Results for 'Rosana Christine Cavalcanti Ximenes'

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  1.  36
    Electromyographic Patterns and the Identification of Subtypes of Awake Bruxism.Ubirakitan Maciel Monteiro, Vinicius Belém Rodrigues Barros Soares, Caio Belém Rodrigues Barros Soares, Tiago Coimbra Costa Pinto, Rosana Christine Cavalcanti Ximenes & Marcelo Araújo Cairrão Rodrigues - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:601881.
    The future of awake bruxism assessment will incorporate physiological data, possibly electromyography of the temporal muscles. But up to now, temporal muscle contraction patterns in awake bruxism have not been characterized to demonstrate clinical utility. The present study aimed to perform surface EMG evaluations of people assessed for awake bruxism to identify possible different subtypes. A 2-year active search for people with awake bruxism in three regions of the country resulted in a total of 303 participants. Their inclusion was confirmed (...)
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    On the consistency of relative facts.Eric G. Cavalcanti, Andrea Di Biagio & Carlo Rovelli - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 13 (4):1-7.
    Lawrence et al. have presented an argument purporting to show that “relative facts do not exist” and, consequently, “Relational Quantum Mechanics is incompatible with quantum mechanics”. The argument is based on a GHZ-like contradiction between constraints satisfied by measurement outcomes in an extended Wigner’s friend scenario. Here we present a strengthened version of the argument, and show why, contrary to the claim by Lawrence et al., these arguments do not contradict the consistency of a theory of relative facts. Rather, considering (...)
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    The View from a Wigner Bubble.Eric G. Cavalcanti - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-31.
    In a recent no-go theorem [Bong et al., Nature Physics (2020)], we proved that the predictions of unitary quantum mechanics for an extended Wigner’s friend scenario are incompatible with any theory satisfying three metaphysical assumptions, the conjunction of which we call “Local Friendliness”: Absoluteness of Observed Events, Locality and No-Superdeterminism. In this paper (based on an invited talk for the QBism jubilee at the 2019 Växjö conference) I discuss the implications of this theorem for QBism, as seen from the point (...)
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  4. A influência da Ética de Kant na sociedade contempor'nea.Klever Cavalcanti - manuscript - Translated by Klever Cavalcanti.
    Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a influência da ética de Kant na sociedade contemporânea, especialmente no que se refere aos dilemas morais que enfrentamos no dia a dia. Para isso, apresenta-se uma breve introdução sobre a vida e a obra de Kant, bem como os principais conceitos de sua ética, como o imperativo categórico, a autonomia da vontade e o reino dos fins. Em seguida, discute-se como a ética kantiana pode contribuir para a solução de problemas éticos atuais, (...)
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    A Slippery Argument: Ableism in the Debate on Medical Assistance in Dying.Rosana Triviño, Jon Rueda & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):99-102.
    In this commentary, we criticize the argument that allowing euthanasia for people with disabilities is ableist. We analyze the distinction between facts and values in medical assistance in dying, the expressivist objection, and the problem of crypwashing.
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    On modifications of Reichenbach's principle of common cause in light of Bell's theorem.Eric G. Cavalcanti & Raymond Lal - 2014 - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 47 (42):424018.
    Bellʼs 1964 theorem causes a severe problem for the notion that correlations require explanation, encapsulated in Reichenbachʼs principle of common cause. Despite being a hallmark of scientific thought, dropping the principle has been widely regarded as much less bitter medicine than the perceived alternative—dropping relativistic causality. Recently, however, some authors have proposed that modified forms of Reichenbachʼs principle could be maintained even with relativistic causality. Here we break down Reichenbachʼs principle into two independent assumptions—the principle of common cause proper and (...)
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  7. Bell Nonlocality, Signal Locality and Unpredictability (or What Bohr Could Have Told Einstein at Solvay Had He Known About Bell Experiments).Eric G. Cavalcanti & Howard M. Wiseman - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (10):1329-1338.
