Results for 'Rainer P. Neumaier'

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  1. Verantwortung, Reden und Handeln.Rainer P. Born - 1986 - In Otto Neumaier (ed.), Wissen und Gewissen: Arbeiten zur Verantwortungsproblematik. Wien: VWGÖ.
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  2. 8split semantics: Provocations concerning theories of meaning and philosophy in general.Rainer P. Born - 1987 - In Rainer Born (ed.), Artificial Intelligence: The Case Against. St Martin's Press. pp. 190.
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    Philosophie, Wissenschaft, Politik: Festschrift Rudolf Wohlgenannt zum 60. Geburtstag.Rudolf Wohlgenannt, Rainer P. Born & Josef Marschner (eds.) - 1985 - New York: Springer.
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    Reflexion und Wirklichkeit: Akten des Ersten Österreichischen Kongresses für Philosophie.Rudolf Wohlgenannt & Rainer P. Born (eds.) - 1990 - Wien: VWGÖ.
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    Philological remarks on the two new editions of Sein und Zeit.Rainer A. Bast & Heinrich P. Delfosse - 1979 - Man and World 12 (3):387-401.
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    Handbuch zum Textstudium von Martin Heideggers "Sein und Zeit".Rainer A. Bast & Heinrich P. Delfosse - 1979 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Heinrich P. Delfosse.
    Bd. 1. Stellenindizes, philologischkritischer Apparat.
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  7. Why do we take drugs? From the drug-reinforcement theory to a novel concept of drug instrumentalization.Rainer Spanagel, Christian P. Müller & Gunter Schumann - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (6):322.
    The drug-reinforcement theory explains why humans get engaged in drug taking behavior. This theory posits that drugs of abuse serve as biological rewards by activating the reinforcement system. Although from a psychological and neurobiological perspective this theory is extremely helpful, it does not tell us about the drug-taking motives and motivation of an individual. The definition of drug instrumentalization goals will improve our understanding of individual drug-taking profiles.
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  8. Brill Online Books and Journals.Rainer Neu, Florian C. Reiter, Manfred P. Fleischer, Jürgen Bellers, Ludwig Wächter & Joachim H. Knoll - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 42 (2).
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    Antike Rhythmustheorien, historische Form und aktuelle Substanz.Wilfried Neumaier - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    W. Neumaier, Antike Rhythmustheorien, historische Form und aktuelle Substanz, Grüner, Amsterdam, 1989, 141 p. - Études grecques et latines.
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    Hydra and Niccolo Paganini (1782–1840)—two peas in a pod? The molecular basis of extracellular matrix structure in the invertebrate, Hydra[REVIEW]Michael P. Sarras & Rainer Deutzmann - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (8):716-724.
    The body wall of Hydra is organized as an epithelial bilayer with an intervening extracellular matrix (ECM). Molecular and biochemical analyses of Hydra ECM have established that it contains components similar to those seen in more complicated vertebrates such as human. In terms of biophysical parameters, Hydra ECM is highly flexible; a property that facilitates continuous movements along the organism's longitudinal and radial axis. A more rigid ECM, as in vertebrates, would not be compatible with this degree of movement. The (...)
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    Das Personalitätskonzept Pavel Florenskijs.Rainer Goldt - 2009 - Studies in East European Thought 61 (2-3):145 - 152.
    Pavel Florenskij's (1882-1937/summarily executed in GULAG) conception of the personality is connected to considerations of antinomies. The personality remains trapped in contradictions and gains completion only in relation to the Absolute, whereas the individual, the sociological entity, is metaphysically neutral. Florenskij attempts to link the individual and the personality by means of the concept of substance (ousia). "In man oύσiα and ύπόστασις exist together. Ousia (...) posits the Individual and in society endows him with form as a selfsufficient centre. The (...)
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    Modulation of Item and Source Memory by Auditory Beat Stimulation: A Pilot Study With Intracranial EEG.Marlene Derner, Leila Chaieb, Rainer Surges, Bernhard P. Staresina & Juergen Fell - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Tasks for a theoretical psychology of emotion.Rainer Reisenzein - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (2):171-187.
    It is surprising how far one can get by thinking things through. (Alec Fisher [2004], The logic of real arguments, p. 1)In the first part of the article, the central role of theory in emotion psych...
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    The interpretation of unsolvable λ-terms in models of untyped λ-calculus.Rainer Kerth - 1998 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 63 (4):1529-1548.
