Results for 'Reference (Philosophy) History.'

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  1.  10
    Philosophy, History, and Myth: Essays and Talks.Peter Loptson - 2002 - University Press of America.
    Philosophy, History, and Myth is a collection of essays that were originally delivered as academic lectures. The essays are relatively informal explorations of topics in the history of philosophy, logic and its philosophical relevance, materialism in the philosophy of mind, the Hegelian end of history, the role of humanism in the contemporary world, and relations between philosophy and myth, broadly and also more specifically with reference to themes in early Greek literature.
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    A history of philosophy: with especial reference to the formation and development of its problems and conceptions.Wilhelm Windelband (ed.) - 1923 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    The philosophy of history: in a course of lectures delivered at Vienna.Friedrich von Schlegel - 1873 - New York: AMS Press. Edited by James Burton Robertson.
    PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY. LECTURE X. On the Christian point of view in the Philosophy of History.— The origin of Christianity, considered in reference to the ...
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    Conception of Harmonious Union: Philosophy History Aspect.Wladimir M. Majorow - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):288-297.
    The academic and humanitarian conception of harmonious union has been proposed by Professor Zhang Liwen in the 1990s. It claims to explain the specifics of Chinese civilization and proposes solution of some global problems by its means. Despite the lack of direct references to the conception, it remains in demand both in the political and ideological discourse of the People's Republic of China. This presentations deals with the historical and philosophical facts available in Chinese written monuments and works of Antiquity (...)
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    Philosophy of History.Iain Macdonald - 2019 - In Peter Eli Gordon, A companion to Adorno. Hoboken: Wiley. pp. 193–206.
    Adorno's remarks on the philosophy of history are scattered throughout his works. Perhaps the most important passages are to be found in Negative Dialectics and the 1964–1965 lectures on History and Freedom, as well as in texts such as Dialectic of Enlightenment and the essays on “The Idea of Natural‐History,” “Progress,” and “The Meaning of Working through the Past.” However, these works do not constitute anything like a complete theory. Nevertheless, many themes and references recur in Adorno's writings, allowing (...)
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    On Sense, Reference, and Tone in History.Eugen Zeleňák - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 4 (3-4):354-374.
    This paper tries to show how the Fregean semantic framework, especially the notions of sense and tone, can be used to explain certain features of history. Following Michael Dummett's interpretation of Gottlob Frege's notion of meaning, it is possible to conceive of historical works as proposing particular modes of presentation of past events. In fact, alternative historical works about the same past events could be viewed as differing in what sense and tone they express. In this paper, I first outline (...)
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  7. History, the referent, and narrative: Reflections on postmodernism now.Perez Zagorin - 1999 - History and Theory 38 (1):1–24.
    This essay surveys the present position of postmodernism with respect to the effect of its ideas upon historiography. For this purpose it looks at a number of writings by historians that have been a response to postmodernism including the recently published collection of articles, The Postmodern History Reader. The essay argues that, in contrast to scholars in the field of literary studies, the American historical profession has been much more resistant to postmodernist doctrines and that the latters' influence upon the (...)
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  8. The history and philosophy of taxonomy as an information science.Catherine Kendig & Joeri Witteveen - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (3):1-9.
    We undeniably live in an information age—as, indeed, did those who lived before us. After all, as the cultural historian Robert Darnton pointed out: ‘every age was an age of information, each in its own way’ (Darnton 2000: 1). Darnton was referring to the news media, but his insight surely also applies to the sciences. The practices of acquiring, storing, labeling, organizing, retrieving, mobilizing, and integrating data about the natural world has always been an enabling aspect of scientific work. Natural (...)
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    Philosophy of history.William H. Dray - 1964 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
    This update of the original version focuses on six central problems in the critical philosophy of history and explores the connections among them. Starting with the fundamentals of each philosophical topic in history and then delving into the specifics of each to better understand the surrounding issues, the reference first offers a comprehensive introduction into these topics then covers explanation and understanding ... objectivity and value judgment .. causes in history ... the nature and role of narrative ... (...)
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  10. Philosophy, Science, and History: A Guide and Reader.Lydia Patton (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Philosophy, Science, and History: A Guide and Reader is a compact overview of HOPOS that aims to introduce students to the groundwork of the field. Part I of the Reader begins with classic texts in the history of logical empiricism, including Reichenbach's discovery-justification distinction. With careful reference to Kuhn's analysis of scientific revolutions, the section provides key texts analyzing the relationship of HOPOS to the history of science, including texts by Santayana, Rudwick, and Shapin and Schaffer. Part II (...)
