Results for 'Baston Rene'

936 found
  1. From old-fashioned to offensive racism: How social norms determine the measurement object of prejudice questionnaires.René Baston - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (2):247-269.
    Recently, an increasing number of scholars have been showing interest in old-fashioned racism again. While recent studies on old-fashioned racism apparently increase our knowledge of this psychological theory of racism, the studies actually shed light on a different type of racism, namely offensive racism. The aim of this text is to argue that psychological theories of racism, like old-fashioned racism and modern racism, depend on societies’ social norms. I will show that questionnaires are highly sensitive to social norms, and if (...)
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    The Nurturing Stance, Moral Responsibility, and the (Implicit) Bias Blind Spot.René Baston - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (1):1-20.
    Can we hold agents responsible for their implicitly biased behavior? The aim of this text is to show that, from the nurturing stance, holding subjects responsible for their implicitly biased behavior is justified, even though they are not blameworthy. First, I will introduce the nurturing stance as Daphne Brandenburg originally developed it. Second, I will specify what holding somebody responsible from the nurturing stance amounts to. Third, I show how and why holding responsible can help a subject develop an impaired (...)
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  3. Implicit attitudes and implicit prejudices.René Baston & Gottfried Vosgerau - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (6):889-903.
    In social psychology, the concept of implicit attitudes has given rise to ongoing discussions that are rather philosophical. The aim of this paper is to discuss the status of implicit prejudices from a philosophical point of view. Since implicit prejudices are a special case of implicit attitudes, the discussion will be framed by a short discussion of the most central aspects concerning implicit attitudes and indirect measures. In particular, the ontological conclusions that are implied by different conceptions of implicit attitudes (...)
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  4. Unintentional Trolling: How Subjects Express Their Prejudices Through Made-up Stories.René Baston & Benedict Kenyah-Damptey - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):667-682.
    It is often assumed that trolling is an intentional action. The aim of the paper is to argue for a form of unintentional trolling. Firstly, we outline minimal conditions for intentional actions. Secondly, an unintentional trolling example is introduced. Thirdly, we will show that in some cases, an utterance can be expressive, while it is perceived as descriptive. On the basis of the justification-suppression model, we argue that the introduced trolling example is such a case. In order to bypass social (...)
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  5. What underlies death/suicide implicit association test measures and how it contributes to suicidal action.René Baston - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology:1-24.
    Recently, psychologists have developed indirect measurement procedures to predict suicidal behavior. A prominent example is the Death/Suicide Implicit Association Test (DS-IAT). In this paper, I argue that there is something special about the DS-IAT which distinguishes it from different IAT measures. I argue that the DS-IAT does not measure weak or strong associations between the implicit self-concept and the abstract concept of death. In contrast, assuming a goal-system approach, I suggest that sorting death-related to self-related words takes effort because death-related (...)
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    Proactive control and agency.René Baston - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):43-61.
    Can agents overcome unconscious psychological influences without being aware of them? Some philosophers and psychologists assume that agents need to be aware of psychological influences to successfully control behavior. The aim of this text is to argue that when agents engage in a proactive control strategy, they can successfully shield their behavior from some unconscious influences. If agents actively check for conflicts between their actions and mental states, they engage in reactive control. For engaging in reactive control, agents need awareness (...)
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    Why Attitudes Are Not Character Traits.René Baston - 2023 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (4):524-543.
    In social psychology, explicit and implicit attitudes play an important role for behavior prediction and explanation. Edouard Machery claims that attitudes are not mental states but dispositional character traits. The goal of this article is to show that this conceptualization of attitudes comes with two weaknesses: first, the author will show that if attitudes are traits, they are unmeasurable, or if we assume that a part of the trait is measurable, then we do not need the trait-picture, because then the (...)
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    Beyond prediction: a new paradigm for understanding suicide risk.René Baston - 2024 - Synthese 204 (1):1-19.
    Recent meta-studies have shown that there are no known risk factors for suicidal behavior that could be used for behavior prediction, rendering the classic understanding of high and low risk for suicide questionable. The aim of this manuscript is to propose a new understanding of suicide risk that does not depend on predictive powers. In contrast, the developed Normic account of suicide risk, which is based on a possible world framework rather than probability calculations, suggests that the normalcy of an (...)
