Results for 'Raúl García-Barrios'

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  1.  30
    Bien común y sostenibilidad de base comunitaria para México. Aportaciones de la universidad pública y la Iglesia católica.Nancy Merary Jiménez Martínez & Raúl García-Barrios - 2022 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 43 (127).
    A partir de una reflexión crítica de la sostenibilidad, en que identificamos que su dicurso ha estado regido por los supuestos del bien común del neoliberalismo progresivo, proponemos alternativas de interpretación ética y epistemológica de este concepto; es decir, lo trasladamos hacia un campo de reflexión y acción regido por una noción alternativa de bien común. Para ello, hacemos uso de tres elementos: ampliar la experiencia cooperativa humana, descrita por Graeber (2011), la tradición del pensamiento neotomista de MacIntyre y el (...)
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    Medical Education, challenges and prospects.Clara R. García Barrios, Arturo T. Menéndez Cabezas & Mayda E. Durán Matos - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):392-400.
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    (1 other version)«Veritatem diligere». Misión de la Universidad: buscar, encontrar, comunicar la verdad.Álvaro Abellán-García Barrio, José Ángel Agejas Esteban & Salvador Antuñano Alea - 2018 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 74 (282):773-801.
    Aunque debería parecer evidente, la necesaria relación entre Universidad y verdad se ve con frecuencia obscurecida por las tendencias relativistas y por la primacía de lo práctico y lo útil propias de nuestra época. Sobre este trasfondo y para redescubrir y calibrar la importancia de la verdad como misión esencial de la Universidad, el artículo intenta describir en primer lugar la situación cultural presente en relación con la verdad; indaga, en un segundo momento, en un sentido de verdad que se (...)
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    LÓPEZ QUINTÁS, ALFONSO, La ética o es transfiguración o no es nada, BAC, Madrid, 2014, 871 pp. [REVIEW]Álvaro Abellán-García Barrio - 2015 - Anuario Filosófico:584-587.
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    To Ángela Betancourt Vasconcelos posthumous homage.Hilda Elena Iglesias Carnot & Clara R. García Barrios - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):372-373.
    Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de analizar los diferentes códigos éticos y deontológicos internacionales, regionales y nacionales de los que se nutre la especialidad de psiquiatría. Se concluye que el comportamiento ético se basa en el sentido de la responsabilidad individual de cada psiquiatra hacia cada paciente y en la capacidad de ambos para determinar cuál es la conducta correcta y más apropiada. Las normas externas y las directrices, tales como los códigos de conducta profesional, las aportaciones (...)
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    Gestión para integrar formas de alcanzar la realidad.Raúl García Palma - 2024 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Teórica y Práctica 3 (2):23-50.
    El perfil del ensayo donde este artículo se despliega, va a permitir que surjan conceptos dentro de la temática del desarrollo de la conciencia, no son conocidos, sucede de esta manera porque intentan aportar al debate de lo humano, el deseo de ser apropiados para su continuidad y establecerse como práctica. Se expone un esquema que permitirá explicar el modelo denominado: niveles de conciencia de lo humano, con la manera de llegar a la complementariedad entre el conocimiento y el saber. (...)
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    Textos y contextos de las culturas latinoamericanas.Raúl García Palma - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (3):307-324.
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    Habilidades de razonamiento clínico en estudiantes de la carrera de Medicina.Aquiles José Rodríguez López, Cecilia Valdés de la Rosa, Clara García Barrios & Ludmila Casas Rodríguez - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):433-456.
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    Metodología para perfeccionar la realización de la discusión diagnóstica en la carrera de Medicina.Aquiles José Rodríguez López, Cecilia Valdés de la Rosa, Clara García Barrios & Ludmila Casas Rodríguez - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):330-347.
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    Vidal i Quintero, Mireia (ed.), Genealogías del trauma. Cuerpos abusados, memorias reconciliadas. Colección Aletheia, Editorial Verbo Divino, Estella, 2022, 256 pp., ISBN: 978-84-9073-843-6. [REVIEW]Raúl García Pérez - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e85725.
