Architecture: Computation, Aesthetics, and Space.Luciana Parisi - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In Contagious Architecture, Luciana Parisi offers a philosophicalinquiry into the status of the algorithm in architectural and interaction design.
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    Conducting Research with Highly Portable MRI in Community Settings: A Practical Guide to Navigating Ethical Issues and ELSI Checklist.Francis X. Shen, Susan M. Wolf, Frances Lawrenz, Donnella S. Comeau, Barbara J. Evans, Damien Fair, Martha J. Farah, Michael Garwood, S. Duke Han, Judy Illes, Jonathan D. Jackson, Eran Klein, Matthew S. Rosen, Efraín Torres, Paul Tuite & J. Thomas Vaughan - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (4):769-785.
    Highly portable and accessible MRI technology will allow researchers to conduct field-based MRI research in community settings. Previous guidance for researchers working with fixed MRI does not address the novel ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) of portable MRI (pMRI). Our interdisciplinary Working Group (WG) previously identified 15 core ELSI challenges associated with pMRI research and recommended solutions. In this article, we distill those detailed recommendations into a Portable MRI Research ELSI Checklist that offers practical operational guidance (...)
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  27. The Portable Kristeva. Edited by Kelly Oliver.C. Berkowitz - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:125-125.
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  28.  40
    Portable Christianity: relics in the Medieval west (c. 700-c. 1200).Julia Mh Smith - 2012 - In Smith Julia Mh (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 181, 2010-2011 Lectures. pp. 143-167.
    This paper uses the proxy evidence of relic inventories and labels to explore the role of relics in medieval Christianity. By means of an examination of their material nature, it argues that their primary characteristics were their fragmentary and often amorphous nature; their lack of intrinsic identification; and their easy portability. By emphasising that relic collecting was a habit that contributed to establishing religious identities and affiliations, the paper clarifies relics' role in relocating knowledge of Christian history into the homes (...)
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    The architecture of the visible.Graham MacPhee - 2002 - New York: Continuum.
    The Architecture of the Visible examines the visual experience of the city through photography, film, and through literary responses to urban space.
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    Architectural Scholarship and Cognitive Capitalism.Gavin Keeney - 2017 - Project 6 (Spring 2017):40-45.
    This essay samples and describes the state of architectural scholarship across various platforms in the age of Cognitive Capitalism. The premise is that, much like scholarship in the Arts and Humanities generally, architectural scholarship suffers from the Either/Or schism between traditional academic research of a non-utilitarian form and the heavily mediatic practices of the mainstream – “mainstream” defined as both online and print publications that eschew the long-form essay or book in favor of the populist modality that serves the neo-liberalization (...)
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  31. The portable Hannah Arendt.Hannah Arendt - 2000 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Peter Baehr.
    Although Hannah Arendt is considered one of the major contributors to social and political thought in the twentieth century, this is the first general anthology ...
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    Portable Scholasticism? The Intellectual Horizons of Gervase of Tilbury.Philippa Byrne - 2023 - Journal of the History of Ideas 84 (3):441-464.
    Abstract:The career of Gervase of Tilbury (c.1150–1220) opens a window into the complexity of the late twelfth-century intellectual world. Often dismissed as a mere compiler, Gervase was a scholastic thinker outside the schools who adapted complex theological arguments for an English prince, a Sicilian king, and a German emperor. His writing reveals the "portability" of scholastic thought. It also demonstrates how scholastic authors were molded by their experiences of royal courts. Gervase's time in the Norman Sicilian kingdom shaped his attitude (...)
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  33.  19
    On Architecture.Fred Leland Rush - 2008 - Routledge.
    Architecture is a philosophical puzzle. Although we spend most of our time in buildings, we rarely reflect on what they mean or how we experience them. With some notable exceptions, they have generally struggled to be taken seriously as works of art compared to painting or music and have been rather overlooked by philosophers. In On Architecture , Fred Rush argues this is a consequence of neglecting the role of the body in architecture. Our encounter with a (...)
