Results for 'Salvador Solís Castro'

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  1.  39
    Una lectura hipermoderna de La risa de Henri Bergson. De la risa como pequeño enigma malicioso a su comprensión como ethos de las sociedades.Salvador Solís Castro - 2019 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 31 (1):235-245.
    En el presente ensayo se analizan algunos aspectos importantes de la interpretación elaborada por Henri Bergson acerca de “la risa” y el fenómeno de lo cómico en relación, principalmente, a lo social. Este aspecto, crucial a nuestro juicio, es lo que nos permite pensar dicho fenómeno más allá de la pura frontera estética, hacia los linderos siempre difíciles del ethos. Tomando en cuenta también la relación entre esta propuesta y otros aspectos del llamado “bergsonismo”, en lo que sigue afirmamos y (...)
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  2. El tiempo de la metafísica de Vasconcelos.Salvador Solís Castro - 2011 - Analogía Filosófica 25 (2):151-163.
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    Research, Development, and Innovation in Extremadura.Andoni Alsonso, Luis Casas, Carlos Castro & Fernando Solís - 2004 - Philosophy Today 48 (Supplement):16-22.
  4.  22
    O Movimento de Jovens Pobres a Instituições Renomadas de Ensino Superior: Motivações e Contradições.Felipe Salvador Grisolia & Lucia Rabello de Castro - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-25.
    Children and youth are typically positioned as passive subjects in learning, and when talking about working class children in particular, the common belief is that attendance at school institutions will translate into social displacement; that is, that children and young people from this economic segment who invest in the study will be able rise economically. It is in this context that recent public policies aimed at maintaining and extending the presence of children and young people in educational institutions can be (...)
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    Rubio Marco, Salvador: Como si lo estuviera viendo (El recuerdo en imágenes).Sixto Castro - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 55:204-206.
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    Courts and COVID-19: an Assessment of Countries Dealing with Democratic Erosion.Emilio Peluso Neder Meyer, Ulisses Levy Silvério dos Reis & Bruno Braga de Castro - 2023 - Jus Cogens 5 (1):85-110.
    This article aims to present four case studies of the different responses to governmental measures to fight the COVID-19 pandemic by supreme and constitutional courts, especially in cases of jurisdictions that have been facing democratic erosion. The spread of the COVID-19 pandemic demanded immediate public policies and other political decisions from the branches of government. Executive authorities were the main actors in effecting constitutional public health norms. The expectation was that they will abide by the rule of law in fulfilling (...)
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  7. Introducing Castro Alves.Antônio Carlos Secchin - 2000 - Diogenes 48 (191):84-90.
    Antônio de Castro Alves was born on 1 March 1847 on the Fazenda das Cabaceiras (Cabaceiras Farm) in the state of Bahia, and died in July 1871 in Salvador, the state capital. For this short twenty-four year span of his life he represented, as no one else in Brazil did, the myth of the Romantic poet and hero.His literary vocation became clear very early on. Coming from a well-to-do family, he studied law in Recife (the capital of Pernambuco), (...)
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    Entre escutas, encontros E pesquisas: A trajetória política E intelectual de Mary Garcia Castro.Eva Fonseca Silva Spinola & Maria Cristina Nascimento De Souza - 2019 - Odeere 4 (7):8.
    Esta entrevista tem como escopo registrar algumas das experiências e saberes de uma das maiores sociólogas do Brasil, Mary Garcia Castro. Graduada em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal da Bahia, mestre em Sociologia da Cultura pela mesma instituição. Também possui mestrado em Planejamento Urbano e Regional pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e doutorado em Sociologia pela University of Florida. Ela tem um vasto currículo marcado por atuações e publicações nacionais e internacionais. Mary Castro foi professora e (...)
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  9. Curable and Incurable Vice in Aristotle.Eric Solis - 2025 - Ancient Philosophy 45 (1):221-236.
