Results for 'Rachel Grace Son'

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  1.  36
    Frequency of use of the religious exemption in New Jersey cases of determination of brain death.Rachel Grace Son & Susan M. Setta - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-6.
    The 1981 Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) established the validity of both cardio-respiratory and neurological criteria of death. However, many religious traditions including most forms of Haredi Judaism (ultra-orthodox) and many varieties of Buddhism strongly disagree with death by neurological criteria (DNC). Only one state in the U.S., New Jersey, allows for both religious exemptions to DNC and provides continuation of health insurance coverage when an exception is invoked in its 1991 Declaration of Death Act (NJDDA). There is yet (...)
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    Le visage épistolaire de Paul : en quête des visages dans la Lettre aux Romains.Rachel de Villeneuve - 2024 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 80 (2):247-268.
    Rachel de Villeneuve La lettre fut le moyen pour Paul de garder le contact avec les premières communautés judéo-chrétiennes, ou parfois d’en créer un, comme pour la communauté de Rome. De nombreuses études ont bien montré la force présentielle qu’ont exercée les missives pauliniennes. Cet article veut pousser plus loin l’idée de la lettre-présence en posant l’hypothèse que c’est aussi un visage, une figure de l’apôtre, qui se dessine grâce à la lecture de chaque lettre. Paul parvient à imposer (...)
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    Social Facilitation in Fear Appeals Creates Positive Affect but Inhibits Healthy Eating Intentions.Rachel L. Bailey, Tianjiao Grace Wang, Jiawei Liu, Russell B. Clayton, Kyeongwon Kwon, Vaibhav Diwanji & Farzaneh Karimkhanashtiyani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The social facilitation of eating plays a significant role in influencing individuals’ eating decisions. However, how social eating cues are processed in health promotion messages is unclear. This study examined individuals’ food craving in response to social cues in images and emotional experiences, perceived threat, perceived efficacy, behavioral intentions, and motivational coactivation elicited by social eating cues in obesity prevention fear appeals. Results suggested that the presence of a group of people eating in an image facilitated food craving for the (...)
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    (1 other version)The effect of dysphoria on the relationship between autobiographical memories and the self.Lydia Grace, Stephen A. Dewhurst & Rachel J. Anderson - forthcoming - Tandf: Cognition and Emotion:1-13.
  5.  18
    Attitudes and Perceptions of Mississippi Loggers and Environmentalists Toward the Forest Industry.Louis M. Capella, Laura A. Grace, Stephen C. Grado & Rachel B. Habig - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (3):260-270.
    Uncertainty about the acceptability of the forest industry and its practices to the citizens of Mississippi provided the impetus for a study of the attitudes and perceptions of eight constituency groups toward the forest industry in the state. This study examines attitudes and perceptions of two of those groups, loggers and two environmentalists/conservationists, and finds similarities and differences. Survey data analysis finds that all groups hold similar perceptions of themes defining the forest industry and forest industry occupations but differ concerning (...)
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  6. Grace Under Pressure: Resilience, Burnout, and Wellbeing in Frontline Workers in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.Rachel C. Sumner & Elaine L. Kinsella - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The coronavirus pandemic has necessitated extraordinary human resilience in order to preserve and prolong life and social order. Risks to health and even life are being confronted by workers in health and social care, as well as those in roles previously never defined as “frontline,” such as individuals working in community supply chain sectors. The strategy adopted by the United Kingdom government in facing the challenges of the pandemic was markedly different from other countries. The present study set out to (...)
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    Grace and Self-Righteousness in Kant’s Moral Philosophy.Rachel Zuckert - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1667-1676.
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    The development of a postgraduate research community: a response to the needs of postgraduate researchers at Birmingham City University.Ian McDonald, Mohammad Mayouf, Sophie Grace Rowe, Rachel-Ann Charles, Fahad Sultan, Karen Patel, Kirsten Forkert & Kene Kelikume Ochonogor - 2015 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 19 (3):96-101.
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    Testing the implicit processing hypothesis of precognitive dream experience.Milan Valášek, Caroline Watt, Jenny Hutton, Rebecca Neill, Rachel Nuttall & Grace Renwick - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 28:113-125.
  10.  8
    ‘Almost Imperceptible Intrusions of Grace’: On Flannery O’Connor’s Fiction and Readerly Entanglement.Rachel Toombs - 2021 - Heythrop Journal 62 (5):900-915.