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  11. Análisis descriptivo de la mortalidad del Hospital Comarcal de Algeciras.C. García Ortega & J. Almenara Barrios - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    A New Look at Old Texts – Rethinking the Relations Between Egyptian and Babylonian Mathematics.José Barrios García - 2007 - Metascience 16 (2):295-298.
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    How Do B-Learning and Learning Patterns Influence Learning Outcomes?María Consuelo Sáiz Manzanares, Raúl Marticorena Sánchez, César Ignacio García Osorio & José F. Díez-Pastor - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:257460.
    Learning Management System (LMS) platforms provide a wealth of information on the learning patterns of students. Learning Analytics (LA) techniques permit the analysis of the logs or records of the activities of both students and teachers on the on-line platform. The learning patterns differ depending on the type of Blended Learning (B-Learning). In this study, we analyse: (1) whether significant differences exist between the learning outcomes of students and their learning patterns on the platform, depending on the type of B-Learning (...)
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  14.  23
    La aportación de ‘Patria’ a la “gran conversación” sobre el terrorismo de ETA.Álvaro Abellán-García Barrio - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    Supported by the works of Mijail Bajtin, we approach the study of Patria respecting its identity as a literary work and, at the same time, integrating its unavoidable reference to the history of the Basque Country. The hypothesis is that Patria takes advantage of the resources of the literary genre to become a great dialogical novel, providing a valuable focus to the "great conversation" about ETA terrorism. To confirm this hypothesis, we analyze the macrostructure of the novel, as well as (...)
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    Personality Traits Induce Different Brain Patterns When Processing Social and Valence Information.Jorge Carlos Hevia-Orozco, Azalea Reyes-Aguilar, Raúl Hernández-Pérez, Leopoldo González-Santos, Erick H. Pasaye & Fernando A. Barrios - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper shows the brain correlates of Cloninger’s personality model during the presentation of social scenarios under positive or negative valence situations. Social scenarios were constructed when participants played the Dictator game with two confederates that had two opposites roles as the cooperator and non-cooperator. Later the same day during a fMRI scanning session, participants read negative and positive situations that happened to confederates in the past. Participants were asked to think “how do you think those people felt during that (...)
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    Winning with mētis: embodied virtues in sport practice, from Odysseus to Maradona.Raúl Sánchez-García, Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio & Jesús Ilundáin-Agurruza - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-19.
    The Greek word mētis (μῆτις) traditionally refers to a particular form of wily intelligence associated with the arts of deception (dolos) and the knowledge of tricks (kerdē), subterfuges, and traps. Mētis evokes innovative and ground-breaking solutions, based on the capability to understand, anticipate, and possibly violate the others’ expectations. Most importantly, mētis presupposes practical wisdom, or prudence (phrόnesis), a dispositional quality that underpins all the virtues that deserve to be cultivated by sportspersons and that is pivotal to perfect sportspersons’ moral (...)
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    RESEÑA de : Sánchez Meca, D. La Historia de la Filosofía como Hermenéutica. Madrid : UNED, 1996.Raul Aguilar García - 1997 - Endoxa 1 (8):244.
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  18. Hacia Una pedagogía Del concepto en la filosofía de platón.Lucila María García Vélez & Raúl López Upegui - 2008 - Escritos 16 (36):45-80.
    El lenguaje conceptual es la singularidad de la filosofía. En sus comienzos nos encontramos con la obra filosófica de Platón, la cual es aquí interrogada desde la experiencia del diálogo como una pedagogía del concepto, mostrando cómo la conversación platónica lleva implicada un camino hacia el concepto. Tomados algunos de sus Diálogos, mostramos cómo en ellos existe una orientación en torno a la manera como el pensador asume la tarea de una formación conceptual: de la doxa al saber, la llamada (...)
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    Joseph Maguire: Power and Global Sport. Zones of Prestige, Emulation and Resistance. Routledge, London, 2005.Raúl Sánchez García - 2007 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 7:195-198.
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  20. Textos y contextos de las culturas latinoamericanas/Texts and Contexts of Latin American Cultures.Raúl García - 2013 - Telos (Venezuela) 15 (3):307-324.
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    The Sequencing of Game Complexes in Women’s Volleyball.Raúl Hileno, Marta Arasanz & Antonio García-de-Alcaraz - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Choking RECtified: embodied expertise beyond Dreyfus.Daniel D. Hutto & Raúl Sánchez-García - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (2):309-331.
