Results for 'Rachid Oulahal'

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  1.  16
    Early Interculturation, Late Interculturation – Does It Make a Difference in Our Memories?Rachid Oulahal & Patrick Denoux - 2020 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 20 (1-2):116-126.
    Our research is in the perspective of intercultural psychology and addresses the question of memories an intercultural situation leaves for individuals who experience it during their life. More precisely, it is through the autobiographical memory that our research analyzes the articulation between identity and memory processes in relation to a life experience in an intercultural situation, whether it is a life in a multicultural environment, a migration towards a new cultural environment, a plurality of cultural affiliations or many other configurations (...)
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    Hod up to A D R + Θ is measurable.Rachid Atmai & Grigor Sargsyan - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (1):95-108.
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    On the Outskirts of Mystery. Concomitances between the Poetry of César Vallejo and the Tao Te Ching.Rachid Lamarti - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 57:290-300.
    Resumen La argumentación es una forma de discurso en la que un hablante defiende una postura en una discusión. El presente trabajo se enfoca en la complejidad argumentativa y los recursos evaluativos y evidenciales que caracterizan las disputas de niños de diverso nivel socioeconómico. Se analizaron 94 disputas entre niños de 4 años y otros niños (5 a 10 años) en situaciones de juego espontáneo registradas en hogares de sectores socioeconómicos medio y bajo. El análisis identificó diferencias marginales en la (...)
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    Les Tortues.Rachid Khimoune Archimbaud - 2001 - Multitudes 3 (3):111-118.
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    An analysis of the models.Rachid Atmai - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):1-26.
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    Effects of density dependent migrations on the dynamics of a predator prey model.Rachid Mchich, Amal Bergam & Nadia Raïssi - 2005 - Acta Biotheoretica 53 (4):331-340.
    We study the effects of density dependent migrations on the stability of a predator-prey model in a patchy environment which is composed with two sites connected by migration. The two patches are different. On the first patch, preys can find resource but can be captured by predators. The second patch is a refuge for the prey and thus predators do not have access to this patch. We assume a repulsive effect of predator on prey on the resource patch. Therefore, when (...)
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    Une jeunesse féminine face au temps marchand.Rachid Bouchareb - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans un dossier de la revue SociologieS en novembre 2013 où il est disponible. Nous remercions Rachid Bouchareb de nous avoir autorisé à la reproduire sur RHUTHMOS. Résumé : Le travail à temps partiel constitue une modalité d'emploi typique d'une jeunesse féminine travaillant dans les boutiques de chaîne (enseignes de prêt-à-porter). Dans ce secteur, la flexibilité au service du marché (flux de clients) impose une disponibilité temporelle flexible : temps partiel et variabilité. Cet (...) (...)
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    On the platonic concept of to metaxy: theory of perception and cultual experience.Rodolfo José Rocha Rachid - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03324-03324.
    In this paper I intend to examine the notion of intermediate in Plato´s dialogues, especially Theaetetus and Symposium. In the first section, I investigate previously in Theaetetus the notion of to metaxy as the result of mixture between percipient and perceived, by which the realm of phenomenon can be explained by the third genre, identified as to metaxy, born from a certain kind of dynamis. In the second section, I examine the mentioned notion s Symposium, expressed by Diotima of Mantineia (...)
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  9.  46
    Conflits autour d'une temporalité marchande dans les boutiques de réseaux.Rachid Bouchareb - 2012 - Temporalités (16).
    Cet article traite de la norme de disponibilité induite par une temporalité marchande et des résistances des employés à une flexibilité maximale. Il s’appuie sur une enquête dans des réseaux de boutiques en France et en Belgique. Nous étudions les principes d’organisation marchande au travers des pratiques managériales d’adaptation au flux marchand et de mise en subordination des salariés par les durées d’emploi. Les enseignes de mode (prêt-à-porter) façonnent un temps marchand dont la rentabilité provient de la concordance entre temps (...)