    Our goal in this paper is to analyze the interpretation of arbitrary unsolvable λ-terms in a given model of λ-calculus. We focus on graph models and (a special type of) stable models. We introduce the syntactical notion of a decoration and the semantical notion of a critical sequence. We conjecture that any unsolvable term β-reduces to a term admitting a decoration. The main result of this paper concerns the interconnection between those two notions: given a graph model or stable model (...)
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    (1 other version)Reviews of Gennaro Chtjerchia, Dynamics of meaning: anaphora, presupposition, and the the [sic] of grammar. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995.xv+ 270 pp, £59.95 , £31.95 G. Priest, Beyond the limits of thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. xv 4-274pp. £35.00 Marco Panza and Jean Michel Salankis, L'Objectivité Mathématique. Platonisme et Structures Formelles, Paris: Masson, 1995. ix+241 pp. No Price stated Peter Øhrstrøm and PER F. V. HASLE, Temporal Logic: From Ancient Ideas to Artificial Intelligence. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1995. viii+413 pp. DM 140/$99.00/£63.00. ISBN 0792335864 L. M. De Rijk , Iohannes Buridanus Summulae de Praedicabilibus Nijmegen: Ingenium, 1995. xliv + 82 pp. No price stated E. P. Bos , Iohannes Buridanus Summulae in Praedicamenta Nijmegen: Ingenium, 1994. liv+ 157 pp. No Price stated R. Van Der Lecq and H. A. G. Braakhuis , Iohannes Buridanus Questiones Elencorum Nijmegen: Ingenium, 1994. xxxviii +153 pp. No price stated D. Mi. [REVIEW]Rainer Bäuerle, N. da Costa, O. Bueno, Javier De Lorenzo & Alberto Zanardo - 1996 - History and Philosophy of Logic 17 (1 & 2):155-177.
    Gennaro Chtjerchia, Dynamics of meaning: anaphora, presupposition, and the the of grammar. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1995.xv+ 270 pp, £59.95, £31.95 G. Pr...
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    New books. [REVIEW]J. N. Findlay, Iris Murdoch, A. C. A. Rainer, G. J. Warnock, John Holloway, G. C. Stead, R. I. Aaron, P. T. Geach, A. H. Armstrong, R. H. Thouless, R. J. Spilsbury & W. B. Gallie - 1950 - Mind 59 (234):262-284.
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    Vernünftig.Rainer Berndt (ed.) - 2003 - Würzburg: Echter.
    Anläßlich ihres 75-jährigen Jubiläums hat die Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen in Frankfurt am Main am 19. und 20. Oktober 2001 eine Tagung zu "Vernünftig. Ansätze gegenwärtiger Religionsphilosophie" veranstaltet, deren wissenschaftlicher Ertrag mit diesem Band öffentlich zur Diskussion gestellt wird. In zwei thematischen Einheiten haben zuerst Philosophen und dann Theologen neue Überlegungen aus ihren Forschungsgebieten vorgetragen und aktuelle Fragestellungen referiert, auf die jeweils ein Vertreter der anderen Fakultät mit kritischen Anfragen erwidert hat. Alle Gesprächseinheiten dieser Art bilden den ersten Teil des (...)
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    Borig, Rainer, Der wahre Weinstock: Untersuchung zu Jo 15, 1-10. [REVIEW]P. Grech - 1967 - Augustinianum 7 (3):544-545.
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    Re-creating the engagement in managerial learning.Eva Gatarik & Rainer Born - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (1):3-16.
    When defending his doctoral dissertation, Umberto Eco was accused of narrative fallacy because he presented his research as if it were a detective novel. He should have presented only his conclusions. However, this criticism inspired Eco to claim that “[e]very scientific book should be... the report of a quest for some Holy Grail” (Eco, 2011, p. 7). A quest presupposes engagement on both sides of the knowledge exchange. Building upon our own research, we have produced a model-theoretic scheme for management (...)
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    Rainer Pineas Thomas More and Tudor Polemics Indiana University Press, Blomington and London, pp. xii - 262, - 9.50. [REVIEW]Davis P. Harding - 1970 - Moreana 7 (1):53-54.
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  21. Rainer Forst, Contexts of Justice: Political Philosophy beyond Liberalism and Communitarianism Reviewed by.Shaun P. Young - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (1):18-20.
