Results for 'RSE'

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  1.  25
    Situación actual de la RSE en el sector turístico Mexicano (Present situation of CSR in the Mexican touristic sector).José Luis Abreu - 2009 - Daena 4 (2):160-173.
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    The problem with faith‐based carve‐outs: RSE policy, religion and educational goods.Ruth J. Wareham - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):707-726.
    In September 2020, relationships and sex education (RSE) became compulsory in all English secondary schools, and relationships education became compulsory in all English primary schools, marking a significant step forward in the fight to establish children's rights. Although the new RSE regime will help to ensure that many English schools provide pupils with a far more comprehensive RSE curriculum than ever before, the statutory guidance underpinning it includes a number of caveats that mean, although the subject is compulsory, not all (...)
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    Les enjeux de la moralisation de l’économie : réflexion à partir des exemples de la RSE et de la FSR.André Lacroix & Marchildon - 2014 - Éthique Publique 16 (2).
    La succession récente de crises économiques et financières constitue le symptôme le plus évident des dysfonctionnements du système économique. De nouvelles approches comme la responsabilité sociale des entreprises et la finance socialement responsable proposent d’humaniser le capitalisme et de reconfigurer l’économie de marché. Ces deux courants de pensée ont d’ailleurs contribué à opérer un important changement dans l’imaginaire social quant à la façon de concevoir la légitimité des activités économiques. Malgré leur grand inté­rêt, ces nouvelles approches comportent des limites relativement (...)
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    Actitudes de los estudiantes hacia la enseñanza de RSE en los Posgrados de Negocios (Attitude of students toward the teaching of CSR in Business Graduate Schools).José Luis Abreu - 2009 - Daena 4 (1):12-20.
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    Isten és lét: körséta Heidegger, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche és más filozófusok társaságában.Ernest Joós - 1994 - Sárvár: Sylvester János Könyvtár.
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    Vers une éthique du futur institutionnelle. Les concepts de responsabilité dans la RSE à la lumière de l'héritage de Jonas.Emmanuel Picavet - 2020 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 32 (57).
    Cette contribution est consacrée à la signification actuelle et aux défis institutionnels de l''éthique du futur" au sens de Jonas. On examine d’abord, autour d’enjeux qui sont actuellement au coeur des démarches de Responsabilité sociale des entreprises, les dimensions collective, institutionnelle et partenariale de la responsabilité. Dans un second temps, c’est la préservation des conditions de l’action qui est l’objet de l’attention, dans la continuité de préoccupations de Hans Jonas et en lien avec une perspective collective sur l’action individuelle. Ces (...)
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    Debilidades dentro de los procesos de mundialización textil y relación con la rse a través de un analisis delphi: ética o estética.Arturo Luque González, Juan Hernández Zubizarreta & Carmen de Pablos Heredero - 2016 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 19:35-72.
    The objective of this research is to identify the main weaknesses of corporate social responsibility in the textile sector and to propose procedures that help to overcome them. We start from the assumption that the asymmetries and necessary relationships generated to manufacture textile garments in the international context are not attributable to a single circumstance. Equally, it is reasonable to assume that the solutions to these asymmetries are affected by the identification and transversality of such circumstances. The present research was (...)
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    L’impossible récupération de la critique écologique par le capitalisme : l’hypothèse de la défétichisation de la marchandise.Guillaume Carbou & Marie-Anne Verdier - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (2):101-134.
    Cet article vise à comprendre la persistance et la radicalisation de la critique écologique dans l’espace public malgré les tentatives de récupération des questions environnementales par le capitalisme via l’introduction dans les discours managériaux des « concepts verts » (développement durable, RSE, etc.). Nous développons les raisons pour lesquelles la critique écologique semble résister à sa récupération et mobilisons le concept marxien de « fétichisme de la marchandise » pour saisir la critique écologique comme remise en cause des fondements de (...)
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    Ética y responsabilidad social de la empresa:. su concepción del hombre.Ricardo Cuevas Moreno - 2009 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 23.