    The 1964 theorem of John Bell shows that no model that reproduces the predictions of quantum mechanics can simultaneously satisfy the assumptions of locality and determinism. On the other hand, the assumptions of signal locality plus predictability are also sufficient to derive Bell inequalities. This simple theorem, previously noted but published only relatively recently by Masanes, Acin and Gisin, has fundamental implications not entirely appreciated. Firstly, nothing can be concluded about the ontological assumptions of locality or determinism independently of each (...)
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  8. Contribuições da Psicologia Tomista ao estudo da plasticidade do ethos.Lamartine de Hollanda Cavalcanti Neto - 2012 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário São Camilo
    CAVALCANTI NETO, Lamartine de Hollanda. Contributions of Thomistic Psychology to the study of the plasticity of the ethos. 2012. 571s. Thesis (Doctorate in Bioethics) – Centro Universitário São Camilo, São Paulo,2012. If Ethics is not a static science, it is because ethos — its basic object of study — is a mutable reality. For this reason, ethical themes, chiefly those of Bioethics, are directly related to the study of the plasticity of the ethos. Nevertheless, such investigation requires that the (...)
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    Hacer justicia haciendo compañía: Homenaje a M.ª Teresa López de la Vieja (editores: Isabel Roldán Gómez, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias, Concha Roldán Panadero).Isabel Roldán, Rosana Triviño Caballero, María G. Navarro, David Rodríguez-Arias & Concha Roldán - 2019 - Salamanca, España: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.
    Este libro es un homenaje a la trayectoria intelectual y académica de la profesora María Teresa López de la Vieja, Catedrática emérita de la Universidad de Salamanca. En él se trazan algunos de los caminos que, con su obra, nos invita a transitar. El volumen recoge contribuciones de colegas de varias nacionalidades y procedentes de diversos ámbitos de reflexión que le son afines: la filosofía moral y política, la literatura, la teoría de la argumentación, los estudios feministas, las éticas aplicadas, (...)
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  10. Causation, Decision Theory, and Bell’s Theorem: A Quantum Analogue of the Newcomb Problem.Eric G. Cavalcanti - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (3):569-597.
    I apply some of the lessons from quantum theory, in particular from Bell’s theorem, to a debate on the foundations of decision theory and causation. By tracing a formal analogy between the basic assumptions of causal decision theory (CDT)—which was developed partly in response to Newcomb’s problem— and those of a local hidden variable theory in the context of quantum mechanics, I show that an agent who acts according to CDT and gives any nonzero credence to some possible causal interpretations (...)
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  11.  23
    El testimonio de Etty Hillesum desde el perfil de místico de ojos abiertos de Benjamín González Buelta.Rosana Elena Navarro Sánchez, Orlando Solano Pinzón, Jairo Gómez Díaz, William Peña Esquivel & Gabriel Alberto Jaramillo Vargas - 2020 - Perseitas 9:212-231.
    Dos místicos relativamente contemporáneos: Etty Hillesum y Benjamín González Buelta; dos estilos, dos contextos y una coincidencia establecida desde sus experiencias espirituales, en profunda conexión con la realidad, en medio de la vida y sus desafíos. Hillesum no habla propiamente de la experiencia mística, sin embargo, su proceso personal existencial en el duro contexto de guerra que le tocó vivir, la condujo a descubrirse profundamente habitada. Su experiencia de Dios le hizo posible comprender y gestionar el dolor en medio de (...)
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    On Schutz’s Reception of James’s Psychology - A Phenomenological Interpretation.Rosana Déborah Motta - 2024 - Schutzian Research 16:75-92.
    Alfred Schutz’s Constitutive Phenomenology of the natural attitude was completed under the influence of Edmund Husserl Phenomenology, Henri Bergson’s Vitalism and William James’ Psychology. Schutz used James’ psychology mainly to analyze acts, their intentional modifications and the modifications found in finite realities of meaning. While the phenomenology of Husserl was important for the topics discussed, Schutz’s appreciation of James’s psychology is due to the fact that he makes these analyses without resorting to reduction, i.e. he explores worldly consciousness. Despite these (...)
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  13.  28
    The network theory: a new language for speaking about chemical elements relations through stoichiometric binary compounds.Rosana del P. Suárez - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (2):207-220.
