Results for 'Salvatore Valitutti'

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    La riforma dello Stato.Salvatore Valitutti - 1968 - Firenze,: Le Monnier.
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  2. Il pensiero e l'opera di Salvatore Valitutti: atti del convegno nazionale di studio del 28 settembre 1996.Italo Gallo (ed.) - 1999 - Salerno: Laveglia.
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  3. Unrestricted Quantification and the Structure of Type Theory.Salvatore Florio & Nicholas K. Jones - 2021 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1):44-64.
    Semantic theories based on a hierarchy of types have prominently been used to defend the possibility of unrestricted quantification. However, they also pose a prima facie problem for it: each quantifier ranges over at most one level of the hierarchy and is therefore not unrestricted. It is difficult to evaluate this problem without a principled account of what it is for a quantifier to be unrestricted. Drawing on an insight of Russell’s about the relationship between quantification and the structure of (...)
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  4. La Scienza e la critica del linguaggio: a cura di Salvatore Natoli.Salvatore Natoli & G. Checchin (eds.) - 1980 - Venezia: Marsillo.
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    Friendship with oneself and the Virtues of Giving in Aristotle's Ethics.Salvatore Giammusso - 2016 - Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte 58:7-26.
    In this paper I will discuss Aristotle's phenomenology of giving. I try to point out the relations between virtues such as liberality, magnificence and magnanimity. These virtues deal with different domains, i.e. with the right flow of money, with expenditure and finally with political and spiritual greatness. I argue, however, that they share a common structure, the friendship with oneself. Aristotle's concept of friendship with oneself means a personal integration, an achieved harmony of individual faculties, which represents the core of (...)
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    Meaning and limits of the exception criminal.Dante Valitutti - 2015 - Governare la Paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1).
    The present paper studies the relationship between criminal law and exception. In the first part are presented the categories of legality and legitimacy, in relation to the crisis of the liberal state. The second part presents the theory of Agamben on the state of exception, seeing a connection with the legal theory of Jakobs.
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    La credenza progressiva: una proposta teorica.Giuseppe Di Salvatore - 2015 - Verona: Edizioni Fondazione Centro studi Campostrini.
    Questo saggio, risultato del lavoro seminariale svolto presso la Fondazione Centro Studi Campostrini, avanza una proposta teoricasulla base di un’ipotesi. L’ipotesi è che quando usiamo il vocabolariodella credenza diciamo qualcosa di specifico e irriducibile adaltre nozioni. Alla ricerca del nucleo di irriducibilità e specificitàdella credenza Giuseppe Di Salvatore scarta tutte quelle forme dicredenza che dipendono in maniera più o meno diretta da unaconsiderazione in termini di conoscenza o da un’implicazione dellaverità. Se alcuni tipi di giustificazione della credenza possono essereutili (...)
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    Una via che conduce al divino: la homoiosis theo nella filosofia di Platone.Salvatore Lavecchia - 2006 - Milano: V&P. Edited by Thomas Alexander Szlezák.
  9.  54
    Symbolic universes between present and future of Europe. First results of the map of European societies' cultural milieu.Sergio Salvatore, Viviana Fini, Terri Mannarini, Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri, Evrinomi Avdi, Fiorella Battaglia, Jörge Castro-Tejerina, Enrico Ciavolino, Marco Cremaschi, Irini Kadianaki, Nikita A. Kharlamov, Anna Krasteva, Katrin Kullasepp, Anastassios Matsopoulos, Claudia Meschiari, Piergiorgio Mossi, Polivios Psinas, Rozlyn Redd, Alessia Rochira, Alfonso Santarpia, Gordon Sammut, Jaan Valsiner & Antonella Valmorbida - 2018 - PLoS ONE 13 (1).
    This paper reports the framework, method and main findings of an analysis of cultural milieus in 4 European countries. The analysis is based on a questionnaire applied to a sample built through a two-step procedure of post-hoc random selection from a broader dataset based on an online survey. Responses to the questionnaire were subjected to multidimensional analysis-a combination of Multiple Correspondence Analysis and Cluster Analysis. We identified 5 symbolic universes, that correspond to basic, embodied, affect-laden, generalized worldviews. People in this (...)
