Results for 'Pre-school children'

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  1. The Challenge of Children.Cooperative Parents Group of Palisades Pre-School Division & Mothers' and Children'S. Educational Foundation - 1957
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    Pre-school children's visual attention and understanding behavior towards a visual narrative.Willem Verbeke - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    Television viewing and obesity among pre-school children: The role of parents.Katrien Van Cleemput & Heidi Vandebosch - 2007 - Communications 32 (4):417-446.
    Western societies are confronted with a growing number of overweight and obese children. Past studies have pointed to excessive television viewing as one of the causes of this phenomenon. The aim of the current study was to examine the influence of parental mediation and modeling on TV use and obesity among pre-school children. A survey conducted among 608 parents of two-and-a-half to six year olds shows that obese children watch significantly more television, show more affinity towards (...)
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    Changes in Emotional-Behavioral Functioning Among Pre-school Children Following the Initial Stage Danish COVID-19 Lockdown and Home Confinement.Ina Olmer Specht, Jeanett Friis Rohde, Ann-Kristine Nielsen, Sofus Christian Larsen & Berit Lilienthal Heitmann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Unintended negative outcomes on child behavior due to lockdown and home confinement following the corona virus disease pandemic needs highlighting to effectively address these issues in the current and future health crises. In this sub-study of the ODIN-study, the objectives were to determine whether the Danish lockdown and home confinement following the COVID-19 pandemic affected changes in emotional-behavioral functioning of pre-school-aged children using the validated Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire answered by parents shortly before lockdown and 3 weeks into (...)
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  5. Familiar Verbs Are Not Always Easier Than Novel Verbs: How German Pre‐School Children Comprehend Active and Passive Sentences.Miriam Dittmar, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):128-151.
    Many studies show a developmental advantage for transitive sentences with familiar verbs over those with novel verbs. It might be that once familiar verbs become entrenched in particular constructions, they would be more difficult to understand (than would novel verbs) in non-prototypical constructions. We provide support for this hypothesis investigating German children using a forced-choice pointing paradigm with reversed agent-patient roles. We tested active transitive verbs in study 1. The 2-year olds were better with familiar than novel verbs, while (...)
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    Forging friendships: The use of collective pro-terms by pre-school children.Amanda Bateman - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (2):165-180.
    This article discusses the ways in which a group of four-year-old children co-constructed friendship networks when they began primary school in Wales, UK. This discussion has emanated from a wider study of the everyday social interactions children engage in when new to their school environment. The children’s interactions were investigated through the use of an inductive, ethnomethodological approach through the combination of conversation analysis and membership categorization analysis. The transcriptions revealed that the children used (...)
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    Certain factors underlying the acquisition of motor skill by pre-school children.Florence L. Goodenough & Clara L. Brian - 1929 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 12 (2):127.
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    Researching young children’s perception of food in Irish pre-schools: An ethical dilemma.Charlotte Johnston Molloy, Nóirín Hayes, John Kearney, Corina Glennon Slattery & Clare Corish - 2012 - Research Ethics 8 (3):155-164.
    Poor nutrition habits have been reported in the childcare setting. While the literature advocates the need to carry out ‘Voice of the Child’ research, few studies have explored this methodology with regard to children and food, in particular in the pre-school setting. This article aims to outline the ethical issues raised by a research ethics committee and to discuss the impact of these issues on a study that hoped to determine the food perceptions of children (aged three (...)
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    The development of number concept in children of pre-school and kindergarten ages.Harl R. Douglass - 1925 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 8 (6):443.
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    Children at risk of social exclusion in the early childhood and pre-school education system.Dejana Bouillet, Monika Pažur & Sandra Antulić Majcen - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):65-91.
    High quality pedagogical practise is one of the most important mechanisms to support families and children at risk of social exclusion (RSE) in the early childhood and pre-school education system (ECEC). This paper describes and presents the results of the evaluation of the model for the prevention of adverse developmental outcomes of children with RSE achieved through quality pedagogical practise. The contribution of using the model to children's social inclusion was determined using a quasi-experimental quantitative method. (...)
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    Legislation, Ideas and Pre-School Education Policy in the Twentieth Century: From Targeted Nursery Education to Universal Early Childhood Education and Care.Anne West - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (5):567-587.