    El presente trabajo explora la concepción del hombre sobre la cual reposan la Ética de la Empresa (EE) y la Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa (RSE). Según el resultado de esta investigación, dicha noción es una concepción mixtificada del hombrela cual puede funcionar como ideología en el sentido de Marx y Engels (1982). Así la vocación humanística de la EE, la RSE, está confrontada a su carácter de útil de la administración bajo la égida del modo de vida burgués. Esta (...)
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    Consent, mutuality and respect for persons as standards for ethical sex and for sex education.Michael J. Reiss - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (5):685-694.
    This article examines Lamb, Gable & de Ruyter's critique of consent as the standard by which one can determine if a sexual encounter is ethical in their ‘Mutuality in sexual relationships: a standard of ethical sex?’. Their examination of this issue is to be welcomed for a number of reasons, including growing criticism of ‘consent’ as the gold standard in medical and social science research ethics. The focus of this article is specifically on school sex education (principally, for 11–16-year-olds). Contrary (...)
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  11.  15
    Making Sense of British Muslim Parents’ Objections to ‘Progressive’ Sexuality Education.Fida Sanjakdar - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (2):187-216.
    Statutory requirements for compulsory Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) in the UK is generating concern among many religious communities and reigniting debates about the purpose of School Based Sexuality Education (SBSE). Among the communities voicing their dissent are members of the British Islamic community. Quranic scripture deems obligatory the teaching and learning about all aspects relevant to human sexuality, however, religion, and in particular Islam, is widely viewed as hostile to sexuality education. Whilst Muslim objection to ‘progressive’ agendas in SBSE (...)
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  12.  18
    La responsabilité sociale des entreprises : un sursaut éthique pour combler un vide juridique?Sophie Swaton - 2015 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 16 (2):3-40.
    Malgré un succès contemporain qui pourrait faire croire à un concept très nouveau en sciences de gestion notamment, la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE) est un concept apparu dans les années 1950. On peut donc s’interroger sur cette résurgence soudaine d’un concept suscitant des interprétations multiples et quelquefois contradictoires. Notre hypothèse est que la RSE, perçue dans une première dimension fonctionnelle et très actuelle, provient d’une lacune du droit matériel. Cette lacune pourrait également expliquer le glissement de niveau auquel on (...)
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    Cognitive Phenomenology of Religious Experience in Religious Narratives, Dreams, and Nightmares.Victoria Pae, Patrick McNamara, April Minsky & Alina Gusev - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (3):343-357.
    McNamara hypothesized that a 4-step sequential decentering process characterized the phenomenology of religious and spiritual experiences and was rooted in dreams and nightmares. We content analyzed 50 RSES, 50 dreams, and 50 nightmares for presence and ordering of elements of the decentering process. Thirty-six percent of RSES, 48% of dreams, and 44% of nightmares had all four decentering elements. The sense of success occurred most frequently in RSES and least frequently in nightmares. Conversely, diminishment of agency occurred least often in (...)
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    Methodological and conceptual challenges in rare and severe event forecast verification.Philip A. Ebert & Peter Milne - 2022 - Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 22 (2):539-557.
    There are distinctive methodological and conceptual challenges in rare and severe event (RSE) forecast verification, that is, in the assessment of the quality of forecasts of rare but severe natural hazards such as avalanches, landslides or tornadoes. While some of these challenges have been discussed since the inception of the discipline in the 1880s, there is no consensus about how to assess RSE forecasts. This article offers a comprehensive and critical overview of the many different measures used to capture the (...)
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  15. Celebrity Admiration and Its Relationship to the Self-Esteem of Filipino Male Teenagers.Ann Jesamine P. Dianito, Jayfree A. Chavez, Rhanarie Angela Ranis, Brent Oliver Cinco, Trizhia Mae Alvez, Nhasus D. Ilano, Amor Artiola, Wenifreda Templonuevo & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (1):305-313.
