Results for 'Rosalba Casamassa'

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  1.  54
    Author Reply: Illuminating the Health Benefits of Psychological Assets.Rosalba Hernandez, Sarah M. Bassett, Stephanie A. Schuette, Eva W. Shiu & Judith T. Moskowitz - 2017 - Emotion Review 10 (1):72-74.
    This reply addresses observations of Drs. Larsen, Kruse, and Sweeny, and Scherer in their reviews of our published work on the link between positive psychological assets and outcomes of physical health. Inspired by Obama’s Precision Medicine Initiative we argue that the interplay between the emotion spectrum and health is likely a complex and heterogeneous amalgam of known and yet unidentified elements melding at the individual level. When exploring the emotion–health link, researchers are challenged to grapple with complex system models by (...)
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  2.  84
    Psychological Well-Being and Physical Health: Associations, Mechanisms, and Future Directions.Rosalba Hernandez, Sarah M. Bassett, Seth W. Boughton, Stephanie A. Schuette, Eva W. Shiu & Judith T. Moskowitz - 2017 - Emotion Review 10 (1):18-29.
    A paradigm shift in public health and medicine has broadened the field from a singular focus on the ill effects of negative states and psychopathology to an expanded view that examines protective psychological assets that may promote improved physical health and longevity. We summarize recent evidence of the link between psychological well-being and physical health, with particular attention to outcomes of mortality and chronic disease incidence and progression. Within this evolving discipline there remain controversies and lessons to be learned. We (...)
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  3.  10
    Suicidal Ideation in Adolescence: A Perspective View on the Role of the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex.Rosalba Morese & Claudio Longobardi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:502067.
    Suicide in adolescence is a worldwide issue, and it continues to present a serious problem in terms of its prevention. Among the various aspects of suicide, a very interesting area of research is represented by suicidal ideation. Recently, neuroimaging-based methods have made it possible to study the cognitive processes involved in several social situations and clinical conditions. This theoretical perspective article with an interdisciplinary approach integrates evidence from developmental psychology and social neuroscience with the aim of investigating the role of (...)
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  4.  18
    (1 other version)Commentary: Metacognition and Perspective-Taking in Alzheimer's Disease: A Mini-Review.Rosalba Morese, Stanziano Mario & Sara Palermo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  5.  16
    Biomass and habitability potential of clay minerals- and iron-rich environments: Testing novel analogs for Mars Science Laboratory landing sites candidates.Rosalba Bonaccorsi, Christopher P. McKay & Bin Chen - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (17-18):2309-2327.
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    Spinoza: una genealogía de los Derechos Civiles.Rosalba Durán Forero - 1993 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 8:19-42.
    El texto retoma nueve conceptos elaborados en el pensamiento político de Spinoza que, antes que los derechos humanos, formarían parte de una construcción sistemática de los derechos civiles, con vistas a la realización de uná verdadera democracia liberal.
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    Editorial: Affective, Cognitive and Social Neuroscience: New Knowledge in Normal Aging, Minor and Major Neurocognitive Disorders.Rosalba Morese, Antonella Carassa & Sara Palermo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Evaluating cardiovascular mortality in type 2 diabetes patients: an analysis based on competing risks Markov Chains and additive regression models.Rosalba Rosato, G. Ciccone, S. Bo, G. F. Pagano, F. Merletti & D. Gregori - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):422-428.
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  9.  38
    La punizione e la cooperazione in contesti di ingroup e outgroup.Rosalba Morese - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (3):286-301.
    Riassunto: In letteratura è nota la tendenza delle persone a punire i comportamenti sleali, anche nel caso in cui tali comportamenti non li riguardino direttamente, e tale punizione possa implicare un costo personale. Sono stati individuati differenti comportamenti di punizione: la punizione altruistica, la punizione di comportamenti sleali ; l’altruismo parrocchiale, la tendenza attraverso la punizione a proteggere e favorire, anche senza alcun guadagno personale, i membri del proprio gruppo a scapito di quelli di altri gruppi, e la punizione antisociale, (...)
