Results for 'Relevance problem'

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  1.  1
    Solving the relevance problem with predictive processing.Tom Darling, Andrew W. Corcoran & Jakob Hohwy - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The frame or relevance problem is a classic problem in cognitive science and philosophy. We attempt to resolve this problem by appealing to predictive processing, a growing theory of cognition. As such, it ought to explain one of the central processes of cognition, that is, how an agent context-sensitively determines relevance. Our solution begins by appealing to Bayesian prior probabilities, which intuitively reflect relevance for a predictive agent. However, prior probabilities are necessary but insufficient (...)
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  2. The frame problem, the relevance problem, and a package solution to both.Yingjin Xu & Pei Wang - 2012 - Synthese 187 (S1):43-72.
    As many philosophers agree, the frame problem is concerned with how an agent may efficiently filter out irrelevant information in the process of problem-solving. Hence, how to solve this problem hinges on how to properly handle semantic relevance in cognitive modeling, which is an area of cognitive science that deals with simulating human's cognitive processes in a computerized model. By "semantic relevance", we mean certain inferential relations among acquired beliefs which may facilitate information retrieval and (...)
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    Selection strategies in concept attainment as a function of number of relevant problem attributes.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):773.
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  4. Three Problems for the Mutual Manipulability Account of Constitutive Relevance in Mechanisms.Bert Leuridan - 2012 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 63 (2):399-427.
    In this article, I present two conceptual problems for Craver's mutual manipulability account of constitutive relevance in mechanisms. First, constitutive relevance threatens to imply causal relevance despite Craver (and Bechtel)'s claim that they are strictly distinct. Second, if (as is intuitively appealing) parthood is defined in terms of spatio-temporal inclusion, then the mutual manipulability account is prone to counterexamples, as I show by a case of endosymbiosis. I also present a methodological problem (a case of experimental (...)
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    The Problem of “Relevant Experience”.Craig Konnoth - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (1):36-38.
    In their intriguing article “Bioethics and the Moral Authority of Experience,” Nelson and colleagues (2023) provide important insight into an important ethical problem. We frequently demand that th...
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  6. The Problem of Relevance and the Future of Philosophy of Religion.Thomas D. Carroll - 2016 - Metaphilosophy 47 (1):39-58.
    Despite the growth in research in philosophy of religion over the past several decades, recent years have seen a number of critical studies of this subfield in an effort to redirect the methods and topics of inquiry. This article argues that in addition to problems of religious parochialism described by critics such as Wesley Wildman, the subfield is facing a problem of relevance. In responding to this problem, it suggests that philosophers of religion should do three things: (...)
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  7. The Relevance of a Correct Theory of Denotation to the Mind-Body Problem.J. Fennell - 1999 - Journal of Thought 34:63-84.
  8. The Problems of Relevance and Order in Obligational Disputations: Some Late Fourteenth Century Views.E. Jennifer Ashworth - 1981 - Medioevo 7:175-193.
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    Some Problems with Robert Alexy's Account of Legal Validity: The Relevance of the Participant's Perspective.Paula Gaido - 2012 - Ratio Juris 25 (3):381-392.
    This article examines Robert Alexy's account of legal validity. It concludes that Alexy's account of legal validity lacks sufficient support given the author's methodological commitments. To reach that conclusion, it assesses the plausibility of simultaneously maintaining that the participant's perspective has conceptual privilege in the explanation of the nature of law, that legal discourse is a special case of general practical discourse, and that unjust considerations can be legally valid norms.
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    The Relevance of Scientific Practice to The Problem of Coordination.Andrew Peterson - 2011 - Spontaneous Generations 5 (1):44-57.
    In his early work on the problem of coordination, Hans Reichenbach introduced axioms of coordination to describe the relationship between theory and observation. His insistence that these axioms are determinable a priori, however, causes him to ignore the normative dimensions of scientific inquiry and, in turn, generates a misleading interpretation of the theory-observation relationship. In response, I propose an alternative approach that describes this relationship through the framework of scientific practices. My argument will draw on two examples that have (...)
