Results for 'Quantum Logic, Quantum Probability'

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  1. Quantum Logic, Quantum Probability, and Quantum Measurement: A Philosophical Perspective on the Quantum Theory.Donald Richard Nilson - 1972 - Dissertation, Indiana University
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    Quantum logic and probability theory.Alexander Wilce - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Quantum logic, conditional probability, and interference.Jeffrey Bub - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (3):402-421.
    Friedman and Putnam have argued (Friedman and Putnam 1978) that the quantum logical interpretation of quantum mechanics gives us an explanation of interference that the Copenhagen interpretation cannot supply without invoking an additional ad hoc principle, the projection postulate. I show that it is possible to define a notion of equivalence of experimental arrangements relative to a pure state φ , or (correspondingly) equivalence of Boolean subalgebras in the partial Boolean algebra of projection operators of a system, which (...)
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    Quantum Logic, Conditional Probability, and Interference.Michael Friedman & Hilary Putnam - 1978 - Dialectica 32 (3‐4):305-315.
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    Quantum ProbabilityQuantum Logic.Itamar Pitowsky - 2014 - Springer.
    This book compares various approaches to the interpretation of quantum mechanics, in particular those which are related to the key words "the Copenhagen interpretation", "the antirealist view", "quantum logic" and "hidden variable theory". Using the concept of "correlation" carefully analyzed in the context of classical probability and in quantum theory, the author provides a framework to compare these approaches. He also develops an extension of probability theory to construct a local hidden variable theory. The book (...)
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    Quantum geometry, logic and probability.Shahn Majid - 2020 - Philosophical Problems in Science 69:191-236.
    Quantum geometry on a discrete set means a directed graph with a weight associated to each arrow defining the quantum metric. However, these ‘lattice spacing’ weights do not have to be independent of the direction of the arrow. We use this greater freedom to give a quantum geometric interpretation of discrete Markov processes with transition probabilities as arrow weights, namely taking the diffusion form ∂+f = f for the graph Laplacian Δθ, potential functions q, p built from (...)
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    Philosophy of Quantum Probability - An empiricist study of its formalism and logic.Ronnie Hermens - unknown
    The use of probability theory is widespread in our daily life as well as in scientific theories. In virtually all cases, calculations can be carried out within the framework of classical probability theory. A special exception is given by quantum mechanics, which gives rise to a new probability theory: quantum probability theory. This dissertation deals with the question of how this formalism can be understood from a philosophical and physical perspective. The dissertation is divided (...)
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    Quantum logic and generalized probability theory.U. Kägi-Romano - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):455 - 462.
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    Logic and Probability in Quantum Mechanics.Patrick Suppes (ed.) - 1976 - Dordrecht and Boston: Springer.
    During the academic years 1972-1973 and 1973-1974, an intensive sem inar on the foundations of quantum mechanics met at Stanford on a regular basis. The extensive exploration of ideas in the seminar led to the org~ization of a double issue of Synthese concerned with the foundations of quantum mechanics, especially with the role of logic and probability in quantum meChanics. About half of the articles in the volume grew out of this seminar. The remaining articles have (...)
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  10. Quantum probability in logical space.John C. Bigelow - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (2):223-243.
    Probability measures can be constructed using the measure-theoretic techniques of Caratheodory and Hausdorff. Under these constructions one obtains first an outer measure over "events" or "propositions." Then, if one restricts this outer measure to the measurable propositions, one finally obtains a classical probability theory. What I argue is that outer measures can also be used to yield the structures of probability theories in quantum mechanics, provided we permit them to range over at least some unmeasurable propositions. (...)
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  11. Quantum Logic and Generalized Probability Theory.P. Mittelstaedt - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (4):455.
  12.  6
    Quantum, Probability, Logic: Itamar Pitowsky’s Work and Influence.Meir Hemmo & Orly Shenker (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    This volume provides a broad perspective on the state of the art in the philosophy and conceptual foundations of quantum mechanics. Its essays take their starting point in the work and influence of Itamar Pitowsky, who has greatly influenced our understanding of what is characteristically non-classical about quantum probabilities and quantum logic, and this serves as a vantage point from which they reflect on key ongoing debates in the field. Readers will find a definitive and multi-faceted description (...)
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  13. A Quantum Probability Perspective on Borderline Vagueness.Reinhard Blutner, Emmanuel M. Pothos & Peter Bruza - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (4):711-736.