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    The Impact of Physical Distancing in the Pandemic Situation: Considering the Role of Loneliness and Social Brain.Rosalba Morese & Claudio Longobardi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The new normal has made social distancing a new way of experiencing sociality. Social neuroscience has for a long time been concerned with studying the beneficial effects of social relationships, of physical contact. It is known that physical contact activates neurophysiological processes that reduce the perception of discomfort and even physical pain. So in the absence of physical contact, our social brain may be modulated differently when we are with others. But what could be the long-term effects of this normality? (...)
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  11.  35
    Šopov sat: mjerni instrument vremenitosti i bezvremenosti.Rosalba Asìno - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):653-660.
    O složenoj koncepciji kategorije »vremena« u Šopovu djelu, napose u njegovoj kozmičkoj fazi, napisane su važne i temeljne rasprave. Ovaj prilog istražuje prozu Nikole Šopa koja prethodi kozmičkoj fazi, kako bi se rekonstruirao razvitak koji je pjesnika doveo do toga da se udalji od »zemaljskog vremena« i da zasnuje »kozmičko vrijeme«. Sat kao konkretan instrument za mjerenje, toliko prisutan kao diskretni protagonist na stranicama Šopovih djela, čini vodeću nit ove analize. To je onaj »zemaljski sat« kojega se pjesnik, dospjevši u (...)
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  12.  13
    COVID-19 Emergency: Social Distancing and Social Exclusion as Risks for Suicide Ideation and Attempts in Adolescents.Claudio Longobardi, Rosalba Morese & Matteo Angelo Fabris - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  13.  16
    What Happens When I Watch a Ballet and I Am Dyskinetic? A fMRI Case Report in Parkinson Disease.Sara Palermo, Rosalba Morese, Maurizio Zibetti, Alberto Romagnolo, Edoardo Giovanni Carlotti, Andrea Zardi, Maria Consuelo Valentini, Alessandro Pontremoli & Leonardo Lopiano - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  14.  9
    Jacques Maritain e il pensiero contemporaneo: il destino dell'uomo e l'esigenza della verità.Maria Luisa Buscemi & Rosalba Patrizia Rizzuto (eds.) - 1985 - Milano: Massimo.
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  15. Hobbes y Spinoza. Un Contrapunto sobre la igualdad.Rosalba Durán Forero - 2000 - Apuntes Filosóficos 16.
    El propósito de esta contribución es demostrar el aporte del pensarniento hobbesiano a la idea de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres, y confrontarlo con el de su objetor B. Spinoza. En sus obras Elements of law y De Cive, Thomas Hobbes va a cuestionar la autoridad patriarcal y la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres como expresión de una ley de la naturaleza. Por el contrario, va hablar del carácter convencional de la sujeción de las mujeres y va a exponer (...)
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  16.  7
    Gian Vincenzo Gravina e l'estetica del deliro.Rosalba Lo Bianco - 2001 - [Italy]: Centro internazionale studi di estetica.
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  17.  18
    ‘Mens sana in corpore Sano’: Home food consumption implications over child cognitive performance in vulnerable contexts.Rosalba Company-Córdoba, Michela Accerenzi, Ian Craig Simpson & Joaquín A. Ibáñez-Alfonso - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Diet directly affects children’s physical and mental development. Nonetheless, how food insecurity and household food consumption impact the cognitive performance of children at risk of social exclusion remains poorly understood. In this regard, children in Guatemala face various hazards, mainly related to the socioeconomic difficulties that thousands of families have in the country. The main objective of this study was to analyze the differences in cognitive performance considering food insecurity and household food consumption in a sample of rural and urban (...)
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  18.  22
    Heart failure and sudden death in dilated cardiomyopathy: a hidden competition we should not forget about when modelling mortality.Dario Gregori, Rosalba Rosato, Massimo Zecchin, Ileana Baldi & Andrea Di Lenarda - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):53-58.
  19. Deliberate Play and Preparation Jointly Benefit Motor and Cognitive Development: Mediated and Moderated Effects.Caterina Pesce, Ilaria Masci, Rosalba Marchetti, Spyridoula Vazou, Arja Sääkslahti & Phillip D. Tomporowski - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:175175.
