Robert Sessions [3]Robert Alan Sessions [1]
  1. Deep Ecology versus Ecofeminism: Healthy Differences or Incompatible Philosophies?Robert Sessions - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):90 - 107.
    Deep ecology and ecofeminism are contemporary environmental philosophies that share the desire to supplant the predominant Western anthropocentric environmental frameworks. Recently thinkers from these movements have focused their critiques on each other, and substantial differences have emerged. This essay explores central aspects of this debate to ascertain whether either philosophy has been undermined in the process and whether there are any indications that they are compatible despite their differences.
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    Becoming real: authenticity in an age of distractions.Robert Sessions - 2011 - North Liberty, Iowa: Ice Cube Books.
    In our current society hope can seep impossible, troubles frequently feel all around us. Becoming Real offers reasonable and thoughtful ideas on integrating everyday reality with authenticity.
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    Working in America.Robert Sessions - 1990 - Teaching Philosophy 13 (4):331-344.