Roman Frydman [4]R. Frydman [1]
  1.  20
    Imperfect Knowledge Economics: Exchange Rates and Risk.Roman Frydman, Michael D. Goldberg & Edward S. Phelps - 2007 - Princeton University Press.
    It is my hope that the book will be widely read and debated."--Axel Leijonhufvud, UCLA and the University of Trento "This is a major and controversial contribution to macroeconomics that cannot fail to make an impact in several areas.
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    Fallibility in formal macroeconomics and finance theory.Roman Frydman & Michael D. Goldberg - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):386-396.
    This note focuses on George Soros's challenge to macroeconomics and finance theory that any valid methodology of social science must explicitly recognize fallibility in a Knightian sense. We use a simple algebraic example to sketch how extant models formalize fallibility. We argue that contemporary theory's epistemological and empirical difficulties can be traced to assuming away fallibility in a Knightian sense. We also discuss how imperfect knowledge economics provides a way to open mathematical models to such fallibility, while preserving economics as (...)
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    Individual Forecasting and Aggregate Outcomes: 'Rational Expectations' Examined.Roman Frydman & Edmund S. Phelps (eds.) - 1986 - Cambridge University Press.
    Growing out of a conference on Expectations Formation and Economic Disequilibrium held in New York City in 1981, the papers in this volume provide a complex view of market processes in which individual rationality is no guarantee of convergence to the 'correct' model and the equilibrium coordination of agents' plans. They reject the 'optimality' argument for the rational expectations hypothesis, opening the door to other hypotheses of optimal expectations of agents in the decentralized market economy.
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  4. On Privatizing Privatization: A New Proposal of Ownership Transformation in Poland.R. Frydman & A. Rapaczynski - forthcoming - Res Publica.
  5. John W. Baldwin The Language of Sex: Five Voices from Northern France around 1200 (The University of Chicago Press 1994), xxviii+ 331 pp.,£ 29.95/$43.25 HB Roderick Beaton, An Introduction to Modern Greek Literature (Oxford University Press. [REVIEW]Jane Marie Todd, Roman Frydman & Andrzej Rapaczynski - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (1):161-163.