    Traditionally the study of chemical elements has been limited to well-known concepts like the periodic properties and chemical families. However, current information shows a new and rich language that allows us to observe relations in the elements that are not limited to their positions in the table. These relations are evident when reactions are represented through networks, as in the case of similar reactivity of organic compounds sharing functional groups. For the past two decades, it has been argued that network (...)
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    Sobre o suicídio.Rosana Jardim Candeloro - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):435-439.
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    Contraceptive digital pills and sexual and reproductive healthcare of women with mental disabilities: Problem or solution?Rosana Triviño & María Victoria Martínez-López - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    For years, the sexual and reproductive health of women with intellectual and developmental disability or disabilities has been insufficiently addressed by institutions and family members due to a lack of information, training, and, sometimes, religious issues. In this context, contraceptive digital pills can enhance the sexual and reproductive control of this population group. Digital pills could help to improve adherence to treatments aimed to prevent unwanted pregnancies, as well as allowing women and their caregivers to exert better drug intake control. (...)
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    ONTO-TDM domain ontology population for a specific discipline.Rosana Abdoune, Lydia Lazib, Farida Dahmani-Bouarab & Jesualdo Tomás Fernández-Breis - 2024 - Applied ontology 19 (3):265-285.
    Ontologies play a vital role in organizing and constructing knowledge across various domains, enabling effective knowledge management and sharing. The development of domain-specific ontologies, such as the ONTO-TDM ontology for teaching domain modeling, is essential for providing a comprehensive and standardized representation of knowledge within a given discipline. However, to maximize the usefulness and relevance of such ontologies, it is crucial to automate their population with domain-specific information, reducing manual work and ensuring scalability. This paper presents a novel method for (...)
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  17. Nietzsche, a memória E a história; reflexões sobre a segunda consideração extemporânea.Anna Hartmann Cavalcanti - 2012 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 17 (2):77-105.
    As of 1869, and throughout the entire period during which he wrote the essay “On the Uses and Disadvantages of History for Life”, published in 1874, Nietzsche was a classical philology professor at the University of Basel. During this period, he reflected critically on theoretical and methodological questions in his field, emphasizing that if the study of Antiquity is to be linked to the analysis and critique of the sources, it loses, through this, contact with its own time, becoming knowledge (...)
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    XXI Semana de Ética y Filosofía Política. Modelos humanos ante la falsa infalibilidad de la inteligencia artificial. Reflexiones sobre la polarización desde la filosofía.Rosana Sanahuja Sanahuja, Martha Rodríguez Coronel & Patrici Calvo - 2023 - Isegoría 69:e22.
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    Phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase.Rosana Kapeller & Lewis C. Cantley - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (8):565-576.
    Currently, a central question in biology is how signals from the cell surface modulate intracellular processes. In recent years phosphoinositides have been shown to play a key role in signal transduction. Two phosphoinositide pathways have been characterized, to date. In the canonical phosphoinositide turnover pathway, activation of phosphatidylinositol‐specific phospholipase C results in the hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4,5‐bisphospate and the generation of two second messengers, inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate and diacylglycerol. The 3‐phosphoinositide pathway involves protein‐tyrosine kinase‐mediated recruitment and activation of phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase, resulting (...)
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    Imagens e evidências.Rosana Costa Ramalho de Castro - 2005 - Cultura:93-108.
    Este texto destina-se ao estudo das características do gosto popular na cidade do Rio de Janeiro revelando a assimilação dos elementos do paradigma clássico utilizados na Europa até ao séc. XIX.
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    John Hick’s Cultural Approach as a Response to the Problem of Religious Diversity.Paulo Estevão Tavares Cavalcanti - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):347-380.
    This paper discusses John Hick’s response to the problem of religious diversity, based on the distinction between the Real itself and the way He is experienced and thought of by different religious communities. To this end, we divided this work into three sections in addition to the present introduction and the final considerations. In the first section we present the hickian concept of religious phenomenon and discuss the affirmation of him in favor of the ambiguity of the universe; the second (...)
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy, Childhood, and Subjectivity.Rosana Aparecida, Fernandes de Oliveira & Walter Omar Kohan - 2001 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 1:4-6.
    Functions and objectives serve as an incentive for children living in Brazil to question their role as a child in society.