  11.  11
    Philosophy: an illustrated history of thought.Tom Jackson - 2014 - New York: Shelter Harbor Press.
    Here is the essential guide to philosophy. Philosophy: An Illustrated History of Thought is an authoritative yet fun reference book and timeline on the compilation of human knowledge. Both art and science attempt answers to the big questions -- what is truth, how to be good, and where did we come from? -- but philosophy is the interpreter we use to verify it all. We need it to make sense of the simplest math and the most (...)
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  12. Dr W. Windelband, A History of Philosophy with especial reference to the Formation and Development of its Problems and Conceptions. [REVIEW]R. Adamson - 1894 - Mind 3:383.
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    Philosophy of science management in Argentina from the history of CONICET.Elvio Galati - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 55:80-95.
    The methodology of this paper is documentary, compiling textbooks and scientific articles related to Argentine scientific history, mainly referring to CONICET. The purpose is to show that a complete epistemological study cannot be done without giving an account of its sociological and historical context, in this case, specifically referred to the management of science. The perspective of this paper is more philosophical than historical, doing discourse analysis and interpretation. Management, a sociological element, has a close relationship with science, and its (...)
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    (2 other versions)History of Islamic Philosophy.Oliver Leaman & Seyyed Hossein Nasr (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Islamic philosophy has often been treated as being largely of historical interest, belonging to the history of ideas rather than to philosophical study. This volume successfully overturns that view. Emphasizing the living nature and rich diversity of the subject, it examines the main thinkers and schools of thought, discusses the key concepts of Islamic philosophy and covers a vast geographical area. This indispensable reference tool includes a comprehensive bibliography and an extensive index.
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    History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society by Riccardo Pozzo.Robert R. Clewis - 2022 - Review of Metaphysics 76 (1):156-158.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society by Riccardo PozzoRobert R. ClewisPOZZO, Riccardo. History of Philosophy and the Reflective Society. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2021. vi + 231 pp. Cloth, $94.99In a forward-looking proposal, Pozzo lays out his vision for a multidisciplinary history of philosophy "from a global perspective." This book is "a long position paper, an extended essay dedicated to twenty-first century policies of (...)
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    A History of Language Philosophies.Lia Formigari - 2004 - Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamin.
    Theory and history combine in this book to form a coherent narrative of the debates on language and languages in the Western world, from ancient classic philosophy to the present, with a final glance at on-going discussions on language as a cognitive tool, on its bodily roots and philogenetic role.An introductory chapter reviews the epistemological areas that converge into, or contribute to, language philosophy, and discusses their methods, relations, and goals. In this context, the status of language (...) is discussed in its relation to the sciences and the arts of language. Each chapter is followed by a list of suggested readings that refer the reader to the final bibliography."About the author" Lia Formigari, Professor Emeritus at University of Rome, La Sapienza. Her publications include: "Language and Experience in XVIIth-century British Philosophy." Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1988; "Signs, Science and Politics. Philosophies of Language in Europe 1700 1830." Amsterdam & Philadelphia: J. Benjamins, 1993; "La semiotique empiriste face au kantisme." Liege: Mardaga, 1994. (shrink)
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  17. 'Time' and 'History' in Contemporary Philosophy with Special Reference to Bergson and Croce.Herbert Wildon Carr - 1918 - Published for the British Academy by H. Milford, Oxford University Press].
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  18. A History of Science, Technology, and Philosophy in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries.Abraham Wolf - 1935 - Thoemmes Press. Edited by Friedrich Dannemann & A. Armitage.
    Wolf's study represents an incredible work of scholarship. A full and detailed account of three centuries of innovation, these two volumes provide a complete portrait of the foundations of modern science and philosophy. Tracing the origins and development of the achievements of the modern age, it is the story of the birth and growth of the modern mind. A thoroughly comprehensive sourcebook, it deals with all the important developments in science and many of the innovations in the social sciences, (...)
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  19. The History of Sexual Anatomy and Self-Referential Philosophy of Science.Alan G. Soble - 2003 - Metaphilosophy 34 (3):229-249.