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    Some problems relevant for understanding relation between mentalization, early splitting and projective identification.Petar Jevremović - 2007 - Theoria 50 (1):95-109.
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    (1 other version)Historical relevance of Vygotsky's work: Its significance for a new approach to the problem of subjectivity in psychology.Fernando Luis Gonzalez Rey - 2009 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 11 (1):59-73.
    This paper discusses theoretical issues concerning Vygotsky’s work that have remained unaddressed in the dominant interpretations of his work, either in the former Soviet psychology or in the dominant Western interpretations. This paper builds on interpretations of Vygotsky’s concepts oriented by the unity of emotional and cognitive processes and focused on the search for new psychical unities on which to build a systemic representation of the human mind. Because Vygotsky did not provide a definite position on such questions, I have (...)
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  13. (2 other versions)Problem : The Christian Philosophy of Monsignor Edward A. Pace; Its Relevance for the Sixties.William M. Walton - 1962 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 36:127.
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    Relevance Logic: Problems Open and Closed.Alasdair Urquhart - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Logic 13 (1):11-20.
    I discuss a collection of problems in relevance logic. The main problems discussed are: the decidability of the positive semilattice system, decidability of the fragments of R in a restricted number of variables, and the complexity of the decision problem for the implicational fragment of R. Some related problems are discussed along the way.
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    Problem reduction and its relevance: Reply to Thomas Nickles.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):134-137.
  16. Accounting for Epistemic Relevance: A New Problem for the Causal Theory of Memory.Dorothea Debus - 2010 - American Philosophical Quarterly 47 (1):17-29.
    In their paper "Remembering," first published in the Philosophical Review in 1966, Martin and Deutscher develop what has since come to be known as the Causal Theory of Memory. The core claim of the Causal Theory of Memory runs as follows: If someone remembers something, whether it be "public," such as a car accident, or "private," such as an itch, then the following criteria must be fulfilled: 1. Within certain limits of accuracy he represents that past thing. 2. I f (...)
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  17.  37
    Lightweight relevance filtering for machine-generated resolution problems.Jia Meng & Lawrence C. Paulson - 2009 - Journal of Applied Logic 7 (1):41-57.
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    Identifying the Relevant Aspects of a Problem Text.J. R. Hayes, D. A. Waterman & C. S. Robinson - 1977 - Cognitive Science 1 (3):297-313.
    Forty‐nine subjects judged the relevancy of sentence parts of a word problem (the Allsports problem). Patterns of subjects' judgments suggest three problem‐solving heuristics: a SETS heuristic, a TIME heuristic, and a QUESTION heuristic. Presentation of the question before the problem tends to suppress SETS and TIME heuristics. A computer program (ATTEND) is presented to simulate subjects' behavior on the Allsports problem. The program is context‐sensitive in that it can change a relevance judgment upon the (...)
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  19. A Relevant Alternatives Solution to the Bootstrapping and Self-Knowledge Problems.Darren Bradley - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy 111 (7):379-393.
    The main argument given for relevant alternatives theories of knowledge has been that they answer scepticism about the external world. I will argue that relevant alternatives also solve two other problems that have been much discussed in recent years, a) the bootstrapping problem and b) the apparent conflict between semantic externalism and armchair self-knowledge. Furthermore, I will argue that scepticism and Mooreanism can be embedded within the relevant alternatives framework.
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  20. Predictive processing and relevance realization: exploring convergent solutions to the frame problem.Brett P. Andersen, Mark Miller & John Vervaeke - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-22.
    The frame problem refers to the fact that organisms must be able to zero in on relevant aspects of the world and intelligently ignore the vast majority of the world that is irrelevant to their goals. In this paper we aim to point out the connection between two leading frameworks for thinking about how organisms achieve this. Predictive processing is a rapidly growing framework within cognitive science which suggests that organisms assign a high ‘weight’ to relevant aspects of the (...)