    This paper explores legislative provision and pre-school education policy in England over the course of the twentieth century. The paper argues that there has been a significant ideational shift over this period, from a policy focus on nursery education for poor children to universal early childhood education. Not only have ideas changed but provision and funding have changed. Although there have been major revisions to legislative provision, there are elements of continuity as regards the institutions delivering early childhood (...)
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  12. Parental Stress and Satisfaction in Parents With Pre-school and School Age Children.María de los Angeles Oyarzún-Farías, Félix Cova & Claudio Bustos Navarrete - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:683117.
    Parenting is a transforming experience for the life of parents that brings joy and satisfaction as well as challenges, frustration, and demands. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between “parental stress and satisfaction” and work-home conflict, perceived social support, and global satisfaction with life, and to determine the moderating role of the parent's gender. A sample of 244 participants was studied: 49.6% (121) mothers and 50.4% (123) fathers with children between 2 and 12 years of (...)
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    The origins of higher-order thinking lie in children's spontaneous talk across the pre-school years.Rebecca R. Frausel, Catriona Silvey, Cassie Freeman, Natalie Dowling, Lindsey E. Richland, Susan C. Levine, Steve Raudenbush & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2020 - Cognition 200 (C):104274.
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    A Research on the Opinions of Pre-School Teachers about Religious Education in Pre-School Period.Salih Aybey - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (2):915-958.
    The preschool period is a period when the character of the child is formed, all their qualities and abilities begin to be formed, and can be used. Education is for human, and its main purpose is to develop all the abilities of a human by revealing them and to contribute to the healthy saturation of their emotions. It is also the duty of the educator to reveal and educate the child's innate sense of belief in a supreme being. In this (...)
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    Are physical activity and academic performance compatible? Academic achievement, conduct, physical activity and self‐esteem of Hong Kong Chinese primary school children.C. C. W. Yu, Scarlet Chan, Frances Cheng, R. Y. T. Sung & Kit‐Tai Hau - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (4):331-341.
    Education is so strongly emphasized in the Chinese culture that academic success is widely regarded as the only indicator of success, while too much physical activity is often discouraged because it drains energy and affects academic concentration. This study investigated the relations among academic achievement, self?esteem, school conduct and physical activity level. The participants were 333 Chinese pre?adolescents (aged 8?12) in Hong Kong. Examination results and conduct grades were obtained from the school records. Global self?esteem was measured with (...)
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    Morality in Children's Worlds – Rationality of Thought or Values Emanating from Relations?Eva Johansson - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (4):345-358.
    The topic of this article is morality among pre-school children.Two different theories of morality, morality as lived and morality asrationality of thought, are analyzed with a special view to exploringtheir respective consequences for doing research on small children'smorality. Children's lived morality is then interpreted and discussed interms of rights.
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    (1 other version)Stavovi odgojitelja predškolske djece prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću i samoprocjena kompetentnosti za njihovu realizacijuThe opinions of pre-school educators towards kindergarten music activities and a self-assessment of their competencies to perform them.Snježana Dobrota - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 26 (2):59-76.
    Glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću pripada značajna uloga, s obzirom da bavljenje takvim aktivnostima pridonosi razvoju glazbenih sposobnosti, ali i intelektualnom, socijalnom, emocionalnom i tjelesnom razvoju djeteta. U radu su istraženi stavovi odgojitelja predškolske djece prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću te samoprocjena kompetentnosti za njihovu realizaciju. Rezultati potvrđuju da slušanje glazbe predstavlja značajnu aktivnost slobodnog vremena odgojitelja predškolske djece. Potvrđeno je da odgojitelji kojima se sviđa klasična glazba imaju pozitivnije stavove prema glazbenim aktivnostima u vrtiću. Nije uočena povezanost odlazaka na koncerte (...)
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    Logical Intelligence and Mathematical Competence Are Determined by Physical Fitness in a Sample of School Children.José Bracero-Malagón, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, Rafael E. Reigal, Montserrat Caballero-Cerbán, Antonio Hernández-Mendo & Verónica Morales-Sánchez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Previous research has shown positive relationships between fitness level and different cognitive abilities and academic performance. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between logical–mathematical intelligence and mathematical competence with physical fitness in a group of pre-adolescents. Sixty-three children from Castro del Río, aged between 11 and 12 years, participated in this research. The Superior Logical Intelligence Test and the EVAMAT 1.0–5 battery were used. Physical fitness was evaluated by the horizontal jump test, the 4×10 meter (...)
