Results for 'Salvatore Nigro'

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  1. La Scienza e la critica del linguaggio: a cura di Salvatore Natoli.Salvatore Natoli & G. Checchin (eds.) - 1980 - Venezia: Marsillo.
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    Symbolic universes between present and future of Europe. First results of the map of European societies' cultural milieu.Sergio Salvatore, Viviana Fini, Terri Mannarini, Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri, Evrinomi Avdi, Fiorella Battaglia, Jörge Castro-Tejerina, Enrico Ciavolino, Marco Cremaschi, Irini Kadianaki, Nikita A. Kharlamov, Anna Krasteva, Katrin Kullasepp, Anastassios Matsopoulos, Claudia Meschiari, Piergiorgio Mossi, Polivios Psinas, Rozlyn Redd, Alessia Rochira, Alfonso Santarpia, Gordon Sammut, Jaan Valsiner & Antonella Valmorbida - 2018 - PLoS ONE 13 (1).
    This paper reports the framework, method and main findings of an analysis of cultural milieus in 4 European countries. The analysis is based on a questionnaire applied to a sample built through a two-step procedure of post-hoc random selection from a broader dataset based on an online survey. Responses to the questionnaire were subjected to multidimensional analysis-a combination of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis. We identified 5 symbolic universes, that correspond to basic, embodied, affect-laden, generalized worldviews. People in this (...)
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    Education and Culture: Pluralism in the Age of Globalization.Salvatore Iuso & Pia Marinaro - 2023 - Elementa 3 (1-2):153-161.
    In an era increasingly characterized by pluralism and globalization, intercultural pedagogy represents a starting point for addressing the challenges that today’s society confronts us with daily. Throughout history, cultures have changed through interactions, exchanges, and hybridization, leading to the formation of an increasingly pluralistic and multicultural society. Against this background, it is crucial to develop approaches based on dialogue and mutual recognition. However, acceptance and willingness to encounter require an educational path that is promoted by schools from childhood, especially in (...)
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  4. Philosophie und Initiationserlebnis in Platons Politeia.Salvatore Lavecchia - 2001 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 27:51-75.
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    Enjeux de la question anthropologique.Roberto Nigro - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 88 (1):27-44.
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    Quelques considérations sur la fonction et la théorie du coup d'État.Roberto Nigro - 2013 - Rue Descartes 77 (1):69.
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    Vierzig Jahre »Überwachen Und Strafen«: Zur Aktualität der Foucault'schen Machtanalyse.Roberto Nigro & Marc Rölli (eds.) - 2017 - Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.
    Mit »Überwachen und Strafen« hat Michel Foucault vor 40 Jahren ein Buch veröffentlicht, das die gängigen Vorbegriffe des Machtdenkens - und damit der politischen Theorie und des Befreiungsdiskurses - durcheinander gewirbelt hat. Der Band geht der Frage nach, wie die aktuellen Machtverhältnisse beschaffen sind, die »uns« in ihrem Bann halten. Welche Aktualität besitzen die Analysen der Disziplinierung noch heute, mit denen Foucault vor 40 Jahren Aufsehen erregte und eine breite Wirksamkeit entfalten konnte? Wie lässt sich das für Foucault so zentrale (...)
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  8. Economia del desiderio: piacere e conoscenza nella prima estetica di Herder.Salvatore Tedesco - 2009 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 2 (1).
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    Counselors' experiences with problematic dual relationships.Tracey Nigro - 2004 - Ethics and Behavior 14 (1):51 – 64.
    The British Columbian members of the Canadian Guidance and Counselling Association were surveyed to explore their attitudes regarding dual relationships. Of 529 deliverable surveys, 206 usable returns yielded a response rate of 39%. Participants were asked to provide incidents of problematic dual relationships and to discuss the problematic aspect(s) of these dual relationships. Respondents provided a total of 110 useable incidents with 165 associated problematic aspects. Many respondents provided data not directly related to the original questions, which were also analyzed. (...)