    The term “vagueness” describes a property of natural concepts, which normally have fuzzy boundaries, admit borderline cases, and are susceptible to Zeno's sorites paradox. We will discuss the psychology of vagueness, especially experiments investigating the judgment of borderline cases and contradictions. In the theoretical part, we will propose a probabilistic model that describes the quantitative characteristics of the experimental finding and extends Alxatib's and Pelletier's () theoretical analysis. The model is based on a Hopfield network for predicting truth values. Powerful (...)
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  14.  44
    A Model with Quantum Logic, but Non-Quantum Probability: The Product Test Issue. [REVIEW]Jan Broekaert & Bart D'Hooghe - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (9):1481-1501.
    We introduce a model with a set of experiments of which the probabilities of the outcomes coincide with the quantum probabilities for the spin measurements of a quantum spin- $ \frac{1}{2} $ particle. Product tests are defined which allow simultaneous measurements of incompatible observables, which leads to a discussion of the validity of the meet of two propositions as the algebraic model for conjunction in quantum logic. Although the entity possesses the same structure for the logic of (...)
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  15. Time, quantum mechanics, and probability.Simon Saunders - 1998 - Synthese 114 (3):373-404.
    A variety of ideas arising in decoherence theory, and in the ongoing debate over Everett's relative-state theory, can be linked to issues in relativity theory and the philosophy of time, specifically the relational theory of tense and of identity over time. These have been systematically presented in companion papers (Saunders 1995; 1996a); in what follows we shall consider the same circle of ideas, but specifically in relation to the interpretation of probability, and its identification with relations in the Hilbert (...)
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  16.  94
    Itamar Pitowsky's Quantum ProbabilityQuantum Logic.David B. Malament - 1992 - Philosophy of Science 59 (2):300-320.
    Itamar Pitowsky's book, published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Physics series, brings together several extremely interesting component investigations concerning the foundations of quantum mechanics. All deal with issues of probability including, in one case, the relation of probability to logic. It is a significant contribution, offering both new, nontrivial mathematical results, and provocative philosophical remarks about their significance.
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  17. Logical Entropy: Introduction to Classical and Quantum Logical Information theory.David Ellerman - 2018 - Entropy 20 (9):679.
    Logical information theory is the quantitative version of the logic of partitions just as logical probability theory is the quantitative version of the dual Boolean logic of subsets. The resulting notion of information is about distinctions, differences and distinguishability and is formalized using the distinctions of a partition. All the definitions of simple, joint, conditional and mutual entropy of Shannon information theory are derived by a uniform transformation from the corresponding definitions at the logical level. The purpose of this (...)
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  18. Quantum logic and quantum probability.A. Wilce - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  19. On the Connection Between Quantum Probability and Geometry.Federico Holik - 2021 - Quanta 10 (1):1-14.
    We discuss the mathematical structures that underlie quantum probabilities. More specifically, we explore possible connections between logic, geometry and probability theory. We propose an interpretation that generalizes the method developed by R. T. Cox to the quantum logical approach to physical theories. We stress the relevance of developing a geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics.
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  20. Quantum Reality and Measurement: A Quantum Logical Approach.Masanao Ozawa - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (3):592-607.
    The recently established universal uncertainty principle revealed that two nowhere commuting observables can be measured simultaneously in some state, whereas they have no joint probability distribution in any state. Thus, one measuring apparatus can simultaneously measure two observables that have no simultaneous reality. In order to reconcile this discrepancy, an approach based on quantum logic is proposed to establish the relation between quantum reality and measurement. We provide a language speaking of values of observables independent of measurement (...)
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  21.  16
    A New Organization of Quantum Theory Based on Quantum Probability.Stephen Bruce Sontz - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (3):1-35.
    Quantum probability is used to provide a new organization of basic quantum theory in a logical, axiomatic way. The principal thesis is that there is one fundamental time evolution equation in quantum theory, and this is given by a new version of Born’s Rule, which now includes both consecutive and conditional probability as it must, since science is based on correlations. A major modification of one of the standard axioms of quantum theory allows the (...)
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    Extended quantum logic.Kenji Tokuo - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (5):549-563.
    The concept of quantum logic is extended so that it covers a more general set of propositions that involve non-trivial probabilities. This structure is shown to be embedded into a multi-modal framework, which has desirable logical properties such as an axiomatization, the finite model property and decidability.