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    Ways of seeing: Materiality and grace in Wim Wenders's Road Movie Philosophy by René Arcilla.Rachel Wahl - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (4-5):710-713.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Bonaventure, the Body, and the Aesthetics of Salvation.Rachel Davies - 2019 - New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this work of historical theology, Rachel Davies considers the relationship between aesthetics and anthropology in Bonaventure's thought, and shows how bodily diminishment can become a sign and source of the self's renewal. Drawing from texts like the Collations on the Six Days, and the Major Life of Francis, Davies reconfigures traditional accounts of the fallen body's rebellion against the soul and emphasizes instead the soul's original abandonment of the body. Her interpretation draws attention to the crucial but undervalued (...)
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    Book Reviews : Jantzen, Grace, Power Gender and Christian Mysticism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), pp. 403. £13.95. ISBN 0521 47926 6. [REVIEW]Rachel Taylor - 1998 - Feminist Theology 6 (17):121-123.
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    La vérité que nous sommes: correspondance avec Léon Chestov et Benjamin Fondane.Rachel Bespaloff - 2021 - Paris: Non-lieu. Edited by Olivier Salazar-Ferrer, Lev Shestov & Benjamin Fondane.
    Pour la philosophe d'exception qu'était Rachel Bespaloff, la pensée de Léon Chestov fut une pensée d'éveil, le commencement d'une vocation et la source d'une oeuvre profondément originale. Si, contrairement à Benjamin Fondane, elle entra en désaccord avec le penseur russe, elle lui conserva néanmoins une forme de fidélité créatrice.00Cette correspondance inédite de Rachel Bespaloff avec Fondane (1898-1944) et Chestov (1866-1938) couvre une période qui s'étend de 1929 à 1939. Elle éclaire leurs œuvres respectives et apporte des éléments décisifs (...)
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  15.  52
    Problems From Philosophy.James Rachels - 2011 - Mcgraw-Hill Higher Education. Edited by Stuart Rachels.
    Problems from Philosophy is an introduction to philosophy which is organized around the great philosophical problems—the existence of God, the nature of the mind, human freedom, the limits of knowledge, and the truth about ethics. It begins by reflecting on the life of the first great philosopher, Socrates. Then it takes up the fundamental question of whether God exists. Next comes a discussion of death and the soul, which leads to a chapter about persons. The later chapters of the book (...)
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  16. Book Review: Elaine L. Graham (ed.), Grace Jantzen (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2009). x + 269 pp. £17.99 (pb), ISBN 978-0-754-66824-4. [REVIEW]Rachel Muers - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (1):99-101.
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    Breached horizons: the philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion.Rachel Bath, Antonio Calcagno, Kathryn Lawson & Steve G. Lofts (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Part I. Reflections on the past : a mor et memoria / Ugo Perone -- Givenness, grace, and Marion's Augustinianism / Felix O Murchadha -- Way of being given / Pierre-Jean Renaudie -- On the threshold of distance / Ryan Coyne -- Part II. Present openings : reading textual dramatics / Stephen E. Lewis -- The moving icon / Jodie McNeilly -- Love without bodies / Cassandra Falke -- As an Orpheus of phenomenality -- Part III. Breaching future horizons (...)
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  18.  30
    “Bringing Flowers Home” and Other Poems.Rachel Hadas - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):224-232.
    Bringing Flowers HomeWe try to put a bandage on the wound,offering a vague apology:Forgive me, distant wars, for bringing flowers home.Towers turn out to have been built on sand.Regimes collapse. No use in asking whywe ripped the bandage off that bleeding wound.An earthquake followed by a hurricane,fires, floods: they've passed some of us by.Us. And who is we? And what is home?Last week an enormous yellow moonhung low in a corner of the sky.Beauty is no bandage for the wound,hole in (...)
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    Competent steps in determination of cell fate.Rachel Brewster & Nadia Dahmane - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (6):455-458.
    Competence is an active state that defines the way in which cells respond to an inductive signal. A challenge of developmental biology is to explain not just the nature of the signalling molecules that promote cell specification or differentiation, but also how cells acquire competence to respond to these signals and what that reflects in molecular terms. A recent paper by Carmena et al.(1) has revealed how several signalling mechanisms are used sequentially and in specific combinations to specify two mesodermal (...)
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  20. La bella y buena muerte: la Grecia épica y Sócrates.Rachel Gazolla - 2005 - Philosophica 28:149-159.