    On a Dreyfusian account performers choke when they reflect upon and interfere with established routines of purely embodied expertise. This basic explanation of choking remains popular even today and apparently enjoys empirical support. Its driving insight can be understood through the lens of diverse philosophical visions of the embodied basis of expertise. These range from accounts of embodied cognition that are ultra conservative with respect to representational theories of cognition to those that are more radically embodied. This paper provides an (...)
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    Basic Psychological Needs, Physical Self-Concept, and Physical Activity Among Adolescents: Autonomy in Focus.Raúl Fraguela-Vale, Lara Varela-Garrote, Miriam Carretero-García & Eva María Peralbo-Rubio - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:522076.
    The contribution of this research lies in its dual approach to the question of physical activity (PA) among adolescents, combining objective measurement of PA by teenagers and a comparison of psychological satisfaction through physical activities involving differing degrees of autonomy (i.e., organized or unstructured). Using the conceptual framework of Self-Determination Theory, the analysis also examines the relationship between levels of PA among adolescents and physical self-concept and satisfaction of basic psychological needs during exercise. The study surveyed 129 first-year higher secondary (...)
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    Distributed Attention: A Cognitive Ethnography of Instruction in Sport Settings.Dafne Muntanyola-Saura & Raúl Sánchez-García - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (4):433-454.
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    Fighting as real as it gets. A Micro-Sociological EncounterFighting as real as it gets. A Micro-Sociological Encounter. [REVIEW]Raúl Sánchez-García - 2020 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 17 (3):327-331.
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  26. Attention alters appearances and solves the 'many-many problem'.Miguel Angel Sebastian & Raúl Sánchez-García - 2015 - European Journal of Human Movement 34:156-179.
    This article states that research in skill acquisitionand executionhas underestimated the relevance of some features of attention. We present and theoretically discuss two essential features of attention that have been systematically overlooked in the research of skill acquisitionandexecution. First, attention alters the appearance of the perceived stimuli in an essential way; and second, attention plays a fundamental role in action, being crucial for solving the so called ’many-many problem’, that is to say, the problem of generating a coherent behavior byselecting (...)
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    Combined Nonlinear Analysis of Atrial and Ventricular Series for Automated Screening of Atrial Fibrillation.Juan Ródenas, Manuel García, Raúl Alcaraz & José J. Rieta - 2017 - Complexity:1-13.
    Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice. It often starts with asymptomatic and short episodes, which are difficult to detect without the assistance of automatic monitoring tools. The vast majority of methods proposed for this purpose are based on quantifying the irregular ventricular response during the arrhythmia. However, although AF totally alters the atrial activity reflected on the electrocardiogram, replacing stable P-waves by chaotic and time-variant fibrillatory waves, this information has still not been explored for automated (...)
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    Día a día. Efemérides comentadas para los centros educacionales.Raúl Brito Melgarejo, Jorge Luis Cabrera Cruz, Gabriel García Vega, Cándido Aguilar Díaz & Jorge Álvarez Vázquez - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (3):0-0.
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  29. Hacia una pedagogía del concepto en la filosofía de Platón.Lucía García Vélez & Raúl López Upegui - 2008 - Escritos 16 (36):45-80.
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    Does the Use of Learning Management Systems With Hypermedia Mean Improved Student Learning Outcomes?María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, Raúl Marticorena-Sánchez, José Francisco Díez-Pastor & César Ignacio García-Osorio - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The sociology of sport in Spain: Development, current situation, and future challenges.Joaquín Piedra, David Moscoso-Sánchez & Raúl Sánchez-García - 2020 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 17 (1):69-95.
    SummaryThis article presents the development and current situation of the sociology of sport in Spain. It begins with a brief description of its origins and development as an academic field, which can be divided into three stages: birth, growth, and consolidation and internationalization. It then describes the theoretical and methodological traditions as well as the predominant topics (including the most representative research) in the social scientific studies on physical activity conducted so far in Spain. The main topics have been sports (...)
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    Relaciones de complementación en toba del este de Formosa (Argentina): hacia un enfoque funcional de la subordinación.Raúl Eduardo González - 2020 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 30 (2):236-249.