    I argue that central to Aristotle’s account of vice is a distinction between two varieties of vicious person: those for whom character change is possible (the curable), and those for whom it is not (the incurable). Recognizing this distinction and drawing out the ideas which ground it shows why Aristotle’s discussions of vice in EN vii and ix 4 are not inconsistent.
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    El acontecimiento de una verdadera vida: la filosofía de François Jullien y el recurso cristiano.David Solís-Nova - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240086.
    The thought of François Jullien has made valuable contributions to contemporary philosophy, primarily by enriching the interpretation of certain classic themes through the uniqueness of ancient Chinese wisdom. This approach has revealed aspects that Western philosophy, with its metaphysics focused on being, has overlooked. Among these aspects, Jullien has drawn attention to how a series of resources of what could be called ‘Christian thought’ have remained unthought-of, at least from a philosophical perspective. The central question of this research is whether (...)
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  11. Preambular Persuasion as Proleptic Engagement: The Legislative Strategy of Plato's Laws.Eric Solis - forthcoming - Classical Quarterly.
    In the Laws, Plato argues that legislation must not only compel, but also persuade. This is accomplished by prefacing laws with preludes. While this procedure is central to the legislative project of the dialogue, there is little interpretative agreement about the strategy of the preludes. This paper defends an interpretation according to which the strategy is to engage with citizens in a way that anticipates their progress toward a more mature evaluative outlook, and helps them grow into it. This paper (...)
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  12.  11
    El encuentro como categoría metafísica en la filosofía de François Jullien.David Solís-Nova - 2024 - Perseitas 12:93-115.
    La propuesta de Jullien se caracteriza por poner de relieve análisis sobre la existencia cotidiana que la tradición filosófica había tomado por demasiado contingentes y, por lo mismo, había dejado al tratamiento del arte, la poesía y la literatura. En este sentido, el filósofo ha tenido como una de sus líneas de trabajo la temática del encuentro y la intimidad entre sujetos. El objetivo de esta investigación es buscar si la noción de "encuentro" tiene consecuencias metafísicas y no sólo antropológicas (...)
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  13. (1 other version)Machinic Animism.Maurizio Lazzarato & Angela Melitopoulos - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (2):240-249.
    This catalogue essay is based on a series of interviews conducted by the authors with international scholars who were asked to reflect on Guattari's scattered comments concerning animism. Interviewees are: Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (anthropologist, Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro), Eric Alliez (philosopher, Paris), Jean Claude Polack (psychoanalyst, Paris), Barbara Glowczewski (anthropologist, Paris), Peter Pál Pelbart (philosopher, São Paolo) Janja Rosangela Araujo (master of Capoeira Angola, and professor, Salvador de Bahia) and Jean Jacques Lebel (artist, Paris). Animism was (...)
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    Does Social Performance Really Lead to Financial Performance? Accounting for Endogeneity.Roberto Garcia-Castro, Miguel A. Ariño & Miguel A. Canela - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):107-126.
    The empirical relationship between a firm’s social performance and its financial performance is still not well established in the literature. Despite more than 30 years of research and more than 100 empirical studies on the issue, the results are still mixed. We argue that the heterogeneous results found in previous studies are not due exclusively to problems related with the measurement instruments or the samples used. Instead, we posit that a more fundamental problem related with the endogeneity of social strategic (...)
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    Joint actions, commitments and the need to belong.Víctor Fernández Castro & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2020 - Synthese 198 (8):7597-7626.
    This paper concerns the credibility problem for commitments. Commitments play an important role in cooperative human interactions and can dramatically improve the performance of joint actions by stabilizing expectations, reducing the uncertainty of the interaction, providing reasons to cooperate or improving action coordination. However, commitments can only serve these functions if they are credible in the first place. What is it then that insures the credibility of commitments? To answer this question, we need to provide an account of what motivates (...)