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    Picture versus word and relevant value "Relatedness" in rule-learning problems.A. Keith Barton - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):208.
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  22. The Problem of Relevant Descriptions and the Scope of Moral Principles.Irina Schumski - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):1588-1613.
    In her seminal attack on modern moral philosophy, G. E. M. Anscombe claims that Kant's ‘rule about universalizable maxims is useless without stipulations as to what shall count as a relevant description of an action with a view to constructing a maxim about it’. Although this so-called problem of relevant descriptions has received considerable attention in the literature, there is little agreement on how it should be understood or solved. My aim in this paper is, first, to clarify the (...)
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    A Higher-Order Problem of Causal Relevance?Cei Maslen - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:149-157.
    Robb & Heil describe a higher-order version of the popular Causal Exclusion Problem. In particular, they ask whether the argument that led to a change in focus from event causation to causal relevance of properties can be iterated, leading us to focus on the causal relevance of properties of those properties, or properties of properties of those properties, and so on. In this paper, I investigate this curious higher-order problem and argue that the appeal of both (...)
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    Hare, Universalizability, and the Problem of Relevant Descriptions.Kenneth Alan Milkman - 1982 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 12 (1):19 - 32.
    Many significant moral theories, ones to which a large number of philosophers pledge themselves, employ in a fundamental way the criterion of universalizability. This is true not only of Kant and his more illustrious successors, but also utilitarians of many sorts. But concomitant with adherence to universalizability as a moral criterion is adherence to the belief that certain features of putatively moral acts and immoral acts are relevant and others irrelevant to the determination to the rightness or wrongness of those (...)
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  25.  12
    The Relevance of Language for the Problem of Representation.Raffaela Giovagnoli - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli (eds.), Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer.
    This chapter deals with the relationship between representation and language, which becomes more relevant if we do not intend the process of forming internal representations of reality but rather the representative function of language. Starting from some Fregean ideas, we present the notion of representation theorized by Searle. According to Searle, a belief is a “representation” that has a propositional content and a psychological mode: the propositional content or intentional content determines a set of conditions of satisfaction under certain aspects (...)
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    The relevance of the philosophical ‘mind–body problem’ for the status of psychosomatic medicine: a conceptual analysis of the biopsychosocial model.Lukas Van Oudenhove & Stefaan Cuypers - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (2):201-213.
    Psychosomatic medicine, with its prevailing biopsychosocial model, aims to integrate human and exact sciences with their divergent conceptual models. Therefore, its own conceptual foundations, which often remain implicit and unknown, may be critically relevant. We defend the thesis that choosing between different metaphysical views on the ‘mind–body problem’ may have important implications for the conceptual foundations of psychosomatic medicine, and therefore potentially also for its methods, scientific status and relationship with the scientific disciplines it aims to integrate: biomedical sciences, (...)
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    Reflections on the problem of relevance.Alfred Schutz - 1970 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Edited by Richard M. Zaner.
  28.  32
    The new relevance of experiment: A postmodern problem.Patrick A. Heelan - 1989 - Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 9 (2):11-19.
    Today when congressional committees are investigating laboratory notebooks, when the media debate the possibility of cold-fusion, and advertising presents drugs as remedies for everything from infertility to hair loss, the stage is set for the postmodern crisis of confidence in science. This crisis was ushered in by F. Nietzsche, and taken up by M. Heidegger, J. Habermas, Critical Theory, the Strong School of the Sociology of Science, by Margaret Thatcher, on the right and by Jacques Derrida, on the left—and, of (...)
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    Is the non-identity problem relevant to public health and policy? An online survey.Keyur Doolabh, Lucius Caviola, Julian Savulescu, Michael J. Selgelid & Dominic Wilkinson - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-17.
    The non-identity problem arises when our actions in the present could change which people will exist in the future, for better or worse. Is it morally better to improve the lives of specific future people, as compared to changing which people exist for the better? Affecting the timing of fetuses being conceived is one case where present actions change the identity of future people. This is relevant to questions of public health policy, as exemplified in some responses to the (...)
