Results for 'Roberto Mercuri'

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  1.  66
    The dual role of human dignity in bioethics.Roberto Andorno - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (4):967-973.
    This paper argues that some of the misunderstandings surrounding the meaning and function of the concept of human dignity in bioethics arise from a lack of distinction between two different roles that this notion plays: one as an overarching policy principle, and the other as a moral standard of patient care. While the former is a very general concept which fulfils a foundational and a guiding role of the normative framework governing biomedical issues, the latter reflects a much more concrete (...)
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  2. Optimum Inductive Methods: A Study in Inductive Probability, Bayesian Statistics, and Verisimilitude.Roberto Festa - 1993 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht.
    According to the Bayesian view, scientific hypotheses must be appraised in terms of their posterior probabilities relative to the available experimental data. Such posterior probabilities are derived from the prior probabilities of the hypotheses by applying Bayes'theorem. One of the most important problems arising within the Bayesian approach to scientific methodology is the choice of prior probabilities. Here this problem is considered in detail w.r.t. two applications of the Bayesian approach: (1) the theory of inductive probabilities (TIP) developed by Rudolf (...)
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    Practice, Judgment, and the Challenge of Moral and Political Disagreement: A Pragmatist Account.Roberto Frega - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    Introduction -- Inquiry as the logic of practical reasoning -- From reasoning to judgment -- Expressive inquiry -- The public sphere -- Pragmatism, pluralism, and the fact of relativism -- A pragmatic theory of objectivity -- Why justification matters? -- Pragmatism as an epistemology of practice.
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  4. Bertrand Russell e l'eredità idealista inglese.Roberto Pujia - 1977 - Messina: La libra.
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    British views on Irish national character, 1800–1846. an intellectual history.Roberto Romani - 1997 - History of European Ideas 23 (5-6):193-219.
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  6. Zatrważające baśnie.Roberto Calasso - 2008 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2 (2):152-158.
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    Il bagaglio politico degli individui: la "dinamica consuetudinaria" nella riflessione politica di Spinoza.Roberto Evangelista - 2010 - Milano: Ghibli.
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    Le logiche del male: teoria critica e rinascita della società.Roberto Mancini - 2012 - Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
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    Per un cristianesimo fedele: la gestazione del nuovo mondo.Roberto Mancini - 2011 - Assisi: Cittadella.
  10. Rodolfo Kusch, hacia una razón poética geoculturalmente situada.Roberto H. Esposto - 2016 - In José Tasat, Juan Pablo Pérez & Rodolfo Kusch (eds.), Arte, estética, literatura y teatro en Rodolfo Kusch. Sáenz Peña, Provincia de Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero.
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  11. El estar-en-el-mundo en general como constitución fundamental del "dasein".Roberto Gustavo Rubio - 2015 - In Ramón Rodríguez & Francisco de Lara (eds.), Ser y tiempo de Martin Heidegger: un comentario fenomenológico. Madrid: Tecnos.
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  12. Verisimilitude, qualitative theories, and statistical inferences.Roberto Festa - 2007 - In Sami Pihlström, Panu Raatikainen & Matti Sintonen (eds.), Approaching truth: essays in honour of Ilkka Niiniluoto. London: College Publications. pp. 143--178.
  13. L'Individuo.Roberto ArdigÒ - 1910 - Rivista di Filosofia 2 (5):541.
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  14. Ernst Cassirer y Eduardo Nicol: Debates en torno al concepto de expresión.Roberto González - 2010 - Astrolabio 10:37-54.
    El presente esfuerzo se encuentra animado por la factura de un análisis comparativo entre Ernst Cassirer y Eduardo Nicol en torno al fenómeno de la expresión. Ambos autores tienen en común la preocupación precisamente por el tema de la expresión. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista de Cassirer, ésta posee dos notas sobresalientes, a saber, por un lado, la expresión queda constreñida al ámbito del lenguaje, y por otro, ésta posee diferentes estratos, por así decirlo, geológicos de evolución. Por (...)
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    Socialità, corporeità e valori. L’attualità dell’antropologia assiologica rickertiana.Roberto Redaelli - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (2):177-189.
