Results for 'Rudolph Makkreel'

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  1. Imagination and Interpretation in Kant: The Hermeneutic Import of the Critique of Judgment.Rudolph A. MAKKREEL - 1990
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    Dilthey and the Neo-Kantians: The Dispute Over the Status of the Human and Cultural Sciences.Rudolph Makkreel & Sebastian Luft - unknown
  3. "Dilthey Philosopher of the Human Studies": Rudolph Makkreel[REVIEW]Richard Woodfield - 1977 - British Journal of Aesthetics 17 (3):282.
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  4. Rudolph A. Makkreel, Imagination and Interpretation in Kant. The Hermeneutical Import of the Critique of Judgement Reviewed by. [REVIEW]Eva Schaper - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (4):267-269.
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    Critical review of Kant’s worldview. How judgement shapes human comprehension, by Rudolf A. Makkreel.Kai de Bruin - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 14:462-465.
    Review of: Rudolph A. Makkreel, Kant’s Worldview. How Judgment Shapes Human Comprehension, Chicago, Northwestern University Press, 2021, 288 p. ISBN: 9780810144316.
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    Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences, and: Dilthey und Cassirer: Die Deutung der Neuzeit als Muster von Geistes- und Kulturgeschichte (review).Sebastian Luft - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (4):504-506.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences and: Dilthey und Cassirer: Die Deutung der Neuzeit als Muster von Geistesund KulturgeschichteSebastian LuftGunnar Foss and Eivind Kasa, editors. Forms of Knowledge and Sensibility: Ernst Cassirer and the Human Sciences. Kristiansand: HøyskoleForlaget, 2002. Pp. 223. Paper, $25.00.Thomas Leinkauf, editor. Dilthey und Cassirer: Die Deutung der Neuzeit als Muster von Geistesund Kulturgeschichte. Hamburg: Meiner, 2003. Pp. 170. Paper, (...)
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  7. Imagination and interpretation in Kant: the hermeneutical import of the Critique of judgment.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1990 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    In this illuminating study of Kant's theory of imagination and its role in interpretation, Rudolf A. Makkreel argues against the commonly held notion that Kant's transcendental philosophy is incompatible with hermeneutics. The charge that Kant's foundational philosophy is inadequate to the task of interpretation can be rebutted, explains Makkreel, if we fully understand the role of imagination in his work. In identifying this role, Makkreel also reevaluates the relationship among Kant's discussions of the feeling of life, common (...)
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    Rudolph, Heinrich. Über dieUnzulässigkeit der gegenw ä rtigen Theorie der Materie.H. Rudolph - 1905 - Kant Studien 10 (1-3).
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    The Logical Syntax of Language.Rudolph Carnap - 1936 - Philosophical Review 46 (5):549-553.
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    How is Empathy Related to Understanding?Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2010 - In Thomas Nenon & Lester Embree (eds.), Issues in Husserl’s Ideas Ii. Springer. pp. 199-212.
    A close link between empathy and understanding has often been attributed to Dilthey, but in fact one seldom finds the German word for empathy—Einfühlung— in his writings. For this and other reasons one should be reluctant to reduce Dilthey’s theory of Verstehen to a form of empathy.1 The relation between Einfühlung and Verstehen is much more explicit in Husserl. By working out what this relation is for Husserl in Book Two of Ideen zu einer reinen Phänomenologie und phänomenologischen Philosophie and (...)
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    (1 other version)Wilhelm Dilthey.Rudolf Makkreel - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  12. (1 other version)Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy.Rudolf A. Makkreel & Sebastian Luft (eds.) - 2009 - Indiana University Press.
    These essays bring Neo-Kantianism back into contemporary philosophical discourse.
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    The unity of the Platonic dialogue: the Cratylus, the Protagoras, the Parmenides.Rudolph Herbert Weingartner - 1973 - [Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill Co..
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    Dilthey as a Philosopher of Life.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2013 - In Scott M. Campbell & Paul W. Bruno (eds.), The Science, Politics, and Ontology of Life-Philosophy. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 1.
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    Dilthey and Phenomenology.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1984 - Dilthey-Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 2:346-347.
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    Georg Misch und die Neuformulierung der sprachphilosophischen Ansätze Diltheys.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1999 - Dilthey-Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 12:90-99.
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    Kant and the development of the human and cultural sciences.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 39 (4):546-553.