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  30. The Problem of Relevant Descriptions.Kenneth Alan Milkman - 1979 - Dissertation, City University of New York
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    The relevance theory, pragmatics and the problem of meaning.Л. Б Макеева - 2022 - Philosophy Journal 15 (3):125-139.
    The paper discusses the theory of relevance, advanced in the middle of the 1980s by Dan Sperber and Deidra Wilson, in the context of opposition between the proponents of “ideal language philosophy”, or formal semantics, and adherents of “ordinary language philoso­phy”. Though the theory was created as a version of cognitive pragmatics, an area at the junction of cognitive sciences and theoretical linguistics, it is of undoubted interest for philosophical comprehension of language, verbal communication, and the nature of meaning. (...)
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  32. The Generality Problem, Statistical Relevance and the Tri-Level Hypothesis.James R. Beebe - 2004 - Noûs 38 (1):177 - 195.
    In this paper I critically examine the Generality Problem and argue that it does not succeed as an objection to reliabilism. Although those who urge the Generality Problem are correct in claiming that any process token can be given indefinitely many descriptions that pick out indefinitely many process types, they are mistaken in thinking that reliabilists have no principled way to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant process types.
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    Some Problems and Results relevant to the Foundations of Set Theory.Alfred Tarski & W. Hanf - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (1):95-96.
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    ”That’s Just a Conspiracy Theory!”: Relevant Alternatives, Dismissive Conversational Exercitives, and the Problem of Premature Conclusions.Rico Hauswald - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (4):494-509.
    Drawing on the relevant alternatives framework and Mary Kate McGowan’s work on conversational scorekeeping, I argue that usage of the term ‘conspiracy theory’ in ordinary language and public discourse typically entails the performance of what I call a dismissive conversational exercitive, a kind of speech act that functions to exclude certain propositions from (or prevent their inclusion in) the set of alternatives considered relevant in a given conversational context. While it can be legitimate to perform dismissive conversational exercitives, excluding alternatives (...)
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  35. Social Research I The Problem of Relevance.Vkrv Rao - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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    Learned helplessness and its relevance for psychological suffering: a new perspective illustrated with attachment problems, burn-out, and fatigue complaints.Yannick Boddez, Pieter Van Dessel & Jan De Houwer - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1027-1036.
    We develop a new perspective on various forms of psychological suffering – including attachment issues, burn-out, and fatigue complaints – by drawing on the construct of learned helplessness. We conceptualise learned helplessness in operant terms as the behavioural effects of a lack of reinforcement and in goal-directed terms as the dysregulation of goal-directed behaviour. Our central claim is that if one fails to reach a goal (e.g. the goal to secure a job), then not only this goal but also other (...)
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    The Problem of Relevance in Post-Actor-Network Theory.Maksim Malkov - 2023 - Sociology of Power 35 (2):38-61.
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    The problem of relevance between orientations for cognitive dissonance theory.Marcello Truzzi - 1973 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 3 (2):239–247.
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  39. The Two Fundamental Problems of Epistemology, Their Resolution, and Relevance for Life Science.Harry Smit - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (2):105-119.
    Among the many fundamental problems Wittgenstein discussed, two are especially relevant for evolutionary theory. The first one is the problem of negation and its relation to the intentionality of thought. Its resolution answers the question of how thought can anticipate reality though what is thought may not exist, and explains how empirical propositions are distinguishable from mathematical, logical, and conceptual (or what are traditionally called metaphysical) propositions. The second is the problem of the grounds of sensory experience. Wittgenstein’s (...)
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  40. Making inferences about relevance in understanding problems.C. S. Robinson & J. R. Hayes - 1978 - In Russell Revlin & Richard E. Mayer (eds.), Human reasoning. New York: distributed solely by Halsted Press.
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  41. Classical computationalism and the many problems of cognitive relevance.Richard Samuels - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (3):280-293.