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    Quantum probability, intuition, and human rationality.Mike Oaksford - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):303-303.
    This comment suggests that Pothos & Busmeyer (P&B) do not provide an intuitive rational foundation for quantum probability (QP) theory to parallel standard logic and classical probability (CP) theory. In particular, the intuitive foundation for standard logic, which underpins CP, is the elimination of contradictions – that is, believing p and not-p is bad. Quantum logic, which underpins QP, explicitly denies non-contradiction, which seems deeply counterintuitive for the macroscopic world about which people must reason. I propose (...)
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    Quantum probability: a reliable tool for an agent or a reliable source of reality?C. de Ronde, H. Freytes & G. Sergioli - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S23):5679-5699.
    In this paper we attempt to analyze the concept of quantum probability within quantum computation and quantum computational logic. While the subjectivist interpretation of quantum probability explains it as a reliable predictive tool for an agent in order to compute measurement outcomes, the objectivist interpretation understands quantum probability as providing reliable information of a real state of affairs. After discussing these different viewpoints we propose a particular objectivist interpretation grounded on the idea (...)
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  25. Correlations, Contextuality and Quantum Logic.Allen Stairs & Jeffrey Bub - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (3):483-499.
    Quantum theory is a probabilistic theory that embodies notoriously striking correlations, stronger than any that classical theories allow but not as strong as those of hypothetical ‘super-quantum’ theories. This raises the question ‘Why the quantum?’—whether there is a handful of principles that account for the character of quantum probability. We ask what quantum-logical notions correspond to this investigation. This project isn’t meant to compete with the many beautiful results that information-theoretic approaches have yielded but (...)
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    Recovering Quantum Logic Within an Extended Classical Framework.Claudio Garola & Sandro Sozzo - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (2):399-419.
    We present a procedure which allows us to recover classical and nonclassical logical structures as concrete logics associated with physical theories expressed by means of classical languages. This procedure consists in choosing, for a given theory ${{\mathcal{T}}}$ and classical language ${{\fancyscript{L}}}$ expressing ${{\mathcal{T}}, }$ an observative sublanguage L of ${{\fancyscript{L}}}$ with a notion of truth as correspondence, introducing in L a derived and theory-dependent notion of C-truth (true with certainty), defining a physical preorder $\prec$ induced by C-truth, and finally selecting (...)
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    Von Neumann’s Concept of Quantum Logic and Quantum Probability.Miklós Rédei - 2001 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 8:153-172.
    The idea of quantum logic first appears explicitly in the short Section 5 of Chapter III. in von Neumann’s 1932 book on the mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics [31]; however, the real birthplace of quantum logic is commonly identified with the 1936 seminal paper co-authored by G. Birkhoff and J. von Neumann [5]. The aim of this review is to recall the main idea of the Birkhoff-von Neumann concept1 of quantum logic as this was put forward (...)
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    Critical Reflections on Quantum Probability Theory.László Szabó - 2001 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 8:201-219.
    The story of quantum probability theory and quantum logic begins with von Neumann’s recognition1, that quantum mechanics can be regarded as a kind of “probability theory”, if the subspace lattice L of the system’s Hilbert space H plays the role of event algebra and the ‘tr’-s play the role of probability distributions over these events. This idea had been completed in the Gleason theorem 2.
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    Imitating Quantum Probabilities: Beyond Bell’s Theorem and Tsirelson Bounds.Marek Czachor & Kamil Nalikowski - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (2):281-305.
    Local hidden-variable model of singlet-state correlations discussed in Czachor (Acta Phys Polon A 139:70, 2021a) is shown to be a particular case of an infinite hierarchy of local hidden-variable models based on an infinite hierarchy of calculi. Violation of Bell-type inequalities can be interpreted as a ‘confusion of languages’ problem, a result of mixing different but neighboring levels of the hierarchy. Mixing of non-neighboring levels results in violations beyond the Tsirelson bounds.
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  30. Quantum information processing, operational quantum logic, convexity, and the foundations of physics.Howard Barnum - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (3):343-379.
    Quantum information science is a source of task-related axioms whose consequences can be explored in general settings encompassing quantum mechanics, classical theory, and more. Quantum states are compendia of probabilities for the outcomes of possible operations we may perform on a system: ''operational states.'' I discuss general frameworks for ''operational theories'' (sets of possible operational states of a system), in which convexity plays key role. The main technical content of the paper is in a theorem that any (...)