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  22. E. MORSCHER, O. NEUMAIER and G. ZECHA "Philosophie als Wissenschaft/Essays in scientific philosophy". [REVIEW]P. M. Simons - 1983 - History and Philosophy of Logic 4 (2):253.
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    Structuralist knowledge representation: paradigmatic examples.P. Lorenzano, W. Balzer, C. U. Moulines & J. Sneed - 2000 - In Joseph D. Sneed, Wolfgang Balzer & C.-U. Moulines (eds.), Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples. Rodopi.
    Contents: Foreword. Wolfgang BALZER and C. ULISES MOULINES: Introduction. José A. DÍEZ CALZADA: Structuralist Analysis of Theories of Fundamental Measurement. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA and Pedro REYES: The Theory of Finite Games in Extensive Form. Hans Joachim BURSCHEID und Horst STRUVE: The Theory of Stochastic Fairness - its Historical Development, Formulation and Justification. Wolfgang BALZER and Richard MATTESSICH: Formalizing the Basis of Accounting. Werner DIEDERICH: A Reconstruction of Marxian Economics. Bert HAMMINGA and Wolfgang BALZER: The Basic Structure of Neoclassical (...)
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    Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung der Nationalbibliothek in Wien (Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer), Neue Serie, III. Folge: Griechische literarische Papyri, II.Clinton W. Keyes, H. Oellacher, H. Gerstinger & P. Sanz - 1942 - American Journal of Philology 63 (4):497.
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    Is informed consent related to success in exercise and diet intervention as evaluated at 12 months? DR's EXTRA study.Helena Länsimies-Antikainen, Anna-Maija Pietilä, Tomi Laitinen, Vesa Kiviniemi & Rainer Rauramaa - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):9-.
    BackgroundThere is a permanent need to evaluate and develop the ethical quality of scientific research and to widen knowledge about the effects of ethical issues. Therefore we evaluated whether informed consent is related to implementation and success in a lifestyle intervention study with older research participants. There is little empirical research into this topic.MethodsThe subjects (n = 597) are a subgroup of a random population sample of 1410 men and women aged 57-78 years who are participating in a 4-year randomized (...)
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    (1 other version)Formular Economy in Homer: The Poetics of the Breaches.Joel P. Christensen - 2009 - American Journal of Philology 130 (1):131-135.
    Once a productive subfield of Homeric studies, the examination of formulae to prove or disprove Milman Parry's theses has largely fallen out of vogue. Into this silence bursts Rainer Friedrich's polemical reevaluation of formulaic economy. Friedrich sets out to compel his reader to examine whether Homeric language squares exactly with Parry's theories as they were originally articulated. His argument is that the number and quality of the violations of economy render the complete orality of our Homeric epics impossible and (...)
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    P. Rainer Rudolf, SDS (Hrsg.): Heinrich von Langenstein, Erchantnuzz der sund. (Texte des späten Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit, H. 22). Berlin 1969, 206 pp. [REVIEW]B. D. Haage - 1972 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 24 (2):187-189.
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    Volker Harlan, Rainer Rappman, Peter Schata – Plastica sociala/ Social Plasticity.Alex Moldovan - 2003 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 2 (4):191-193.
    Volker Harlan, Rainer Rappman, Peter Schata – Plastica sociala. Materiale despre Joseph Beuys Editura IDEA, Cluj-Napoca, 2002, 159 p.
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    Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz.*Gottlob Freges Grundgesetze der Arithmetik: Ein Kommentar des Vorworts, des Nachworts und der einleitenden Paragraphen. [Gottlob Frege’s Basic Laws of Arithmetic: A Commentary on the Foreword, the Afterword and the Introductory Paragraphs].Matthias Wille - 2021 - Philosophia Mathematica 29 (2):288-291.
    Gottlob Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (Basic Laws of Arithmetic, Vol. I/II; 1893/1903) is a modern classic. Since the 1930s it has belonged to an exclusive class of only eleven works in the history of symbolic logic, which contain the ‘first appearance of a new idea of fundamental importance’ [Church, 1936, p. 122], and its author is the only one whose other major works — Begriffsschrift (1879) and Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (1884) — also belong to this distinguished group. Together with (...)