    In this paper I defend the classical computational account of reasoning against a range of highly influential objections, sometimes called relevance problems. Such problems are closely associated with the frame problem in artificial intelligence and, to a first approximation, concern the issue of how humans are able to determine which of a range of representations are relevant to the performance of a given cognitive task. Though many critics maintain that the nature and existence of such problems provide grounds (...)
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    The domestication of critique: Problems of justifying the critical in the context of educationally relevant thought and action.Helmut Heid - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (3):323–339.
    Abstract‘Critique’ means the questioning judgement of human actions, particularly with reference to a criterion of judgement that is inseparable from the judged state of affairs but is dependent on a decision of the person judging. Informative judgements of a state of affairs contain two relevant components, one concerned with recognition of the objects of judgment, the other concerned with their evaluation. This evaluation is not directly extractable from that state of affairs, but the quality of the evaluation does depend in (...)
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  43. Fodor's frame problem and relevance theory (reply to chiappe & kukla).Dan Sperber & Deirdre Wilson - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):530-532.
    Chiappe and Kukla argue that relevance theory fails to solve the frame problem as defined by Fodor. They are right. They are wrong, however, to take Fodor’s frame problem too seriously. Fodor’s concerns, on the other hand, even though they are wrongly framed, are worth addressing. We argue that Relevance thoery helps address them.
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  44. Relevant Containment Logics and Certain Frame Problems of AI.R. Sylvan - 1988 - Logique Et Analyse 31 (21):11-24.
  45.  96
    Whole-Hearted Motivation and Relevant Alternatives: A Problem for the Contrastivist Account of Moral Reasons.Andrew Jordan - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (5):835-845.
    Recently, Walter Sinott-Armstrong and Justin Snedegar have argued for a general contrastivist theory of reasons. According to the contrastivist account of reasons, all reasons claims should be understood as a relation with an additional place for a contrast class. For example, rather than X being a reason for A to P simpliciter, the contrastivist claims that X is a reason for A to P out of {P,Q,R…}. The main goal of this paper is to argue that the contrastivist account of (...)
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    Moral Issues and Social Problems: The Moral Relevance of Moral Philosophy.Marcus G. Singer - 1985 - Philosophy 60 (231):5-26.
    At the beginning of one of his inimitable discourses William James once said, ‘I am only a philosopher, and there is only one thing that a philosopher can be relied on to do, and that is, to contradict other philosophers’.1 In his succeeding discourse James himself departed from this theme. And so shall I. I shall not be contradicting other philosophers—at least not very often. What I aim to do is to take a fresh look at one of the main (...)
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  47.  78
    Do MacDonald and MacDonald Solve the Problem of Mental Causal Relevance?Neil Campbell - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (4):1149-1158.
    Ever since Davidson first articulated and defended anomalous monism, nonreductive physicalists have struggled with the problem of mental causation. Considerations about the causal closure of the physical domain and related principles about exclusion make it very difficult to maintain the distinctness of mental and physical properties while securing a causal role for the former. Recently, philosophers have turned their attention to the underlying metaphysics and ontology of the mental causation debate to gain traction on this issue. Cynthia MacDonald and (...)
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  48.  33
    The Relevance of Ancient Social and Political Philosophy for Our Times: A Short Introduction to the Problem.Kurt von Fritz - 1974 - De Gruyter.
    A few years ago a book was published by Hannah Arendt with the title 'between Past and Future'. Many critics, especially in the USA, hailed this book — not ...
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    Complexity, Relevance and Character: Problems with teaching the ad hominem fallacy.Stephen de Wijze - 2003 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 35 (1):31-56.
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    Two Algorithms for NP-Complete Problems and Their Relevance to Economics.C. A. Cosenza & Francisco Antonio Doria - 2018 - In Wuppuluri Shyam & Francisco Antonio Dorio (eds.), The Map and the Territory: Exploring the Foundations of Science, Thought and Reality. Springer. pp. 419-429.
    Maps and territory suggest problems which have to do with the opening of pathways in some poorly explored domain.
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