    Riassunto: Il presente contributo intende vagliare l’attualità della riflessione antropologica proposta da Heinrich Rickert, comparandone gli esiti ultimi con i risultati più fecondi ottenuti dalle recenti ricerche condotte nel campo dell’antropologia evolutiva e filosofica. A tale scopo sono presentate nel testo due tesi rickertiane di notevole interesse teoretico: il profilo sociale-comunitario quale cifra dell’essere umano e la capitale funzione svolta dalla dimensione corporea nel processo di costituzione del mondo culturale. La prima tesi, sviluppata da Rickert in campo assiologico, si connette (...)
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    A Theory of Production: Tasks, Processes, and Technical Practices.Roberto Scazzieri - 1993 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book presents a new theoretical framework for the analysis of production processes. It is based on a rigorous reconstruction of the intellectual heritage of economics, but also considers issues traditionally left aside by economists, such as the distinction between three dimensions of the production process, the organizational approach to scale and size, and the idea that different institutional set-ups may be compatible with the same objective standard of efficiency.
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    Markets, Money and Capital: Hicksian Economics for the Twenty First Century.Roberto Scazzieri, Amartya Sen & Stefano Zamagni (eds.) - 2008 - Cambridge University Press.
    Sir John Hicks was a leading economic theorist of the twentieth century, and along with Kenneth Arrow was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1972. His work addressed central topics in economic theory, such as value, money, capital and growth. An important unifying theme was the attention for economic rationality 'in time' and his acknowledgement that apparent rigidities and frictions might exert a positive role as a buffer against excessive fluctuations in output, prices and employment. This emphasis on the virtue of (...)
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  18.  33
    Categories of the impolitical.Roberto Esposito - 2015 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The notion of the "impolitical" developed in this volume draws its meaning from the exhaustion of modernity's political categories, which have become incapable of giving voice to any genuinely radical perspective. The impolitical is not the opposite of the political but rather its outer limit: the border from which we might glimpse a trajectory away from all forms of political theology and the depoliticizing tendencies of a completed modernity. The book's reconstruction of the impolitical lineage-which is anything but uniform-begins with (...)
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    International Policy and a Universal Conception of Human Dignity.Roberto Andorno - 2012 - In Stephen Dilley & Nathan J. Palpant (eds.), Human Dignity in Bioethics: From Worldviews to the Public Square. New York: Routledge. pp. 13--127.
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    Libertad Bajo Palabra.Roberto Sanchiño Martínez - 2006 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 51 (1):134-152.
    Subversion and inspiration are fundamental concepts in the poetics of Octavio Paz. Following the programs of creacionismo and surrealism they are part of a self-reflexive and emancipatoric poetological position of the author. They are used by him to produce figures of transpersonal speech (as in his essay ›El arco y la lira‹) and to underline the ambiguity of the poetic word (as in his poem ›Blanco‹).
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    Giovanni Piana e la filosofia dell’aritmetica.Roberto Miraglia - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 96:151-170.
    La ciencia aritmética ha sido un interés constante en toda la reflexión de Giovanni Piana. El objetivo de este ensayo es mostrar de qué forma este interés pueda ayudar para ilustrar las articulaciones principales del pensamiento del fenomenólogo italiano. Este camino pasa por la diferencia, establecida por Piana, entre un nivel pre-aritmético y un nivel aritmético como re-flejo de la distinción husserliana entre un nivel ante-predicativo y un nivel predicativo. Ade-más, el par prearitmético/aritmético, trae la distinción entre antepredicativo y predicativo (...)
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  22.  14
    The Philosophy between the Field and the City.Roberto Estrada Olguín - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (2).
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  23. Intencionalidade e Ceticismo.Roberto de Sá Pereira - 1996 - Discurso:157-180.
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    A glimpse into the sphere of ideal being: The ontological status of values.Roberto Poli - 2009 - In W. Huemer & B. Centi (eds.), Value and Ontology. Ontos-Verlag. pp. 155--170.