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    Discussing the Formal Components of Material Objects: A New Reply to Bennett.Adrián Solís - 2024 - Metaphysica 25 (1):145-162.
    Recently mereological hylomorphism, the theory in which form and matter are considered to be proper parts of objects, has become very important among contemporary metaphysicians. The present work aims to analyse and dismantle Bennett’s criticism regarding the existence of formal proper parts. To do this, I will start by presenting Koslicki’s mereological hylomorphism. Next, I will focus on Bennett’s critique which seeks to deny the existence of formal proper parts. Finally, I will analyse critically the Bennett’s criticism focusing on the (...)
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  17.  21
    La sustentabilidad y la androginia:la necesidad de nuevas rebeldías y de nuevas utopías.Eloísa Tréllez Solís - 2004 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 9.
    Este artículo reflexiona sobre algunas facetas de la descalificación al pensamiento libre, en paralelo a las inequidades de género. Se ejemplifica con la persecución a mujeres en distintas épocas a las que el poder destruyó, de un modo análogo a como la codicia del poder destruye la naturaleza. Realza el artículo la existencia de una diversidad de saberes, para los que se requieren puertas abiertas, superando los cerrojos excluyentes, cruzando los muros de la inequidad de género, de las injusticias sociales (...)
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    Le Christianisme dévoilé : une ambiguïté philosophique à la source d’un système dogmatique.Marilyse Turgeon-Solis - 2014 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 33:139.
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    La hospitalidad en el pensamiento de la deconstrucción.Dirce Eleonora Nigro Solis, Juan Manuel Díaz Leguizamon & Carlos Mario Fisgativa - 2020 - Revista Disertaciones 9 (2):7-23.
    El tema de la hospitalidad fue suficientemente analizado por Jacques Derrida, el pensador francés de la deconstrucción. Este artículo busca investigar la cuestión de la hospitalidad considerando la oposición radical, la aporía, entre la ley de la hospitalidad incondicional, en su singularidad universal, y las leyes de la hospitalidad condicional. ¿Quién se encuentra apto para la hospitalidad? ¿Alguien que dice su nombre? ¿Una sujeto de derecho? ¿Un extranjero? Exploraremos algunas de las condiciones para responder a esta pregunta: la hospitalidad como (...)
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  20.  10
    Por una democracia con significado.Solís Gadea, Héctor Raúl & Manuel Zataraín Castellanos (eds.) - 2008 - Guadalajara, Jalisco, México: Universidad de Guadalajara.
  21.  26
    Cuerpos suspendidos: cartografías e imaginarios de la piel en jóvenes urbanos.Rodrigo Ganter Solís - 2005 - Polis 11.
    El presente texto busca reflexionar en torno al mundo de las prácticas del cuerpo y su vínculo con cierto tipo de culturas juveniles que poseen como forma de vida la alteración corporal, y donde en la actualidad se puede observar –en nuestro país– una explosión de la experimentación con el tatuaje y con el piercing, y de manera más incipiente –pero también significativa– con los implantes, las escarificaciones, los branding, las expansiones y la variante de las suspensiones humanas; práctica sobre (...)
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  22.  33
    Neocolonialism, Language and Culture in the Mexican Transition.Graciela Lechuga-Solís - 2005 - International Studies in Philosophy 37 (2):37-56.
  23.  30
    Assessor Teaching and the Evolution of Human Morality.Laureano Castro, Miguel Ángel Castro-Nogueira, Morris Villarroel & Miguel Ángel Toro - 2021 - Biological Theory 16 (1):5-15.
    We consider the evolutionary scheme of morality proposed by Tomasello to defend the idea that the ability to orient the learning of offspring using signs of approval/disapproval could be a decisive and necessary step in the evolution of human morality. Those basic forms of intentional evaluative feedback, something we have called assessor teaching, allow parents to transmit their accumulated experience to their children, both about the behaviors that should be learned as well as how they should be copied. The rationale (...)