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    Confesiones de un médico o Nostalgias de una vocación (paternalista).Rosana Triviño Caballero - 2012 - Dilemata 8:67-73.
    “Hacia una nueva ética médica” es el título del capítulo 5 de Confesiones de un médico (Triacastela, Madrid, 2011), la versión española del libro del médico y filósofo norteamericano Alfred Tauber, cuidadosamente traducida por Antonio Casado da Rocha. En él, se abordan cuestiones relacionadas con la alteración identitaria que supone la enfermedad, la deshumanización de la medicina y sus causas y la necesidad de un cambio radical en el enfoque de la relación médico-paciente para combatirla. En una sociedad que prioriza (...)
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    Mujeres migrantes y misoprostol: aborto privado, escándalo público.Rosana Triviño Caballero - 2012 - Dilemata 10:31-44.
    ¿Por qué recurren las mujeres migrantes a un método abortivo clandestino cuando existen cauces regulados y gratuitos para interrumpir el embarazo? A partir de un caso relatado en una noticia de prensa, el presente trabajo pretende ofrecer argumentos capaces de fundamentar una posible respuesta. Frente al modelo médico hegemónico, el uso del misoprostol extiende el debate no sólo a la identificación de las disfunciones del sistema sanitario español, sino a discursos relacionados con la identidad y a planteamientos autogestionarios de empoderamiento (...)
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    S. Tarodo y P. Pardo: Biotecnología y Bioderecho, Eolas ediciones, León, 2011.Rosana Triviño Caballero - 2012 - Dilemata 8:217-225.
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    Considerações sobre a literatura s'nscrita - Capítulo XVI de Parerga e Paralipomena.Rosana Jardim Candeloro - 2016 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 7 (2):176.
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    Construyendo participación ciudadana a nivel local. La experiencia de los pequeños productores agropecuarios de la Provincia de Ñuble.Rosana Vallejos Cartes & M. Julia Fawaz Yissi - 2008 - Theoria: Universidad del Bio-Bio, Chile 17 (1):19-32.
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    Arte da experimentação: política, cultura e natureza no primeiro Nietzsche.Anna Hartmann Cavalcanti - 2007 - Trans/Form/Ação 30 (2):115-133.
    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as conexões entre o pensamento político de Nietzsche e sua crítica da cultura, tal como desenvolvidos nas notas e ensaios do primeiro período de sua obra, especialmente no ensaio Cinco prefácios a cinco livros não escritos. Trata-se de mostrar como o filósofo procura, a partir de uma singular análise do Estado e da sociedade na Grécia antiga, restituir à experiência política uma dimensão reflexiva em declínio na modernidade.
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    Arte E natureza em Nietzsche E August Schlegel.Anna Hartmann Cavalcanti - 2008 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 20 (27):351.
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    Arte e sociedade.Carlos Cavalcanti - 1966 - [Rio de Janeiro]: Ministério da Educação e Cultura, Serviço de Documentação.
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    Abrindo trilhas com leituras: reflexões sobre a gênese de O nascimento da tragédia.Anna Hartmann Cavalcanti - 2023 - Cadernos Nietzsche 44 (3):13-38.
    This article aims to reflect on the genesis of The Birth of Tragedy based on Nietzsche's readings of Lectures on Fine Art and Literatur and Lectures on Dramatic Art by August Schlegel. Such readings, begun during his studies in Pforta, span his first years lecturing in Basel until they ultimately took shape in Nietzsche's first work. The goal is to analyze this trek of readings, in order to encover the development process of Nietzsche's thinking regarding the central issues of his (...)
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    An Unfinished Conversation: Two Oppressed People Unable to Agree.P. Cavalcanti & R. Fernandes - 1973 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1973 (18):136-149.
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    A Vision of Full Humanity: A Latin American Perspective.Robinson Cavalcanti - 1998 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 15 (1):4-5.
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    Gustave Courbet: Um pintor realista e revolucionário.Klever Cavalcanti - manuscript - Translated by Klever Cavalcanti.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a vida e a obra de Gustave Courbet, um dos principais representantes do realismo na pintura do século XIX. Courbet foi um artista que se opôs às convenções acadêmicas e às tradições românticas, buscando retratar a realidade social e política de sua época com uma linguagem pictórica inovadora e expressiva. Além de pintor, Courbet foi também um ativista político, participando da Comuna de Paris de 1871, um movimento revolucionário que tentou estabelecer um governo popular (...)