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    Child Safety: Problem and Prevention From Pre-School to Adolescence: A Handbook for Professionals.Bill Gillham & James Alick Thomson (eds.) - 1996 - Routledge.
    Child safety is everybody's concern, but much professional activity is misinformed or based on a misrepresentation of the facts, and preventative action is rarely adequately evaluated. Written and edited by leading researchers with an active role in social policy, this new book challenges both our understanding of the problem of child safety and points to the impotence of "educational" approaches based on "knowledge enhancement". The strong message is that improving children's knowledge has little or no effect on their behaviour. (...)
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    Born to Speak and Sing: Musical Predictors of Language Development in Pre-schoolers.Nina Politimou, Simone Dalla Bella, Nicolas Farrugia & Fabia Franco - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:450640.
    The relationship between musical and linguistic skills has received particular attention in infants and school-aged children. However, very little is known about pre-schoolers. This leaves a gap in our understanding of the concurrent development of these skills during development. Moreover, attention has been focused on the effects of formal musical training, while neglecting the influence of informal musical activities at home. To address these gaps, in Study 1, 3- and 4-year-old children ( n = 40) performed novel (...)
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    Inequalities in the Challenges Affecting Children and their Families during COVID-19 with School Closures and Reopenings: A Qualitative Study.Ilaria Galasso & Gemma Watts - 2022 - Public Health Ethics 15 (3):240-255.
    School closure is one of the most debated measures undertaken to contain the spread of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. The pandemic has devastating health and socio-economic effects and must be contained, but schools play a vital role in present and future well-being, capabilities and health of children. We examine the detrimental consequences of both the closure and reopening of schools, by focusing on inequalities in the challenges affecting children and their families. This paper is grounded on (...)
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    The Role of Volunteering in the Integration of Roma Children in Schools-Lessons for the Republic of North Macedonia.Nada Trunk, Alexander Krauss, Veli Kreci & Merita Zulfiu Alili - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (2):78-93.
    Education (good teachers and good schools) is crucial for the successful integration of vulnerable groups in the society. Multicultural diversity presents an opportunity to make schools more inclusive, creative and open-minded. Although there are different projects and activities for Roma inclusion in schools, the number of Roma children attending formal education is still very low. Without having attended formal education, the chances for social exclusion are high and minimal for leading a self-defined life. To increase the rate of (...) registration and the rate for completion, long-term policy interventions and financial support from international donations are needed. This paper aims to analyze the general situation of Roma children and youth the age of pre-school education, primary and secondary education, as well as the engagement of youth in volunteering activities as a significant role in the inclusion of Roma children in schools. Engagement in volunteering activities can help young people to be more integrated into society, as through volunteering they gain valuable experiences, new skills, and competencies that can improve their employability possibilities and enhance their attitudes towards citizenship. (shrink)
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    Green Breaks: The Restorative Effect of the School Environment’s Green Areas on Children’s Cognitive Performance.Giulia Amicone, Irene Petruccelli, Stefano De Dominicis, Alessandra Gherardini, Valentina Costantino, Paola Perucchini & Marino Bonaiuto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Restoration involves individuals’ physical, psychological and social resources, diminished by meeting demands of everyday life. Psychological restoration can be provided by specific environments, in particular by natural environments. Research reports a restorative effect of nature on human beings, specifically in terms of the psychological recovery from attention fatigue and restored mental resources previously spent in activities that require attention. Two field studies in two Italian primary schools tested the hypothesized positive effect of recess-time spent in a natural (vs. built) environment (...)
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    Adapting school physical activity and health surveys for children with disabilities.Kwok Asunta Ng - 2022 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 16-4 (16-4):73-93.
    L’activité physique (AP) et les comportements de santé des élèves des classes et des écoles d’éducation spéciale (SECS) sont largement sous-étudiés. Le but de cette étude est de rendre compte du processus d’adaptation à ce public des enquêtes réalisées en population générale pour en améliorer la faisabilité et la comparabilité.Une série d’études a été réalisée. 1. Adaptation et test de l’enquête dans le SECS, 2. Recueil des données de l’étude pilote, 3. Tests supplémentaires pour une version simplifiée, 4. Recueil national (...)
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    Body and dieting concerns of pre-adolescent South African girl children.Cheryl Potgieter - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (3):11.
