Results for 'Rifʻah Yāmī'

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  1.  15
    Ikhwān al-Ṣafā wa-Khillān al-Wafā: naẓarīyāt al-taṭawwur wa-falsafat al-wujūd.Rifʻah Yāmī - 2014 - al-Rabāṭ: Dār al-Waṭan.
  2.  17
    Risālat ithbāt al-ʻaql al-mujarrad.Aḥad Farāmarz Qarāmalikī, Ṭayyibah ʻĀrifʹniyā & Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad Ṭūsī (eds.) - 2014 - Tihrān: Markaz-i Pizhuhishī-i Mīrās̲-i Maktūb.
    Ṭūsī, Naṣīr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad, 1201-127 ; Risālah-i is̲bāt al-ʻaql - Criticism and interpretation.
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  3. Davāzdah risālah dar pārādūks-i durūghgū.Aḥad Farāmarz Qarāmalikī, Ṣadr al-Dīn al-Kabīr, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm & Ṭayyibah ʻĀrifʹniyā (eds.) - 2007 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-ʼi Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-ʼi Īrān.
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  4. Jāmiʻat al-jāmiʻah.ʻĀrif Tāmir (ed.) - 1970
  5. Ibn Sīnā fī dawāʼir al-maʻārif al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-ʻālamīyah wa-kutub al-aʻlām.Aḥmad Ghassān Sabānū (ed.) - 1984 - [Damascus]: Dār Qutaybah.
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    Shams al-marāsim wa-yāqūtat al-maʻārif wa-al-maʻālim fī al-wilāyah wa-al-walī wa-al-quṭb wa-al-ghawth wa-al-khātim wa-mā la-hum min faḍāʼil wa-maḥāsin wa-makārim wa-mā khaṣṣū bi-hi min al-maʼāthir wa-al-maqāsim.Aḥmad ibn Abū al-Qāsim Tādilī - 2016 - [Rabat]: al-Muṣṭafá ibn Khalīfah ʻArbūsh. Edited by Muṣṭafá ʻArbūsh.
    2. Fī al-quṭb wa-al-aqṭāb wa-al-ghawth wa-dhikr al-abdāl -al-awtād wa-al-nuqabāʼ wa-al-nujabāʼ wa-ghayrihim --.
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  7. Ṣaḥīḥ Buk̲h̲ārī sharīf ke ek sau ʻibrat āmez vāqiʻāt: ʻulūm o maʻārif aur mauʻiz̤at o naṣīḥat se bharpūr.Muḥammad Ilyās Muz̤āhirī - 2010 - Campāran: Shuʻbah-yi Nashr o Ishāʻat, Jāmiʻah Zakariyā.
    On Islamic religious life and Islamic ethics in view of various Islamic stories.
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  8. Khamsūna ʻāman ʻalá wafāt al-ʻārif bi-Allāh al-Shaykh ʻAbd al-Wāḥid Yaḥyá: ṭabʻah tidhkārīyah.Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 2003 - Faransā: Dār Idrīs.
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    ʻIrfān-i Majlisī: pizhūhishī dar aḥvāl va afkār-i faqīh-i rabbānī va ʻārif-i ṣamadānī Mawlānā Muḥammad Taqī Majlisī (M. 1070 Q.).Raḥīm Qāsimī - 2016 - Qum: Intishārāt-i Āyat-i Ishrāq.
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    Ruʼyah Qurʼānīyah fī mawāḍīʻ ijtimāʻīyah: al-mīrāth, al-nikāḥ, al-ṭalāq, al-taʻaddud, libās al-marʼah, milk al-yamīn.Sāmir Islāmbūlī - 2019 - al-Iskandarīyah, Miṣr: Markaz Līfānt lil-Dirāsāt al-Thaqāfīyah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Hānim ʻĪsawī.
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  11. Mabādiʼ wa-uṣūl al-maʻārif al-Ilāhīyah: dirāsah manhajīyah muqāranah.Fāḍil Ṣaffār - 2022 - Karbalāʼ al-Muqaddsah: Maktabat al-ʻAllāmah Ibn Fahd al-Ḥillī.
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    Mütercimi Meçhul Bir Kasîde-i Bürde Tercümesi.Yılmaz ÖKSÜZ - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):211-245.