    This essay is a case study of the self-destruction that occurs in the work of a social-constructionist historian of science who embraces a radical philosophy of science. It focuses on Thomas Laqueur's Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud in arguing that a history of science committed to the social construction of science and to the central theses of Kuhnian, Duhemian, and Quinean philosophy of science is incoherent through self-reference. Laqueur's text is examined in (...)
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  20. The Cambridge history of seventeenth-century philosophy.Daniel Garber & Michael Ayers (eds.) - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The Cambridge History of 17th Century Philosophy offers a uniquely comprehensive and authoritative overview of early-modern philosophy written by an international team of specialists. As with previous Cambridge histories of philosophy the subject is treated by topic and theme, and since history does not come packaged in neat bundles, the subject is also treated with great temporal flexibility, incorporating frequent reference to medieval and Renaissance ideas. The basic structure of the volumes corresponds to the way an (...)
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  21. ""Time" and" History" in contemporary Philosophy: with Special Reference to Bergson and Croce.H. Wildon Carr - 1918 - Proceedings of the British Academy 8.
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    Muslim Philosophy of History.Zaid Ahmad - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 437–445.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Muslim or Islamic Philosophy of History? Islamic Concept of History Development of Muslim Philosophy of History and Historiography Two Muslim Philosophers of History: Ibn Miskawayh and Ibn Khaldun Muslim Philosophy of History and Encounters with the West Conclusion References Further Reading.
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    Philosophy of History.Zdeněk Vašíček - 2008 - In Aviezer Tucker, A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 26–43.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The Term “Philosophy of History” The Terms “Philosophy” and “History” Historiographical Production Critical Theory of Historiography vs. Substantive Philosophy of History The Meaning and Function of History The Evolution of Substantive Philosophies of History The Poetics of the Substantive Philosophy of History The Arrival of the Philosophy of Historiography References Further Reading.
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    History of the problems of philosophy.Paul Alexandre René Janet, Gabriel Séailles-Ranson, Henry Jones & Ada Monahan - 1902 - New York,: Macmillan. Edited by Gabriel Séailles, Henry Jones & Ada Monahan.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  25.  33
    The history of understanding in analytic philosophy: around logical empiricism.Adam Tamas Tuboly (ed.) - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Interpretive understanding of human behaviour, known as verstehen, underpins the divide between the social sciences and the natural sciences. Taking a historically orientated approach, this collection offers a fresh take on the development of understanding within analytic philosophy before, during and after logical empiricism. In doing so, it reinvigorates debates on the role of the social sciences within contemporary epistemology. Bringing together leading experts including Martin Kusch, Thomas Uebel, Karsten Stueber and Giuseppina D'Oro, it is an authoritative reference (...)
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  26.  18
    A History of Ancient Philosophy: From the Beginning to Augustine.Karsten Friis Johansen - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Translated by Henrik Rosenmeier, _A History of Ancient Philosophy_ charts the origins and development of ancient philosophical thought. For easy reference, the book is divided chronologically into six main parts. The sections are further divided into philosophers and philosophical movements: *Pre-Socratic Philosophy, including mythology, the Pythagoreans and Parmenides *The Great Century of Athens, including the Sophists and Socrates *Plato, including The Republic, The Symposium and The Timaeus *Aristotle, including The Physics, The Metaphysics and The Poetics *Hellenistic Philosophy, (...)
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  27.  38
    The History of Continental Philosophy.Alan D. Schrift (ed.) - 2010 - London: Routledge.
    This major work of reference is an indispensable resource for anyone conducting research or teaching in philosophy. An international team of over 100 leading scholars has been brought together under the general editorship of Alan Schrift and the volume editors to provide authoritative analyses of the continental tradition of philosophy from Kant to the present day. Divided, chronologically, into eight volumes, "The History of Continental Philosophy" is designed to be accessible to a wide range of readers, (...)
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  28.  39
    History of Japanese Religion, with Special Reference to the Social and Moral Life of the Nation. By Masaharu Anesaki D.Litt., LL.D., Professor at Tokyo Imperial University. (London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. 1930. Pp. xxii + 423. Price 21s.). [REVIEW]C. A. F. Rhys Davids - 1931 - Philosophy 6 (21):134-.
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  29. The Principles of History: And Other Writings in Philosophy of History.Robin George Collingwood (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Published here for the first time in paperback is much of a final and long-anticipated work on philosophy of history by the renowned Oxford philosopher, historian, and archaeologist R. G. Collingwood. The original text of this uncompleted work was only recently discovered in the archives of Oxford University Press. Also found there were two conclusions written by Collingwood for lectures which were eventually revised and published as The Idea of Nature, but which have relevance to his philosophy of (...)