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  10. In praise of coldness : the open neighborhood and its enemies.Rachid Boutayeb - 2023 - In Christof Royer & Liviu Matei (eds.), Open society unresolved: the contemporary relevance of a contested idea. New York: Central European University Press.
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    El cadiazgo en Granada bajo los almorávides: enfrentamiento y negociación.Rachid El Hour - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (1):7-24.
    Este artículo estudia dos aspectos primordiales del cadiazgo de la ciudad de granada bajo los almorávides. Por un lado, expone la lista de los cadíes de Granada basándose en los datos proporcionados por las fuentes biográficas andalusíes. Por el otro, analiza los mecanismos de la relación entre el poder político almorávide y la élite local granadina, relación que se caracterizó, en gran medida, por la negociación y el enfrentamiento. El cadiazgo de Granada fue gestionado por varias familias andalusíes, granadinas y (...)
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    Handlungsstrategien deutscher Außenpolitik im Kontext des Arabischen Frühlings.Rachid Ouaissa & Julius Dihstelhoff - 2018 - In Johannes Heinrich (ed.), Individualität, Subjektivität Und Selbstsorge Bei Nietzsche: Eine Analyse Im Gespräch Mit Foucault. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 127-152.
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    A bela ordem incorpórea no filebo de Platão.Rodolfo Rachid - 2012 - Trans/Form/Ação 35 (2):3-29.
    Neste artigo, pretendo analisar como o Filebo de Platão retoma alguns tópicos específicos da dialética platônica, empregando-os a fim de entender como a alma cognitiva pode ser afetada por prazeres falsos, por opiniões falsas e por imagens falsas. Este estudo visa a criticar certas leituras modernas do platonismo, especialmente a teoria esoterista, baseada na doutrina não escrita de Platão, cujo escopo central estipula um revisionismo da teoria platônica das Formas, defendendo a emergência de uma nova ontologia, explicada por dois princípios, (...)
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    Alguns Dispositivos para Proteção de Plantas Contra a Seca e o Fogo.M. Rachid-Edwards - 1956 - Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, Universidade de São Paulo. Botânica 13:35.
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    Transpiração e Sistemas Subterr'neos de Vegetação de Verão dos Campos Cerrados de Emas.M. Rachid - 1947 - Boletim da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras, Universidade de São Paulo. Botânica 5:5.
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  16. Key Elements for Human-Robot Joint Action.Raja Chatila, Rachid Alami, Elisabeth Pacherie & Aurélie Clodic - 2017 - In Raul Hakli & Johanna Seibt (eds.), Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality. Cham: Springer.
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    A term-graph clausal logic: completeness and incompleteness results ★.Ricardo Caferra, Rachid Echahed & Nicolas Peltier - 2008 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 18 (4):373-411.
    A clausal logic allowing to handle term-graphs is defined. Term-graphs are a generalization of terms (in the usual sense) possibly containing shared subterms and cycles. The satisfiability problem for this logic is shown to be undecidable (not even semi-decidable), but some fragments are identified for which it is semi-decidable. A complete (w.r.t validity) calculus for these fragments is proposed. Some simple examples give a taste of this calculus at work.
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  18.  24
    Reflexiones acerca de la formación intelectual de Abū Ya‛zà y al-Yuḥānisī: dos modelos de santidad en el Occidente Islámico medieval.Rachid El Hour - 2019 - Al-Qantara 40 (1):103.
    Este trabajo estudia las figuras de Abū Ya῾zà y al-Yuḥānisī desde la perspectiva de su educación y formación intelectuales. Los dos personajes analizados pueden ayudarnos, por un lado, a revisar en profundidad las características de aquellos que se consideran awliyā’ o «amigos de Dios» así como a sugerir la posibilidad de la existencia de dos modelos de santidad en el occidente islámico, uno típicamente magrebí y el otro andalusí. Los dos modelos propuestos muestran características comunes pero también claras diferencias, especialmente (...)
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    Resenha de TORRANO, J. (2022) Eurípides. Teatro Completo II: Os Heraclidas, Hipólito, Andrômaca, Hécuba. São Paulo, Editora 34. [REVIEW]Rodolfo José Rocha Rachid - 2024 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 34:e03401.