    There has been an increase in research that focuses on female adolescents and adult women concerns relating to body image and dieting concerns. However, research on body and dieting concerns of specifically pre-adolescents is still a neglected area of research in comparison with female adolescents and adult women. Pre-adolescents are either research participants as part of a group, which includes younger children, or part of a group of adolescents. This article addresses the body and dieting concerns of pre-adolescent females (...)
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    Inferential behavior in preschool children.Howard H. Kendler & Tracy S. Kendler - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 51 (5):311.
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    Controlling Core Knowledge: Conditions for the Ascription of Intentional States to Self and Others by Children.James Russell - 2007 - Synthese 159 (2):167 - 196.
    The ascription of intentional states to the self involves knowledge, or at least claims to knowledge. Armed with the working definition of knowledge as 'the ability to do things, or refrain from doing things, or believe, or want, or doubt things, for reasons that are facts' [Hyman, J. Philos. Quart. 49:432—451], I sketch a simple competence model of acting and believing from knowledge and when knowledge is defeated by un-experienced changes of state. The model takes the form of three concentric (...)
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    Group identification, joint attention, and preferences: a cluster of minimal pre-conditions for joint actions.Alessandro Salice - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    An important thesis discussed in the literature on shared agency is that group identification motivates pre-school children to act together. This paper aims at further illuminating this thesis by clarifying what triggers the process of group identification in young children. It is argued that joint attention, among other functions in supporting joint actions, can reveal to the co-attenders that they share some preferences. Since sharing preferences has been established by the literature to be a reliable motivation of (...)
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    Where Do I Come From? Metaphors in Sex Education Picture Books for Young Children in China.Jennifer Yameng Liang, Kay O’Halloran & Sabine Tan - 2016 - Metaphor and Symbol 31 (3):179-193.
    ABSTRACTThis study examines the types of verbal, pictorial, and multimodal metaphors in the genre of sex education picture books for young children in Mainland China. Although being an educational discourse genre that is essentially concerned with transmitting scientific facts, sex education picture books employ a range of metaphors that categorize and construe the biological knowledge of human reproduction in a way that not only facilitates young children’s understanding of scientific concepts but also instills in them particular values and (...)
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    Philosophising with Young Children as a Language-Promoting Principle.Katrin Saskia Alt - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:01-20.
    Children develop language and communication skills through interaction with adults and other children. This study therefore focuses on two interdependent issues: the effect of philosophizing with children on children’s language development and the speech acts of teachers and children in philosophical enquiries. As part of a before-after test with the “Hamburger Verfahren zur Analyse des Sprachstandes Fünfjähriger” (Reich & Roth, 2004, Hamburg Procedure for Analysing the Language Level of Five Year-olds), weekly philosophical discussions were undertaken (...)
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    The philoSURFERS: Reflections on utilising pre-collegiate students as Philosophers in Residence to support the p4c Hawai‘i movement in our public schools.Chad Miller, Benjamin Lukey, Katie Matsukawa, Ceriesse Shiroma & Emily Fox - 2023 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 10 (1).
    Since 1984, the philosophy for children (p4c) Hawai‘i movement, a partnership between the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) and Hawai‘i’s public schools, has experienced success in creating a more philosophical schooling experience. UHM’s Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education supports this movement by offering a ‘Philosopher in Residence’ who aids teachers in bringing philosophical inquiry into practice (Lukey 2013). Philosophers in Residence continue to support p4c Hawai‘i at Kailua High School, Waimānalo Intermediate and Elementary (...), and Waikīkī, Ka‘elepulu, and Sunset Beach Elementary Schools. As the movement grows, we continually ask, how can we support teachers in making p4c a ‘living and reliable educational option’ (Lipman 1988, p. vii) with limited resources? One solution is the philoSURFER Internship Project, where pre-college students intern with university Philosophers in Residence and assist kindergarten through to ninth grade teachers in ‘doing’ philosophy with students. Kailua High School started their first philoSURFERS cohort in the fall of 2015, and Sunset Beach Elementary School adapted the model and had their first cohort of philoSURFERS in the fall of 2021. Since 2015, 151 philoSURFERS have supported over 65 teachers and thousands of students at eight schools to engage in philosophical inquiry. The aim of this academic reflection is to share the lessons the five authors and project coordinators have learned over the last eight years of this school-university partnership for other organisations interested in utilising pre-collegiate students as catalysts for making philosophy an integral aspect of our schools. (shrink)
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    The Experience Sampling Method in Monitoring Social Interactions Among Children and Adolescents in School: A Systematic Literature Review.Martina E. Mölsä, Mikael Lax, Johan Korhonen, Thomas P. Gumpel & Patrik Söderberg - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe experience sampling method is an increasingly popular data collection method to assess interpersonal dynamics in everyday life and emotions contextualized in real-world settings. As primary advantages of ESM sampling strategies include minimization of memory biases, maximization of ecological validity, and hypothesis testing at the between- and within-person levels, ESM is suggested to be appropriate for studying the daily lives of educational actors. However, ESM appears to be underutilized in education research. We, thus, aimed to systematically evaluate the methodological characteristics (...)