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  30. Philosophy and History in the historiographical discussions between José Ingenieros and Alejandro Korn.Lucas Domínguez Rubio - 2017 - Prismas: Revista de Historia Intelectual 21:75-94.
    From 1912, Alejandro Korn and José Ingenieros began to publish articles that then would be part of their historical works, respectively, Influencias filosóficas en la evolución nacional and La evolución de las ideas argentinas. Therefore, they started to generate some discussion in reference to sections that they knew of each other's work. Being the first major works from a developing philosophical field about the history of Argentine thought, their authors sought to create cultural traditions to affirm their own academic, (...)
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    History and philosophy of biology resources.Roberta L. Millstein - 2000
    Links relating to the history and philosophy of biology, assembled by Roberta L. Millstein: reference works, societies, journals, historians and philosophers of biology with papers online, blogs, other resources in the history and philosophy of biology.
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    Intellectual History and the History of Philosophy.Sarah Hutton - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (7):925-937.
    The issue which I wish to address in this paper is the widespread tendency in Anglophone philosophy to insist on a separation between the history of philosophy and the history of ideas or intellectual history. This separation reflects an anxiety on the part of philosophers lest the special character of philosophy will be dissolved into something else in the hands of historians. And it is borne of a fundamental tension between those who think of philosophy's past (...)
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  33.  44
    The Cambridge History of Hellenistic Philosophy.Keimpe Algra, Jonathan Barnes, Jaap Mansfeld & Malcolm Schofield (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A full account of the philosophy of the Greek and Roman worlds from the last days of Aristotle until 100 BC. Hellenistic philosophy, for long relatively neglected and unappreciated, has over the last decade been the object of a considerable amount of scholarly attention. Now available in paperback, this 1999 volume is a general reference work which pulls the subject together and presents an overview. The History is organised by subject, rather than chronologically or by philosophical school, (...)
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    “The Ruling Categories of the World”: The Trinity in Hegel's Philosophy of History and the Rise and Fall of Peoples.Robert Bernasconi - 2011 - In Stephen Houlgate & Michael Baur, A Companion to Hegel. Malden, MA: Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 313–331.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Textual Problems The Trinitarian Structure within the Introduction to the Philosophy of History The Trinitarian Structure in History The Role of Race in History List of Abbreviations of Works by Hegel References.
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  35. The Philosophy of Trans-Historic-History Followed by President López Obrador.Francisco Miguel Ortiz Delgado - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía 62 (163):75-85.
    The writings and speeches of the Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (2018-2024) have been characterized by a constant reference to a teleological history. Using Karl Löwith’s proposals, I analyse the president’s liberal-progressive idea of history and I propose that in this respect he has followed a certain speculative philosophy of history, which I call philosophy of Trans-Historic-History.
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    History of Philosophy[REVIEW]R. M. K. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):388-389.
    This is a fine work that purports to serve as an introduction to philosophic problems surveyed from the historical perspective. Hartnack chooses to focus on a single work or theme of those philosophers who have significantly contributed to the development of philosophy starting with Heraclitus and ending with Wittgenstein. He renders concise and uncomplicated accounts that capture the nucleus of the problems. What makes this book stand out among so many other similar endeavors is that the expositions are not (...)
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    Chinese Philosophy of History: From Ancient Confucianism to the End of the Eighteenth Century by Dawid Rogacz.Don J. Wyatt - 2022 - Philosophy East and West 72 (3):1-5.
    Discernible in the very opening pages of Chinese Philosophy of History: From Ancient Confucianism to the End of the Eighteenth Century is the fact that, within a single work, Dawid Rogacz will be providing us with two services normally regarded as oppositional. On the one hand, clear from the very title is the discreteness of his undertaking. In other words, he will be straightforwardly addressing a subject that philosophers as well as historians of China frequently refer to but, nonetheless, (...)
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    A brief history of early Chinese philosophy.Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki - 1914 - London,: Probsthain & co..
