  1. Rethinking the Relationship between China and the West.Qingben Li & Jinghua Guo - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):45-60.
    In the age of Globalization, cultural identity is a pointed and hotly debated question in academia. Cultural identity involves a core of traditional values and therecognition of several developing layers: the individual, the community and the nation. China has two dominant cultural tendencies: conservatism and protectionism. This has resulted in rejecting Western discourse to preserve a supposedly unchangeable Chinese identity. Comparative models that study cultural and literary exchanges between China and the West were based on dualist perceptions of spatio-temporal orientation. (...)
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    China’s Micro Film: Socialist Cultural Production in the Micro Era.Qingben Li - 2016 - Cultura 13 (2):67-75.
    During the past ten years, China’s micro film industry has made a rapid development aided by technological changes. Focusing on three types of micro films, this paper reveals some characteristics of China’s micro films within socialist cultural production with Chinese characteristics. This model departs from a past when the government managed everything during the Planned Economy, but is also different from the models of cultural policy in the West. The micro films examined are A Murder Case Triggered by a Steamed (...)
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    Er shi shi ji Zhongguo lang man zhu yi mei xue.Qingben Li - 1999 - Beijing: Xian dai chu ban she.
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    Grammatological Deconstruction of Linguistics: From Marx to Derrida.Qingben Li & Jinghua Guo - 2019 - Cultura 16 (1):129-144.
    Derrida considered himself Marx's successor in Spectres of Marx, as manifested in his grammatological deconstruction of linguistics. Proceeding from linguistics, Derrida questioned the traditional linguistics represented by Saussure, overturned the metaphysics based on linguistic signs, and thereby deconstructed logocentrism. In Derrida's view, logocentrism is the belief that there is an ultimate reality such as being, essence, truth and ideas, which actually doesn't exist and needs to be negated. In linguistics, logocentrism, or rather phonocentrism, maintains that speech alone conveys ideas smoothly (...)
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    Kua wen hua mei xue: chao yue Zhong xi er yuan lun mo shi = Cross-Cultural Aesthetics: Beyond the Model of Sino-Western Dualism.Qingben Li - 2011 - Changchun Shi: Changchun chu ban she.
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    Kua wen hua shi ye: Zhuan xing qi de wen hua yu mei xue pi pan = Cross-cultural perspectives: a critque of culture and aesthetics at the turning period.Qingben Li - 2003 - Beijing: Zhongguo wen lian chu ban she.
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    Marginocentric Beijing: Multicultural Cartography and Alternative Modernity in The Last Days of Old Beijing.Qingben Li - 2017 - Cultura 14 (1):19-27.
    The term “Marginocentric cities” has been used to describe those multiethnic nodal cities “that at favorable historical conjunctions have rewritten the national cultural paradigm from the margin, ascribing to it a dialogic dimension, both internally and externally ”. Whereas this map of marginocentric cities is restricted to East-Central Europe, this paper, focusing on the novel The Last Days of Old Beijing, insists that the concept of “marginocentric city” is also operative for Beijing city as a nodal space of cultural exchanges (...)
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    The COVID-19 Crisis and Social Responsibility of New Media Art.Qingben Li - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):141-150.
    Through a large number of data analysis, this paper analyzes the different influences of COVID-19 on the traditional art and the new media art in China. China’s industries of new media art have made a rapid development during the pandemic. The industrial growth of the new media art has enabled them to play an important role in safeguarding employments, and to assume greater social responsibility in fighting the epidemic. With the help of internet technology, new media art can quickly adjust (...)
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