    Resenha de TORRANO, J. (2022) Eurípides. Teatro Completo II: Os Heraclidas, Hipólito, Andrômaca, Hécuba. São Paulo, Editora 34.
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    Can organizations get away with greenwashing? CSR attributions and counterproductive sustainability behaviors.Ifzal Ahmad, Dima Rachid Jamali & Muhammad Nisar Khattak - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):103-120.
    Over the past couple of decades, research on the perks of corporate social responsibility has reported that it is a source of competitive advantage and can increase the bottom-line performance of the organization. However, a somewhat small proportion of this research is focused on the ‘greenwash’ side, which posits that not all CSR would lead to positive impacts. By extending this line of research, the current study is aimed at investigating the differential impacts of CSR by developing a scale for (...)
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    (1 other version)Differential Difficulties in Perception of Tashlhiyt Berber Consonant Quantity Contrasts by Native Tashlhiyt Listeners vs. Berber-Naïve French Listeners.Pierre A. Hallé, Rachid Ridouane & Catherine T. Best - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    A robust technique for matching two uncalibrated images through the recovery of the unknown epipolar geometry.Zhengyou Zhang, Rachid Deriche, Olivier Faugeras & Quang-Tuan Luong - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 78 (1-2):87-119.
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    Artificial cognition for social human–robot interaction: An implementation.Séverin Lemaignan, Mathieu Warnier, E. Akin Sisbot, Aurélie Clodic & Rachid Alami - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247:45-69.
  24.  42
    Addressing joint action challenges in HRI: Insights from psychology and philosophy.Victor Fernandez Castro, Kathleen Belhassein, Amandine Mayima, Aurélie Clodic, Elisabeth Pacherie, Michèle Guidetti, Rachid Alami & Hélène Cochet - 2022 - Acta Psychologica 222 (103476):103476.
    The vast expansion of research in human-robot interactions (HRI) these last decades has been accompanied by the design of increasingly skilled robots for engaging in joint actions with humans. However, these advances have encountered significant challenges to ensure fluent interactions and sustain human motivation through the different steps of joint action. After exploring current literature on joint action in HRI, leading to a more precise definition of these challenges, the present article proposes some perspectives borrowed from psychology and philosophy showing (...)
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    Estimation of Climatic Parameters of a PV System Based on Gradient Method.Rabiaa Gammoudi, Houda Brahmi & Rachid Dhifaoui - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-10.
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    Socially acceptable robot behavior.Oliver Roesler, Elahe Bagheri, Amir Aly, Silvia Rossi & Rachid Alami - 2022 - Interaction Studies 23 (3):355-359.
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    Interactions Between the Cross-Shore Structure of Small Pelagic Fish Population, Offshore Industrial Fisheries and Near Shore Artisanal Fisheries: A Mathematical Approach.Patrice Brehmer, Pierre Auger, Timothée Brochier & Rachid Mchich - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (4):479-493.
    This work presents a mathematical model describing the interactions between the cross-shore structure of small pelagic fish population an their exploitation by coastal and offshore fisheries. The complete model is a system of seven ODE’s governing three stocks of small pelagic fish population moving and growing between three zones. Two types of fishing fleets are inter-acting with the fish population, industrial boats, constrained to offshore area, and artisanal boats, operating from the shore. Two time scales were considered and we use (...)
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    How to Manage Conflict and Ambiguities in Localization and Map Matching.Aurelien Cord, Vincent Vigneron, Rachid Belaroussi & Dominique Gruyer - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (2):171-182.
    Since the use of systems of satellite positioning such as the global positioning system, applications have tried to locate vehicles on maps representing the environment with their attributes. For one decade, this has led to both localization and navigation services for users. Recently, new researches have begun in order to extend the functionalities of the existing systems and thus to develop new applications using these technologies in the design of driver assistance systems. These new systems will indeed allow us to (...)
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    Distance education as a tool to improve researchers’ knowledge on predatory journals in countries with limited resources: the Moroccan experience.Nadia El Kadmiri, Rachid El Fatimy, Maryam Fourtassi & Khalid El Bairi - 2023 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 19 (1).