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    To delay or not to delay: procrastination and suicide prevention.René Baston - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    When mental health professionals or social workers are confronted with a suicidal individual, one approach is to use all means to delay the act of suicide until the desire for death subsides. Encouraging someone to delay suicide while bypassing the individual’s practical reasons for suicide can lead to irrational postponement, which equates to procrastinating suicide. Causing someone to procrastinate in this manner poses a risk of disrespecting the person as a rational agent. However, is it even possible to irrationally delay (...)
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  10. Two flaws concerning belief accounts of implicit biases.Baston Rene - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (3):352-367.
    The current scientific discourse offers two opposing viewpoints about the roots of implicit biases: are they belief states or subdoxastic attitudes? The goal of this paper is to show that belief accounts of implicit biases are too demanding and lack a satisfying reasoning theory. Firstly, I will outline the concept of attitude and its relation to implicit biases. Next, I will briefly outline Mendelbaum’s view, who gives a paradigmatic example of a belief account of implicit biases. Afterward, I will concern (...)
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  11. (8 other versions)Meditations on First Philosophy.René Descartes - 1641/1984 - Ann Arbor: Caravan Books. Edited by Stanley Tweyman.
    I have always considered that the two questions respecting God and the Soul were the chief of those that ought to be demonstrated by philosophical rather than ...
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  12. The philosophical writings of Descartes.René Descartes - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Volumes I and II provided a completely new translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. Volume III contains 207 of Descartes' letters, over half of which have previously not been translated into English. It incorporates, in its entirety, Anthony Kenny's celebrated translation of selected philosophical letters, first published in 1970. In conjunction with Volumes I and II it is designed to meet the widespread demand for a comprehensive, authoritative and accurate edition (...)
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  13.  46
    The Role of Virtues in the Framing of Decisions.Miquel Bastons - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (3):389-400.
    This article explores links between the modern theory of rational choice and ethics. Ethics allows us to answer an unsolved question in modern decision theory: the structuring problem in decisions. Such a problem cannot be solved coming from the principle of expected utility. This principle can solve the problem of ‚choosing’ among given alternatives, but does not establish which alternatives should be taken into account in decision. In order to understand the structuring problem, the act of ‚choosing’ has to be (...)
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  14.  29
    (1 other version)Discourse on Method and the Meditations.René Descartes - 1637 - Penguin Books. Edited by Translator: Sutcliffe & E. F..
    Is knowledge possible? If so, what can we know and how do we come to know it? What degree of certainty does our knowledge enjoy? In these two powerful works, Descartes, the seventeenth-century philosopher considered to be the father of modern philosophy, outlines his philosophical method and then counters the skeptics of his time by insisting that certain knowledge can be had. He goes on to address the nature and extent of human knowledge, the distinction between mind and body, the (...)
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    Discourse on Method ; And, Meditations on First Philosophy.René Descartes (ed.) - 1993 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Contains English translations of Descartes' 1637 treatise Discourse on the Method for Conducting One's Reason Well and for Searching for Truth in the Sciences and a subsequent development of the ideas contained in it, Meditations on First Philosophy, first published in 1641. Includes a selected bibliography. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  16. Discours de la méthode.René Descartes - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 3 (4):603-604.
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  17. (1 other version)Discourse on Method.René Descartes - 1900 - The Monist 10:472.
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    Discourse on the method.Rene Descartes - unknown
  19.  13
    Discours de la méthode: Pour bien conduire sa raison, et cherche la vérité dans les sciences.René Descartes & Madeleine Barthélemy-Madaule - 2018 - A. Colin.
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  20. Descartes: selected philosophical writings.René Descartes - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by J. References Cottingham, R. Stoothoff & D. Murdoch.
    Based on the new and much acclaimed two volume Cambridge edition of The Philosophical Writings of Descartes by Cottingham, Stoothoff, and Murdoch, this anthology of essential texts contains the most important and widely studied of those writings, including the Discourse and Meditations and substantial extracts from the Regulae, Optics, Principles, Objections and Replies, Comments on a Broadsheet, and Passions of the Soul.
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  21. Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry, and Meteorology.René Descartes - 1965 - New York: Hackett Publishing Company.
    This volume preserves the format in which Discourse on Method was originally published: as a preface to Descartes's writings on optics, geometry, and meteorology. In his introduction, Olscamp discusses the value of reading the Discourse alongside these three works, which sheds new light on Descartes’s method. Includes an updated bibliography.
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  22.  24
    A Discourse on Method: Meditations on the First Philosophy ; Principles of Philosophy.René Descartes & John Veitch - 1986 - Everyman's Classic Library in Paperback. Edited by John Veitch & René Descartes.