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    How I Wish North American Evangelicals Would Influence U.S. Foreign Policy in Latin America.Robinson Cavalcanti - 1985 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 2 (3):20-22.
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    Il problema del linguaggio teologico nell’Adv. Eunomium di Basilio Magno.E. Cavalcanti - 1974 - Augustinianum 14 (3):527-539.
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  37. L'imperfezione della storia nel De civitate Dei di Agostino.Elena Cavalcanti - 1999 - Studium 95 (2):215-224.
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  38.  51
    Música, linguagem e criação em Nietzsche.Anna Hartmann Cavalcanti - 2007 - Discurso 37:183-200.
    Este artigo tem como objetivo examinar o papel singular da música na reflexão de Nitzsche sobre o processo de criação poética, e analisar os efeitos de sua leitura da correspondência entre goethe e Schiller na elaboração dessa reflexão. Pretende-se mostrar, em seguida, como a análise da criação poética está associada a uma reflexão mais ampla sobre o pensamento e a linguagem.
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  39. O Surgimento e a Expansão do Islamismo no Século VII.Klever Cavalcanti - 2023 - Dissertation, Ipemig Translated by Klever Cavalcanti.
    RESUMO O surgimento e a rápida expansão do Islamismo no século VII representam um dos fenômenos mais significativos da história mundial, influenciando diversas culturas e regiões. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o contexto histórico do surgimento do Islamismo e as razões que facilitaram sua rápida expansão no Oriente Médio e além. A pesquisa aborda a vida do profeta Muhammad, o contexto sociopolítico da Península Arábica pré-islâmica, e a revelação do Alcorão. Utilizando uma abordagem histórica analítica, a metodologia inclui revisão (...)
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  40. O uso dos direitos humanos como fundamento de intervenção na soberania dos estados.Fernanda Monteiro Cavalcanti - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (1).
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    Poesia e linguagem na primeira recepção de Nietzsche dos escritos de August Wilhelm Schlegel.Anna Hartmann Cavalcanti - 2017 - Cadernos Nietzsche 38 (2):121-148.
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    Racial mixture, blood and nation in medical publications on sickle cell disease in 1950s Brazil.Juliana Manzoni Cavalcanti - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (4):51.
    This paper investigates continuities and changes in the definition of sickle cell disease in 1950s Brazil, taking into account that diseases have a history and are recognized as such according to the knowledge and perceptions available in a certain historical period and specific location. In the post-war era, new diagnostic tools, inheritance theories and, in particular, discussions on the concepts of race and racial relations, both nationally and internationally, were changing previous racialist and racist views. Nonetheless, the Brazilian medical interpretations (...)
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    “Spirito di Verita - Somiglianza dei Figlio” nel Dialogo VII, De Spiritu Sancto di Cirillo di Alessandria.Elena Cavalcanti - 1973 - Augustinianum 13 (3):589-598.
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    Solacium Miseriae.Elena Cavalcanti - 1995 - Augustinianum 35 (2):413-428.
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  45. Teoria do direito: estudos e análises.Theóphilo Cavalcanti Filho - 1976 - São Paulo: J. Bushatsky.
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  46. Teoria do estado.Themístocles Brandão Cavalcanti - 1969 - Rio de Janeiro,: Editor Borsoi.
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    The Left in the Mallands.Pedro C. U. Cavalcanti - 1982 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1982 (53):173-178.
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    “Theognosia” per mezzo dello Spirito e inconoscibilita dello Spirito nel De Spiritu Sancto di Basilio di Cesarea.Elena Cavalcanti - 1979 - Augustinianum 19 (3):403-414.
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    The Socialist International Goes to Latin America.Pedro Cavalcanti - 1978 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1978 (37):126-132.
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    Teologio trinitaria e teologia della storia in alcuni testi di Gregorio di Nisso.Elena Cavalcanti - 1976 - Augustinianum 16 (1):117-124.
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