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  10. The Many and the One: A Philosophical Study of Plural Logic.Salvatore Florio & Øystein Linnebo - 2021 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Plural expressions found in natural languages allow us to talk about many objects simultaneously. Plural logic — a logical system that takes plurals at face value — has seen a surge of interest in recent years. This book explores its broader significance for philosophy, logic, and linguistics. What can plural logic do for us? Are the bold claims made on its behalf correct? After introducing plural logic and its main applications, the book provides a systematic analysis of the relation between (...)
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    Awareness and partitional information structures.Salvatore Modica & Aldo Rustichini - 1994 - Theory and Decision 37 (1):107-124.
  12. The paradox of idealization.Salvatore Florio & Julien Murzi - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):461-469.
    A well-known proof by Alonzo Church, first published in 1963 by Frederic Fitch, purports to show that all truths are knowable only if all truths are known. This is the Paradox of Knowability. If we take it, quite plausibly, that we are not omniscient, the proof appears to undermine metaphysical doctrines committed to the knowability of truth, such as semantic anti-realism. Since its rediscovery by Hart and McGinn (1976), many solutions to the paradox have been offered. In this article, we (...)
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  13. On the Innocence and Determinacy of Plural Quantification.Salvatore Florio & Øystein Linnebo - 2016 - Noûs 50 (3):565–583.
    Plural logic is widely assumed to have two important virtues: ontological innocence and determinacy. It is claimed to be innocent in the sense that it incurs no ontological commitments beyond those already incurred by the first-order quantifiers. It is claimed to be determinate in the sense that it is immune to the threat of non-standard interpretations that confronts higher-order logics on their more traditional, set-based semantics. We challenge both claims. Our challenge is based on a Henkin-style semantics for plural logic (...)
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    Emotional Suppression and Oneiric Expression in Psychosomatic Disorders: Early Manifestations in Emerging Adulthood and Young Patients.Salvatore Settineri, Fabio Frisone, Angela Alibrandi & Emanuele Maria Merlo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Identità e Alterità: dall’inclusione all’integrazione dialettica. Spunti di riflessione teorico-pratica con Felice Balbo in Migrazioni. Responsabilità della filosofia e sfide globali.Patrizia Salvatore - 2018 - In Francesca Gambetti (ed.), Migrazioni. Responsabilità della filosofia e sfide globali.
    Issues relating to the migration of entire populations and to religious and political integralism have thrown the paradigm of ‘inclusion’ into crisis by challenging the already fragile equilibrium. This necessitates a push for deeper answers, not merely those imposed by a passing need. Balbo’s current reflections allow us to re-think the dilemma of our relationship with the ‘other’ through the paradigm of the ‘dialectic integration’, which by referring to the ‘sublation’ or experiential ‘going through’ seems to promote integral human development (...)
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    What is world-systems analysis? Distinguishing theory from perspective.Salvatore Babones - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 127 (1):3-20.
    World-systems analysis is a well-established but poorly-defined critical research tradition in the social sciences. Its undisputed progenitor, Immanuel Wallerstein, steadfastly maintains that world-systems analysis is not a theory, yet it is widely referred to as such by commentators, critics, and practitioners alike. The resolution to this conundrum is to identify the defining elements of world-systems analysis as a perspective for understanding human society, then to evaluate propositions based on these defining elements as theories that have been conceptualized from a world-systems (...)
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    Amor mundi: Karl Löwith oltre l'eredità teologica.Salvatore Barone - 2022 - Venezia: Marcianum Press.
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  18. Una versione bizantina e una metafrasi neogreca dello Ps.-Melampo De naevis.Salvatore Costanza - 2013 - Byzantion 83:83-102.
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    La legge d'amore: saggio filosofico-sociale.Salvatore Cutino - 1956 - Collana Scrittori Italiani.
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    L'immagine mediatrice: Bergson storico della filosofia.Salvatore Grandone - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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    Il luogo della verità: oggettività e intersoggettività nel pensiero di Jürgen Habermas.Salvatore Italia - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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  22. Philosophie und Initiationserlebnis in Platons Politeia.Salvatore Lavecchia - 2001 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 27:51-75.