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    Esquisse d'une sémiophysique.René Thom - 1988
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    Less cybernetics, more geometry….René Thom - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (1):166-167.
  25.  23
    The Philosophical Writings of Descartes: Volume 1.René Descartes - 1984 - Cambridge University Press. Edited by John Cottingham, Robert Stoothoff & Dugald Murdoch.
    These two 1985 volumes provide a translation of the philosophical works of Descartes, based on the best available Latin and French texts. They are intended to replace the only reasonably comprehensive selection of his works in English, by Haldane and Ross, first published in 1911. All the works included in that edition are translated here, together with a number of additional texts crucial for an understanding of Cartesian philosophy, including important material from Descartes' scientific writings. The result should meet the (...)
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  26. Treatise of Man: French Text with Translation and Commentary, trans. Thomas Steele Hall.René Descartes - 1972 - Cambridge, Mass.: Newcomb Livraria Press.
    A translation by Thomas Steele Hall, an historian of physiology, of the 1664 edition of Descartes' L'Homme (ed. Claude Clerselier). Includes an introduction, review of Descartes' physiology, a synopsis of the first French edition, bibliographical materials (editions and sources of L'Homme), and extensive interpretive notes. Also incorporates the French text of 1664 of L'Homme. Forward by I. B. Cohen.
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  27. Discourse on Method, Optics, Geometry, and Metereology.René Descartes, J. Olscamp Paul, Pierre Mesnard, Richard A. Watson & Luís Villoro - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 22 (4):419-420.
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  28. Esquisse d'une sémiophysique.René Thom - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 179 (4):656-658.
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  29. Ambiguous figures and the spatial contents of perceptual experience: a defense of representationalism.René Jagnow - 2011 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 10 (3):325-346.
    Representationalists hold that the phenomenal character of a perceptual experience is identical with, or supervenes on, an aspect of its representational content. As such, representationalism could be disproved by a counter-example consisting of two experiences that have the same representational content but differ in phenomenal character. In this paper, I discuss two recently proposed counter-examples to representationalism that involve ambiguous or reversible figures. I pursue two goals. My first, and most important, goal is to show that the representationalist can offer (...)
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    Human Habitat, Space and Place.Miquel Bastons & Jaume Armengou - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (4):559-570.
    This article is a conceptual contribution on how to make human habitat more sustainable. Taking Heidegger’s conception of “dwelling” as a starting point, a new form of understanding the organization of the city as a human habitat is proposed. It is argued that human habitat is today in crisis and that such crisis has its roots in a spatial understanding of human dwelling, disregarding its temporal-historical dimension. For long time, the city has been considered as a physical “place” and its (...)
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    O desamparo psíquico e as relações de interdependência, pensando com Freud e Judith Butler.Petra Bastone - 2023 - Princípios 30 (61):87-108.
    O desamparo psíquico é um conceito fundamental na psicanálise e está presente em textos de diferentes épocas da teoria freudiana. Por meio dele, Freud nos mostra nossa completa dependência de um outro, que é capaz de nos oferecer um conforto frente a um desamparo, que é eterno e irreversível. Assim que nascemos, estamos fadados a viver em desamparo. Em paralelo com a teoria de Judith Butler, pretendemos fazer a relação do desamparo psíquico tratado por Freud com o conceito de precariedade (...)
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    A Mathematical Model of Levodopa Medication Effect on Basal Ganglia in Parkinson's Disease: An Application to the Alternate Finger Tapping Task.Chiara Baston, Manuela Contin, Giovanna Calandra Buonaura, Pietro Cortelli & Mauro Ursino - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  33. Ciencia, tecnología y humanismo.Miquel Bastons - 1992 - In Alejandro Llano, El humanismo en la empresa. Madrid: Ediciones Rialp.
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    Conocimiento y libertad: la teoría kantiana de la acción.Miquel Bastons - 1989 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A..
  35.  9
    GIGLIOTTI, GIANNA, Il neocriticismo tedesco, Loescher, Torino, 1983, 341 págs.Miguel Bastons - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico:222-224.
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    LARA, BLAS, La decisión, un problema contemporáneo, Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1991, 462 págs.Miquel Bastons - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):1092-1094.
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  37. La "Crítica de la razón práctica" como saber transcendental.Miquel Bastons - 1992 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 9:89-98.
    Desde la actual teoría general de la acción se han levantado objeciones contra la validez como saber transcendental de la critica de la razón práctica. Se la acusa de haber deducido la libertad del "faktum" moral en vez de deducir la moralidad de una libertad moralmente neutra y transcendentalmente ya asentada en el desarrollo critico teórico. Un estudio atento a la obra revela, sin embargo, que en ella no se abandona la "reflexión" crítica y es justamente por ello que la (...)