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  10. The Many and the One: A Philosophical Study of Plural Logic.Salvatore Florio & Øystein Linnebo - 2021 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Plural expressions found in natural languages allow us to talk about many objects simultaneously. Plural logic — a logical system that takes plurals at face value — has seen a surge of interest in recent years. This book explores its broader significance for philosophy, logic, and linguistics. What can plural logic do for us? Are the bold claims made on its behalf correct? After introducing plural logic and its main applications, the book provides a systematic analysis of the relation between (...)
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  11. Logic and Plurals.Salvatore Florio & Øystein Linnebo - 2016 - In Kirk Ludwig & Marija Jankovic (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Collective Intentionality. New York: Routledge. pp. 451-463.
    This chapter provides an overview of the philosophical and linguistic debate about the logic of plurals. We present the most prominent singularizing analyses of plurals as well as the main criticisms that such analyses have received. We then introduce an alternative approach to plurals known as plural logic, focusing on the question whether plural logic can count as pure logic.
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  12. Unrestricted Quantification and the Structure of Type Theory.Salvatore Florio & Nicholas K. Jones - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1):44-64.
    Semantic theories based on a hierarchy of types have prominently been used to defend the possibility of unrestricted quantification. However, they also pose a prima facie problem for it: each quantifier ranges over at most one level of the hierarchy and is therefore not unrestricted. It is difficult to evaluate this problem without a principled account of what it is for a quantifier to be unrestricted. Drawing on an insight of Russell’s about the relationship between quantification and the structure of (...)
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  13.  7
    Las razones del derecho natural: perspectivas teóricas y metodológicas ante la crisis del positivismo jurídico.Salvatore Amato & Renato Rabbi-Baldi Cabanillas (eds.) - 2000 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Abaco de Rodolfo Depalma.
  14.  23
    What is world-systems analysis? Distinguishing theory from perspective.Salvatore Babones - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 127 (1):3-20.
    World-systems analysis is a well-established but poorly-defined critical research tradition in the social sciences. Its undisputed progenitor, Immanuel Wallerstein, steadfastly maintains that world-systems analysis is not a theory, yet it is widely referred to as such by commentators, critics, and practitioners alike. The resolution to this conundrum is to identify the defining elements of world-systems analysis as a perspective for understanding human society, then to evaluate propositions based on these defining elements as theories that have been conceptualized from a world-systems (...)
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    Amor mundi: Karl Löwith oltre l'eredità teologica.Salvatore Barone - 2022 - Venezia: Marcianum Press.
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    Autorinnen und Autoren.Roberto Nigro & Marc Rölli - 2017 - In Roberto Nigro & Marc Rölli (eds.), Vierzig Jahre »Überwachen Und Strafen«: Zur Aktualität der Foucault'schen Machtanalyse. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. pp. 229-232.
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    Critique de la morale sacerdotale et pouvoir pastoral.Roberto Nigro - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 175 (4):117-128.
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  18.  26
    Introduction to Kant's anthropology.Roberto Nigro & Kate Briggs (eds.) - 2008 - Semiotext(E).
    Introduction to Kant's Anthropology From a Pragmatic Point of View Michel Foucaulttranslated and with an introduction by Arianna BoveThis introduction and commentary to Kant's least discussed work, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, is the dissertation that Michel Foucault presented in 1961 as his doctoral thesis. It has remained unpublished, in any language, until now. In his exegesis and critical interpretation of Kant's Anthropology, Foucault raises the question of the relation between psychology and anthropology, and how they are affected (...)
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    Poetry and Thinking.Diego Nigro - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (1):45-60.
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    Pratiques de pouvoir, violence représentative.Roberto Nigro - 2013 - Rue Descartes 77 (1):1.
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    Il pensiero del giovane Kierkegaard: indagini critiche sulla filosofia della religione e studi sugli aspetti inediti del pensiero kierkegaardiano.Salvatore Spera - 1977 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    La teoria politica e la qualità della vita.Salvatore Veca - 2001 - Rivista di Filosofia 92 (1):31-48.