    Este artículo pretende exponer algo del tema de la bella y buena muerte en la épica griega arcaica y apuntar los profundos cambios ocurridos con Sócrates, según textos de Platón y Xenofonte, cambios que son fundamentales todavía para nuestras categorías éticas actuales. Se trata del tránsito desde una concepción épico-aristocrática de la bella muerte a ser entendida ésta como corolario de una vida iluminada por la reflexión.
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  21.  16
    The Trojan Women: A Comic.Rachel Hadas - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):121-122.
    What is right with this “comic” of Euripides's timeless and irreplaceable drama, The Trojan Women, is what was always right about a play that is relentlessly relevant. Carson's translation, spare and clear, distills the language of the original but keeps what is important, including some mouth-puckeringly wry lines. There is barbed wit and heartbreaking lullaby, sometimes coinciding on one page. Thus, the chorus comments, “Troy, you made a bad deal: / ten thousand men for a single coracle of cunt appeal.” (...)
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  22.  18
    La « déesse au serpent » de Délos et l’aménagement des Propylées déliens à l’époque classique.Rachel Nouet - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:247-265.
    Cet article reprend le dossier de la statue dite de la « déesse au serpent », découverte avec sa base non loin des Propylées du sanctuaire d’Apollon à Délos. Son propos est de remettre en cause, à travers l’examen de la base et de la technique de fixation, toutes deux exceptionnelles, l’hypothèse selon laquelle il s’agirait d’une copie ou d’une adaptation de l’Athéna Hygieia en bronze, réalisée par Pyrrhos et érigée devant les Propylées de l’Acropole d’Athènes dans les années 430 (...)
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  23.  47
    Why Darwinians should support equal treatment for other great apes.James Rachels - 1993 - In Paolo Cavalieri Peter Singer, The Great Ape Project. Fourth Estate. pp. 152--157.
    A few years ago I set out to canvass the literature on Charles Darwin. I thought it would be a manageable task, but I soon realized what a naïve idea this was. I do not know how many books have been written about him, but there seem to be thousands, and each year more appear.1 Why are there so many? Part of the answer is, of course, that he was a tremendously important figure in the history of human thought. But (...)
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  24.  53
    (2 other versions)Vera Lucia Soares, a escritura dos silêncios. Assia djebar E o discurso do colonizado no feminino, universidade federal fluminense ­eduff, niterói, Rio de janeiro, 1988.Rachel Soihet - 1999 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 1:29-29.
    L'examen du parcours personnel et littéraire d'Assia Djebar, femme, écrivain et algérienne, est l'axe de l'approche de Vera Lucia Soares. Pour analyser les différentes composantes de son objet d'étude Soares a recours à quelques-uns des théoriciens les plus renommés ­ Roger Chartier, Paul Ricoeur, Todorov, entre autres ­ et les utilise de façon magistrale pour disséquer l'oeuvre d'Assia Djebar, sous les angles les plus divers. Il faut aussi signaler la bibliographie spécialisée sur laq..
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    Wishing I Were Here: Postcards from My Religious Journey.Grace G. Burford - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):39-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 39-41 [Access article in PDF] Wishing I Were Here:Postcards from My Religious Journey Grace G. Burford Prescott College Summer 1966, Bowling Green, Kentucky An energetic ten-year-old, sitting on a red-cushioned wooden pew in a Presbyterian church leans over to her mother to whisper, "Which is it? Are we supposed to be like little children, or leave behind our childish ways?" After church, her mother (...)
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    (2 other versions)‘Where Two are to Become One’: Mysticism and Monism.Grace Jantzen - 1989 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 25:147-166.
    (1) If you would know God, you must not merely be like the Son, you must be the Son yourself.With these words Meister Eckhart encapsulates the aim of Christian mysticism as he understood it: to know God, and to know God in such a way that the knower is not merely like Christ but actually becomes Christ, taken into the Trinity itself. Eckhart speaks frequently of this in his sermons.
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    Sophocles, Antigone 1226–30.Grace Ledbetter - 1991 - Classical Quarterly 41 (01):26-.
    ‘Unhappy boy, what a deed you have done! What came into your mind? What disaster destroyed your reason?’ This version of 1228–9, by Andrew Brown in his recent commentary, represents the majority opinion. But what ‘deed’ has Haemon done that justifies such an outburst? Jebb, followed by Kamerbeek and Brown, claims that the deed which causes Creon to wail aloud with charges of insanity is Haemon's entry into Antigone's tomb. Kamerbeek and Brown justify the extremity of Creon's reaction by claiming (...)
