Results for 'René Masselon'

939 found
  1. (1 other version)Rules for the Direction of the Mind.René Descartes - 1952 - Indianapolis: Liberal Arts Press.
    "Descartes is rightly considered the father of modern philosophy" - Schopenhauer "The effect of this man on his age and the new age cannot be imagined broadly enough... René Descartes is indeed the true beginner of modern philosophy, insofar as it makes thinking the principle. "- Hegel "Descartes was the first to bring to light the idea of a transcendental science, which is to contain a system of knowledge of the conditions of possibility of all knowledge." - Kant A (...)
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  2. Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry, and Metereology.René Descartes, J. Olscamp Paul, Pierre Mesnard, Richard A. Watson & Luís Villoro - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (4):419-420.
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    Less cybernetics, more geometry….René Thom - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):166-167.
  4. British Philosophers and Theologians of the 17th and 18th Centuries a Collection of 101 Volumes.René Wellek - 1976 - Garland.
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    Battling to the End: Conversations with Benoit Chantre.Rene Girard - 2009 - Michigan State University Press.
    In _Battling to the End _René Girard engages Carl von Clausewitz, the Prussian military theoretician who wrote _On War_. Clausewitz, who has been critiqued by military strategists, political scientists, and philosophers, famously postulated that "War is the continuation of politics by other means." He also seemed to believe that governments could constrain war. Clausewitz, a firsthand witness to the Napoleonic Wars, understood the nature of modern warfare. Far from controlling violence, politics follows in war's wake: the means of war have (...)
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    A la santé de Dieu.Renée Massip - 1971 - Paris,: B. Grasset.
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    (1 other version)Œuvres de Descartes.René Descartes - 1964 - Paris,: le Club français du livre. Edited by Samuel S. de Sacy.
    10. Physico-mathematica. Compendium musicae. Regulae ad directionem ingenii. Recherche de la vérité. Supplément à la correspondance.
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  8. Renati Des Cartes meditationes de prima philosophia: in quibus Dei existentia, & animae humanae à corpore distinctio, demonstrantur : his adjunctae sunt variae objectiones doctorum virorum in istas de Deo & anima demonstrationes ; cum responsionibus authoris.René Descartes, Louis Elzevir & Gijsbert Voet - 1650 - Apud Ludovicum Elzevirium.
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    R. Des-Cartes opuscula posthuma, physica et mathematica.René Descartes, Nicolas-Joseph Poisson, Rembertus Goethals, Typographia Blaviana & Janssoons van Waesberghe - 1704 - Ex Typographia P. & J. Blaeu, Prostant Apud Janssonio-Waesbergios, Boom, & Goethals.
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  10. Annales de l'Institut international de Sociologie, T. VIII.René Worms - 1903 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 55:562-565.
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  11. Second Meditation: The Nature of the Human Mind, and How it is Better Known than the Body'and'Sixth Meditation: The Existence of Material Things, and the Real Distinction between Mind and Body'in Daniel Robinson.Rene Descartes - 1998 - In Daniel N. Robinson (ed.), The mind. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The location and composition of Group 3 of the periodic table.René E. Vernon - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (2):155-197.
    Group 3 as Sc–Y–La, rather than Sc–Y–Lu, dominates the literature. The history of this situation, including involvement by the IUPAC, is summarised. I step back from the minutiae of physical, chemical, and electronic properties and explore considerations of regularity and symmetry, natural kinds, and quantum mechanics, finding these to be inconclusive. Continuing the theme, a series of ten interlocking arguments, in the context of a chemistry-based periodic table, are presented in support of lanthanum in Group 3. In so doing, I (...)
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    La théorie littéraire.René Wellek & Austin Warren - 1971 - Editions du Seuil.
  14.  69
    Auditory emotional cues enhance visual perception.René Zeelenberg & Bruno R. Bocanegra - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):202-206.
  15. Apocalyptic thinking after 9/11: An interview with René Girard.Robert Doran & René Girard - 2008 - Substance 37 (1):20-32.
  16. Du christianisme au germanisme.René Albert Marie Lote - 1914 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
  17. Science et synthèse.René Maheu (ed.) - 1967 - [Paris,]: Gallimard.
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    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part II: a nursing research example of the hermeneutic imperative to address forestructures/pre‐understandings.Rene Geanellos - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (4):238-247.