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  34.  18
    The Portable Cixous.Marta Segarra (ed.) - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    Hélène Cixous is more than an influential theorist. She is also a groundbreaking author and playwright. Combining an idiosyncratic mix of autobiographical and fictional narrative with a host of philosophical and poetic observations, Cixous's writing matches the kaleidoscopic nature of her thought, offering new ways of conceptualizing sex, relationships, identity, and the self, among other topics. Yet, as Jacques Derrida once observed, a "profound misunderstanding" hangs over the accomplishments of Cixous, with many believing the intellectual excelled only at theoretical exploration. (...)
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  35.  18
    Architecture from the Outside: Essays on Virtual and Real Space.Elizabeth Grosz - 2001 - MIT Press.
    Essays at the intersection of philosophy and architecture explore how we understand and inhabit space. To be outside allows one a fresh perspective on the inside. In these essays, philosopher Elizabeth Grosz explores the ways in which two disciplines that are fundamentally outside each another—architecture and philosophy—can meet in a third space to interact free of their internal constraints. "Outside" also refers to those whose voices are not usually heard in architectural discourse but who inhabit its space—the destitute, (...)
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    The portable Darwin.Charles Darwin - 1993 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Duncan M. Porter & Peter W. Graham.
    "Deserves to be as widely read as were the originals when they were first published."—Biological Journal of the Linneas Society. Includes five chapters from The Origin of Speices,complete and unabridged; significant extracts from the works that precede and develop the theory of evolution: The Voyage of the Beagle, The Descent of Man, and The Variations of Animals and Plants; scientific papers, travel writings, letters, and a family memorial; plus a chronology and biography.
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  37. Cognitive architectures as Lakatosian research programs: Two case studies.Richard P. Cooper - 2006 - Philosophical Psychology 19 (2):199-220.
    Cognitive architectures - task-general theories of the structure and function of the complete cognitive system - are sometimes argued to be more akin to frameworks or belief systems than scientific theories. The argument stems from the apparent non-falsifiability of existing cognitive architectures. Newell was aware of this criticism and argued that architectures should be viewed not as theories subject to Popperian falsification, but rather as Lakatosian research programs based on cumulative growth. Newell's argument is undermined because he failed to demonstrate (...)
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  38.  33
    Photographic Architecture in the Twentieth Century.Claire Zimmerman - 2014 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Photographic Architecture and the Spread of German Modernism is a “picture anthropology” of modern architecture, showing how photography shaped its development, its reception, and its history in the 20th c. At first, architects used photography to promote their practices, even as they doubted its value and efficacy as a means of representation. Unlike other representations, photographs were both too real, and not real enough. Furthermore, the photographic image acted on its subject like an alchemical agent. Photography altered the (...)
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  39. Modular architectures and informational encapsulation: A dilemma.Dustin Stokes & Vincent Bergeron - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (3):315-38.
    Amongst philosophers and cognitive scientists, modularity remains a popular choice for an architecture of the human mind, primarily because of the supposed explanatory value of this approach. Modular architectures can vary both with respect to the strength of the notion of modularity and the scope of the modularity of mind. We propose a dilemma for modular architectures, no matter how these architectures vary along these two dimensions. First, if a modular architecture commits to the informational encapsulation of modules, (...)
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  40. The Architecture of the Mind:Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Thought: Massive Modularity and the Flexibility of Thought.Peter Carruthers - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    This book is a comprehensive development and defense of one of the guiding assumptions of evolutionary psychology: that the human mind is composed of a large number of semi-independent modules. The Architecture of the Mind has three main goals. One is to argue for massive mental modularity. Another is to answer a 'How possibly?' challenge to any such approach. The first part of the book lays out the positive case supporting massive modularity. It also outlines how the thesis should (...)
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  41. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces.Gernot Böhme - 2017 - Bloomsbury.
    There is fast-growing awareness of the role atmospheres play in architecture. Of equal interest to contemporary architectural practice as it is to aesthetic theory, this 'atmospheric turn' owes much to the work of the German philosopher Gernot Böhme. Atmospheric Architectures: The Aesthetics of Felt Spaces brings together Böhme's most seminal writings on the subject, through chapters selected from his classic books and articles, many of which have hitherto only been available in German. This is the only translated version authorised (...)
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    Architecture of Sensation: Affect, Motility and the Oculomotor.Mark Paterson - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (1):3-35.