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    Pan, deus arcadiae H. bernsdorff: Das fragmentum bucolicum vindobonense (p. vindob. Rainer 29801). Einleitung, text und kommentar . (Hypomnemata 123.) Pp. 177. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1999. Paper, dm 60. isbn: 3-525-25220-X. [REVIEW]Arnd Kerkhecker - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (02):414-.
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    Subjektivität und gesellschaftliches Engagement Rainer Maria Rilkes Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge und Peter Handkes Die Stunde der wahren Empfindung.Dieter Saalmann - 1983 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (3):499-519.
    Die vorliegende Analyse setzt sich mit dem Vorwurf der gesellschaftlichen Irrelevanz von Peter Handkes Prosa auseinander. Anhand einer vergleichenden Interpretation von R. M. Rilkes Malte und P. Handkes Stunde soll die Unhaltbarkeit dieser These unter Beweis gestellt werden, insofern sich die Ich-Orientierung bei Handke im Gegensatz zu Rilkes letztlich streng solipsistischer Attitüde als eine im Gegeneffekt doch im Sozialbereich verankerte Subjektivität enthüllt.
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    Die vier Weisen im Garten der Philosophie: Anfangsgründe eines globalen Humanismus by Rainer Schulzer (review).Niels Weidtmann - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (3):1-4.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Die vier Weisen im Garten der Philosophie: Anfangsgründe eines globalen Humanismus by Rainer SchulzerNiels Weidtmann (bio)Die vier Weisen im Garten der Philosophie: Anfangsgründe eines globalen Humanismus. By Rainer Schulzer. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, 2023. Pp. 290, Paper € 49.90, ISBN 978-3-495-99837-3.Rainer Schulzer has written an inspiring book, not yet translated into English, about “the four sages in the garden of philosophy.” The garden, created by (...)
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    Débat sur la justice politique Jürgen Habermas et John Rawls Traduit de l'américain et de l'allemand par Rainer Rochlitz Collection «Humanités» Paris, Éditions du Cerf, 1997, 190 p. [REVIEW]Stéphane Courtois - 1998 - Dialogue 37 (4):833-.
    La confrontation d’idées entre Habermas et Rawls que nous offre le Débat sur la justice politique était chose, sinon inévitable, à tout le moins fort prévisible. L’«éthique de la discussion» et la «théorie de la justice comme équité» ont en commun une filiation claire avec l’éthique de Kant: le principe de discussion et les principes de justice sont analogues à l’impératif catégorique kantien; dans les deux cas, les principes éthiques sont introduits dans une perspective universaliste ; il s’agit, finalement, d’éthiques (...)
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    Cartas a una joven ensayista, de Efrén Giraldo (2017). Medellín: Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT, 144 p.Alessandro Secomandi - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (29):361-368.
    Sin duda el ensayo escrito en forma epistolar no es una propuesta original en el escenario de la literatura contemporánea: fue difundido en época romana, se consolidó a inicios del siglo xx con Rainer María Rilke y más recientemente lo han vuelto a proponer Mario Vargas Llosa, Maurice Béjart, Edward O. Wilson. Sin embargo, Cartas a una joven ensayista de Efrén Giraldo, que se dirige específicamente a una ensayista inexperta, resulta pionero en su género.
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    Rudolf Kassner zum achtzigsten Geburtstag.A. Cl Kensik - 1953 - [Erlenbach-Zürich]: E. Rentsch. Edited by Daniel Bodmer.
    Aus den Briefen Rainer Maria Rilkes.- Aus den Briefen Hugo von Hofmannsthals.- Gratulationen und Widmungen.- Deutungen und Würdigungen des Werkes und der Persönlichkeit.- Aus den Gesprächen mit Rudolf Kassner, von A. C. Kensik.- Aus den Briefen Rudolf Kassners.- Verzeichnis der Werke Rudolf Kassners (p. 243-248).
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  36. Emotional Experience in the Computational Belief–Desire Theory of Emotion.Rainer Reisenzein - 2009 - Emotion Review 1 (3):214-222.
    Based on the belief that computational modeling (thinking in terms of representation and computations) can help to clarify controversial issues in emotion theory, this article examines emotional experience from the perspective of the Computational Belief–Desire Theory of Emotion (CBDTE), a computational explication of the belief–desire theory of emotion. It is argued that CBDTE provides plausible answers to central explanatory challenges posed by emotional experience, including: the phenomenal quality,intensity and object-directedness of emotional experience, the function of emotional experience and its relation (...)