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  24.  38
    Deontic action logic, atomic boolean algebras and fault-tolerance.Pablo F. Castro & T. S. E. Maibaum - 2009 - Journal of Applied Logic 7 (4):441-466.
  25.  66
    Ensayo, estética y política : Jorge Cuesta y el tiempo mexicano.Ricardo Cadena Solís - 2022 - Estudios filosofía historia letras 20 (142):51.
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  26. Robots and Resentment: Commitments, Recognition and Social Motivation in HRI.Víctor Fernandez Castro & Elisabeth Pacherie - 2023 - In Catrin Misselhorn, Tom Poljanšek, Tobias Störzinger & Maike Klein (eds.), Emotional Machines: Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine Interaction. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 183-216.
    To advance the task of designing robots capable of performing collective tasks with humans, studies in human–robot interaction often turn to psychology, philosophy of mind and neuroscience for inspiration. In the same vein, this chapter explores how the notion of recognition and commitment can help confront some of the current problems in addressing robot-human interaction in joint tasks. First, we argue that joint actions require mutual recognition, which cannot be established without the attribution and maintenance of commitments. Second, we argue (...)
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  27. Hominid cultural transmission and the evolution of language.Laureano Castro, Alfonso Medina & Miguel A. Toro - 2004 - Biology and Philosophy 19 (5):721-737.
    This paper presents the hypothesis that linguistic capacity evolved through the action of natural selection as an instrument which increased the efficiency of the cultural transmission system of early hominids. We suggest that during the early stages of hominization, hominid social learning, based on indirect social learning mechanisms and true imitation, came to constitute cumulative cultural transmission based on true imitation and the approval or disapproval of the learned behaviour of offspring. A key factor for this transformation was the development (...)
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  28.  16
    Religiosidad popular y pluralismo ideológico. Significaciones religiosas y políticas en torno a la Semana Santa de Huelva.José Carlos Mancha Castro - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e88770.
    En este artículo se analiza la relación entre el proceso de laicización o secularización de lo religioso y el crecimiento de los rituales de religiosidad popular en el contexto de las sociedades modernas contemporáneas a partir de un análisis etnográfico del ritual de la Semana Santa de la ciudad de Huelva. Haciendo uso de una metodología etnográfica de corte cualitativo, imbricada con técnicas de investigación cuantitativas de carácter sociológico, ponemos sobre análisis las significaciones religiosas e ideológico políticas de actores que (...)
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  29.  32
    Educación ambiental y sustentabilidad política: democracia y participación.Eloísa Tréllez Solís - 2006 - Polis 14.
    La búsqueda de una educación ambiental basada en los principios de la sustentabilidad, está en el centro de la reflexión de la autora. El arte de educar implica, por parte de educadores y educandos, consiste en asumirse como seres sociales y complejos; inmersos en una realidad que exige un compromiso constante con el medioambiente. La libertad que podemos alcanzar en el mundo exterior -el cual habitamos en tanto cuerpos interrelacionados entre sí y respecto de su medio- tiene como requisito previo (...)
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  30. Does Predictive Sentencing Make Sense?Clinton Castro, Alan Rubel & Lindsey Schwartz - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper examines the practice of using predictive systems to lengthen the prison sentences of convicted persons when the systems forecast a higher likelihood of re-offense or re-arrest. There has been much critical discussion of technologies used for sentencing, including questions of bias and opacity. However, there hasn’t been a discussion of whether this use of predictive systems makes sense in the first place. We argue that it does not by showing that there is no plausible theory of punishment that (...)
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    When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes's Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish Orientalism.E. C. Graf - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):68-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:When an Arab Laughs in Toledo: Cervantes’s Interpellation of Early Modern Spanish OrientalismE. C. Graf (bio)My purpose has been to place in the plaza of our republic a game table which everyone can approach to entertain themselves without fear of being harmed by the rods; by which I mean without harm to spirit or body, because honest and agreeable exercises are always more likely to do good than harm.—Miguel (...)