    In light of the interrelation between motor and cognitive development and the predictive value of the former for the latter, the secular decline observed in motor coordination ability as early as preschool urges identification of interventions that may jointly impact motor and cognitive efficiency. The aim of this study was twofold. It (1) explored the outcomes of enriched physical education, centered on deliberate play and cognitively challenging variability of practice, on motor coordination and cognitive processing; (2) examined whether motor coordination (...)
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  20.  13
    Dancing in Your Head: An Interdisciplinary Review.Andrea Zardi, Edoardo Giovanni Carlotti, Alessandro Pontremoli & Rosalba Morese - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this review is to highlight the most relevant contributions on dance in neuroscientific research. Neuroscience has analyzed the mirror system through neuroimaging techniques, testing its role in imitative learning, in the recognition of other people's emotions and especially in the understanding of the motor behavior of others. This review analyses the literature related to five general areas: breakthrough studies on the mirror system, and subsequent studies on its involvement in the prediction, the execution, the control of movement, (...)
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  21.  23
    Role of the Cingulate Cortex in Dyskinesias-Reduced-Self-Awareness: An fMRI Study on Parkinson’s Disease Patients.Sara Palermo, Leonardo Lopiano, Rosalba Morese, Maurizio Zibetti, Alberto Romagnolo, Mario Stanziano, Mario Giorgio Rizzone, Giuliano Carlo Geminiani, Maria Consuelo Valentini & Martina Amanzio - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  22.  19
    Editorial: Perspective-Taking, Self-Awareness and Social Cognition in Neurodegenerative Disorders, Cerebral Abnormalities and Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI): A Neurocognitive Approach.Sara Palermo, Antonella Carassa & Rosalba Morese - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  23.  30
    Relación médico-paciente e inteligencia emocional, un reto en la educación médica.José Félix Marcos, David Cerdio, Elvia Del Campo, Rosalba Esther Gutiérrez, Leonel Antonio Castro & Alma Cristina Cedillo - 2021 - Medicina y Ética 32 (3):635-664.
    La sobre-tecnificación inhumana ha promovido una visión reduc- cionista que afecta la forma en que se ejerce la medicina, dañando gravemente la relación médico-paciente. La carencia de formación en competencias humanísticas determina una visión utilitarista y sociobiologista. La deficiencia en la comprensión con respecto a las emociones individuales y ajenas es determinante en las habilidades sociales que, como médicos, debemos promover en las próximas generaciones, de modo que logremos recentrar la atención médica y científica en una visión antropocentrista. La Inteligencia (...)
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  24.  26
    The structure underlying core affect and perceived affective qualities of human vocal bursts.Demetrio Grollero, Valentina Petrolini, Marco Viola, Rosalba Morese, Giada Lettieri & Luca Cecchetti - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (1):1-17.
    Vocal bursts are non-linguistic affectively-laden sounds with a crucial function in human communication, yet their affective structure is still debated. Studies showed that ratings of valence and arousal follow a V-shaped relationship in several kinds of stimuli: high arousal ratings are more likely to go on a par with very negative or very positive valence. Across two studies, we asked participants to listen to 1,008 vocal bursts and judge both how they felt when listening to the sound (i.e. core affect (...)
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  25.  31
    Knowledge, practice and faith on Total Quality Management principles among workers in the Health Care System: Evidence from an Italian investigation.Dario Gregori, Giampaolo Napolitano, Cecilia Scarinzi, Arianna Semeraro, Rosalba Rosato, Eva Pagano, Giulia Zigon & Piergiorgio Gabassi - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):69-75.