    Qaṣeeda-i Burdah written by Egyptian sufi poet Busīrī (d. 695/1296) as an eulogy for Beloved Messenger Moḥammed has received great attention in the Islamic world. This work has been recited both in cultural/social ceremonies such as weddings, holidays and funerals. On the other hand, it was also annotated, translated, and takhmīs, tesdīs, tesbī‘ and taşṭīr were written to it by the pen of scholars and litterateurs in literary circles. These activities, which have been carried out over and over again, has (...)
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  13. Descartes' Philosophical Revolution: A Reassessment.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In this book, Ben-Yami reassesses the way Descartes developed and justified some of his revolutionary philosophical ideas. The first part of the book shows that one of Descartes' most innovative and influential ideas was that of representation without resemblance. Ben-Yami shows how Descartes transfers insights originating in his work on analytic geometry to his theory of perception. The second part shows how Descartes was influenced by the technology of the period, notably clockwork automata, in holding life to be a mechanical (...)
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  14. Logic & Natural Language: On Plural Reference and its Semantic and Logical Significance.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2004 - Routledge.
    Frege's invention of the predicate calculus has been the most influential event in the history of modern logic. The calculus’ place in logic is so central that many philosophers think, in fact, of it when they think of logic. This book challenges the position in contemporary logic and philosophy of language of the predicate calculus claiming that it is based on mistaken assumptions. Ben-Yami shows that the predicate calculus is different from natural language in its fundamental semantic charac.
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  15. Vagueness and Family Resemblance.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2017 - In Hans-Johann Glock & John Hyman, A Companion to Wittgenstein. Chichester, West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 407-419.
    Ben-Yami presents Wittgenstein’s explicit criticism of the Platonic identification of an explanation with a definition and the alternative forms of explanation he employed. He then discusses a few predecessors of Wittgenstein’s criticisms and the Fregean background against which he wrote. Next, the idea of family resemblance is introduced, and objections answered. Wittgenstein’s endorsement of vagueness and the indeterminacy of sense are presented, as well as the open texture of concepts. Common misunderstandings are addressed along the way. Wittgenstein’s ideas, as is (...)
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  16. The Quantified Argument Calculus and Natural Logic.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2020 - Dialectica 74 (2):179-214.
    The formalisation of Natural Language arguments in a formal language close to it in syntax has been a central aim of Moss’s Natural Logic. I examine how the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc) can handle the inferences Moss has considered. I show that they can be incorporated in existing versions of Quarc or in straightforward extensions of it, all within sound and complete systems. Moreover, Quarc is closer in some respects to Natural Language than are Moss’s systems – for instance, is (...)
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  17. The Barcan formulas and necessary existence: the view from Quarc.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):11029-11064.
    The Modal Predicate Calculus gives rise to issues surrounding the Barcan formulas, their converses, and necessary existence. I examine these issues by means of the Quantified Argument Calculus, a recently developed, powerful formal logic system. Quarc is closer in syntax and logical properties to Natural Language than is the Predicate Calculus, a fact that lends additional interest to this examination, as Quarc might offer a better representation of our modal concepts. The validity of the Barcan formulas and their converses is (...)
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  18. The Logical Contingency of Identity.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2018 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 14 (2):5-10.
    I show that intuitive and logical considerations do not justify introducing Leibniz’s Law of the Indiscernibility of Identicals in more than a limited form, as applying to atomic formulas. Once this is accepted, it follows that Leibniz’s Law generalises to all formulas of the first-order Predicate Calculus but not to modal formulas. Among other things, identity turns out to be logically contingent.
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  19. The Quantified Argument Calculus.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):120-146.
    I develop a formal logic in which quantified arguments occur in argument positions of predicates. This logic also incorporates negative predication, anaphora and converse relation terms, namely, additional syntactic features of natural language. In these and additional respects, it represents the logic of natural language more adequately than does any version of Frege’s Predicate Calculus. I first introduce the system’s main ideas and familiarize it by means of translations of natural language sentences. I then develop a formal system built on (...)
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    Completeness of the Quantified Argument Calculus on the Truth-Valuational Approach.Hanoch Ben-Yami & Edi Pavlović - 2022 - In Boran Berčić, Aleksandra Golubović & Majda Trobok, Human Rationality: Festschrift for Nenad Smokrović. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka. pp. 53–77.
    The Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc) is a formal logic system, first developed by Hanoch Ben-Yami in (Ben-Yami 2014), and since then extended and applied by several authors. The aim of this paper is to further these contributions by, first, providing a philosophical motivation for the truth-valuational, substitutional approach of (Ben-Yami 2014) and defending it against a common objection, a topic also of interest beyond its specific application to Quarc. Second, we fill the formal lacunae left in the original presentation, which (...)