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    Movimiento, operación, acción y producción. Explicitación poliana de la teoría aristotélica de la acción.Miquel Bastons Prat - 2004 - Studia Poliana:121-139.
    En este artículo se parte de la distinción aristotélica de cuatro formas fundamentales de acción: enérgeia-kínesis (de la Metafísica) y praxis—poiesis (de la Ética) y de las aportaciones de L. Polo en sus obras de Teoría del Conocimiento y de Ética, especialmente, de sus conceptos de operación inmanente y movimiento transitivo, para establecer una tipología con las cuatro formas fundamentales de un dinamismo: proceso (kinesis), operación (enérgeia), acción (praxis) y producción (poiesis).
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    Notes on the use of a Cane.Alfonso Baston - 1990 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 33 (3):457-458.
  40. Pol y la historia de la filosofía (II): Movimiento, operaciÓn, acciÓn y producciÓn: ExplicitaciÓn poliana de la teoría aristotélica de la acciÓn.Miquel Bastons - 2004 - Studia Poliana 6:121-139.
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    Realism and Impartiality: Making Sustainability Effective in Decision-Making.Miquel Bastons & Jaume Armengou - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):969-987.
    There is both individual and collective widespread concern in society about the impact of human activity and the effects of our decisions on the physical and social environment. This concern is included within the idea of sustainability. The meaning of the concept is still ambiguous and its practical effectiveness disputed. Like many other authors, this article uses as a starting point the definition proposed by the World Commission on Environment and Development, considering it to be a proposal for changing the (...)
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    Vivir y habitar en la ciudad.Miquel Bastons - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (2):541-556.
    This article is a reflection on human habitat taking-off from a sentence by Millán Puelles: "Animals do not have problems with shelter, human beings do". A manner of overcoming the "philosophy of uprootment", apparently supported by the crisis of the city, is proposed. Such a crisis responds to two errors latent in the conception of human space. The first one is to be found in the notion of space in use; the second, in the wrong usage of the means-end model (...)
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    Der Geschwisterkomplex.René Kaës - 2017 - Psyche 71 (9):780-811.
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of Gait in the Human Basal Ganglia and the PPN Region in Parkinson’s Disease.Rene Molina, Chris J. Hass, Kristen Sowalsky, Abigail C. Schmitt, Enrico Opri, Jaime A. Roper, Daniel Martinez-Ramirez, Christopher W. Hess, Kelly D. Foote, Michael S. Okun & Aysegul Gunduz - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  45.  26
    Descartes: philosophical letters.René Descartes - 1970 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by Anthony Kenny.
  46.  87
    A very absolute Π21 real singleton.René David - 1982 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 23 (2-3):101-120.
  47. Prédire n'est pas expliquer.René Thom - 1992 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 182 (2):262-265.
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    The location and composition of Group 3 of the periodic table.René E. Vernon - 2021 - Foundations of Chemistry 23 (2):155-197.
    Group 3 as Sc–Y–La, rather than Sc–Y–Lu, dominates the literature. The history of this situation, including involvement by the IUPAC, is summarised. I step back from the minutiae of physical, chemical, and electronic properties and explore considerations of regularity and symmetry, natural kinds, and quantum mechanics, finding these to be inconclusive. Continuing the theme, a series of ten interlocking arguments, in the context of a chemistry-based periodic table, are presented in support of lanthanum in Group 3. In so doing, I (...)
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    Discourse on method, and related writings.René Descartes - 1999 - New York: Penguin Books. Edited by Desmond M. Clarke.
    Presents a scientific method based on hypothesis and deduction which replaced techniques derived from Aristotle, and includes extracts from Descartes' ...
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    Hermeneutic philosophy. Part I: implications of its use as methodology in interpretive nursing research.Rene Geanellos - 1998 - Nursing Inquiry 5 (3):154-163.
    Increasingly, nurses use the philosophy of hermeneutics, especially Heideggerian and Gadamerian hermeneutics, to inform interpretive research. However, application of the work of these philosophers to interpretive nursing research has proved problematic as it fails to recognise, or act upon, obligations inherent in their work. Through a review of hermeneutically informed nursing research, methodological implications regarding the use of hermeneutic philosophy are examined in relation to: (i) the need to address forestructures and pre‐understandings; (ii) checking interpretations with research participants; (iii) seeking (...)
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