    En este trabajo analizamos las relaciones de complementación en la lengua toba hablada en el este de la provincia de Formosa en estrecha correlación con construcciones seriales simétricas. Se trata de dos tipos de cláusulas complejas cercanas –argumentos compartidos, los dos o más verbos son finitos, no existe marca evidente de subordinación en términos sintácticos– por lo cual los límites entre ambas no resultan evidentes. Por este motivo, proponemos un abordaje de tipo funcional de la subordinación. En línea con la (...)
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    Raúl Fornet-Betancourt: La fecundidad de la filosofía latinoamericana.Aránzazu Oviedo García - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (34):125-136.
    The following dialogue is a product of the accessibility and attention of the master Raul Fornet-Betancourt (virtues that are rarely found at this level and height of thought which the philosophy of Fornet-Betancourt enjoys internationally) for students who like my self, are initiating the ac..
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    Juan David GARCÍA BACCA, Infinito, transfinito, finito.Raúl Gabás Pallás - 1984 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 10:193.
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    García, David. "Persuasión, catarsis y lo sublime: procedimientos retóricos del texto literario." Nova Tellus 31.2 : 25-41. [REVIEW]Raúl Alexander Murcia Baron - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):419-422.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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    FERRER ARELLANO, JOAQUÍN; BARRIO MAESTRE, JOSÉ MARÍA, ¿Evolución o creación? Respuesta a un falso dilema. (Metafísica de la Creación y ciencias de la evolución), Eunate, Pamplona, 2001, 298 págs. [REVIEW]José Ángel García Cuadrado - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico:506-508.
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    Raúl Gutiérrez, (ed.): Los símiles de la República VI – VII de Platón, Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2003, 200 pp. [REVIEW]Gabriel García - 2003 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 15 (1):177-185.
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    Dispositivo securitario en un espacio barrial. La práctica policial de los controles de identidad.Sergio García García - 2012 - Arbor 188 (755):573-590.
    El presente artículo aborda el funcionamiento del dispositivo securitario y su aplicación diferencial sobre la población tomando como caso paradigmático los controles de identidad que efectúa la policía en los espacios comunes de un barrio de Madrid. El dispositivo securitario, entendido como el conjunto de imaginarios, arquitecturas, discursos y prácticas que sitúan en un lugar protagónico la llamada “seguridad ciudadana”, está atravesado por dos lógicas: la de la gestión neoliberal y la de la cultura profesional de los agentes de seguridad. (...)
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    Juan Rivano, Diarios del exilio y del retorno. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, 2020, 524 pp. [REVIEW]Marcos García de la Huerta - 2023 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 80:301-303.
    Al recorrer estas páginas, apenas logro reconocer al joven profesor de Lógica y ayudante de Felix Schwartzmann en la cátedra de Filosofía de las ciencias, que conocí como estudiante en el antiguo Instituto Pedagógico; y no solo porque en este Diario “se trata de algo menos filosófico o, como se dice también, más terrenal”, sino porque aquí aparece un Juan Rivano con el mismo acerado rigor intelectual de entonces, pero más intuitivo, más de carne y hueso, y con un humor (...)
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  40. A Hierarchy of Classical and Paraconsistent Logics.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (1):93-120.
    In this article, we will present a number of technical results concerning Classical Logic, ST and related systems. Our main contribution consists in offering a novel identity criterion for logics in general and, therefore, for Classical Logic. In particular, we will firstly generalize the ST phenomenon, thereby obtaining a recursively defined hierarchy of strict-tolerant systems. Secondly, we will prove that the logics in this hierarchy are progressively more classical, although not entirely classical. We will claim that a logic is to (...)
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    Conversión de san Agustín «Via et sapientia Dei».Tarsicio Jáñez Barrio - 1987 - Augustinus 32 (125-128):231-259.
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    Historical-cultural notes on library extensions in health libraries.Yalily Laborda Barrios & Yosimary Romero Morales - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (2):405-416.