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    RecensioniReviews.Roberto Poli, Luigi Dappiano, Sandro Bertoni & Vincenzo Fano - 1993 - Axiomathes 4 (1):141-154.
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    Filosofía de la naturaleza.Roberto Torretti - 1971 - [Santiago de Chile]: Editorial Universitaria.
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  27. The paradoxical notion of human dignity.Roberto Andorno - 2001 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 78 (2):151-168.
  28. La Dottrina della Conoscenza nei Moderni Precursori di Kant.Roberto Ardigo - 1905 - The Monist 15:480.
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  29.  47
    Filosofia E História da Ciência no Cone Sul. Seleção de Trabalhos do 5o Encontro.Roberto de Andrade Martins, Cibelle Celestino Silva, Juliana Mesquita Hidalgo Ferreira & Lilian Al-Chueyr Pereira Martins (eds.) - 2008 - Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul, AFHIC.
    This book contains a selection of papers presented at the V South Cone Meeting of Philosophy and History of Science. The language of the chapters is Portuguese, Spanish or English. Published by the South Cone Association for Philosophy and History of Science,
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  30.  17
    Jevons and the role of analogies in empirical research.Roberto de Andrade Martins - unknown
    : Suppose a scientist discovers a new, unpredicted phenomenon. How can one ascertain the causes, properties and laws of the phenomenon? How can one plan the investigation of the circumstances that affect the phenomenon, and of the effects that the new phenomenon could produce? If the phenomenon is completely unexpected and does not fit any previous theory, it is impossible to provide a theoretical prediction of its likely properties. In the empiricist tradition, therefore, the recommended method was to investigate all (...)
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  31. Filosofie dell' acqua: Dal mondo fluttuante al postumano.Roberto Terrosi - 2003 - Ágalma: Rivista di studi culturali e di estetica 6.
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  32. Las investigaciones "de Wittgenstein y la posibilidad de la filosofía".Roberto Torretti - 1968 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 5 (10):35.
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  33. Der Rückgang der genetischen Phänomenologie und die Naturseite der Subjektivität.Roberto J. Walton - 1998 - Recherches Husserliennes 10:51-80.
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  34. (1 other version)Coordination.Roberto Zamparelli - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 2.
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    La dignidad humana como principio biojurídico y como estándar moral de la relación médico-paciente.Roberto Andorno - 2019 - Arbor 195 (792):501.
    El artículo destaca la importancia de distinguir entre dos roles diversos que la noción de dignidad humana juega en bioética: uno, como principio de orden jurídico-político, y otro, como estándar moral del trato debido al paciente. Cuando la dignidad es entendida en el primer sentido, nos encontramos con un concepto muy general, que cumple un rol fundacional y de orientación de las normas relacionadas con las prácticas biomédicas. En cambio, cuando es utilizada en el segundo sentido, intenta captar la exigencia (...)
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    Youth and the populist wave.Roberto Stefan Foa & Yascha Mounk - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1013-1024.
    If the values of younger citizens and voters are the trend of the future, in what direction do they point? Scholars have long noted a decline in political engagement and knowledge among youth in developed democracies, with the fear that this may undermine the stability of liberal institutions. However, youth electoral behaviour appears inconsistent: in much of continental Western Europe, younger voters support populist parties of both left and right, but in the United States and the United Kingdom, only left-wing (...)
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    Natura e storia.Roberto Gronda - 2019 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2).
    The article deals with John Hermann Randall’s theory of history, namely, the philosophical account of what it takes for an object to be a historical object. The goal of the article is to highlight the deep connections existing between Randall’s philosophical views on history and the writing of history, heavily indebted to Dewey’s and Woodbridge naturalism (the so-called Columbia Naturalism), and his historiographical work. In the first section, I briefly sketch some major aspects of originality of Randall’s historiographical work, as (...)
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    Agostinho e a "descoberta" da vontade: Segundo estudo.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (4):118-130.
    Este é um estudo sobre o conceito de vontade na história da filosofia. O centro de interesse está na obra De libero arbítrio, de Agostinho. Tanto se procura descrever a suposta “descoberta” da vontade por Agostinho quanto analisar a coerência do conceito obtido. Trata-se do segundo de dois estudos sobre a vontade e a liberdade em De libero arbítrio I.