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    On consequence in approximate reasoning.J. L. Castro, E. Trillas & S. Cubillo - 1994 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 4 (1):91-103.
  33. La prueba en el derecho soviético en comparación con la prueba en el derecho mexicano.Esquivel Y. Solís & Luis Fernando[From Old Catalog] - 1960 - México,:
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  34. Ideal counterpart theorizing and the accuracy argument for probabilism.Clinton Castro & Olav Vassend - 2018 - Analysis 78 (2):207-216.
    One of the main goals of Bayesian epistemology is to justify the rational norms credence functions ought to obey. Accuracy arguments attempt to justify these norms from the assumption that the source of value for credences relevant to their epistemic status is their accuracy. This assumption and some standard decision-theoretic principles are used to argue for norms like Probabilism, the thesis that an agent’s credence function is rational only if it obeys the probability axioms. We introduce an example that shows (...)
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    The pre-reflexive presence of the other and the being-for-the-other as a third ecstasis in Sartre’s phenomenological ontology.Fabio Caprio Leite de Castro - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:19-28.
    Este artículo presenta una interpretación del ser-para-otro en la ontología fenomenológica de Sartre. A partir de un análisis contextual de la fenomenología de la mirada en El ser y la nada, formulamos el problema del ser-para-otro como tercera ek-stasis. Si admitimos que el ser-para-otro surge de una profundización de la segunda ek-stasis (reflexión) y que, por tanto, está siempre condicionado por ella, corremos el riesgo de caer en la ilusión de la primacía del ser-para-sí. En oposición a esta interpretación, presentamos (...)
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  36.  73
    Debts of Good Will and Interpersonal Justice.Leonardo D. de Castro - 1998 - The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 24:21-26.
    A debt of good will is incurred when a person becomes the beneficiary of significant assistance or favor given by another. Usually, the beneficiary is in acute need of the assistance given or favor granted. This provides an opportunity for the giving of help to serve as a vehicle for the expression of sympathy or concern. The debt could then be appreciated as one of good will because, by catering to another person's pressing need, the benefactor is able to express (...)
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  37. Más Acá de la Razón. Postmodernismo, Postmodernidad, Deconstrucción y Afectos.Daniel Castro Aniyar - 1999 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 4 (7).
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    Michel Foucault: sujeto e historia.Edgardo Castro - 2006 - Tópicos 14:171-183.
    This article describes the evolution of the theme of the subject in the work of Michel Foucault. More precisely, it develops the relationship between subject and history, from his first works, dedicated to the history of psychology and of madness, to his courses devoted to biopolitics.Este artículo describe la evolución del tema del sujeto en la obra de Michel Foucault. Más precisamente, desarrolla la relación entre sujeto e historia desde sus primeros trabajos, dedicados a la historia de la psicología y (...)
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  39.  40
    On Superluminal Particles and the Extended Relativity Theories.Carlos Castro - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (9):1135-1152.
    Superluminal particles are studied within the framework of the Extended Relativity theory in Clifford spaces (C-spaces). In the simplest scenario, it is found that it is the contribution of the Clifford scalar component π of the poly-vector-valued momentum which is responsible for the superluminal behavior in ordinary spacetime due to the fact that the effective mass $\mathcal{M} = \sqrt{ M^{2} - \pi^{2} }$ is imaginary (tachyonic). However, from the point of view of C-space, there is no superluminal (tachyonic) behavior because (...)
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    La impaciencia del deseo y otros ensayos de estética.Diego Romero de Solís - 1991 - Sevilla: Alfar.
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  41. La muerte del caballero.Diego Romero de Solís - 1999 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 6:175-190.
    La percepción de la vida se vincula a la actitud ante la muerte para abrirse a la experiencia estética en torno al Poema de Mio Cid y a las Coplas de Manrique. Los horizontes simbólicos que brotan de la épica y de la lírica acentúan la figura trágica del héroe, del caballero.