    Fan culture has grown immensely over the past few years. People are constantly looking up to celebrities and personalities as role models for their fashion, identity, and success. During the stage of adolescence, it is normal for teenagers to admire well- known people and form fan attachments as part of their identity formation. However, this admiration of a specific media figure can be associated with one's personality, cognitive processes, and psychological well-being. Thus, the current study aims to investigate the correlation (...)
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    Psychometric Properties of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ) and Measurement Invariance Across Two Different German-Speaking Samples.Clarissa Janousch, Frederick Anyan, Odin Hjemdal & Carmen Nadja Hirt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The Resilience Scale for Adolescents is a highly rated scale for measuring protective factors of resilience. Even though the READ has been validated in several different cultural samples, no studies have validated the READ across samples in German from Switzerland and Germany. The purpose of this study was to explore the construct validity of the German READ version in two samples from two different countries and to test the measurement invariance between those two samples. A German sample and a German-speaking (...)
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    The Relationship Between Gender Self-Stereotyping and Life Satisfaction: The Mediation Role of Relational Self-Esteem and Personal Self-Esteem.Junnan Li, Yanfen Liu & Jingjing Song - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Individuals voluntarily internalize gender stereotypes and present personality characteristics and behaviors that conform to gender role requirements. The aim of the current study was to explore the reasons people internalize gender stereotypes. We conducted surveys with 317 college students in China to examine the relationship between gender self-stereotyping and life satisfaction. We also analyzed the mediating roles of relational self-esteem and personal self-esteem and the moderation role of gender. The results of path analysis showed that gender self-stereotyping directly affected life (...)
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  18.  69
    The Relationships Between Trait Creativity and Resting-State EEG Microstates Were Modulated by Self-Esteem.Xin Wu, Jiajia Guo, Yufeng Wang, Feng Zou, Peifang Guo, Jieyu Lv & Meng Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:576114.
    Numerous studies had found that creativity is not only associated with low effort and flexible processes, but also associated with high effort and persistent processes especially when defensive behavior being induced negative emotions. The important role of self-esteem is to buffer the negative emotions and low self-esteem are prone to instigate various forms of defensive behaviors. Thus, we thought that the relationships between trait creativity and executive control brain networks might be modulated by self-esteem. The resting-state electroencephalogram (RS-EEG) microstates can (...)
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  19.  27
    Bingkai Kurus Realisme Struktural Epistemik.Karlina Supelli - 2020 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 12 (2):153-190.
    Abstrak: Di tengah-tengah perdebatan panjang antara realisme dan anti realisme dalam filsafat ilmu, realisme struktural (RS) diajukan sebagai gagasan yang terbaik dari keduanya. Versi epistemik RS (RSE) berpendapat bahwa kita memiliki alasan yang baik untuk percaya bahwa teori memiliki struktur yang tepat, yaitu bahwa wujud dan struktur yang dipostulatkan oleh teori betul-betul ada. Namun demikian, RSE tidak mengajukan dakuan epistemik menyangkut hakikat wujud yang melandasi struktur. Semua pengetahuan mengenai dunia fisis adalah pengetahuan tentang struktur. Dalam tulisan ini penulis memberi tinjauan (...)
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    Microempresa y la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial Aplicada.Jorge Mendoza-Woodman - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-13.
    Se reconoce que la responsabilidad social empresarial (RSE) genera un impacto positivo en el desempeño de los negocios, principalmente en la gran empresa, sin embargo, su sostenibilidad en las PYMEs es debatida. Este artículo propone un modelo de RSE para PYMEs desarrollado a partir de una revisión bibliográfica y que luego fue examinado en un grupo de microempresas que practican RSE. A través del análisis narrativo se encontró que es factible realizar acciones de RSE en estos negocios, pero hay que (...)
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    Children at risk of social exclusion in the early childhood and pre-school education system.Dejana Bouillet, Monika Pažur & Sandra Antulić Majcen - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 31 (1):65-91.