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    Hektor in Boeotia.Grace H. Macurdy - 1926 - Classical Quarterly 20 (3-4):179-.
    ‘The Thebans have also a grave of Hektor, son of Priam, beside a spring which is called the Spring of Oedipus, and they say that they brought his bones from Ilium in consequence of the following oracle: “Thebans who dwell in the city of Cadmus, If you wish your clan to dwell with noble wealth, Bring to your homes the bones of Hektor, son of Priam, From Asia and by the command of Zeus worship him as a hero.”’.
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    Somatic hypermutation of antibody genes: a hot spot warms up.Nicholas P. Harberd, Kathryn E. King, Pierre Carol, Rachel J. Cowling, Jinrong Peng & Donald E. Richards - 1998 - Bioessays 20 (3):227-234.
    In the course of an immune response, antibodies undergo affinity maturation in order to increase their efficiency in neutralizing foreign invaders. Affinity maturation occurs by the introduction of multiple point mutations in the variable region gene that encodes the antigen binding site. This somatic hypermutation is restricted to immunoglobulin genes and occurs at very high rates. The precise molecular basis of this process remains obscure. However, recent studies using a variety of in vivo and in vitro systems have revealed important (...)
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  30. Investigative Poetics: In (night)-Light of Akilah Oliver.Feliz Molina - 2011 - Continent 1 (2):70-75.
    continent. 1.2 (2011): 70-75. cartography of ghosts . . . And as a way to talk . . . of temporality the topography of imagination, this body whose dirty entry into the articulation of history as rapturous becoming & unbecoming, greeted with violence, i take permission to extend this grace —Akilah Oliver from “An Arriving Guard of Angels Thusly Coming To Greet” Our disappearance is already here. —Jacques Derrida, 117 I wrestled with death as a threshold, an aporia, a (...)
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    Pour défendre le transracialisme.Rebecca Tuvel - 2017 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 12 (2-3):100-119.
    REBECCA TUVEL,VINCENT DUHAMEL | : La tentative de l’ancienne cheffe d’une section de la NAACP 1 Rachel Dolezal de passer de la race blanche à la race noire a occasionné une intense controverse. Son histoire est devenue célèbre au même moment où Caitlyn Jenner2 faisait la couverture de Vanity Fair, signe d’une acceptation grandissante de l’identité trans. Pourtant, les critiques adressées à Dolezal pour avoir caché sa race natale indiquent qu’il existe une perception sociale largement répandue selon laquelle il (...)
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    Exégèse biblique, théologie et philosophie chez Thomas d'Aquin et Martin Luther commentateurs de Rm 7,14-25.Gilles Berceville & Eun-Sil Son - 2003 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 3 (3):373-395.
    Même s’ils ne sont pas volumineux, les commentaires de l’Ecriture tiennent une place essentielle dans la pratique théologique de S. Thomas. Après avoir rappelé ses clés de lecture et d’interprétation du texte biblique selon les coutumes et traditions de son temps, G. Berceville en vient, à propos du texte crucial de Rm 7,14-25 au « je » du discours de Paul tel que le perçoit S. Thomas. Tout en tenant compte de ce qu’en avaient dit les « Autorités », S. (...)
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    Rachel Wallace Garden. Modern logic and quantum mechanics. Adam Hilger, Bristol1984, also distributed by Heyden & Son, Philadelphia, xi + 177 pp. [REVIEW]Alasdair Urquhart - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (2):648-649.
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    By Grace of Descent: A Conflict between an Īšān and Craftsmen over Donations.Jeanine Elif Dagyeli - 2012 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 88 (2):279-307.
    Groups based on the notion of a shared sacralized descent enjoyed considerable influence in religious, social or political affairs in Central Asia by grace of their actual or imagined ancestry. They were credited by titles like īšān, sayyid, hwāğa and tūra. The flexibility of multiple genealogy accounts provided ample space for negotiations of conceptions concerning identity, descent, and sacredness as well as for their affirmation or disapproval. The 19th century saw an increase in newly emerging, self-styled religious dignitaries, but (...)
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  35. La persévérance de Dieu dans son dessein universel de grâce.Jean-Miguel Garrigues - 2002 - Nova et Vetera 77 (4):35-59.