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    Zur neuen kritischen Ausgabe der Schrift Über die göttlichen Namen von Ps. Dionysius Areopagita.Salvatore Lilla - 1991 - Augustinianum 31 (2):421-458.
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  24. Lo stato etico e gli hegeliani di Napoli.Salvatore Onufrio - 1973 - [Trapani],: Celebes.
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  25. Pubblico/privato.Ingrid Salvatore - 1997 - Filosofia Oggi 3 (1).
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    Il pensiero del giovane Kierkegaard: indagini critiche sulla filosofia della religione e studi sugli aspetti inediti del pensiero kierkegaardiano.Salvatore Spera - 1977 - Padova: CEDAM.
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    A new “essential tension” for rationality and culture. What happens if politics tries to encounter science again.Salvatore Vasta - 2010 - Axiomathes 20 (1):129-143.
    My intention is not to get into specific, detailed historical observation about the ways that led the term ‘democracy’ to take on its current meaning, in science as much as in politics, but rather to establish a comparison between the models that political science proposes and interprets as important for the existence of democracy and those that science illustrates as indicators of scientific knowledge constructed in a democratic form. The debate about the contemporary meaning of democracy has generated an extraordinary (...)
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    La bellezza e gli oppressi: dieci lezioni sull'idea di giustizia.Salvatore Veca - 2002 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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  29. Set Theory, Type Theory, and Absolute Generality.Salvatore Florio & Stewart Shapiro - 2014 - Mind 123 (489):157-174.
    In light of the close connection between the ontological hierarchy of set theory and the ideological hierarchy of type theory, Øystein Linnebo and Agustín Rayo have recently offered an argument in favour of the view that the set-theoretic universe is open-ended. In this paper, we argue that, since the connection between the two hierarchies is indeed tight, any philosophical conclusions cut both ways. One should either hold that both the ontological hierarchy and the ideological hierarchy are open-ended, or that neither (...)
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  30. Covariant Majorana Formulation of Electrodynamics.Salvatore Esposito - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2):231-244.
    We construct an explicit covariant Majorana formulation of Maxwell electromagnetism which does not make use of vector 4-potential. This allows us to write a “Dirac” equation for the photon containing all the known properties of it. In particular, the spin and (intrinsic) boost matrices are derived and the helicity properties of the photon are studied.
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  31. Plurals and Mereology.Salvatore Florio & David Nicolas - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (3):415-445.
    In linguistics, the dominant approach to the semantics of plurals appeals to mereology. However, this approach has received strong criticisms from philosophical logicians who subscribe to an alternative framework based on plural logic. In the first part of the article, we offer a precise characterization of the mereological approach and the semantic background in which the debate can be meaningfully reconstructed. In the second part, we deal with the criticisms and assess their logical, linguistic, and philosophical significance. We identify four (...)
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  32. Unrestricted Quantification.Salvatore Florio - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (7):441-454.
    Semantic interpretations of both natural and formal languages are usually taken to involve the specification of a domain of entities with respect to which the sentences of the language are to be evaluated. A question that has received much attention of late is whether there is unrestricted quantification, quantification over a domain comprising absolutely everything there is. Is there a discourse or inquiry that has absolute generality? After framing the debate, this article provides an overview of the main arguments for (...)
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    Il rapporto immagine-immaginario: tra Husserl, Durand e Wunenburger.Salvatore Grandone - 2012 - Iris 33:131-141.
    Se è spontaneo associare i concetti di immagine e immaginario, in quanto sembrano due nozioni strettamente legate, non è affatto semplice determinare il modo in cui si configura il loro rapporto. Per tracciare i distingua di tale relazione e i metodi che possono aiutarci a chiarirla, partiremo dalla descrizione della coscienza d’immagine — si tratta di un termine husserliano — per arrivare al mito. La nostra riflessione si dividerà in diversi fasi. Analizzeremo infatti la struttura fenomenica dell’immagine mentale, del segno (...)
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    Stimulus generalization of a positive conditioned reinforcer: III. The new learning method.Salvatore C. Caronite & David R. Thomas - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (3):385.
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    Obbietto e limiti della filosofia del diritto.Salvatore Fragapane - 1897 - Roma,: E. Loescher.