    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part II: a nursing research example of the hermeneutic imperative to address forestructures/pre‐understandingsHermeneutic research requires that pre‐understandings are brought to consciousness in order to provide the phenomenon under investigation with the greatest opportunity to reveal itself. This hermeneutic imperative is dealt with in the present study. My research involved explicating the practice knowledge of nursing on residential adolescent mental health units, and as I had worked on such units I held pre‐understandings that would influence the research. I addressed (...)
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  19. The knowledge relation: Binary or ternary?René van Woudenberg - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (3):281-288.
    Contrastivism is the claim that the knowledge relation is ternary, it relates three relata: a subject, a proposition, and a class of contrastive propositions. The present paper is a discussion of Jonathan Schaffer’s arguments in favour of contrastivism. The case is made that these are unconvincing: the traditional binary account of knowledge can handle the phenomena that ternarity is claimed to handle in a superior way.
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    (4 other versions)A discourse on method.René Descartes - 1924 - New York,: Washington Square Press. Edited by Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane, Ross, George Robert Thomson, [From Old Catalog] & Joseph Epstein.
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  21.  18
    New Evidence on Nicanor’s Theory of Punctuation.René Nünlist - 2023 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 167 (1):8-21.
    A concise summary of Nicanor’s theory of punctuation that has recently been discovered in a codex mixtus of the 15th century throws precious new light on a topic of some complexity. The general picture that emerges from the new extract does not substantially differ from that of the other known summary, which has been the starting point for all modern reconstructions of Nicanor’s theory. Therefore, these reconstructions need not be rewritten on a larger scale. The two summaries nevertheless display some (...)
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  22.  14
    Early Traces of the Greek Question Mark.René Nünlist - 2023 - Classical Quarterly 73 (1):344-355.
    According to the standard view on the issue, the habit of marking questions with a particular typographical sign in Greek and Latin script does not arise prior to the eighth or ninth century. This period is generally credited with the ‘invention’ of the question mark (excepting Syriac evidence, which points to the fifth and sixth centuries). The purpose of the present article is to correct this view. It argues that the first indication for the use of a typographical sign that (...)
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  23. (1 other version)Sagehood and the Stoics.Rene Brouwer - 2002 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 23:181-224.
  24. Editorial introduction.RenÉ Thom - 1975 - Synthese 30 (1/2):1.
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  25. Il vero, il falso, l'insignificante.René Thom - 1991 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 9 (2):33-36.
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    Sociologie Et Pluralisme Dialectique. Introduction À L'œuvre de Georges Gurvitch.René Toulemont - 1955 - Éditions Nauwelaerts.
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    Stoïcisme et stoïciens face au problème de l'au-delà.René Hoven - 1971 - Paris,: Belles Lettres.
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  28. Why The Philosophy Of Mathematics Education?Rene Thom - 1990 - Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal 1.
  29. The search for truth (Czech translation of R. Descartes's essay).René Descartes - 2003 - Filosoficky Casopis 51 (5):855-874.
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    Two flaws concerning belief accounts of implicit biases.Baston Rene - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):352-367.
    The current scientific discourse offers two opposing viewpoints about the roots of implicit biases: are they belief states or subdoxastic attitudes? The goal of this paper is to show that belief accounts of implicit biases are too demanding and lack a satisfying reasoning theory. Firstly, I will outline the concept of attitude and its relation to implicit biases. Next, I will briefly outline Mendelbaum’s view, who gives a paradigmatic example of a belief account of implicit biases. Afterward, I will concern (...)
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    Two Touchstones for Philosophy: Naive Experience and Common Sense.René van Woudenberg - 2020 - Philosophia Reformata 85 (1):20-42.
    In this paper I explore, in sections 2 and 3, respectively, Herman Dooyeweerd’s notion of naive experience and the notion of common sense as found in the writings of Thomas Reid and G. E. Moore. I argue in section 4 that naive experience and common sense are assigned a structurally similar functional role by their advocates—viz., the role of touchstone for philosophy. In the final section I stage a conversation between Dooyeweerd and Reid about the touchstones they adopt.
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    A Hexagonal Framework of the Field $${\mathbb{F}_4}$$ and the Associated Borromean Logic.René Guitart - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (1-2):119-147.
    The hexagonal structure for ‘the geometry of logical opposition’, as coming from Aristoteles–Apuleius square and Sesmat–Blanché hexagon, is presented here in connection with, on the one hand, geometrical ideas on duality on triangles (construction of ‘companion’), and on the other hand, constructions of tripartitions, emphasizing that these are exactly cases of borromean objects. Then a new case of a logical interest introduced here is the double magic tripartition determining the semi-ring ${\mathcal{B}_3}$ and this is a borromean object again, in the (...)