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  23. On the Innocence and Determinacy of Plural Quantification.Salvatore Florio & Øystein Linnebo - 2016 - Noûs 50 (3):565–583.
    Plural logic is widely assumed to have two important virtues: ontological innocence and determinacy. It is claimed to be innocent in the sense that it incurs no ontological commitments beyond those already incurred by the first-order quantifiers. It is claimed to be determinate in the sense that it is immune to the threat of non-standard interpretations that confronts higher-order logics on their more traditional, set-based semantics. We challenge both claims. Our challenge is based on a Henkin-style semantics for plural logic (...)
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    The concept of matter in Leibniz.Salvatore Russo - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (3):275-292.
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    Experiences of the self between limit, transgression, and the explosion of the dialectical system: Foucault as reader of Bataille and Blanchot.Roberto Nigro - 2005 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 (5-6):649-664.
    Bataille and Blanchot figure among the authors who influenced Foucault the most. In this article we show how close Foucault was to these authors and to what extent his proximity to them permitted him to deviate from the prevailing university culture, i.e from those great philosophical machines called Hegelianism and phenomenology. The questions we pose are the following: How important were these experiences for Foucault? How did he receive them? How did he transform their theoretical stakes? In the first part (...)
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    Awareness and partitional information structures.Salvatore Modica & Aldo Rustichini - 1994 - Theory and Decision 37 (1):107-124.
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    Una via che conduce al divino: la homoiosis theo nella filosofia di Platone.Salvatore Lavecchia - 2006 - Milano: V&P. Edited by Thomas Alexander Szlezák.
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    A counter-mine that explodes silently: Romano and Schmitt on the unity of the legal order.Andrea Salvatore - 2018 - Ethics and Global Politics 11 (2):50-59.
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  29. The Authors in this Issue.Salvatore Attardo & Rachel B. Blass - 1994 - Pragmatics and Cognition 2 (1):221-222.
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    Pratica filosofica e politica in Costanzo Preve.Salvatore Antonio Bravo - 2021 - Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
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    Un Teseo per la nuova Germania: Hegel e il Principe.Salvatore Carannante - 2018 - Perugia: Aguaplano.
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    «Un uomo che pensa per immagini». Aby Warburg lettore di Giordano Bruno tra storia della filosofia e Kulturwissenschaft.Salvatore Carannante - 2019 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:611-641.
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    Alex Metcalfe / Hervin Fernandez-Acevez / Marco Muresu (eds.). The making of medieval Sardinia.Salvatore Cosentino - 2022 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 115 (1):379-384.
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  34. Intelligent artificial systems.Salvatore Gaglio - 2007 - In Antonio Chella & Riccardo Manzotti (eds.), Artificial Consciousness. Imprint Academic. pp. 97-115.
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    Idee per un’antropologia ermeneutica.Salvatore Giammusso - unknown
    In the following paper, I would like to reconsider the paradigm of “classical” philosophical anthropology in the perspective of postmodernity. I plead in favor of an anthropological project continuing the tradition of Lebensphilosophie, especially Otto Friedrich Bollnow’s claim for an anthropology without images. In fact, I present here a few considerations about a hermeneutic approach to anthropology. I try to make plausible that anthropology should not investigate the nature of the human being and his place in the cosmos, but rather (...)
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  36. Il senso dell’antropologia filosofica.Salvatore Giammusso - 2003 - Discipline Filosofiche 13 (1).
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    The bipolar Choquet integral representation.Salvatore Greco & Fabio Rindone - 2014 - Theory and Decision 77 (1):1-29.
    Cumulative Prospect Theory is the modern version of Prospect Theory and it is nowadays considered a valid alternative to the classical Expected Utility Theory. Cumulative Prospect theory implies Gain-Loss Separability, i.e., the separate evaluation of losses and gains within a mixed gamble. Recently, some authors have questioned this assumption of the theory, proposing new paradoxes where the Gain-Loss Separability is violated. We present a generalization of Cumulative Prospect Theory which does not imply Gain-Loss Separability and is able to explain the (...)