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  21. Against characterizing mental states as propositional attitudes.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (186):84-89.
    The reason for characterizing mental states as propositional attitudes is sentence form: ‘S Vs that p’. However, many mental states are not ascribed by means of such sentences, and the sentences that ascribe them cannot be appropriately paraphrased. Moreover, even if a paraphrase were always available, that in itself would not establish the characterization. And the mental states that are ascribable by appropriate senses do not form any natural subset of mental states. A reason for the characterization relying on beliefs, (...)
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  22. Higher‐Level Plurals versus Articulated Reference, and an Elaboration of Salva Veritate.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (1):81-102.
    In recent literature on plurals the claim has often been made that the move from singular to plural expressions can be iterated, generating what are occasionally called higher-level plurals or superplurals, often correlated with superplural predicates. I argue that the idea that the singular-to-plural move can be iterated is questionable. I then show that the examples and arguments intended to establish that some expressions of natural language are in some sense higher-level plurals fail. Next, I argue that these and some (...)
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    Word, Sign and Representation in Descartes.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2021 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 10 (1):29-46.
    In the first chapter of his The World, Descartes compares light to words and discusses signs and ideas. This made scholars read into that passage our views of language as a representational medium and consider it Descartes’ model for representation in perception. I show, by contrast, that Descartes does not ascribe there any representational role to language; that to be a sign is for him to have a kind of causal role; and that he is concerned there only with the (...)
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  24. The impossibility of backwards causation.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2007 - Philosophical Quarterly 57 (228):439–455.
    Dummett and others have failed to show that an effect can precede its cause. Dummett claimed that 'backwards causation' is unproblematic in agentless worlds, and tried to show under what conditions it is rational to believe that even backwards agent-causation occurs. Relying on considerations originating in discussions of special relativity, I show that the latter conditions actually support the view that backwards agent-causation is impossible. I next show that in Dummett's agentless worlds explanation does not necessitate backwards causation. I then (...)
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    On ‘There Is’: Logical Investigations into Instantial Sentences.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2025 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 54 (1):219-245.
    I distinguish between instantial sentences (_There are elephants that swim_), particular quantification, and predication of existence in natural language. I explore the logical relation between the first two, while the last one is shown independent of either. I continue to consider the incorporation of the three kinds of sentence in the Quantified Argument Calculus (Quarc). I provide formalisations that preserve the logical relations specified earlier. I also extend the analysis to quantified instantial sentences (_There are_ five _elephants that swim_) and (...)
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  26. Absolute Distant Simultaneity in Special Relativity.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (12):1355-1364.
    What is simultaneous with an event is what can interact with it; events have duration; therefore, any given event has distant events simultaneous with it, even according to Special Relativity. Consequently, the extension of our pre-relativistic judgments of distant simultaneity are largely preserved.
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  27. The Checker-shadow “Illusion”?Hanoch Ben-Yami - manuscript
    I introduce some distinctions concerning depiction and show that the checker-shadow phenomenon is not an illusion of the kind it is claimed to be. This might also help to think more clearly about other ‘illusory’ phenomena.
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  28. al-ʻUnf wa-al-dhākirah wa-al-ṣafaḥ.Muṣṭafá ʻĀrif - 2021 - Ṭanjah, al-Maghrib: al-Fāṣilah lil-Nashr.
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    Rencontre avec le pape: l'Islam et le dialogue interreligieux.Mustapha Chérif - 2011 - Alger: Barzakh.
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    Naẓarīyāt al-siyāsah al-muqāranah wa-manhajīyat dirāsat al-nuẓum al-siyāsīyah al-ʻArabīyah: muqārabah īdilūjīyah.Naṣr Muḥammad ʻĀrif - 1998 - Leesburg, VA: School of Islamic & Social Sciences.
    تتناول هذه الدراسة البحث في متغيرات أو ظواهر أمبريقية وإنما موضوع بحثها يركز على بنية حقل معرفي هو السياسة المقارنة ومحاولة تحليل نظرياته تحليلا ابستمولوجيا يركز بصورة أساسية على المبادئ والفرضيات الكامنة والنتائج، ويدمج ذلك بمقولات تاريخية العلم وعلم اجتماع العلم وفلسفة العلم. وحيث أن أي دراسة تتخذ شكل نص قابل للفهم، فإنه لا بد وأن تقوم على فرضيات معينة سواء كانت ظاهرة أو ضمنية واعية أو غير واعية، لذلك فهناك خلاف حاد حول تعريف الفروض وحول تحديد المفاهيم التي تطلق (...)