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    Teaching philosophy to children: tough questions and their obvious consequences.Svetlana Doronina - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 2 (96):75-85.
    The article analyzes the main world problems and prospects for the development of teaching philosophy to children, substantiates the relevance of introducing philosophical practices, its teaching methods into the education system. The author carries out a theoretical reconstruction of the main provisions, problems and prospects for develop- ing the “Philosophy for Children” (p4c) movement, which is of particular interest due to its greatest informativeness in covering the current state of teaching philosophy to children. Introduction. Modern studies of (...)
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    Motives in Children's Development: Cultural-Historical Approaches.Mariane Hedegaard, Anne Edwards & Marilyn Fleer (eds.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    The contributors to this collection employ the analytic resources of cultural-historical theory to examine the relationship between childhood and children's development under different societal conditions. In particular they attend to relationships between development, emotions, motives and identities, and the social practices in which children and young people may be learners. These practices are knowledge-laden, imbued with cultural values and emotionally freighted by those who already act in them. The book first discusses the organising principles that underpin a cultural-historical (...)
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  35. Effects of the Philosophy for Children Program through the Community of Inquiry method on the improvement of interpersonal relationship skills in primary school students.Mehrnoosh Hedayti & Yahya Ghaedi - 2009 - Childhood and Philosophy 5 (9):199-217.
    To investigate the effect of community of inquiry method on improvement of interpersonal relationship skills, based on Matthew Lipman’s theory and practice, an experiment was designed and conducted in Tehran among primary school students of third, fourth and fifth grades. 190 student were randomly selected and assigned to experimental and control group . The experimental group was taught based on community of inquiry methodology for twelve ninety minute sessions. Interpersonal relationship skills were measured by Ardly & Asher’s questionnaire. Results (...)
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    Children’s Digital Art Ability Training System Based on AI-Assisted Learning: A Case Study of Drawing Color Perception.Shih-Yeh Chen, Pei-Hsuan Lin & Wei-Che Chien - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study proposed a children’s digital art ability training system with artificial intelligence-assisted learning, which was designed to achieve the goal of improving children’s drawing ability. AI technology was introduced for outline recognition, hue color matching, and color ratio calculation to machine train students’ cognition of chromatics, and smart glasses were used to view actual augmented reality paintings to enhance the effectiveness of improving elementary school students’ imagination and painting performance through the diversified stimulation of colors. This (...)
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    Children’s and Adults’ Sensitivity to Gricean Maxims and to the Maximize Presupposition Principle.Francesca Panzeri & Francesca Foppolo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Up to age 5, children are known to experience difficulties in the derivation of implicitly conveyed content, sticking to literally true, even if underinformative, interpretation of sentences. The computation of implicated meanings is connected to the (apparent or manifest) violation of Gricean conversational maxims. We present a study that tests unmotivated violations of the maxims of Quantity, Relevance, and Manner and of the Maximize Presupposition principle, with a Truth Value Judgment task with three options of response. We tested pre-schoolers (...)
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    Race, pre-college philosophy, and the pursuit of a critical race pedagogy for higher education.Melissa Fitzpatrick & Amy Reed-Sandoval - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):105-122.
    This article seeks to explore ways in which pre-college pedagogical resources – particularly Critical Race Pedagogy developed for high school students, as well as Philosophy for Children – can be helpfully employed by college level instructors who wish to dialogue with students about the nature of race and racial oppression. More specifically, we wish to explore how P4C can both learn from, and be put to the service of, CRP, and how this provides a useful framework for philosophical (...)