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    Der ganze Mensch.Salvatore Giammusso - 1990 - Dilthey-Jahrbuch Für Philosophie Und Geschichte der Geisteswissenschaften 7:112-138.
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  37. Il senso dell’antropologia filosofica.Salvatore Giammusso - 2003 - Discipline Filosofiche 13 (1).
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    Visual detection threshold differences between psychiatric patients and normal controls.Salvatore Mannuzza, Bonnie J. Spring, Michael D. Gottlieb & Mitchell L. Kietzman - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (2):69-72.
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    Expected utility for decision making with subjective models.Salvatore Modica - 1995 - Theory and Decision 39 (2):157-168.
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    Giovanni Gentile filosofo europeo.Salvatore Natoli - 1989 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
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    Nietzsche e il teatro della filosofia.Salvatore Natoli - 2011 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
  42. Some Thoughts on Strengthening Geography in the Social Studies.Salvatore J. Natoli - 1989 - Journal of Social Studies Research 13 (1):1-7.
  43. Italien.Salvatore Patti - 2007 - In Albin Eser, Hans-Georg Koch & Carola Seith (eds.), Internationale Perspektiven zu Status und Schutz des extrakorporalen Embryos: rechtliche Regelungen und Stand der Debatte im Ausland = International perspectives on the status and protection of the extracorporeal embryo. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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  44. Claudio La Rocca (cur.), Leggere Kant. Dimensioni della filosofia critica.Salvatore Principe - 2009 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 64 (3):626.
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    Work in Property-Owning Democracy: Freeman, Rawls, and the Welfare State.Ingrid Salvatore - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
    Im this paper I argue that Rawls distinguishes two different ways in which a system can be inconsistent with justice as fairness. The first concerns those systems that are based on principles that simply deny justice as fairness, as in the case of capitalism. The second concerns systems that, while pursuing aims similar to those of justice as fairness, are structured in ways that cause them to work very differently from their intended aims. Following Esping-Andersen’s identification of different “worlds” of (...)
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  46. Spiritus mundus guidam. Il concetto di spirito nell'opera di Giordano Bruno.Salvatore Serrapica - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (1):175.
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    The Speech of Pagondas (Thuk. 4.92) and the Sources on the Battle of Delion.Salvatore Tufano - 2021 - Klio 103 (2):409-435.
    Summary This paper concentrates on the literary sources of the battle of Delion and reopens the debate on the relevance of Euripides’ Supplices for the narrative of this event. Thucydides is read with a particular focus on the speech of Pagondas, which can be understood through the current reconstruction of the history of Boiotia in the latter half of the fifth century BCE. Finally, Diodorus is considered as a useful source for a few pieces of information on the aftermath of (...)
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  48. On Type Distinctions and Expressivity.Salvatore Florio - 2023 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 123 (2):150-172.
    Quine maintained that philosophical and scientific theorizing should be conducted in an untyped language, which has just one style of variables and quantifiers. By contrast, typed languages, such as those advocated by Frege and Russell, include multiple styles of variables and matching kinds of quantification. Which form should our theories take? In this article, I argue that expressivity does not favour typed languages over untyped ones.
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  49. Metalogic and the Overgeneration Argument.Salvatore Florio & Luca Incurvati - 2019 - Mind 128 (511):761-793.
    A prominent objection against the logicality of second-order logic is the so-called Overgeneration Argument. However, it is far from clear how this argument is to be understood. In the first part of the article, we examine the argument and locate its main source, namely, the alleged entanglement of second-order logic and mathematics. We then identify various reasons why the entanglement may be thought to be problematic. In the second part of the article, we take a metatheoretic perspective on the matter. (...)
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  50. What Russell Should Have Said to Burali–Forti.Salvatore Florio & Graham Leach-Krouse - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (4):682-718.
    The paradox that appears under Burali-Forti’s name in many textbooks of set theory is a clever piece of reasoning leading to an unproblematic theorem. The theorem asserts that the ordinals do not form a set. For such a set would be—absurdly—an ordinal greater than any ordinal in the set of all ordinals. In this article, we argue that the paradox of Burali-Forti is first and foremost a problem about concept formation by abstraction, not about sets. We contend, furthermore, that some (...)
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