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    Autopsy of a Historical Fact.Salvatore Italia - 2018 - Social Epistemology 32 (3):209-217.
    This article considers historical facts and investigates the particular relationship between a factual and a valuative dimension within them. The operation is an autopsy of a particular historical fact, which works as an example. On this basis, the article will elucidate the similarities and the differences between historical facts and natural facts, with an emphasis on the observation that the former are more subject to the influence of interpretation than the latter. This feature of historical facts explains why social and (...)
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    Pindaro e le ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑΙ di Paro.Salvatore Lavecchia - 1996 - Hermes 124 (4):504-506.
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    The Self as Image and Suddenness: Some Remarks on Plotinus’ Noetic Life.Salvatore Lavecchia - 2019 - Peitho 10 (1):103-112.
    This article focuses on certain dimensions of Plotinus’ notion of the noetic self, which so far have not received sufficient scholarly atten­tion. The evidence of Enn. V 8 makes clear the assumption about the inexhaustible generativity of the noetic self. This generativity implies an intimate relation with the notions of image and suddenness: the former is intended as a medium of unconditional self-transparency, whereas the latter is understood as pointing to the unlimited newness that is char­acteristic of the noetic life, (...)
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    Zur neuen kritischen Ausgabe der Schrift Über die göttlichen Namen von Ps. Dionysius Areopagita.Salvatore Lilla - 1991 - Augustinianum 31 (2):421-458.
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  42. Diritti umani e globalizzazione.Salvatore Muscolino - 2008 - In Anna Fabriziani & Valentina Caffieri (eds.), Natura umana e diritti universali: una questione aperta. Padova: CLEUP.
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    La "normatività" tra etica e metafisica.Salvatore Muscolino - 2017 - Società Degli Individui 58:135-148.
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    Linguaggio, storia e politica: Ludwig Wittgenstein e Quentin Skinner.Salvatore Muscolino - 2012 - Palermo: Carlo Saladino editore.
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    Giovanni Gentile filosofo europeo.Salvatore Natoli - 1989 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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  46. La trama umana.Aldo Nigro - 1996 - Roma: Herder.
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    “Una favola narrata da un idiota”. Verità e potere dalla svolta barocca alla governance globale.Carmelo Nigro - 2023 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 26:153-159.
    Negli scorsi decenni abbiamo assistito ad un processo di accelerazione centrifuga rispetto alla molarità statuale. Da un lato, tale accelerazione ha generato un interessante polimorfismo di valori, visioni del mondo e forme di vita, liberando quelle energie sociali e politiche che hanno contribuito e contribuiscono alla ridiscussione radicale dei più profondi presupposti del vivere comune. Dall’altro, tale carica liberogena si lega, come è ovvio, –insieme come causa e risultato– ad una crescente incertezza individuale e collettiva. Viviamo insomma in un’epoca panica, (...)
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  48.  22
    The concept of matter in Leibniz..Salvatore Russo - 1933 - [Ithaca, N.Y.]: [Ithaca, N.Y.].
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    Authority in Question.Armando Salvatore - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (2):135-160.
    The politicization of Islam from a European viewpoint is apparent in how the Islamic ‘veil’ has become an icon of Islam’s alleged deficits with regard to fitting into European modernity. This article unpacks the iconic symbolism of ‘political Islam’ and shifts the focus to Muslim voices articulating struggles for justice and solidarity through the attempt to reformulate secular republicanism and critique its authority basis. This is the emerging trend of ‘critical Islam’, which targets both the hegemonic discourse on secularity and (...)
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    Proceedings of the international-symposium on the role and significance of international-cooperation in the biomedical sciences-perspectives and conclusions.G. Salvatore, Hk Schachman & Pg Condliffe - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 29 (3):S2-S3.
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