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  42. Recetas para ser y parecer mujer.Alonso de Solís & María Esther - 1993 - Posadas, Misiones: Editorial Universitaria, Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
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    Hyperbolic Secant representation of the logistic function: Application to probabilistic Multiple Instance Learning for CT intracranial hemorrhage detection.Francisco M. Castro-Macías, Pablo Morales-Álvarez, Yunan Wu, Rafael Molina & Aggelos K. Katsaggelos - 2024 - Artificial Intelligence 331 (C):104115.
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  44. Fronteras, escritura y nación en la narrativa contemporánea argentina sobre Tierra del Fuego.Andrea Castro - 2013 - Anclajes 17 (1):21 - 38.
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  45. Antinomias de la razón histórica. Recepción y crítica de Husserl a la obra tardía de Wilhelm Dilthey.Ángel Octavio Álvarez Solís - 2009 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 10 (18-19):45-63.
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    La estética de Kandinsky y el gnosticismo.David Alfonso Solís Nova & Valeria Burgos Ortiz - 2022 - Franciscanum 64 (178).
    El presente artículo es un estudio teórico sobre las similitudes entre las doctrinas gnósticas, que florecieron alrededor del siglo ii de nuestra era, y el pensamiento estético del pintor ruso Vasili Kandinsky. El objetivo es analizar estos dos marcos de ideas filosóficas y espirituales para exponer sus similitudes y diferencias. De esta manera, se indagará si, pese a los siglos que las separan y la diferencia de contextos históricos que las rodean, pueden existir en los orígenes de ambas propuestas doctrinales (...)
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    Conflicto entre Derechos Ambientales y Desarrollo Económico en la Constitución Ecuatoriana.Romel Paúl Sarmiento Castro & Fernando Esteban Ochoa Rodríguez - 2024 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (10):e240162.
    Ecuador enfrenta el reto de equilibrar el desarrollo económico con la preservación ambiental, especialmente tras la Constitución de 2008 que promueve la sostenibilidad. Sin embargo, existen tensiones y contradicciones entre las políticas de desarrollo económico y la conservación ambiental. El estudio analiza cómo la ambigüedad en las normativas constitucionales sobre derechos ambientales y desarrollo económico afecta la resolución de conflictos en arbitrajes internacionales y su impacto en la sostenibilidad ambiental y el desarrollo económico entre 2000 y 2024. Se utilizó un (...)
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    La crítica de Aristóteles al automovimiento del alma en DA I.Liliana Carolina Sánchez Castro - 2024 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 69:11-29.
    Este artículo examina la posición de Aristóteles frente a la teoría del alma como entidad automotriz a la luz de una concepción menos negativa de la discusión de Aristóteles con sus predecesores. Para ello, exploro la hipótesis de que Aristóteles está produciendo los conceptos necesarios para su propia investigación a través de una crítica de la tesis de Platón. Muestro que, más que a una crítica, a lo que asistimos es a un proceso de apropiación conceptual en el que Aristóteles (...)
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    A interminável questão: por que (devo) agir moralmente?: análise do capítulo 12 de Ética Prática de Peter Singer.Paulo Alexandre E. Castro - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e02400197.
    This essay seeks to provide a detailed analysis of chapter 12 of Peter Singer’s Practical Ethics. Fundamental chapter not only for understanding the author’s ethical and moral thought, but also for understanding the author’s cultural and civilizational thought. It is in this sense that the question posed in the title - why act morally - is not limited to the horizon of the redundant discussion of personal interest or educational factors but becomes the philosophical-ethical exercise of inquiry into human action (...)
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  50. It's how you get there: walking down a virtual alley activates premotor and parietal areas.Johanna Wagner, Teodoro Solis-Escalante, Reinhold Scherer, Christa Neuper & Gernot Müller-Putz - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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