    Recent social theory that stresses the ‘nonrepresentational’, the ‘more-than visual’, and the relationship between affect and sensation have tended to assume some kind of break or rupture from historical antecedents. Especially since the contributions of Crary and Jay in the 1990s, when it comes to perceiving the built environment the complexities of sensation have been partially obscured by the dominance of a static model of vision as the principal organizing modality. This article returns to some prior historical articulations of the (...)
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    Decolonizing Architectural Pedagogy: Radical Cities Over Time and Through Space.Asma Mehan - 2024 - In D. R. Cole, M. M. Rafe & G. Y. A. Yang-Heim (eds.), Educational Research and the Question(s) of Time. Singapore: Springer. pp. 387–400.
    In an era where decolonizing architectural pedagogy is imperative, cities stand as the forefront of radical thought, acting as crucibles for ideological, activist, and spatial dynamics. These urban landscapes are not just breeding grounds for new paradigms, but also reflect significant shifts in political and social frameworks. This study adopts the concept of the “radical city” as a prism to understand how local events echo global political and sociocultural disturbances. This research takes an innovative approach by integrating mixed-method pedagogies, student-driven (...)
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  44. Cognitive architectures and multi-agent social simulation.Ron Sun - unknown
    As we know, a cognitive architecture is a domain-generic computational cognitive model that may be used for a broad analysis of cognition and behavior. Cognitive architectures embody theories of cognition in computer algorithms and programs. Social simulation with multi-agent systems can benefit from incorporating cognitive architectures, as they provide a realistic basis for modeling individual agents (as argued in Sun 2001). In this survey, an example cognitive architecture will be given, and its application to social simulation will be (...)
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    Architecture as Experience: Radical Change in Spatial Practice.Dana Arnold & Andrew Ballantyne - 2004 - Psychology Press.
    Architecture as Experience investigates the perception and appropriation of places across intervals of time and culture. The particular concern of the volume is to bring together fresh empirical research and animate it through contact with theoretical sophistication, without overwhelming the material. The chapters establish the continuity of a particular physical object and show it in at least two alternative historical perspectives, in which recognisable features are shown in different lights. The results are often surprising, inverting the common idea of (...)
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    The portable Age of Reason reader.Crane Brinton - 1956 - New York: Penguin Books.
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    Communities of Style: Portable Luxury Arts, Identity, and Collective Memory in the Iron Age Levant. By Marian H. Feldman.Karen Polinger Foster - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (2).
    Communities of Style: Portable Luxury Arts, Identity, and Collective Memory in the Iron Age Levant. By Marian H. Feldman. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2014. Pp. xvii + 250, illus. $70.
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  48. The Architecture of the Imagination: New Essays on Pretence, Possibility, and Fiction.Shaun Nichols (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume presents new essays on the propositional imagination by leading researchers. The propositional imagination---the mental capacity we exploit when we imagine that everyone is colour-blind or that Hamlet is a procrastinator---plays an essential role in philosophical theorizing, engaging with fiction, and indeed in everyday life. Yet only recently has there been a systematic attempt to give a cognitive account of the propositional imagination. These thirteen essays, specially written for the volume, capitalize on this recent work, extending the theoretical picture (...)
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    Constructing architectural theory.Samir Younés - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (2):233-253.
    Architectural theory arises from building, when the mind considers its symbolic relations to its own constructions. The intent of this essay is to discuss the intellectual causes that precede building and precede theory. It considers certain fundamental dualities in our thinking about architecture—such as image and word; type and model; imitation and invention—and the role they play in its making, its perfection as an art, and the eventual elaboration of its tenets into a theory. At a time when theories (...)
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    A Portable World: The Notebooks of European Travellers (Eighteenth to Nineteenth Centuries).Marie‐Noëlle Bourguet - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (3):377-400.
    For the past three decades, notebooks and note?taking practices have elicited growing interest in various fields of research: anthropology, media and literature studies, history of the book, history of science. In this renewal, however, scientific travelers? notes have not received all the attention they deserve. To be sure, historians of discovery and exploration are used to considering travel diaries and field notes as a principal resource, on the basis of which they can assess a traveler?s accomplishment or document his itinerary. (...)
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