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    History of Aesthetics, Vol. I. Ancient Aesthetics, and: History of Aesthetics, Vol. II. Medieval Aesthetics (review).Allan Shields - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):110-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:110 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY History of Aesthetics, Vol. I. Ancient Aesthetics. By Wladyslaw Tatarkiewicz. Ed. J. Harrell. Trans. Adam and Ann Czerniawski. (The Hague-Paris: Mouton and Warszawa: PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, 1970. Pp. vii-352.) History of Aesthetics, Vol. II. Medieval Aesthetics. By WladySlaw Tatarkiewicz. Ed. C. Barrett. Trans. R. M. Montgomery. (The Hague-Paris: Mouton and Warszawa: PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, 1970. Pp. vii-315.) These two volumes of Tatarkiewicz' monumental history (...)
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    The History of Study of Aristotle's Ethics at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences.Платонов Р.С - 2022 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 12:90-105.
    The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPhRAS), held in 2021. The purpose of the article is to give an overview of IPhRAS's contribution to the study of Aristotle's ethics within the framework of domestic Aristotelian studies, to note the main works of IPhRAS employees in this field. The material of the article is aimed not only at summing up the results to a significant date, but can (...)
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    History of modern philosophy: rationalism, Kant, empiricism.G. O. Ozumba - 2012 - Calabar, [Nigeria]: Norbet Publishers. Edited by Mike Egbuta Ukah.
    "This book deals with various issues related but not limited to the use of social media by the youths, influence of mediated violence on children/youths, communication policy and youth development. Other important themes you could reference in this book are child rights issues, advertising and children, sexual content and the exploitation of vulnerable children, media role in encouraging and curbing anti-social behaviour amongst children/youths, a pervasive youth culture in the age of social media, and some theoretical arguments that support (...)
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    On the history of philosophy and other essays.Frederick Charles Copleston - 1979 - New York: Barnes & Noble.
    Imprint covered by label which reads: Published in U.S.A. by Barnes & Noble Books, Totowa, N.J. Includes bibliographical references and index.
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  43. History and philosophy of Shinto.Sajad Ahmad Sheikh - 2022 - International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah 9 (9):193-198.
    Abstract: Perhaps dating back to the fourth century BCE, Shinto traditions in Japan have evolved through the years and have become distinct as Buddhist and Chinese influences have migrated eastward. Kami, supernatural creatures that live in heaven or exist on Earth as sacrosanct forces in nature, are a distinctive aspect of Shinto, which continues to permeate modern Japanese culture. The term "Shinto" refers to the religious ideas and customs that are said to have originated in Japan before the sixth century (...)
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    Japanese religion and philosophy: a guide to Japanese reference and research materials.Donald Holzman - 1975 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This reference guide covers the entire history of Japan and is limited to books dealing with the doctrines and histories of the religions of Japan. It includes all works concerning religious, ethical, moral, and, to some extent, even political and educational thinkers and movements.
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    The Death of Philosophy: Reference and Self-reference in Contemporary Thought.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel & Richard A. Lynch - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Philosophers debate the death of philosophy as much as they debate the death of God. Kant claimed responsibility for both philosophy's beginning and end, while Heidegger argued it concluded with Nietzsche. In the twentieth century, figures as diverse as John Austin and Richard Rorty have proclaimed philosophy's end, with some even calling for the advent of "postphilosophy." In an effort to make sense of these conflicting positions—which often say as much about the philosopher as his subject—Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel (...)
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  46. The sense of reference: intentionality in Frege.Gilead Bar-Elli - 1996 - New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    Chapter: Sense and Intentionality A: Reference and Sense — Preliminary Remarks Few people during Frege's lifetime paid due attention to his work and its ...
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    Selected works on the history of philosophy in the English language.Benjamin Rand - 1906 - Boston,: Published by the Trustees of the Public library.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Systematicity in Hegel’s history of philosophy.Zeyad el Nabolsy - 2019 - Hegel Jahrbuch 2019 (1):538-544.
    In this paper I argue that Hegel thought that systematicity was both a necessary condition for a body of thought to be recognized as philosophy and a normative principle by which progress in the history of philosophy can be evaluated. I argue that Hegel’s idiosyncrasies in the interpretation of thinkers who he considers to be philosophers can be explained by referring to the structure of his own philosophical system. I also argue that Hegel’s conception of philosophy as (...)
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    Philosophy and its development in the Nikāyas and Abhidhamma.Fumimaro Watanabe - 1983 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
    History of Buddhist philosophy, with special reference to canonical and early philosophical literature, presenting Sarvāstivāda and Theravāda school.
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    Self-Reference and Philosophy.Walter Cerf - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 1:92-98.
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