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  37. Toleration.Rainer Forst - 2012 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The term “toleration”—from the Latin tolerare: to put up with, countenance or suffer—generally refers to the conditional acceptance of or non-interference with beliefs, actions or practices that one considers to be wrong but still “tolerable,” such that they should not be prohibited or constrained. There are many contexts in which we speak of a person or an institution as being tolerant: parents tolerate certain behavior of their children, a friend tolerates the weaknesses of another, a monarch tolerates dissent, a church (...)
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  38. Color within an internalist framework : the role of color in the structure of the perceptual system.Rainer Mausfeld - 2010 - In Jonathan Cohen & Mohan Matthen (eds.), Color Ontology and Color Science. Bradford.
    Colour is, according to prevailing orthodoxy in perceptual psychology, a kind of autonomous and unitary attribute. It is regarded as unitary or homogeneous by assuming that its core properties do not depend on the type of ‘perceptual object’ to which it pertains and that‘colour per se’ constitutes a natural attribute in the functional architecture of the perceptual system. It is regarded as autonomous by assuming that it can be studied in isolation of other perceptual attributes. These assumptions also provide the (...)
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  39. Conjoint representations and the mental capacity for multiple simultaneous perspectives.Rainer Mausfeld - 2003 - In Heiko Hecht, Robert Schwartz & Margaret Atherton (eds.), Looking into Pictures. MIT Press. pp. 17--60.
  40. P.F. Strawson: Prosopa.Pantazes D. Tselemanes, P. F. Strawson & Konstantinos Ioannou Voudoures - 1980 - [S.N.].
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    Dimensionen und Konzeptionen von Sozialität.Gert Albert, Rainer Greshoff & Rainer Schützeichel (eds.) - 2009 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    In den sozialwissenschaftlichen und sozialtheoretischen Diskussionen ruckt nach einer langeren Interimszeit wieder zunehmend die Frage nach den Konstitutionsbedingungen des Sozialen, von Sozialitat bzw. sozialen Gebilden in den Vordergrund.
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  42. (1 other version)Elements, Causes, and Principles: A Context for Metaphysics Z 17.Wolfgang-Rainer Mann - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40:29-61.
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    Kayıp hafızanın izinde: sinemada geçmişle yüzleşme yas ve inkâr.Pınar Yıldız - 2021 - İstanbul: Metis Yayınları.
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  44. Rousseau, Kant, Goethe.Ernst Cassirer & Rainer A. Bast - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (4):773-777.
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    The Presentness of Painting: Adrian Stokes as Aesthetician.David Carrier - 1986 - Critical Inquiry 12 (4):753-768.
    Adrian Stokes , long admired by a small, highly distinguished, mostly English circle, was the natural successor to Pater and Ruskin. But though his place in cultural history is important, what is of particular interest now to art historians is his theory of the presentness of painting, a theory which offers a challenging critique of the practice of artwriting. From Vasari to the present, the most familiar rhetorical strategy of the art historian is the narrative of “the form, prophet-saviour-apostles,” in (...)
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  46. Tolerance as a virtue of justice.Rainer Forst - 2001 - Philosophical Explorations 4 (3):193 – 206.
    This article argues that the civic virtue of tolerance has to be understood as a virtue of justice. Based on an analysis of the concept of toleration and its paradoxes, it shows that toleration is a 'normatively dependent concept' that needs to take recourse to a conception of justice in order to solve these paradoxes. At the center of this conception of justice lies a principle of reciprocal and general justification with the help of which a distinction between moral norms (...)
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  47. Alegre, MA, 65 Behl-Chadha, G., 105 Bloom, P., 1 Braine, MDS, 235.P. J. Brooks, L. Casey, G. D'Ydewalle, P. Gordon, M. Imai, G. L. Murphy, D. R. Olson, W. Schaeken, L. B. Smith & X. T. Wang - 1996 - Cognition 60:301.
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  48. alias le" librarius Florentinus", dans" Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici" 14-16 (1977-79) p. 281-347; cf.".P. Canart & Demetrius Damilas - 1980 - Byzantion 50:598-599.
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    Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: ein Buch für freie Geister.Friedrich Nietzsche & Ralph-Rainer Wuthenow - 1982 - W. Goldmann.
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  50. (1 other version)Das Sein-Sollen-Problem. Eine modallogische Studie.Rainer Stuhlmann-Laeisz - 1984 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 46 (1):164-164.
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