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    Quantum logic and the luders rule.Allen Stairs - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (3):422-436.
    In a recent paper, Michael Friedman and Hilary Putnam argued that the Luders rule is ad hoc from the point of view of the Copenhagen interpretation but that it receives a natural explanation within realist quantum logic as a probability conditionalization rule. Geoffrey Hellman maintains that quantum logic cannot give a non-circular explanation of the rule, while Jeffrey Bub argues that the rule is not ad hoc within the Copenhagen interpretation. As I see it, all four are (...)
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    Convergence of observables on quantum logics.W. Tomé & S. Gudder - 1990 - Foundations of Physics 20 (4):417-434.
    We define two types of convergence for observables on a quantum logic which we call M-weak and uniform M-weak convergence. These convergence modes correspond to weak convergence of probability measures. They are motivated by the idea that two (in general unbounded) observables are “close” if bounded functions of them are “close.” We show that M-weak and uniform M-weak convergence generalize strong resolvent and norm resolvent convergence for self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space. Also, these types of convergence strengthen (...)
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  33. Bohrification of operator algebras and quantum logic.Chris Heunen, Nicolaas P. Landsman & Bas Spitters - 2012 - Synthese 186 (3):719 - 752.
    Following Birkhoff and von Neumann, quantum logic has traditionally been based on the lattice of closed linear subspaces of some Hubert space, or, more generally, on the lattice of projections in a von Neumann algebra A. Unfortunately, the logical interpretation of these lattices is impaired by their nondistributivity and by various other problems. We show that a possible resolution of these difficulties, suggested by the ideas of Bohr, emerges if instead of single projections one considers elementary propositions to be (...)
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    Uncertainty about the value of quantum probability for cognitive modeling.Christina Behme - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):279-280.
    I argue that the overly simplistic scenarios discussed by Pothos & Busemeyer (P&B) establish at best that quantum probability theory (QPT) is a logical possibility allowing distinct predictions from classical probability theory (CPT). The article fails, however, to provide convincing evidence for the proposal that QPT offers unique insights regarding cognition and the nature of human rationality.
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  35. (1 other version)Betting on the outcomes of measurements: A bayesian theory of quantum probability.Itamar Pitowsky - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (3):395-414.
    We develop a systematic approach to quantum probability as a theory of rational betting in quantum gambles. In these games of chance, the agent is betting in advance on the outcomes of several (finitely many) incompatible measurements. One of the measurements is subsequently chosen and performed and the money placed on the other measurements is returned to the agent. We show how the rules of rational betting imply all the interesting features of quantum probability, even (...)
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  36. Analysis of quantum probability theory. I.James Aken - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (3):267 - 296.
  37. Analysis of quantum probability theory. II.James Aken - 1986 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 15 (3):333 - 367.
  38. Logic, Geometry And Probability Theory.Federico Holik - 2013 - SOP Transactions On Theoretical Physics 1:128 - 137.
    We discuss the relationship between logic, geometry and probability theory under the light of a novel approach to quantum probabilities which generalizes the method developed by R. T. Cox to the quantum logical approach to physical theories.
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  39. What is the logical form of probability assignment in quantum mechanics?John F. Halpin - 1991 - Philosophy of Science 58 (1):36-60.
    The nature of quantum mechanical probability has often seemed mysterious. To shed some light on this topic, the present paper analyzes the logical form of probability assignment in quantum mechanics. To begin the paper, I set out and criticize several attempts to analyze the form. I go on to propose a new form which utilizes a novel, probabilistic conditional and argue that this proposal is, overall, the best rendering of the quantum mechanical probability assignments. (...)
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    Analysis of Quantum Probability Theory. I.James Van Aken - 1985 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 14 (3):267-296.
  41.  42
    Entropy in operational statistics and quantum logic.Carl A. Hein - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (9-10):751-786.
    In a series of recent papers, Randall and Foulis have developed a generalized theory of probability (operational statistics) which is based on the notion of a physical operation. They have shown that the quantum logic description of quantum mechanics can be naturally imbedded into this generalized theory of probability. In this paper we shall investigate the role of entropy (in the sense of Shannon's theory of information) in operational statistics. We shall find that there are several (...)