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    al-Fikr al-Ṣūfī: ishkālīyāt wa-qaḍāyā.ʻAbd Allāh Shārif - 2021 - Tiṭwān: ʻAbd Allāh al-Shārif.
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  32. Generalized Quantifiers, and Beyond.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2009 - Logique Et Analyse (208):309-326.
    I show that the contemporary dominant analysis of natural language quantifiers that are one-place determiners by means of binary generalized quantifiers has failed to explain why they are, according to it, conservative. I then present an alternative, Geachean analysis, according to which common nouns in the grammatical subject position are plural logical subject-terms, and show how it does explain that fact and other features of natural language quantification.
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  33. Causality and temporal order in special relativity.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (3):459-479.
    David Malament tried to show that the causal theory of time leads to a unique determination of simultaneity relative to an inertial observer, namely standard simultaneity. I show that the causal relation Malament uses in his proofs, causal connectibility, should be replaced by a different causal relation, the one used by Reichenbach in his formulation of the theory. I also explain why Malament's reliance on the assumption that the observer has an eternal inertial history modifies our conception of simultaneity, and (...)
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  34. Plural quantification logic: A critical appraisal.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2009 - Review of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):208-232.
    I first show that most authors who developed Plural Quantification Logic (PQL) argued it could capture various features of natural language better than can other logic systems. I then show that it fails to do so: it radically departs from natural language in two of its essential features; namely, in distinguishing plural from singular quantification and in its use of an relation. Next, I sketch a different approach that is more adequate than PQL for capturing plural aspects of natural language (...)
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  35. Causal Order, Temporal Order, and Becoming in Special Relativity.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):277-281.
    I reconstruct from Rietdijk and Putnam’s well-known papers an argument against the applicability of the concept of becoming in Special Relativity, which I think is unaffected by some of the objections found in the literature. I then consider a line of thought found in the discussion of the possible conventionality of simultaneity in Special Relativity, beginning with Reichenbach, and apply it to the debate over becoming. We see that it immediately renders Rietdijk and Putnam’s argument unsound. I end by comparing (...)
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  36. Backwards causation still impossible.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2010 - Analysis 70 (1):89-92.
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  37. Circumcision: What should be done?Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (7):459-462.
    I explain why I think that considerations regarding the opposing rights involved in the practice of circumcision—rights of the individual to bodily integrity and rights of the community to practice its religion—would not help us decide on the desirable policy towards this controversial practice. I then suggest a few measures that are not in conflict with either religious or community rights but that can both reduce the harm that circumcision as currently practiced involves and bring about a change in attitude (...)
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    A critique of Frege on common nouns.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2006 - Ratio 19 (2):148–155.
    Frege analyzed the grammatical subject-term 'S' in quantified subject-predicate sentences, 'q S are P', as being logically predicative. This is in contrast to Aristotelian Logic, according to which it is a logical subject-term, like the proper name 'a' in 'a is P' – albeit a plural one, designating many particulars. I show that Frege's arguments for his analysis are unsound, and explain how he was misled to his position by the mathematical concept of function. If common nouns in this grammatical (...)
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  39. The semantics of kind terms.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2001 - Philosophical Studies 102 (2):155-184.
    This paper criticizes Kripke’s and Putnam’s theory of the semantics of natural kind terms (KPT) and develops an alternative theory. It first examines description theories of natural kind terms, to see what their flaws are and what can be preserved of them. It then presents the KPT and makes three main criticisms. These rely on the meaning of elementary particles’ names, on reactions to the absence of a common essential nature, and on applications of old terms to new cases. Lastly, (...)
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  40. Response to Westerstahl.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2012 - Logique Et Analyse 55 (217):47-55.
  41. Could Sherlock Holmes Have Existed?Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2010 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 10 (3):175-181.
    In Naming and Necessity Kripke argued against the possible existence of fictional characters. I show that his argument is invalid, analyze the confusion it involves, and explain why the view that fictional characters could not have existed is implausible.
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  42. What does the so-called False Belief Task actually check?Hanoch Ben-Yami, Maya Ben-Yami & Yotham Ben-Yami - manuscript
    There is currently a theoretical tension between young children’s failure in False Belief Tasks (FBTs) and their success in a variety of other tasks that also seem to require the ability to ascribe false beliefs to agents. We try to explain this tension by the hypothesis that in the FBT, children think they are asked what the agent should do in the circumstances and not what the agent will do. We explain why this hypothesis is plausible. We examined the hypothesis (...)