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  36. Grace and friendship. Postmodern political theology and god as conversational.Frederick G. Lawrence - 2004 - Gregorianum 85 (4):795-820.
    Dès ses premiers écrits, Lonergan a été attentif à la dimension d'amitié qui caractérise les ordres trinitaire et créé. L'homme est par essence ouvert au delà de lui-même; ne pouvant pas coïncider à soi, il est appelé à quelque conversion. La pensée moderne, qui par contre l'a prétendu capable de présence à soi; soutint l'individualisme òu le rapport à l'autre devenait instrumental. La réaction post-moderne, qui accentue l'idée d"autre', réveille la conscience à ses traits plus humains, en favorisant en même (...)
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    La pensée s'exprime « grace » à l'être.Nestor-Luis Cordero - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 129 (1):5.
    À la ligne 35 du fr. 8 de son Poème, Parménide aurait dit, selon le texte transmis par Simplicius : « Sans l'être dans lequel il se trouve exprimé, tu ne trouveras pas le penser. » La difficulte qui consisterait à placer le penser dans l'être disparaît si l'on adopte le texte transmis par Proclus : « Sans l'être, grâce auquel il est exprimé, tu ne trouveras pas le penser. ».
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  38. Givenness, grace, and Marion's Augustinianism.Felix O. Murchadha - 2017 - In Antonio Calcagno, Steve G. Lofts, Rachel Bath & Kathryn Lawson, _Breached Horizons: The Philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion_, eds. Rachel Bath, Kathryn Lawson, Steven G. Lofts, Antonio Calcagno. New York; London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
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    Thomas Bradwardine’s Questions on Grace and Merit from His Lectura on the Sentences at Oxford, 1332-1333.Severin Kitanov & Chris Schabel - 2023 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 89 (1):163-236.
    Cet article propose une édition critique des questions 7-9 de la Lectura sur les Sentences (Oxford, 1332-1333) de Thomas Bradwardine, où sont abordés la grâce et le mérite avant la publication de son monumental De causa Dei en 1344. La plus longue des trois, la question 7, a également été attribuée à Richard FitzRalph. Après avoir examiné les arguments en faveur de l’attribution à Bradwardine, l’article démontre comment le futur archevêque de Cantorbéry commençait seulement à réagir aux tendances pélagiennes dont (...)
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    Apologétique 1650-1802: la nature et la grace.Nicolas Brucker (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Tracer le panorama de l'apologétique à l'âge classique n'est pas chose facile, tant sont multiples les perspectives philosophiques et diverses les formes littéraires. La tentation est alors grande d'aligner les monographies. Le colloque de Metz (16-18 octobre 2008), dont sont issues les contributions du présent ouvrage, a choisi d'appréhender cette diversité foisonnante et mouvante en la soumettant à une unique approche, la question du croire. Tenant de l'imaginaire et du rationnel, la foi manifeste l'ambition de réaliser la synthèse du sentiment (...)
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    Virgin father and prodigal son.Stephen Brockmann - 2003 - Philosophy and Literature 27 (2):341-362.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 27.2 (2003) 341-362 [Access article in PDF] Virgin Father and Prodigal Son Stephen Brockmann I IN BOTH THE UNITED STATES and Germany—as well as in much of the rest of the Western world—the baby-boom generation now holds a controlling position in politics, economics, and culture. The election of Bill Clinton (born in 1946) to the Presidency signaled the generational shift in the United States as early (...)
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    (1 other version)Simone Weil, sa vie, son enseignement.Julien Molard - 2004 - Sury-en-Vaux: A à Z patrimoine.
    Simone Weil, philosophe reconnue, engagée, mystique, ne laisse personne indifférent. Son année d'enseignement à Bourges est une année charnière, un moment de répit dans une courte vie mouvementée. Elle y réfléchit et y médite. Professeur de philosophie, elle a laissé une forte impression sur ses jeunes élèves du lycée de jeunes filles de Bourges. Ce sont ses cours, retrouvés grâce à deux anciennes élèves, que vous lirez dans cet ouvrage.
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    Patience and Power: Grace for the First World by Jean-Marc Laporte, S.J. [REVIEW]John P. Galvin - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):365-368.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 365 an unattainable historical goal seems to offer not hope but only frustration for those who pursue it. Hodgson's suggestion that humans find momentary satisfaction in the partial attainment of the goal (128) can only be reminiscent of the consolation a Sisyphus might find in the partial achievement of his ultimately hopeless task. In effect, Hodgson's eschatology is hardly a human affair at all. Human action in (...)