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    Conversational topic maintenance and related cognitive abilities in autistic versus neurotypical children.Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Danielle Matthews, Colin Bannard, Joshua Nice, Louise Malkin, David M. Williams & Hobson William - unknown
    Keeping a conversation going is the social glue of friendships. The DSM criteria for autism list difficulties with back-and-forth conversation but does not necessitate that all autistic children will be equally impacted. We carried out three studies (two pre-registered) with verbally-fluent school children (age 5-9 years) to investigate how autistic and neurotypical children maintain a conversation topic. We also investigated within-group relationships between conversational ability and cognitive and socio-cognitive predictors. Study 1 found autistic children were (...)
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    Empathy or Intersubjectivity? Understanding the Origins of Morality in Young Children’.Eva Johansson - 2007 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (1):33-47.
    This article is about young children’s morality and their concern for others’ wellbeing. Questions of what the value of others’ wellbeing can signify, how this value becomes visible to children and how it is expressed in their interaction will be posed. In this analysis, children’s commitment to others’ wellbeing is discussed in terms of two theories, namely the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s theory of intersubjectivity and the psychologist Martin Hoffman’s theory of empathy. The interaction between children and (...)
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    Participation frameworks and socio-discursive competence in young children: The role of multimodal strategies.Gabriela Prego-Vázquez & María Ángeles Cobelas Cartagena - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):135-158.
    This article explores the socio-discursive competence of young children in Galician pre-schools. In particular, it deals with the way in which children – aged from 2;10 to 4;05 years – combine embodied actions and verbal resources to co-narrate stories with peers and adults. Using an audiovisual corpus of naturally occurring interactions, we have conducted a qualitative and multimodal analysis, observing how children react to diverse footings and negotiate participation frameworks in multiparty interactions. The findings suggest three progressive (...)
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    Play – A Way into Multidimensional Thinking. Aiming Philosophy for Children.Bruno Ćurko & Ivana Kragić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):303-310.
    Johan Huizinga u svojoj knjizi Homo ludens tvrdi kako civilizacija proizlazi i razvija se u igri i kao igra. Ona jest jedna od ljudskih karakteristika, ljudski obred, a služi za rekreaciju, zabavu, ali i učenje. Može li se onda dobro usmjerenom igrom razvijati ljudsko mišljenje? Cilj programa filozofije za djecu jest uvježbavanje multidimenzioniranog mišljenja. Po Mathew Lipmanu multidimenzionirano mišljenje jest cjelina koja se sastoji od kritičkog, kreativnog i skrbnog mišljenja. Program filozofije za djecu usmjeren je i prema predškolskoj i osnovnoškolskoj (...)
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    How Did Philosophy Get Back in the Twentieth Century Pre–High School Classroom?Paul A. Wagner - 2024 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 33 (1):56-73.
    Matthew Lipman befriended me at an APA meeting in 1974. Through more than twenty years of phone calls, I got to chat with, consult with, and learn from Matt the details and challenges of developing philosophy for children. He acknowledged that I convinced him that the program needed “branding,” lest anyone present similar-sounding programs—some of which might be good and others not. He got a snippet of a video of my teaching troubled sixth-graders with his book Harry Stottlemeier’s Discovery (...)
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    Developing children’s reasoning and inquiry, concept analysis, and meaningmaking skills through the community of inquiry.Abigail Thea Canuto - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (30):427-452.
    This paper presents the results of a research done to investigate the effectiveness of Philosophy for Children, a pedagogy employing philosophical dialogue in a community of inquiry, in a Philippine primary school. Quantitative analysis of critical thinking skills identified by Sharp and Splitter as reasoning; concept analysis; and meaning-making revealed that there was a considerable increase in the frequency of the children’s use of such critical thinking skills over the course of fifteen sessions of dialogical inquiry. Moreover, (...)
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  45. Philosophy, neuroscience and pre-service teachers’ beliefs in neuromyths: A call for remedial action.Minkang Kim & Derek Sankey - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (13):1214-1227.
    Hitherto, the contribution of philosophers to Neuroscience and Education has tended to be less than enthusiastic, though there are some notable exceptions. Meanwhile, the pervasive influence of neuromyths on education policy, curriculum design and pedagogy in schools is well documented. Indeed, philosophers have sometimes used the prevalence of neuromyths in education to bolster their opposition to neuroscience in teacher education courses. By contrast, this article views the presence of neuromyths in education as a call for remedial action, including philosophical action. (...)
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    Examination of Qur'an Course Activity Books for 4-6 Year-Old Children in Terms of Story Content and Illustration Features. [REVIEW]Zehra Geli̇ci̇ - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:85-115.
    Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı 2013-2014 eğitim yılıyla birlikte kendine yeni bir hizmet alanı açmış ve Cumhuriyet tarihinde ilk olarak resmi okul öncesi din eğitimini 4-6 yaş Kur’an Kursları ile başlatmıştır. Bu alanda her geçen yıl tecrübe kazanılmış olsa da çeşitli noktalarda bazı sorunların devam ettiği görülmektedir. Araştırmanın konusu 4-6 yaş Kur’an Kursları etkinlik kitaplarında yer alan hikâyelerin içerik ve resimlendirme bakımından okul öncesi çağındaki çocuklar için uygunluğunun incelenmesidir. Araştırmamızın amacı, okul öncesi dönemde okuma yazma bilmeyen çocuklar için hikâyelerin ve özellikle de (...)
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  47. Philosophy for Children and Children’s Philosophical Thinking.Maughn Gregory - 2021 - In Anna Pagès, A History of Western Philosophy of Education in the Contemporary Landscape. Bloomsbury. pp. 153-177.
    Since the late 1960s, philosophy for children has become a global, multi-disciplinary movement involving innovations in curriculum, pedagogy, educational theory, and teacher education; in moral, social and political philosophy; and in discourse and literary theory. And it has generated the new academic field of philosophy of childhood. Gareth B. Matthews (1929-2011) traced contemporary disrespect for children to Aristotle, for whom the child is essentially a pre-intellectual and pre-moral precursor to the fully realized human adult. Matthews Matthews dubbed this (...)
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    Visual Occipito-Temporal N1 Sensitivity to Digits Across Elementary School.Gorka Fraga-González, Sarah V. Di Pietro, Georgette Pleisch, Susanne Walitza, Daniel Brandeis, Iliana I. Karipidis & Silvia Brem - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Number processing abilities are important for academic and personal development. The course of initial specialization of ventral occipito-temporal cortex sensitivity to visual number processing is crucial for the acquisition of numeric and arithmetic skills. We examined the visual N1, the electrophysiological correlate of vOTC activation across five time points in kindergarten, middle and end of first grade, second grade, and fifth grade. A combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal EEG data of a total of 62 children at varying familial risk (...)
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    Math Is for Me: A Field Intervention to Strengthen Math Self-Concepts in Spanish-Speaking 3rd Grade Children.Dario Cvencek, Jesús Paz-Albo, Allison Master, Cristina V. Herranz Llácer, Aránzazu Hervás-Escobar & Andrew N. Meltzoff - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:593995.
    Children’s math self-concepts—their beliefs about themselves and math—are important for teachers, parents, and students, because they are linked to academic motivation, choices, and outcomes. There have been several attempts at improving math achievement based on the training of math skills. Here we took a complementary approach and conducted an intervention study to boost children’s math self-concepts. Our primary objective was to assess the feasibility of whether a novel multicomponent intervention—one that combines explicit and implicit approaches to help (...) form more positive beliefs linking themselves and math—can be administered in an authentic school setting. The intervention was conducted in Spain, a country in which math achievement is below the average of other OECD countries. We tested third grade students (N= 180;Mage= 8.79 years; 96 girls), using treatment and comparison groups and pre- and posttest assessments. A novelty of this study is that we used both implicit and explicit measures of children’s math self-concepts. For a subsample of students, we also obtained an assessment of year-end math achievement. Math self-concepts in the treatment and comparison groups did not significantly differ at pretest. Students in the treatment group demonstrated a significant increase in math self-concepts from pretest to posttest; students in the comparison group did not. In the treatment group, implicit math self-concepts at posttest were associated with higher year-end math achievement, assessed approximately 3 months after the completion of the intervention. Taken together, the results suggest that math self-concepts are malleable and that social–cognitive interventions can boost children’s beliefs about themselves and math. Based on the favorable results of this feasibility study, it is appropriate to formally test this novel multicomponent approach for improving math self-concepts using randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. (shrink)
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  50. How students understand art: a change in children through philosophy.Marina Santi - 2007 - Childhood and Philosophy 3 (5):19-33.
    This study deals with an exploratory research about understanding of art in students of different age, grades and kind of schools attended. In particular, we analysed how beliefs and reflections about art and aesthetical experiences expressed during a cross-age interview, changed in elementary school children involved for two years in a UE Project titled “Philosophy and European Contemporary Art”. The activities are based on guided philosophical discussions, transforming the classroom in a “community of inquiry”, according to the methodology (...)
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