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  42. Imprecise Probabilities in Quantum Mechanics.Stephan Hartmann - 2015 - In Colleen E. Crangle, Adolfo García de la Sienra & Helen E. Longino (eds.), Foundations and Methods From Mathematics to Neuroscience: Essays Inspired by Patrick Suppes. Stanford Univ Center for the Study. pp. 77-82.
    In his entry on "Quantum Logic and Probability Theory" in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Alexander Wilce (2012) writes that "it is uncontroversial (though remarkable) the formal apparatus quantum mechanics reduces neatly to a generalization of classical probability in which the role played by a Boolean algebra of events in the latter is taken over the 'quantum logic' of projection operators on a Hilbert space." For a long time, Patrick Suppes has opposed this view (see, (...)
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  43. Propensity, Probability, and Quantum Theory.Leslie E. Ballentine - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (8):973-1005.
    Quantum mechanics and probability theory share one peculiarity. Both have well established mathematical formalisms, yet both are subject to controversy about the meaning and interpretation of their basic concepts. Since probability plays a fundamental role in QM, the conceptual problems of one theory can affect the other. We first classify the interpretations of probability into three major classes: inferential probability, ensemble probability, and propensity. Class is the basis of inductive logic; deals with the frequencies (...)
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    Analysis of Quantum Probability Theory. II.James van Aken - 1986 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 15 (3):333-367.
  45. On Classical and Quantum Logical Entropy.David Ellerman - manuscript
    The notion of a partition on a set is mathematically dual to the notion of a subset of a set, so there is a logic of partitions dual to Boole's logic of subsets (Boolean logic is usually mis-specified as "propositional" logic). The notion of an element of a subset has as its dual the notion of a distinction of a partition (a pair of elements in different blocks). Boole developed finite logical probability as the normalized counting measure on elements (...)
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    Łukasiewicz Operations in Fuzzy Set and Many-Valued Representations of Quantum Logics.Jarosław Pykacz - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (9):1503-1524.
    It, is shown that Birkhoff –von Neumann quantum logic (i.e., an orthomodular lattice or poset) possessing an ordering set of probability measures S can be isomorphically represented as a family of fuzzy subsets of S or, equivalently, as a family of propositional functions with arguments ranging over S and belonging to the domain of infinite-valued Łukasiewicz logic. This representation endows BvN quantum logic with a new pair of partially defined binary operations, different from the order-theoretic ones: Łukasiewicz (...)
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  47.  23
    Probability Logics for Reasoning About Quantum Observations.Angelina Ilić Stepić, Zoran Ognjanović & Aleksandar Perović - 2023 - Logica Universalis 17 (2):175-219.
    In this paper we present two families of probability logics (denoted _QLP_ and \(QLP^{ORT}\) ) suitable for reasoning about quantum observations. Assume that \(\alpha \) means “O = a”. The notion of measuring of an observable _O_ can be expressed using formulas of the form \(\square \lozenge \alpha \) which intuitively means “if we measure _O_ we obtain \(\alpha \) ”. In that way, instead of non-distributive structures (i.e., non-distributive lattices), it is possible to relay on classical logic (...)
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    Generalized Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger Arguments from Quantum Logical Analysis.Karl Svozil - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-23.
    The Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger argument against noncontextual local hidden variables is recast in quantum logical terms of fundamental propositions, states and probabilities. Unlike Kochen–Specker- and Hardy-like configurations, this operator based argument proceeds within four nonintertwining contexts. The nonclassical performance of the GHZ argument is due to the choice or filtering of observables with respect to a particular state. We study the varieties of GHZ games one could play in these four contexts, depending on the chosen state of the GHZ basis.
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    Schrödinger’s Cat and the Dog That Didn’t Bark: Why Quantum Mechanics is (Probably) Irrelevant to the Social Sciences.David Waldner - 2017 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 29 (2):199-233.
    Alexander Wendt’s Quantum Mind and Social Science reopens the question of the relevance of quantum mechanics to the social sciences. In response, I argue that due to “quantum decoherence,” the macroscopic world filters out quantum effects. Moreover, quantum decoherence makes it unlikely that the theory of quantum brains, on which Wendt relies, is true. Finally, while quantum decision theory is a potentially revolutionary field, it has not clearly accounted for alleged anomalies in classical (...)
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    Probability implication in the logics of classical and quantum mechanics.Sŀawomir Bugajski - 1978 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 7 (1):95 - 106.
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