    The emergence of predatory journals is a global threat for scientific integrity, particularly in under-resourced settings such as low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). A bilingual course on predatory publishing using a distance education approach was developed for Moroccan researchers as a response to the imperative need for training on research ethics to implement good scientific practices. A cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted to evaluate outcomes after delivering two education sessions in both French and English. Before this course, 40% of participants (...)
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  30.  14
    Commitments in Human-Robot Interaction.Víctor Fernandez Castro, Aurélie Clodic, Rachid Alami & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2019 - AI-HRI 2019 Proceedings.
    An important tradition in philosophy holds that in order to successfully perform a joint action, the participants must be capable of establishing commitments on joint goals and shared plans. This suggests that social robotics should endow robots with similar competences for commitment management in order to achieve the objective of performing joint tasks in human-robot interactions. In this paper, we examine two philosophical approaches to commitments. These approaches, we argue, emphasize different behavioral and cognitive aspects of commitments that give roboticists (...)
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    Exercer le métier d'assistant(e) maternel(le) à la crèche familiale préventive « Enfant Présent ».Frédéric Jésu, Patricia Aouane, Catherine Bernier, Rachid Chiha, Yolande Corel, Roland Lambert, Rachida Raoul & Martine Tesson - 2005 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 167 (1):77-88.
    Exercer le métier d’assistant(e) maternel(le) dans le cadre spécifique d’une crèche familiale préventive à gestion associative requiert, outre des compétences « techniques » avérées, une disponibilité et un « savoir-être » bien particuliers, sur lesquels repose une large part de la qualité du service personnalisé rendu aux familles qui s’y adressent. L’ensemble de ces aptitudes se manifeste aux niveaux certes de l’accueil des enfants, mais aussi des relations intenses et complexes établies avec les parents et de l’organisation, nécessairement très minutieuse, (...)
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    Stacking faults in intrinsic and N-doped 4H–SiC: true influence of the N-doping on their multiplicity.Gabrielle Regula, Maryse Lancin, Bernard Pichaud, Thomas Neisius, Rachid Daineche & Sandrine Juillaguet - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (10-12):1317-1325.
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    Blame and culpability in explaining changes in perceptions of corporate social responsibility and credibility.Nizar Souiden, Walid Chaouali, Joaquín Aldás-Manzano & Dima Rachid Jamali - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (2):363-385.
    Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility, Volume 31, Issue 2, Page 363-385, April 2022.
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    OntoGamif: A modular ontology for integrated gamification.Rokia Bouzidi, Antonio De Nicola, Fahima Nader & Rachid Chalal - 2019 - Applied ontology 14 (3):215-249.
    Gamification is known as the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. It has gained a great interest from both industrials and academics during the last years due to its role in increasing...
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    Literature and traumas: the narrative of Algerian war in Un regard blessé of Rabah Belamri and La Malédiction of Rachid Mimouni.Christophe Premat & Françoise Sule - 2018 - Human and Social Studies. Research and Practice 7 (1):65-79.
    The aim of this article is to analyze the issue of trauma and literature in the context of the Algerian war, as presented in two novels by Algerian writers who use French in a multicultural way: Un regard blessé [Shattered vision] by Rabah Belamri and La Malédiction by Rachid Mimouni [the Malediction]. It will answer the following question:is it possible to see in the francophone Literature a tendency to de-structure the text in order to make it possible for a (...)
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    Ideal Isolation for the Greater Good: The Hazards of Postcolonial Freedom.Mary Theis - 2015 - Cultura 12 (1):129-143.
    Given the increasing complexity of living in a global village, countries and regions that are parts of larger political entities frequently have considered the option of separating or seceding an ideal solution to their problems with a larger center of power. Isolation, a form of “freedom from,” has the potential of offering them free rein or “freedom to” manage their affairs for their own sake. Francophone playwrights and filmmakers have found the dialectical interplay between “freedom from” and “freedom to” fertile (...)
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