  26.  24
    Editorial: Cyberbullying and Mental Health: An Interdisciplinary Perspective.Claudio Longobardi, Robert Thornberg & Rosalba Morese - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Selective Emotional Dysregulation in Splenium Agenesis. A Case Report of a Patient With Normal Cognitive Profile.Sara Palermo, Agata Andò, Adriana Salatino, Stefano Sirgiovanni, Luana De Faveri, Antonella Carassa, Maria C. Valentini & Rosalba Morese - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Distractor Efficiency in an Item Pool for a Statistics Classroom Exam: Assessing Its Relation With Item Cognitive Level Classified According to Bloom’s Taxonomy.Silvia Testa, Anna Toscano & Rosalba Rosato - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  29.  22
    Pictographic Representations of the Word “Nature” in Preschool Education Children.Blanca Silvia Fraijo-Sing, Norma Isabel Beltrán Sierra, César Tapia-Fonllem & Rosalba Valenzuela Peñúñuri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The relevance of preschool children's understanding of nature, its elements, how it affects the behavior of human beings and how human being influences it, it helps to the identification of the necessary elements for the design of programs that have a significant impact in the development of environmental identity and the implementation of environmental education in the school curriculum in Mexico, in order to achieve the derivation of attitudes to preserve the environment from an early age. Under this logic, the (...)
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  30.  17
    Cancer Anxiety Mediates the Association Between Satisfaction With Medical Communication and Psychological Quality of Life After Prophylactic Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy.Cristina Zarbo, Agostino Brugnera, Luigi Frigerio, Chiara Celi, Angelo Compare, Valentina Dessì, Rosalba Giordano, Chiara Malandrino, Federica Paola Sina, Maria Grazia Strepparava, Isadora Vaglio Tessitore, Mariangela Ventura & Robert Fruscio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundProphylactic Bilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer. However, the psychological mechanisms that may affect post-surgery Quality of Life among patients who underwent PBSO are still largely unknown. Thus, this study aimed at exploring the direct and indirect associations of satisfaction with medical communication and cancer anxiety on post-surgery QoL among women at high risk of developing ovarian cancer.MethodFifty-nine women who underwent PBSO took part in this cross-sectional study, filling out a sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire, a battery of (...)
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  31.  20
    Evaluating effectiveness of preoperative testing procedure: some notes on modelling strategies in multi‐centre surveys.Dario Gregori, Lara Lusa, Rosalba Rosato & Luciano Silvestri - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):11-18.
  32. L'utopia alla prova dell'umorismo: per una prassi e una poetica del discorso universitario: atti delle Giornate di studi utopici, Università degli studi di Milano, 1-2 dicembre 2016.Francesco Adriano Clerici, Sara Di Alessandro & Rosalba Maletta (eds.) - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  33.  14
    Rosalba Campra. En los dobleces de la realidad. Exploraciones narrativas. León: Eolas Ediciones, 2019, 219 pp. [REVIEW]Ricardo Espinaza Solar - 2021 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 2 (53):354-357.
    La prestigiosa editorial independiente Eolas Ediciones, cuya sede se encuentra en León, España, inauguró hacia fines de 2019 una nueva línea de publicaciones denominada Estudios de lo insólito dedicada a la difusión de contribuciones académicas de índole teórico o bien de aproximaciones críticas y analíticas propicias para el estudio de las diferentes categorías de lo literario no mimético, focalizada en la producción española e hispanoamericana actual...
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  34.  41
    Rosalba Dimundo: Properzio 4.7: Dalla variante di un modello letterario alla costante di una unità tematica. (Scrinia, 1.) Pp. xviii + 214. Bari: Edipuglia, 1990. Paper, L. 22,000. [REVIEW]S. J. Harrison - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (01):193-.
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    Altruismo parrocchiale, punizione antisociale e punizione altruistica: quale contributo possono dare gli studi empirici per la comprensione dell’etica?Sarah Songhorian - 2018 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 9 (3):302-307.
    Riassunto: Nel suo contributo Rosalba Morese si occupa di tre fenomeni di particolare interesse per comprendere il modo in cui gli esseri umani di fatto si comportano nei confronti dei loro simili quando sono coinvolte le loro identità di gruppo, ovvero l’altruismo parrocchiale, la punizione antisociale e la punizione altruistica. Scopo di questo lavoro è indagare se e in quale misura i dati comportamentali e di risonanza magnetica funzionale riportati da Morese possano informare le nostre teorie morali normative. Se, (...)
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