    Starting with Kant’s doubts about psychology as a natural science capable of explaining human behavior, several alternative attempts to conceive of human life, culture and history are examined. Kant proposes an anthropology that will be a commonly useful human science rather than a universally valid natural science. This anthropology relates to philosophy as a mode of world-cognition. Special attention is given to how Kant’s theory of right can help define our appropriate place in a communal world. The different ways in (...)
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    Metaphysics and the Hermeneutical Relevance of Worldviews.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (2):321-344.
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    Response to Guenter Zoeller.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1992 - Philosophy Today 36 (3):276-280.
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    Reinterpreting the Historical World.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1991 - The Monist 74 (2):149-164.
    Some philosophers have distinguished history from nature by speaking of the former as the mind-affected world. Such a distinction would seem to account for the fact that we have a sense of belonging to and participating in the movement of history and of being able to change it by our thoughts and plans. If we take this claim metaphysically, then history would be the domain that we have influenced, and nature the domain that we have failed to influence. Vico and (...)
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  21. Self-cognition and self-assessment.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2014 - In Alix Cohen (ed.), Kant's Lectures on Anthropology: A Critical Guide. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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  22. The confluence of aesthetics and hermeneutics in Baumgarten, Meier, and Kant.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1996 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (1):65-75.
  23. Wilhelm Dilthey, Selected Works, Volume V: Poetry and Experience.Rudolf A. Makkreel, Frithjof Rodi & Wilhelm Dilthey - 1987 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 22 (1):115-117.
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    The role of judgment and orientation in hermeneutics.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (1-2):29-50.
    This paper attempts to reassess the role of judgment in hermeneutics. Beyond considering the different modes of judgment involved in interpretation, a topology of contexts that can orient understanding is proposed, starting with the way Kant distinguishes among a field, a territory and a domain. Other relevant contexts are also considered. One of the main tasks of hermeneutics is to be able to coordinate various interdisciplinary contexts.
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  25. The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy.Rudolph Carnap & Rolf A. George - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (4):340-342.
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    Kantian Critique, Its Ethical Purification by Hermann Cohen, and Its Reflective Transformation by Wilhelm Dilthey.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan (eds.), Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 263-279.
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  27. Conceptual exploration.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):2930-2955.
    Conceptual engineering involves revising our concepts. It can be pursued as a specific philosophical methodology, but is also common in ordinary, non-philosophical, contexts. How does our capacity for conceptual engineering fit into human cognitive life more broadly? I hold that conceptual engineering is best understood alongside practices of conceptual exploration, examples of which include conceptual supposition (i.e. suppositional reasoning about alternative concepts), and conceptual comparison (i.e. comparisons between possible concept choices). Whereas in conceptual engineering we aim to change the concepts (...)
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  28. Wilhelm Dilthey and the neo-Kantians : On the conceptual distinctions between geisteswissenschaften and kulturwissenschaften.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2009 - In Rudolf A. Makkreel & Sebastian Luft (eds.), Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy. Indiana University Press.
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    Die Weltnatur des Menschen: Morphopoietische Metaphysik 'Grundlegungsfragen'.Rudolph Berlinger (ed.) - 1988 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    morphopoietische Metaphysik : Grundlegungsfragen Rudolph Berlinger. DIE IRONIE DER FRAGE NACH WELT Erster Abschnitt Der ironische Ansatz der Frage nach Welt Die Formulierung des Themas: „Die Ironie der Frage nach Welt" mag ...
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  30. Talking about appearances: the roles of evaluation and experience in disagreement.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (1):197-217.
    Faultless disagreement and faultless retraction have been taken to motivate relativism for predicates of personal taste, like ‘tasty’. Less attention has been devoted to the question of what aspect of their meaning underlies this relativist behavior. This paper illustrates these same phenomena with a new category of expressions: appearance predicates, like ‘tastes vegan’ and ‘looks blue’. Appearance predicates and predicates of personal taste both fall into the broader category of experiential predicates. Approaching predicates of personal taste from this angle suggests (...)
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    The cognition–knowledge distinction in Kant and Dilthey and the implications for psychology and self-understanding.Rudolf Makkreel - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (1):149-164.
    Both Kant and Dilthey distinguish between cognition and knowledge, but they do so differently in accordance with their respective theoretical interests. Kant’s primary cognitive interest is in the natural sciences, and from this perspective the status of psychology is questioned because its phenomena are not mathematically measurable. Dilthey, by contrast, reconceives psychology as a human science.For Kant, knowledge is conceptual cognition that has attained certainty by being part of a rational system. Dilthey also links knowledge with certainty; however, he derives (...)