    High quality pedagogical practise is one of the most important mechanisms to support families and children at risk of social exclusion (RSE) in the early childhood and pre-school education system (ECEC). This paper describes and presents the results of the evaluation of the model for the prevention of adverse developmental outcomes of children with RSE achieved through quality pedagogical practise. The contribution of using the model to children's social inclusion was determined using a quasi-experimental quantitative method. 60 educators from 15 (...)
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    Self-esteem and sociosexuality – differences in sexual behavior among people dating online.Kamila Kacprzak-Wachniew & Natalia Pilarska - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin:67-75.
    The present study aimed to investigate the importance of self-esteem for sociosexual orientation and to compare groups of dating online users in terms of engaging in casual sex, performed in one night stand (ONS) and friends with benefit (FWB). This issue seems particularly important in the context of psychosexual health. The exploratory study was conducted online among 416 adults who have participated in online dating. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory (SOI-R), the author’s questionnaire, concerning having (...)
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  23.  18
    Identification of Attack on Data Packets Using Rough Set Approach to Secure End to End Communication.Banghua Wu, Shah Nazir & Neelam Mukhtar - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    Security has become one of the important factors for any network communication and transmission of data packets. An organization with an optimal security system can lead to a successful business and can earn huge profit on the business they are doing. Different network devices are linked to route, compute, monitor, and communicate various real-time developments. The hackers are trying to attack the network and want to draw the organization’s significant information for its own profits. During the communication, if an intrusion (...)
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    Modeling violations of the race model inequality in bimodal paradigms: co-activation from decision and non-decision components.Michael Zehetleitner, Emil Ratko-Dehnert & Hermann J. Müller - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:93369.
    The redundant-signals paradigm (RSP) is designed to investigate response behavior in perceptual tasks in which response-relevant targets are defined by either one or two features, or modalities. The common finding is that responses are speeded for redundantly compared to singly defined targets. This redundant-signals effect (RSE) can be accounted for by race models if the response times do not violate the race model inequality (RMI). When there are violations of the RMI, race models are effectively excluded as a viable account (...)
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  25.  14
    The Development and Validation of the Doctoral Student Identity Scale.Jia-lu Zhao, Fu Chen & Xiao-Ming Jia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Objective: Based on how the identity of doctoral students is recognized and understood in the context of Chinese culture, we developed a doctoral identity scale using both qualitative and quantitative analyses.Methods: The initial project of the Scale was formed through qualitative analyses and expert consultation. Nine hundred and ninety-one doctoral students were officially tested, and 982 valid questionnaires were obtained. They were randomly divided into two parts, and 491 of which were assessed for item Response Theory and exploratory factor analysis (...)
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  26.  6
    Le nouvel intérêt social, un changement de modèle normatif.Morgane Tirel - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 62 (1):537-564.
    Enjeu de pouvoir et reflet de controverses sur le rôle et la finalité de l’entreprise, l’intérêt social a fait son entrée dans le code civil, de manière éclatante, à la faveur de la « loi PACTE ». Contrairement à l’idée répandue selon laquelle cette consécration législative ne serait qu’une formalisation – à droit constant – de la jurisprudence, il est soutenu ici que le législateur a affirmé pour la première fois, bien qu’implicitement, une conception inédite, élargie, de l’intérêt social. En (...)
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    Análisis discursivo del relato empresarial sobre responsabilidad social corporativa. Coordenadas narrativas y prácticas discursivas.Guacimara Gil Sánchez - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 20:127-156.
    En este artículo se presentan los resultados del análisis discursivo realizado sobre las producciones verbales elaboradas por Directivos de Responsabilidad Social (DIRSE) para explicar qué son y cómo se organizan sus políticas socialmente responsables. Concretamente, se disecciona el modo en que la élite empresarial española construye las coordenadas narrativas de su relato sobre la responsabilidad social corporativa o empresarial, haciendo especial hincapié en el conjunto de significaciones y maniobras discursivas que las configuran. Para ello, se ha dividido el documento en (...)
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