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  33. From Bambi to Buddha: Transcendence in Japanese Manga and Anime.René B. Javellana - 2009 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 13 (1-3).
  34. Maritain, Jacques, Religion et Culture.René König - 1933 - Kant Studien 38:482.
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    La critique de la connaissance et la méthode de la philosophie.René Kremer - 1928 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 30 (18):137-153.
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    Le Néo-Réalisme américain et sa critique de l'Idéalisme.René Kremer - 1920 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 22 (85):71-106.
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    La philosophie de M. Scheler. Son analyse de la sympathie et de l'amour.René Kremer - 1927 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 29 (14):166-178.
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    Une enquête sur la néo-scolastique et la pensée contemporaine.René Kremer - 1927 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 29 (14):232-243.
  39.  13
    La Théorie de l'heuristique et ses applications.René Leclercq - 1972 - Paris, (18e),: l'auteur, 5, rue Etex.
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    L’imagination, produit d’une métaphore?René Lefebvre - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (3):469-.
    It would be contradictory to ask phainesthai to support both the strict sense (M. Schofield, M. Nussbaum), and metaphorical use (Simplicius) of phantasia. De anima, 428a2, raises many issues. When discovering imagination, Aristotle himself seems to use the word phantasia metaphorically.
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    Respectful Agents: Between the Scylla and Charybdis of Cultural and Moral Incapacity.Michelle Schut & René Moelker - 2015 - Journal of Military Ethics 14 (3-4):232-246.
    ABSTRACTRespect in morally and culturally critical situations during military missions is complex and loaded with ambiguity. Respect seems a desirable and positive cross-cultural competence. It is assumed and expected that respectful action serves the objectives of the mission and contributes to the perceived legitimacy of the military. However, by respecting ‘the others’ culture’ too much, one can neglect one's own values and sideline one's own ethical point of view. We conducted a qualitative study in which we extracted 121 morally and (...)
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    Society of the Query Reader: Reflections on Web Search.René König & Miriam Rasch (eds.) - 2014 - Institute of Network Cultures,.
    Looking up something online is one of the most common applications of the web. Whether with a laptop or smartphone, we search the web from wherever we are, at any given moment. 'Googling' has become so entwined in our daily routines that we rarely question it. However, search engines such as Google or Bing determine what part of the web we get to see, shaping our knowledge and perceptions of the world. But there is a world beyond Google - geographically, (...)
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    Interpreting Christian history: The challenge of the churches' past. By Euan Cameron.Rene Kollar - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (2):305–306.
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  44. Le Néo-Réalisme américain.René Kremer - 1923 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (1):10-10.
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    La philosophie contemporaine en Grande-Bretagne d'après un livre récent.René Kremer - 1925 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 27 (7):295-307.
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    Panthéons locaux de Lycie, Lykaonie et Cilicie aux deuxième et premier millénaires av. J.-C.René Lebrun - 1998 - Kernos 11:143-155.
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  47. Presentation.René Lefebvre - 2013 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 11:65-68.
    On pense souvent l’éthique comme un fait strictement humain : les hommes et eux seuls auraient des préoccupations éthiques ; seuls les comportements humains auraient à obéir à des règles éthiques; les règles en question concerneraient au premier chef, pour ne pas dire exclusivement, la relation des agents humains entre eux. La même chose peut être répétée, mutatis mutandis, au sujet du droit. Dans cette perspective, traditionnelle, les animaux sont au mieux des exclus : ni agents éthiques, ni bénéficiaires sinon (...)
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    (1 other version)Discourse on method, and Metaphysical meditations. [Translated by G.B. Rawlings].René Descartes - unknown
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  49.  47
    Descartes Philosophical Works U. K.René Descartes, G. E. M. Anscombe & P. T. Geach - 1971 - Wiley.
    This book covers a remarkable amount of ground and has become something of a classic. Besides the Discourse and the Meditations, it contains Private Thoughts, the third set of Objections and Replies, most of the Regulae, parts of the Principia and the Dioptrics, together with crrespondence with Elizabeth, Princess Palatine, Mersenne and others.
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    A Message for the Whole Person.C. René Padilla - 1993 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 10 (3):1-4.
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