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    Coming Home: The Spiritual Journey of the Prodigal Son.Maria Leodevina C. Batugal - 2021 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 1 (4):31-33.
    In this article, I reviewed the passage of the Prodigal Son in the context of the Lukan perspective and the reader then, is referred to Luke 15: 11-31. This parable gives us an image of a loving and forgiving God whose mercy endures forever. This is the greatest love story which presents the depths of God’s love. Several biblical scholars disclose that this parable guides us to new hope by allowing God to love, forgive us and accept his saving love.
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    Les enjeux esthétiques de la Réfutation du système du Père Malebranche sur la nature et la grâce de Fénelon.Patricia Touboul - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):113-129.
    À la demande de Bossuet, qui voyait à travers l’idée d’ordre qui guide l’acte créateur de Dieu dans la métaphysique de Malebranche l’expression d’une forme de fatalisme, Fénelon entreprend de dénoncer à la lumière de la vérité de l’Écriture les erreurs de ce système. Théologique et apologétique dans son intention première, la critique semble toutefois recourir à des arguments esthétiques pour défendre l’idée d’une absolue liberté de Dieu. Tout en montrant que Dieu n’est pas un artisan, soumis à une nécessité (...)
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    La faute et son ralenti. Le cadrage temporel et visuel de l’action normée.Laurent Camus - 2017 - Temporalités 25.
    Cet article s’interroge sur le lien réflexif entre la temporalité d’une rencontre sportive et celle de sa diffusion à la télévision en direct. À partir d’une enquête vidéo-ethnographique menée en régie auprès de techniciens de l’audiovisuel qui réalisent des matches de football, cet article propose d’étudier les pratiques professionnelles par lesquelles sont traitées les pauses d’une rencontre sportive. Nous montrons comment ces pauses, pour la plupart initiées par un coup de sifflet de l’arbitre, posent un problème pratique pour la télévision. (...)
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    Circumcision and Regrets from the Mother of Three Sons.María Viola Sánchez - 2023 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 13 (2):1-2.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Circumcision and Regrets from the Mother of Three SonsMaría Viola SánchezI am a psychologist and a radio talk show host for 25+ years. Both of my parents spoke English as their second language. I was raised by immigrants who demanded that "we speak English because we are Americans." I have four adult children, three sons, and a daughter.I gave birth to my children in the mid-80s. They are very (...)
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    Le Dieu omnivoyant et l'objet de son voir chez Nicolas de Cues.Pedro Calixto & William D. Sversuti - 2022 - Revista Ética E Filosofia Política 2 (24):348-374.
    Cet article a comme objetif analyser les liens possibles entre deux thèmes de grande relevance de la philosophie de Nicolas de Cues : la théophanie comme manifestation de Dieu et la filiatione dei ou visio Dei, comme modes de clairvoyance de l'infini divin. Cette « voie divine » de la connaissance est la fin d'un voyage où la créature « court » vers le fondement radical qui se révèle em tant que présence infinie dans le fini grâce une « vision (...)
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    La phénoménologie de la phénoménologie de E. Fink et son problème directeur.Stéphane Finetti - 2014 - Grenoble: Millon.
    Qu'est-ce que la phénoménologie de la phénoménologie de E Fink, dont la Sixième méditation cartésienne constitue l'exposition principale? Au lieu d'aborder la Sixième méditation à partir de sa genèse textuelle ou à partir de la collaboration avec E Husserl dont elle est issue, l'auteur la prend à partir de son problème directeur. Ce dernier est mis au jour à travers une confrontation approfondie avec la phénoménologie husserlienne du temps, ce qui est devenu récemment possible, d'une part, grâce à la publication (...)
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    Divine Goodness, Predestination, and the Hypostatic Union: St. Thomas on the Temporal Realization of the Father's Eternal Plan in the Incarnate Son.Roger W. Nutt - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1079):84-96.
    This article considers Aquinas' doctrine of predestination as an eternal reality in God in light of its temporal realization in time by the incarnation of the eternal Son. In particular, Aquinas' repeated recourse to the ratio of the divine goodness as the motive of predestination is documented in conjunction with his teaching on the fittingness of the incarnation. In this light, the relation of the natural sonship of Christ to the grace of adoption is developed by Aquinas as the (...)
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