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  43. Why Rigidity?Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2014 - In Jonathan Berg, Naming, Necessity and More: Explorations in the Philosophical Work of Saul Kripke. London and New York: Palgrave. pp. 3-21.
    In Naming and Necessity Kripke argues 'intuitively' that names are rigid. Unlike Kripke, Ben-Yami first introduces and justifies the Principle of the Independence of Reference (PIR), according to which the reference of a name is independent of what is said in the rest of the sentence containing it. Ben-Yami then derives rigidity, or something close to it, from the PIR. Additional aspects of the use of names and other expressions in modal contexts, explained by the PIR but not by the (...)
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  44. Behaviorism and psychologism: Why Block’s argument against behaviorism is unsound.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2005 - Philosophical Psychology 18 (2):179-186.
    Ned Block. Psychologism and behaviorism. Philosophical Review, 90, 5-43.) argued that a behaviorist conception of intelligence is mistaken, and that the nature of an agent's internal processes is relevant for determining whether the agent has intelligence. He did that by describing a machine which lacks intelligence, yet can answer questions put to it as an intelligent person would. The nature of his machine's internal processes, he concluded, is relevant for determining that it lacks intelligence. I argue against Block that it (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Waismann's open texture.Hanoch Ben-Yami - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
    I track the origin in Wittgenstein's work of Waismann's concept of open texture and compare their related ideas. Although Waismann published his work on open texture before the publication of Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, he had access to drafts of that work and to other writings of Wittgenstein and heard him present related ideas. A key example of his is closely derived from Wittgenstein's work. We shall see advantages of Wittgenstein's ideas over Waismann's. Waismann does not satisfactorily distinguish semantic from epistemic (...)
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  46. A Wittgensteinian solution to the sorites.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2010 - Philosophical Investigations 33 (3):229-244.
    I develop a solution to the Sorites Paradox, according to which a concatenation of valid arguments need not itself be valid. I specify which chains of valid arguments are those that do not preserve validity: those that pass the vague boundary between cases where the relevant concept applies and cases where that concept does not apply. I also develop various criticisms of this solution and show why they fail; basically, they all involve a petitio at some stage. I criticise the (...)
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  47. The Development of Descartes’ Idea of Representation by Correspondence.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2023 - In Andrea Strazzoni & Marco Sgarbi, Reading Descartes. Consciousness, Body, and Reasoning. Florence: Firenze University Press. pp. 41-57.
    Descartes was the first to hold that, when we perceive, the representation need not resemble what it represents but should correspond to it. Descartes developed this ground-breaking, influential conception in his work on analytic geometry and then transferred it to his theory of perception. I trace the development of the idea in Descartes’ early mathematical works; his articulation of it in Rules for the Direction of the Mind; his first suggestions there to apply this kind of representation-by-correspondence in the scientific (...)
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  48. Truth and Proof without Models: A Development and Justification of the Truth-valuational Approach (2nd edition).Hanoch Ben-Yami - manuscript
    I explain why model theory is unsatisfactory as a semantic theory and has drawbacks as a tool for proofs on logic systems. I then motivate and develop an alternative, the truth-valuational substitutional approach (TVS), and prove with it the soundness and completeness of the first order Predicate Calculus with identity and of Modal Propositional Calculus. Modal logic is developed without recourse to possible worlds. Along the way I answer a variety of difficulties that have been raised against TVS and show (...)
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  49. The Structure of Space and Time and the Indeterminacy of Classical Physics.Hanoch Ben-Yami - manuscript
    I explain in what sense the structure of space and time is probably vague or indefinite, a notion I define. This leads to the mathematical representation of location in space and time by a vague interval. From this, a principle of complementary inaccuracy between spatial location and velocity is derived, and its relation to the Uncertainty Principle discussed. In addition, even if the laws of nature are deterministic, the behaviour of systems will be random to some degree. These and other (...)
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  50. Voluntary action and neural causation.Hanoch Ben-Yami - 2014 - Cognitive Neuroscience 5 (3-4):217-218.
    I agree with Nachev and Hacker’s general approach. However, their criticism of claims of covert automaticity can be strengthened. I first say a few words on what voluntary action involves and on the consequent limited relevance of brain research for the determination of voluntariness. I then turn to Nachev and Hacker’s discussion of possible covert automaticity and show why the case for it is weaker than they allow.
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