    RESUMEN El Servicio de Extensión Bibliotecaria es el medio adecuado que tiene la biblioteca para expandirse hacia la comunidad, de esa forma permite que aquellos usuarios que no la visitan hagan uso de sus servicios y documentos. Sin embargo, pocos conocen su historia y evolución a través del tiempo. Se muestra una revisión bibliográfica y el estado actual de este servicio. Los elementos incluidos en esta recolección abarcan publicaciones periódicas, sitios web, revistas electrónicas, publicados entre el siglo XVIII y el (...)
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  43. A recovery operator for nontransitive approaches.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (1):80-104.
    In some recent articles, Cobreros, Egré, Ripley, & van Rooij have defended the idea that abandoning transitivity may lead to a solution to the trouble caused by semantic paradoxes. For that purpose, they develop the Strict-Tolerant approach, which leads them to entertain a nontransitive theory of truth, where the structural rule of Cut is not generally valid. However, that Cut fails in general in the target theory of truth does not mean that there are not certain safe instances of Cut (...)
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  44. Knowledge of Grammar and Concept Possession.Edison Barrios - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (3):577-606.
    This article deals with the cognitive relationship between a speaker and her internal grammar. In particular, it takes issue with the view that such a relationship is one of belief or knowledge (I call this view the ‘Propositional Attitude View’, or PAV). I first argue that PAV entails that all ordinary speakers (tacitly) possess technical concepts belonging to syntactic theory, and second, that most ordinary speakers do not in fact possess such concepts. Thus, it is concluded that speakers do not (...)
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  45. (Meta)inferential levels of entailment beyond the Tarskian paradigm.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5265-5289.
    In this paper we discuss the extent to which the very existence of substructural logics puts the Tarskian conception of logical systems in jeopardy. In order to do this, we highlight the importance of the presence of different levels of entailment in a given logic, looking not only at inferences between collections of formulae but also at inferences between collections of inferences—and more. We discuss appropriate refinements or modifications of the usual Tarskian identity criterion for logical systems, and propose an (...)
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  46. Theories of Truth without Standard Models and Yablo’s Sequences.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio - 2010 - Studia Logica 96 (3):375-391.
    The aim of this paper is to show that it’s not a good idea to have a theory of truth that is consistent but ω-inconsistent. In order to bring out this point, it is useful to consider a particular case: Yablo’s Paradox. In theories of truth without standard models, the introduction of the truth-predicate to a first order theory does not maintain the standard ontology. Firstly, I exhibit some conceptual problems that follow from so introducing it. Secondly, I show that (...)
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  47. Meta-Classical Non-Classical Logics.Eduardo Barrio, Camillo Fiore & Federico Pailos - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4):1146-1171.
    Recently, it has been proposed to understand a logic as containing not only a validity canon for inferences but also a validity canon for metainferences of any finite level. Then, it has been shown that it is possible to construct infinite hierarchies of ‘increasingly classical’ logics—that is, logics that are classical at the level of inferences and of increasingly higher metainferences—all of which admit a transparent truth predicate. In this paper, we extend this line of investigation by taking a somehow (...)
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  48. Substructural logics, pluralism and collapse.Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, Federico Pailos & Damian Szmuc - 2018 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 20):4991-5007.
    When discussing Logical Pluralism several critics argue that such an open-minded position is untenable. The key to this conclusion is that, given a number of widely accepted assumptions, the pluralist view collapses into Logical Monism. In this paper we show that the arguments usually employed to arrive at this conclusion do not work. The main reason for this is the existence of certain substructural logics which have the same set of valid inferences as Classical Logic—although they are, in a clear (...)
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  49. Paraconsistency and its Philosophical Interpretations.Eduardo Barrio & Bruno Da Re - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (2):151-170.
    Many authors have considered that the notions of paraconsistency and dialetheism are intrinsically connected, in many cases, to the extent of confusing both phenomena. However, paraconsistency is a formal feature of some logics that consists in invalidating the rule of explosion, whereas dialetheism is a semantical/ontological position consisting in accepting true contradictions. In this paper, we argue against this connection and show that it is perfectly possible to adopt a paraconsistent logic and reject dialetheism, and, moreover, that there are examples (...)
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  50. La antropología de Novoa Santos.Jacinto Candelas Barrios - 1971 - Barcelona,: Pulso Editorial.
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