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  32. Acquaintance and evidence in appearance language.Rachel Etta Rudolph - 2023 - Linguistics and Philosophy 46:1-29.
    Assertions about appearances license inferences about the speaker's perceptual experience. For instance, if I assert, 'Tom looks like he's cooking', you will infer both that I am visually acquainted with Tom (what I call the "individual acquaintance inference"), and that I am visually acquainted with evidence that Tom is cooking (what I call the "evidential acquaintance inference"). By contrast, if I assert, 'It looks like Tom is cooking', only the latter inference is licensed. I develop an account of the acquaintance (...)
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  33. Carl G. Hempel on scientific theories.Rudolph Carnap - 1963 - In Paul Arthur Schilpp (ed.), The philosophy of Rudolf Carnap. La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court. pp. 958--966.
  34. Conventionalism and it's impact on logical empiricism.Rudolph Haller - 1998 - Philosophia Scientiae 3 (2):95-108.
  35. Kant on the scientific status of psychology, anthropology, and history.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2000 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
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    Vorlesungen und Schriften: Nietzsche / mit einem Vorw. von Enno Rudolph...Georg Picht & Enno Rudolph - 1988 - Stuttgart : Klett-Cotta.
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  37. (1 other version)Weltaspekte der Philosophie.Rudolph Berlinger, Werner Beierwaltes & W. Schrader (eds.) - 1972 - Amsterdam,: Rodopi.
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    And ontology.Rudolph Carnap - 2005 - In Nico Stehr & Reiner Grundmann (eds.), Knowledge: critical concepts. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--267.
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    Cassirer, Langer, and Dilthey on the Distinctive Kinds of Symbolism in the Arts.Rudolf Makkreel - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 2 (1):7-20.
    This paper examines the ways in which Ernst Cassirer and Susanne Langer place the arts in the spectrum of symbolization. Langer claims that Cassirer is wrong to consider artistic symbolism as a more concrete mode of linguistic symbolism. Instead, artists create presentational symbols that are just as capable of formal articulation, i. e., of complex combinations, as words are. According to Langer, the presentational modes of articulation of music and the visual arts are altogether different from the syntactical mode that (...)
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  40. Dilthey and Cassirer on language and the human sciences.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2016 - In Christian Damböck & Hans-Ulrich Lessing (eds.), Dilthey als Wissenschaftsphilosoph. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Editorial Reflections—: Expanding Beyond Canonical Figures and Periods.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (3):309-313.
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    Toward a concept of style: An interpretation of Wilhelm Dilthey's psycho-historical account of the imagination.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (2):171-182.
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    Tradition and orientation in hermeneutics.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1986 - Research in Phenomenology 16 (1):73-85.
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    The Role of Synthesis in the Critique of Judgment.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1989 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Kant Congress 2 (2):345-355.
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    Die Unterschiede zwischen der Naturphilosophie Descartes' und derjenigen Gassendis und der Gegensatz beider Philosophen überhaupt.Rudolph Franz Pfaff - 1967 - New York,: B. Franklin.
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    The aesthetic field of I. A. Richards.G. A. Rudolph - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (3):348-358.
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    Experience and culture.Rudolph H. Weingartner - 1962 - Middletown, Conn.,: Wesleyan University Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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    Sidney Zink 1917-1963.Rudolph H. Weingartner - 1963 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 37:127 -.
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    Knowledge and racial violence: the shine and shadow of ‘powerful knowledge’.Sophie Rudolph, Arathi Sriprakash & Jessica Gerrard - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (1):22-38.
    This paper offers a critique of ‘powerful knowledge’ – a concept in Education Studies that has been presented as a just basis for school curricula. Powerful knowledge is disciplinary knowledge produced and refined through a process of ‘specialisation’ that usually occurs in universities. Drawing on postcolonial, decolonial and Indigenous studies, we show how powerful knowledge seems to focus on the progressive impulse of modernity while overlooking the ruination of colonial racism. We call on scholars and practitioners working with the powerful (...)
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    Kant and the Interpretation of Nature and History.Rudolf A. Makkreel - 1989 - Philosophical Forum 21 (1):169.
    My purpose is to examine Kant's views on interpreting nature and history and to attempt to see them as coherent by relating them to his theory of reflective judgment. With this reconstruction of a kantian conception of interpretation it is possible to shed new light on kant's approach to political history. I propose that reflective judgments as defined in the "critique of judgment" be conceived primarily as interpretive and only derivatively as either aesthetic or teleological. This approach to reflective judgments (...)
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