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    Political Disorientation and Legibility Loss in the Trumpian Years.Roberto Alejandro - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):21-58.
    This essay discusses political disorientation and what I define as a legibility crisis ushered in by the election of Donald Trump in 2016. After defining these concepts, it provides evidence for them and fleshes out how they were expressed in prophecies about Trump in white evangelical communities. A legibility crisis is the realization that some fundamental aspects of the symbolic domain (language, civic values, political practices, and institutions) are no longer binding or recognizable. There is a loss of touch with (...)
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  40. Grande divisione e modelli alternativi di fondazione dell’etica. Commento a Zecchinato.Roberto Mordacci - 2006 - Etica E Politica 8 (1):1-8.
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  41. Conteúdos não conceituais kantianos.Roberto de Sá Pereira - 2010 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:25-50.
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    (8 other versions)Foreword.Roberto Poli - 1997 - Axiomathes 8 (1-3):5-5.
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    Pensiero istituente: tre paradigmi di ontologia politica.Roberto Esposito - 2020 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore.
  44. Human rights and the moral obligation to alleviate suffering.Roberto Andorno & Cristiana Baffone - 2014 - In Ronald Michael Green & Nathan J. Palpant (eds.), Suffering and Bioethics. New York, US: Oup Usa.
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    Untimely Reviews.Roberto Ciuni, Giuliano Torrengo & Massimiliano Carrara - 2015 - Topoi 34 (1):295-295.
  46. Introduction.Roberto Evangelista - 2015 - In Flavia Santoianni (ed.), The Concept of Time in Early Twentieth-Century Philosophy: A Philosophical Thematic Atlas. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    A situação epistemológica da epistemologia.Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1984 - Revista de Ciencias Humanas, Ufsc 3 (5):85-110.
    There are several kinds of studies about science (metascientific): empirical studies (grounded upon historical, sociological and other factual data); formal studies (analytic studies, that is, grounded upon logical analysis, definitions, formal distinctions); and axiological studies (grounded on value analysis). Those approaches are epistemologically independent from each other, in the sense that from one of them it is impossible to draw conclusions pertaining to the others. Every normative proposal concerning science is essentially axiological, because it is associated to value judgments (what (...)
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    Use and violation of operationalism in relativity.Roberto de Andrade Martins - 1981 - Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 5 (2):103-115.
    Einstein knew and accepted some philosophical ideas similar to Bridgman's operationalism, at the time when he developed the theory of relativity. It is possible to detect the influence of those ideas both in the special and the general theories. Some of the basic steps taken by Einstein were essentially operationalistic: they could not be justified without epistemological principles of that kind. The common opinion is held that the special theory of relativity embodied a complete and coherent operational elucidation of physical (...)
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    The Account of Transcendental Concepts by Jerónimo Valera in His Summulae dialecticae.Roberto Hofmeister Pich - 2014 - Quaestio 14:299-314.
    The Peruvian Franciscan thinker Jerónimo Valera published in 1610 his Commentarii ac quaestiones in universam Aristotelis ac Subtilissimi Doctoris Ioannis Duns Scoti logicam, which was the first philosophical work printed in South America. Both in his Summulae dialecticae and in the Books that comprise his Commentarii he deals with metaphysical questions. In this paper, we illustrate how he inserts important Scotist logical-metaphysical doctrines in his logical work, in this case the account of transcendental concepts given in his Summulae.
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    Interview with Richard J. Bernstein.Roberto Frega, Giovanni Maddalena & Richard J. Bernstein - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    Roberto Frega & Giovanni Maddelena – Can you recollect what the situation was concerning the study of pragmatism when you were in college? Richard J. Bernstein – I was an undergraduate at the University of Chicago from 1949 to 1951. At the time the “Hutchins College” was an unusual institution. The entire curriculum was fixed and it was organized around reading many of the great books of the Western tradition. From the time I arrived, I was reading Plato, Aristotle, (...)
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