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Ferber Rafael [2]Ribó Rafael [1]Ramis Barceló Rafael [1]Erwin Rafael [1]

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  1.  87
    Nationalism, Imagery, and the Filipino Intelligentsia in the Nineteenth Century.Vicente L. Rafael - 1990 - Critical Inquiry 16 (3):591-611.
    To see nationalism as a cultural artifact is to argue against attempts at essentializing it. Anderson claims that nationalism can be better understood as obliquely analogous to such categories as religion and kinship. Membership in a nation draws on the vocabulary of filiation whereby one comes to understand oneself in relation to ancestors long gone and generations yet to be born. In addressing pasts and futures, nationalism resituates identity with reference to death, one’s own as well as others’. Herein lies (...)
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  2.  7
    Introducción a Nietzsche.Hernández Arias & José Rafael - 2022 - Barcelona: Gredos.
  3.  8
    Oswald Spengler: el destino de la civilización occidental.Hernández Arias & José Rafael - 2023 - Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla): Renacimiento.
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  4.  5
    Thomas Hobbes: la biografía del "monstruo de la política".Hernández Arias & José Rafael - 2022 - [Barcelona]: Arpa.
  5. Aplicación clínica de separación ciega de fuentes Y dimensión fractal en la identificación de artefactos oculares de eeg.Elias Buitrago Bolivar, M. Rafael, E. Javier & Carlos Medina Malo - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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  6. Apuntes de filosofía del derecho.R. Cabanillas & José Rafael - 1937 - [Popayán]: Imprenta del departamento del Cauca.
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  7.  20
    La filosofía griega y su legado: homenaje a Tomás Calvo Martínez.Tomás Calvo Martínez, Orden Jiménez, V. Rafael, Alberto Bernabé Pajares & Ignacio Pajón Leyra (eds.) - 2021 - Madrid: Guillermo Escolar Editor.
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  8. Nuevas perspectivas sobre la filosofía de Kant.Navarro Cordon, Juan Manuel, Orden Jiménez & V. Rafael (eds.) - 2016 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores.
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  9.  11
    Diotima o de la dificultad de enseñar filosofía.Orden Jiménez, V. Rafael, García Norro, Juan José & Emma Ingala Gómez (eds.) - 2016 - Madrid: Escolar y Mayo Editores.
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  10.  7
    El sistema de la filosofía de Krause: génesis y desarrollo del panenteísmo.Orden Jiménez & V. Rafael - 1998 - Madrid: UPCo.
    Primer estudio exhaustivo sobre la metafísica krausiana, que permite conocer las peculiaridades de esta filosofía dentro del conjunto del idealismo alemán así como facilita el estudio de los distintos movimientos krausistas, que tenían en el sistema panenteísta su inspiración filosófica primordial. Cada capítulo del libro corresponde a un período de la evolución de esta filosofía sistemática.
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    Kant en nuestro tiempo.Orden Jiménez, V. Rafael, Navarro Cordon, Juan Manuel & Rogelio Rovira (eds.) - 2016 - Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
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    Las habilitaciones filosóficas de Krause: con estudio preliminar y notas.Orden Jiménez & V. Rafael - 1996 - Madrid: UPCo.
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  13.  29
    Awake in America: Poetry and the Ghost of Democracy.Vicente L. Rafael - 2007 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 11 (1):1-10.
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  14.  29
    Translation and Revenge: Castilian and the Origins of Nationalism in the Philippines.Vicente L. Rafael - 1999 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 3 (1):85-106.
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  15.  13
    Arte e prudência em João Poinsot (João de São Tomás).Espírito Santo & José Rafael - 2016 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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  16.  52
    Explanatory contribution of Social Responsibility and Organizational Justice on Organizational Commitment: An exploratory study in a Higher Public Education institution.Cátia Sousa, Alejandro Orgambídez-Ramos, Joana Santos, Gabriela Gonçalves & Graça Rafael - 2017 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 48 (4):470-480.
    This study aimed to analyze the explanatory contribution of social responsibility and organizational justice on commitment through the setting up of a theoretical model in order to better understand the relationships that are established between these constructs. The empirical study was developed in a public higher education institution with a sample of 233 employees, professors and staff. The proposed model was estimated using a structural equation model. It was possible to observe a relationship between interactional justice perceptions and social responsibility (...)
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  17. De cuerpo presente: Un estudio de evitación Del trabajo.Herman Frank Littlewood Zimmerman, Uvm-Lomas Verdes & Uvm-San Rafael - 2007 - Episteme 3 (10).
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  18. Das normative "ist" und das konstatiere "soll".Ferber Rafael - 1988 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 74:185-192.
    Despite the fact that Aristotle and Frege/Russell differ in how to understand the ambiguity in the meaning of the word "is", their theories share a common feature: "is" does not have a normative meaning, but a constative meaning. This paper, however, shows (1) that there is a normative meaning of "is" (and correspondingly a constative meaning of the word "ought") and (2) that the ambiguity of "is" is itself ambiguous. Furthermore, the paper proposes (3) a performative criterion for making a (...)
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  19.  12
    Book review: Counterrevolution: The Global Rise of the Far Right. [REVIEW]Erwin Rafael - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 159 (1):139-141.
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